Nawwar Harfoush

Curriculum Vitae
Nawwar Harfoush studied Masters in Sustainable Urban Technologies at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) and recently started his PhD also in UDE. In his PhD, he is combining engineering, sustainability science, knowledge management, economics and computer science in one topic: “Achieving Sustainable Building & Construction through Social Innovation Measurement: measuring the value of academic implicit knowledge in regional development”. Among a variety of research interests in the field of Sustainability Science/Transition, his major interest is in questioning the role of academia in pushing towards achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs) as an integrated pillar with business and policy (Triple-Helix). He considers knowledge production management as an essential transitional area of development in any nation; therefore, he is a strong advocate of ongoing international and inter-/transdisciplinary research collaboration, and capacity building. Currently, he is working as a research associate/ project coordinator of JaC-Lab at the Joint Centre Urban Systems (JUS) at UDE.
Contact Details:
Room WST C03.15
Berliner Platz 6-8
45127 Essen