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Geflüchtete Forschende aus der Ukraine


Informationen zur Unterstützung geflüchteter Forschender aus der Ukraine haben wir für Sie hier zusammengestellt.


10.09.2024 - 09:07:47

International Researcher Days Autumn 2024

From 07 - 11 October 2024, our International Researcher Days are taking place again. Please see the link for more information.


02.09.2024 - 09:34:43

September 2024: Language Course - Basics of the German Language

We are pleased to announce that we will offer the basic German language course again in September 2024. The course is designed for complete beginners …

13.05.2024 - 09:29:01

13 June 2024: Info-Event: Who will pay my pension some day...?

In this information session, the international unit at the VBL will introduce you to the topic of pension provisions in Europe and inform about …