Curriculum Vitae

Dorothee Gangnus studied Liberal Arts and Sciences (B. Sc.) at the University of Freiburg with a specialisation in Earth and Environmental Sciences. Since the autumn of 2020, she is enrolled in the Master’s programme Urban Culture, Society and Space M.A. at the University of Duisburg-Essen. Driven by her concern for more sustainable cities, she has worked with and researched about municipal sustainable food systems. She is enthusiastic about GIS and believes in the communicative power of maps. In her free time, she supports local sustainable organisations with her creative skills and integrated thinking. Now working at the JUS, she is eager to support the CONUS project with her abilities in communication and PR.

Contact Details:

Room WST C03.14
Berliner Platz 6-8
45127 Essen
+49 201 183-6424