The ICAN has in part been created with funds from the DFG, and this funding source must be mentioned in the acknowledgement of publications. This is independent of whether the measurements were carried out in user operation or in service operation.


Support by the Interdisciplinary Center for Analytics on the Nanoscale (ICAN) of the University of Duisburg-Essen (DFG RIsources reference: RI_00313), a DFG-funded core facility (Project Nos. 233512597 and 324659309), is gratefully acknowledged.”



If you wish to highlight whether the measurements were carried out in user operation or in service operation, the operation method used "(user operation)" or "(service operation)" can be mentioned in brackets after "gratefully acknowledged”.


For publications within the context of the service project of the SFB/TR 247, a reference should also be made to project S, in addition to mentioning the project number 388390466 of the SFB.


During the drafting of your publication, please consider what role ICAN staff took in the measurements, the analysis, and the interpretation of the data. Is it a minimal contribution, or is it a substantial contribution that justifies a co-authorship? This consideration should be independent of a potential payment for the services of ICAN.


For substantial contributions, always discuss a co-authorship with the relevant ICAN staff member(s), involve the staff member(s) in the discussion of the results, and list ICAN’s affiliation as follows:


Interdisciplinary Center for the Analytics on the Nanoscale (ICAN), University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), Carl-Benz-Str. 199, 47057 Duisburg, Germany”



Otherwise, after consulting with the relevant ICAN staff member(s), you can also add a simple recognition to the acknowledgement section of your publication as follows:


We are thankful to <Initial><Lastname> from the ICAN for help with the <Method> measurements.”



However, regardless of authorship or acknowledgement, please consult with the relevant ICAN scientist(s) in advance for any text sections that involve ICAN measurements.