Graduates in Practice

In this regularly updated overview, correlations between research focal points and the adjacent job choice of graduates of the Main Research Area 'Urban System' is shown.

Urban Culture, Society and Space

Title of Master's Thesis 1st Supervisor Current Employer Position
Translocal Narratability in Anglophone Fiction Prof. Dr. Jens Martin Gurr Universität Duisburg-Essen Scientific Staff
Improving sanitation in low-income urban areas in Kenya - Involvement of the Water Service Providers in the implementation of on-site sanitation Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt Agentur für Erneuerbare Energien Project staff
Solution approaches for the future use of single-family home areas of the 1950s to 1970s - a practical analysis taking the example of the funding programme Regionale 2016 in the western Münster region" (Lösungsansätze für den zukünftigen Umgang mit Einfamilienhausgebieten der 1950er bis 1970er Jahre - Eine praktische Analyse am Beispiel des Strukturförderprogramms Regionale 2016 im westlichen Münsterland) Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt EnergieAgentur.NRW Expert for Energy Use, Local and Regional Climate Protection
Urban Quality of Life and the Big Transformation - Urban quality of life in the context of tranformation processes towards sustainability taking the example of the city of Bottrop, InnovationCity Ruhr and Emscher reconstruction" (Urbane Lebensqualität und die Große Transformation. Urbane Lebensqualität im Kontext von Transformationsprozessen zur Nachhaltigkeit - eine Untersuchung am Beispiel der Stadt Bottrop, InnovationCity Ruhr und Emscher-Umbau) Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt University of Duisburg-Essen PhD Student ARUS
The path is the aim - the European Energy Award for regional climate protection" (Der Weg ist das Ziel - Der European Energy Award für den kommunalen Klimaschutz) Sabine Drobek (ISS) University of Duisburg-Essen Scientific staff, coordination of sustainability process
Spatial Patterns in the Availablity of Free-Floating Carsharing - Searching for Traces in Urban Space Prof. Dr. Rudolf Juchelka moovel Group GmbH // moovel lab Content & Media Lead ; Expert for digital geography & urbanism
Ecosystem Service of tranditional cultural landscapes - resilience potential of the new Emscher valley" (Die Ökosystemleistung der traditionellen Kulturlandschaft - Resilienzpotentiale im neuen Emschertal) Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt Emschergenossenschaft / real estate sector (Dortmund) Free employee, project assistance / permanent employee
Public space in the 'Samtweberviertel' in Krefeld - Places to meet for a lively neighbourhood or leftover space around a flagship project? Dr. Ing. Minh Chau Tran Factum Chaloupka & Risser OG - Verkehrs & Sozialanalysen Scientific staff
A socio-spatial mapping of Karail Basti, Dhaka, Bangladesh Prof. Dr. Rudolf Juchelka Flixbus DACH GmbH Management of logistics and service design
The (re-) use of vacant buildings as a aimed strategy of city developement in the city of Amsterdam" (Die (Um-) Nutzung leerstehender Gebäude als gezielte Stadtentwicklungsstrategie der Stadt Amsterdam) Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt Grüne Hauptstadt Essen Project management
Context effects of deprived living areas and the role of urban regeneration - taking the example of Gelsenkirchen Tossehof" (Kontexteffekte benachteiligter Wohngebiete und die Rolle der Stadterneuerung - Das Besipiel Gelsenkirchen Tossehof) Prof. Dr. Jan Wehrheim Caritasverband, Gelsenkirchen e.V. Project leader
Mosques in Germany - a social spacial analysis" (Moscheen in Deutschland - Eine raumsoziologische Analyse) Prof. Dr. Jens Martin Gurr Deutsches Architekturmuseum, Frankfurt Scientific volunteer
Fundation's work in the conext of integrated community developement - taking the example of "Nachbarschaft Samtweberei" in Krefeld" (Stiftungsarbeit im Kontext integrierter Quartiersentwicklung - am Beispiel der "Nachbarschaft Samtweberei" in Krefeld) Prof. Dr. Rudolf Juchelka AWO Frankfurt a.M. Community management
Culture and creative economy in the business developement of urban spaces: planning and management taking the example of Leipzig" (Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft in der Wirtshaftsförderung in urbanen Räumen: Planung und Steuerung anhand der Fallstudie Leipzig) Prof. Dr. Rudolf Juchelka HTWG Konstanz Scientific staff
Revierparks 2.0 - an analysis of the current offering and use structures for the developement of the "Revierparks" in the Ruhr area." (Revierparks 2.0 - Eine Analyse der aktuellen Angebots- und Nutzungsstrukturen zur Weiterentwicklung der Revierparks im Ruhrgebiet) Prof. Dr. Rudolf Juchelka Wirtschaftsförderung metropoleruhr GmbH Project management
Integration of digital cartographic gathered citizin opinions into the GIS-based software ZuGaBe of the Emschergenossenschaft - A pilot project in Recklinghausen Prof. Dr. Susanne Moebus Statistisches Bundesamt in Wiesbaden Scientific staff
"Bicycling in the Ruhr area - incentives and challenges taking the example of Dortmund and Essen" (Radfahren im Ruhrgebiet- Anreize und Hindernisse am Beispiel der Städte Dortmund und Essen) Prof. Dr. Susanne Moebus unkown unkown
Mom's sex_work - a qualitative study on the inter-family confrontation of the mothers employment in sex work"" (Sex_Arbeit von Mama - Eine qualitative Studie zur innerfamiliären Auseinandersetzung der Erwerbstätigkeit der Mutter in der Sexarbeit)" Prof. Dr. Katja Sabisch Public Health Department Bochum Health Councelling
City pictures and images - a district research in Essen" (Stadtbilder und Images - Eine Quartiersuntersuchung in Essen) Prof. Dr. Jan Wehrheim self-employed Project management
Place Branding taking the Example of RUHR.2010" (Place Branding am Beispiel von RUHR.2010) Prof. Dr. Jens Gurr unkown unknwon
Literary Trails in the Context of Urban Regeneration: Case Study of the Grey Street Writers Trail in Durban (UKGR) Prof. Dr. Jens Gurr Ironbridge International Institute for Cultural Heritage, University of Birmingham PHD student
Opportunities of the use of regional wasteland for urban-ecological agriculture taking the example of "Ackerhelden" (Möglichkeiten der Nutzung von kommunalen Brachflächen für ökologisch-urbane Landwirtschaft am Beispiel der "Ackerhelden") Prof. Dr. Rudolf Juchelka Regionalverband Ruhr Administrator in Team "Conception of the Emscher country park"
Developement opportunities of innercity industrial parks - a research on the city of Berlin" (Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten innerstädtischer Gewerbegebiete - eine Untersuchung am Beispiel Berlin) Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt unkown unknown
"Inner city developement in times of internet trade - between loss of importance of space and inner logic of cities" ( Innenstadtentwicklung in Zeiten des Internethandels - Zwischen dem Bedeutungsverlust von Raum und Eigenlogiken von Städten) Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt unkown unknown
Using Sustainable Stormwater Management Practices to Enhance Liveability and Raise Neighbourhood Satisfaction Using GIS Tools. Prof. Dr. Wehling unkown unknown
The cluster concept as a tool for business development in urban space - taking the example of Technologiepark-Humboldthain e.V. in Berlin (Das Clusterkonzept als Instrument der Wirtschaftsförderung im städtischen Raum - Fallbeispiel Technologiepark-Humboldthain e.V. in Berlin) Prof. Dr. Rudolf Juchelka unkown unknown
Interrelating Socio-Cultural Contexts and Urban Planning. Planning Traditions in Copenhagen and Manchester. Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Wehling unkown unknown
Sustainable use of hydropower in NRW" (Nachhaltige Wasserkraftnutzung in NRW) Prof. Dr. André Niemann unkown unknown
Stadt|Teil|Ideen - research on an ideas competition towards sustainable urban developement" (Stadt|Teil|Ideen - Untersuchung eines Ideenwettbewerbs zur nachhaltigen Stadtentwicklung) Prof. Dr. Jens Martin Gurr unkown unknown
Knowledge based developement of cities and regions - the role of universities" (Wissensbasierte Entwicklung von Stadt und Region - Zur Rolle von Hochschulen) Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt unkown unknown
"Cultural tourism in medium-sized cities - taking the example of the cities of Lingen and Papenburg in the region of Emsland" (Kulturtourismus in Mittelstädten - Bsp: Die Städte Lingen und Papenburg im Landkreis Emsland) Prof. Dr. Rudolf Juchelka unkown unknown
Shaping urban change. For a collaborative city! Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Wehling University of Duisburg-Essen / KWI   Scientific Staff
Structural Change 2.0 - Systematization of Informal Participation in Local Government Using the Example of the City of Oberhausen 2 Prof. Dr. Klaus Wermker City of Herne Project Coordination
Innovative regional direct marketing against the background of urban-rural relations using the example of 'Marktschwärmer' Prof. Dr. Rudolf Juchelka Agenda 21 NRW e.V. Project managent
The kind of problem walkability is. Organized complexity in walkability research. Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Wehling Verkehrsclub Deutschland (VCD)/ DAM Regional Coordinator / Freelancer Public Relations


Sustainable Urban Technologies

Title of Master's Thesis 1st Supervisor Current Employer Position
A generic, city-wide framework for measuring gentrification and its application to Munich Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt "Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR Data)" Data Journalist
Transitions in Urban Energy Systems: Role of Urban Planning in the Wa Municipality, Ghana Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt Prime-Stat SVC Ltd, Accra, Ghana Urban Development Specialist
"Development Potentials of inner-city mixed-areas taking the example of Hyussenallee in Essen" (Entwicklungspotenziale innerstädtischer Mischgebiete am Beispiel der Hyussenallee in Essen) Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt Wirtschaftsförderung Hamm mbH Consultant/ Expert / Speaker
Evaluation of anaerobic degradation of organic substances in a novelle biogas plant in pilot scale based on GB21 test series Prof. Dr.-Ing. R. Widmann Högskolan Kristianstad, Sweden Student
Associations of park access and residential surrounding greenness with depression: A comparison of approaches Prof. Dr. Susanne Moebus Institut für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie (IMIBE), Essen GIS specialist
Sustainable Redevelopment of Kathmandu Valley after Earthquake"
Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt University of Auckland PhD, Department of Civil Engineering
Water sensitive urban design: Building resilient cities for climate change Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt UDE PhD candidate at ARUS
Entrepreneurship in Essen: Potential, Requirements and Resilience within the Scope of Regional Deveopment Prof. Dr. Thomas Hanke EWG - Essener Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft mbH Project Manager Corporate Projects and Acquisition
Sustainability Knowledge as an Indicator of Socio-ecological Resilience: Adopting Systematic Review to assess the available knowledge of Sustainability Dr. Thomas Hanke Universität Duisburg-Essen, Zentrum für Logistik und Verkehr Scientific staff
"Utilising silvi- and agricultural residues for a sustainable urban energy supply A case study from the Vietnamese capital of Hanoi (SUT)" Prof. Dr. J. Alexander Schmidt PROLiGNIS Energie Consulting GmbH  
Analysis of Climate Change Impacts on Water Infrastructures in the Catchment Area of the Nettebach (Emschergenossenschaft) Prof. Dr. André Niemann    
 Probabilistic Expected Time of Arrival Using Sparse GPS Trajectories: A Computational Approach Dr.rer.nat Ayser Armiti moovel Group GmbH R&D Engineer