Project "Sustainable Energy Systems in the Neighbourhood"

Project Lead
Dipl.-Ing. Univ.-Prof. Christa Reicher (RWTH Aachen)
The NRW Research College “Sustainable Energy Systems in the Neighbourhood” aims to develop technical, economic and social control models to increase energy efficiency in the neighbourhood. With its broad interdisciplinary composition and embedding in practice (transdisciplinary), the Research College makes an important contribution to developing integrated concepts and promoting necessary understanding between the disciplines and between future scientists and practitioners from different disciplines. Specific possibilities for action and options support the parties involved, above all municipal utilities, local authorities, politicians and citizens, in driving forward the energy transition in neighbourhoods.
From UDE, JUS-members of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration (Prof. Dr. Christoph Weber) and the Faculty of Engineering (Prof. Dr. Angelika Heinzel, Prof. i.R. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt) are involved in the project.