CETE Vol. IV (in print)

The first three volumes of the CETE publication series took stock of the discipline of technology education, its fields of research and its impact for the personality develepment. The series now ends consistently with an outlook on The Future Prospects of Technology Education. With this book the editors attempt to provide an outlook on future developments and challenges facing technical education.

Volume IV of the CETE publication series, similar to the first three volumes, covers an overly broad range of themes and scientific topics through an international authorship again. In eleven articles in seven different chapters, the framework topic technology education is presented with current research work from the disciplinary areas Digitization (1), Methodology and Design Technology (2), Gender (3), Diversity (4), Language (5), Curriculum Development (6) and, finally, International Communication in Technology Education – Developments (7).

With this publication series, the CETE-project hopes to have made a substantial contribution in the further development of a young discipline and to the urgently needed international networking in the field of technology education.

Book publication

Landwehr, B., Mammes, I. & Murmann, L. (Hrsg.) (2021):

Technische Bildung im Sachunterricht der Grundschule. Elementar bildungsbedeutsam und dennoch vernachlässigt?

Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt  Link zum Buch

Book publication

Mammes, I., & Rotter, C. (Hrsg.). (2022). Professionalisierung von Grundschullehrkräften. Kontext, Bedingungen und Herausforderungen. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt.