Curriculum Vitae

Fabian Lohmar studied Energy Science (M.Sc.) and Urban Culture, Society and Space (M.A.) at the University of Duisburg-Essen. In 2017 he joined the Centre for Logistics and Traffic and worked in several projects, e.g. monitoring emission levels for the Climate Protection Plan for the city of Duisburg and carrying out sustainability assessements in the NEMO project (Neue Emscher Mobilität). Fabian was involved in an E-Mobility Startup based in Essen for a year, before he started working at the Joint Centre Urban Systems within the CONUS project in late 2020 and became a Ph.D. candidate for Sustainability Potential in Food Supply Chains. Besides sustainability assessement and its implementation, he is interested in how people cooperate and organize themselves in groups - especially in the context of work and urban systems. In his free time, Fabian plays football and learns to play the piano.


Contact Details

Room WST C03.14
Berliner Platz 6-8
45127 Essen
+49 201 183-6418