10.01.2025RP2 meeting in Bamberg
From 8-10 January 2025, the RP2 team met in Bamberg to finalise their experimental paradigms of the second funding period. The focus was not only on the upcoming scientific challenges, but also on further strengthening teamwork. The sub-project team received special support from Niklas Meurer from RP1.
We would also like to welcome new FOR member Charlotte Arend as part of the RP2!
The group photo shows the current RP2 team working with expertise on their projects (from left to right): Prof Dr Sabine Steins-Löber, Anna Schmid, Damla Seck, Charlotte Arend, Lilli Herbelßheimer, Patricia Schaar and Prof Dr Dr Astrid Müller. Niklas Meurer was behind the camera.
02.12.2024Training day at Medical School Hannover
Yesterday, a large part of FOR2974 met in Hannover at the medical school. This was followed by a long day of training for the clinical interview. Not only was the general procedure discussed, but practical exercises were also carried out with volunteer patients in order to be as well prepared as possible. Open questions as well were clarified together to ensure a standardised procedure. The training was a complete success and we are now well prepared for the next recruitment phase.

19.11.2024Influential Research: Highly Cited Researcher 2024
FOR2974 speaker Prof Dr Matthias Brand has published several highly cited papers over the last ten years, and is thus one of the 1% of the world's most influential scientists across all disciplines.
Many of his works relate directly to behavioural addictions, the central topic of FOR2974. The award therefore not only reflects the high quality of his research, but also the relevance of the topic.
13.11.2024Erwin L. Hahn Lecture & Workshop
At the Erwin L. Hahn Lecture & Workshop 2024, our doctoral students Kjell Büsche and Aron Lichte represented the team with brief lectures and a subsequent poster session. Aron Lichte was particularly pleased to have the opportunity to present the first fMRI data from FOR2974 in the fantastic setting of the Oktogon on the grounds of the Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site. Jana Theisejans from RP10 and Prof Dr Matthias Brand, Director of the ELH Institute and head of our research group, also attended the event. Dr Silke Müller, project manager of RP11, also used the event for an intensive exchange and emphasised that she is taking valuable expertise on fMRI data collection into the second funding period for her sub-project.
23.-25.10.2024Lisbon Addictions 2024
The FOR2974 research group successfully represented itself at Lisbon Addictions 2024 with a broad scientific participation and a large number of contributions. The important European conference for addiction research brought together leading experts from all over the world to discuss the latest findings, methods and challenges in addiction research.
With a large number of participants, FOR2974 presented its current research work in several symposia and made a crucial contribution to interdisciplinary discussions. The research group was once again able to present its expertise on addiction and cognitive research topics to an international audience and at the same time gain valuable insights into innovative research approaches.
23.-25.09.2024German Addiction Congress 2024
This year, FOR2974 once again took part in the 2024 Addiction Congress in Cologne with a wide range of contributions and great success. In total, the members of FOR2974 were represented in eight symposia and organised a joint symposium of FOR2974 and TRR265.
The doctoral students of FOR2974 organised two symposia in which they presented their current research results.
We are also pleased to announce that Aron Lichte received a scholarship for the DG Sucht symposium for young researchers and presented an exciting paper there. Patricia Schaar was also able to impress with her poster presentation and received the poster prize of the DG Sucht junior research group.

08.07.2024Great Achievements Award
At this year's International Conference on Behavioural Addictions, the speaker of our research group, Prof. Dr Matthias Brand, was presented with the Great Achievements Award and is therefore considered by the jury to be the leading international addiction researcher in his field.
"I am very honoured to receive this award from the ISSBA. It shows that our work, which aims to contribute to a better understanding of behavioural addictions, is recognised internationally. It also honours the colleagues with whom I have the pleasure of working. The recognition of our work is also important because the application of the I-PACE model in therapy is to be tested in future studies. After all, that's what basic research is all about: making a contribution to improving the situation of those affected.
03.-08.07.2024Summerschool in Gibraltar
Part of our PhD students successfully took part in the summer school, which was hosted this year by the Centre of Excellence in Responsible Gaming at the University of Gibraltar. In addition to the valuable scientific exchange with experts in the field and various workshops on publications, there was enough time to maintain a good work-life balance by exploring the country and networking iwth new contacts.
We would like to thank you for an instructive and inspiring time!

03.-05.06.2024Kick-off / Farewell Workshop
We had another wonderful time at Schloss Reinhartshausen. We immersed ourselves in three multi-faceted workshop days, ranging from discussions on publication strategies, equality funds and open science strategies to improvisation theatre to improve presentation skills. Another major topic was the transfer of knowledge from the first to the second funding period. In addition to all the mental work, we also undertook a number of team-building activities and can proudly say that we have a good basis for communication in our research group, which constantly encourages and motivates each other with constructive feedback. Therefore, after the intensive dialogues of the last three days and the introduction of new, enriching members to the team, we feel well prepared to tackle the second funding period.

29.04.2024Interview from a world congress
During his visit to the congress of the World Association on Dual Disorders (WADD), Prof. Dr. Matthias Brand gave an interview alongside his symposium on the I-PACE model for describing the development and persistence of addictions. Find out more about the exciting insights Prof. Dr. Matthias Brand shared on current developments and research priorities. The interview is now available on the first page of the Mallorca newspaper.

25.04.2024Girls'Day at ELH
For Girls' Day 2024, the Erwin L. Hahn Institute in Essen opened its doors to schoolgirls in eighth and ninth grade who wanted to gain an insight into MRI research. Interest was high and the limited places were quickly filled.
The students learned about the functionality and special features of the 7-Tesla MRI scanner. In addition, Dr Stephanie Antons presented the structure and function of the brain as well as scientific questions by setting up, proving and disproving hypotheses. They were also informed about the important role of 3D printing at the institute, which is associated with the specific requirements of the various research projects. The students were also able to see a functional brain scan.
The ELH hopes that this day has raised the students' interest in research and encourages them all on their way into science.
25.03.2024DFG research group ACSID extended
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has extended the research group (FOR 2974) "Affective and Cognitive Mechanisms of Specific Internet-use Disorders" (ACSID). A further funding period of three years with a volume of around five million euros has been approved.
Prof. Matthias Brand is the spokesperson for the transregional research group, in which we have been investigating the psychological and neurobiological processes that underlie specific forms of addictive Internet use for the past three years. In addition to gaming disorder, which is already recognized as a mental disorder by the World Health Organization (WHO), excessive shopping, pornography consumption and the problematic use of social networks are also being addressed in ten different sub-projects. Researchers from the University of Duisburg-Essen are working together with colleagues from the Universities of Bochum, Bamberg, Giessen, Mainz, Lübeck and Hannover Medical School.
Press article:

27.10.2023Understanding addictive behaviour
Be it World of Warcraft or pornography: it's easy to get lost in the digital world. Dr Stephanie Antons is researching how problematic addictive behaviour can develop from media consumption. Her work leads the UDE psychologist to the 7 Tesla MRI of the Erwin L. Hahn Institute in Essen. Here she uses high-resolution brain scans to gain deeper insights into the activities of various brain areas and their connection to addictive behaviour.
09.-13.10.2023AutumnSchool of FOR2974
The first Autumn School of FOR2974 was a great success. During the last week, we were able to create the perfect environment for scientific exchange and transfer around the topic of behavioral addictions. For this, we gathered input from various international guests throughout the week.
Special thanks for your time and the valuable exchange go to our guest speakers Prof. Marc Potenza, Dr. Silvia Casale, Dr. Zslot Demetrovics, Dr. Susana Jimenez-Murcia and Prof. Fernando Fernandez-Aranda.
In addition to the external input, there was also plenty of room for feedback and constructive critique on our current research findings, as well as impulses for new ways of thinking. In addition to the numerous talks and discussions, workshops were also offered. These provided the opportunity to further improve the soft skills of the PhD students in presenting, as well as creating a safe space to explore possible career paths for oneself.
We look back on a week full of programme and exchange, from which all participants will be able to benefit for a long time to come.

23.-25.08.2023ICBA 2023 in South Korea
For this year's International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA), some members of FOR2974 went to Incheon in South Korea for a few days. In addition to the many cultural impressions, which were already gathered on the journey or even outside the conference venue, there was a great exchange on the research front at the conference. During diverse presentations and discussions, we were able to share insights of our knowledge gained so far during FOR2974, as well as to gain new input and impulses for reflection. In addition, there were some annual reunions with colleagues, as well as establishing new valuable contacts.
We are also pleased that Prof. Dr. Matthias Brand was awarded the "Great Achievement Award" by the International Society for the Study of Behavioral Addictions (ISSBA). In addition, the paper with the title "Treatments and interventions for compulsive sexual behavior disorder with a focus on problematic pornography use: A preregistered systematic review" (to the paper) by Dr. Stephanie Antons, Prof. Dr. Rudolf Stark and colleagues, which was written in the context of FOR2974, was awarded the "Best Paper Award" of the Journal of Behavioral Addictions.
28.02.-03.03.2023Second FOR2974 Workshop
Since the last workshop was a complete success, another one was planned directly in the first quarter of this year. Although there were some unscheduled departures due to illness, the days were no less successful. An internal ideas competition was held, with more than one winner, and the scientific employees were able to demonstrate their pitching skills.
A valuable exchange between all participants was not neglected this time either, and new goals and links for the intended second funding period were defined. The planning of this year's Autumn School was also concretized.

05.-07.10.2022Workshop in the Rheingau
Our first joint workshop of FOR2974 has ended and we were all able to take a lot away from these intensive three days. There was an exciting exchange across all subprojects as well as helpful Q&A sessions on a wide variety of topics. We also had the pleasure to welcome guest speaker Prof. Constantin Rothkopf and had a lively discussion on machine learning in the context of big data collection.
We were also able to (re)discover some synergies for us and also gather first planning ideas for the Autumn School 2023. With these productive results we come back motivated from our wonderful stay at Schloss Reihnhartshausen.

20.09.2022German Addiction Congress 2022
From 07 - 09 September 2022 the German Addiction Congress took place in Munich. Our FOR2974 team was again represented in large numbers. Through our presentations, as well as inspiring contributions from other scientists, many stimulating discussions arose.
The photos show insights into the presentations of Annica Keßling and Lukas Mallon and the poster contribution of Maike Ramrath.
Other participants: Matthias Brand, Hans-Jürgen Rumpf, Nanne Dominick, Klaus Wölfling, Stephanie Antons, Sabine Steins-Loeber, Astrid Müller, Tobias Thomas, Annika Brandtner, Anna Schmid, Kjell Büsche, Andreas Oelker, Lasse Schmidt

24.06.20227th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA)
From June 20-22, 2022, the 7th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions (ICBA) took place in Nottingham, where FOR scientists were also represented. The participants look back on an eventful week with exciting presentations and discussions. The photo shows the participants from the University of Duisburg-Essen, representing all FOR members who were at the ICBA.
11.04.2022Assessment of Criteria for Specific Internet-use Disorders (ACSID-11)
With the ACSID-11 (Assessment of Criteria for Specific Internet-use Disorders), we have currently developed a questionnaire for the symptom assessment of Internet-use disorders based on the ICD-11 (and with 11 items) - the manuscript has just been published in the Journal of Behavioural Addictions! What a great collaboration with Silke Müller, Elisa Wegmann, Andreas Oelker, Rudolf Stark, Astrid Müller, Christian Montag, Klaus Wölfling, Hans-Jürgen Rumpf und Matthias Brand!
11.02.2022Annual Report 2021
We look back on a successful year 2021, in which FOR 2974 started its work in May. Despite difficult conditions and without being able to physically meet once as a whole group, we have so far been able to achieve the milestones we set and in particular to meet the start of data collection with only minor delays. What has happened in FOR 2974 since May 2021? A lot!!!
We have already published several articles in relevant peer-reviewed journals addressing theoretical aspects, systematic and narrative overviews of the topic and presenting the work of the FOR (Go to publications).
The launch event took place virtually in September, but with a beach atmosphere and gustatory and content highlights.
Also in September, FOR 2974 was represented at the German Addiction Congress with numerous contributions and its own FOR symposium.
Shortly afterwards, the programming of the core battery for the examinations of the test persons across the individual sub-projects was completed and the staff could be intensively trained.
After all preparations had been made, recruitment could begin and the first test persons found their way into our laboratories in November.
Shortly before Christmas, the meeting with the Advisory Board took place. The members are Prof. Dr. Marc N. Potenza (Yale University, USA), Prof. Dr. Naomi Fineberg (University of Hertfordshire, University of Cambridge, UK), Prof. Dr. Susana Jiménez-Murcia (University Hospital of Bellvitge, Barcelona, Spain) Prof. Dr. Zsolt Demetrovics (University of Gibraltar) and Prof. Dr. Daniel King (Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia).
We are looking forward to an exciting year 2022 with interesting events, workshops, congress participations, first analyses and hopefully numerous publications on the exciting topic of FOR 2974.
24.01.2022Panel discussion on the film "Picture a Scientist"
Moderated by Christine Altstötter-Gleich, a panel discussion on the film "Picture a Scientist" took place on 24.01.2022 as part of the research group's work. The panel, which was made up of the great people Prof. Dr. Barbara Buchenau, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Bingel, Prof. Dr. Katja Fiehler and Prof. Dr. Elke Kalbe, lively discussed the contents of the film and entered into an inspiring exchange with the members of the research group. Everyone had the opportunity to watch the film beforehand. A successful event on an extremely important topic.
01.05.2021Start of the research group
The research group (FOR 2974) started its work on May 1, 2021. In seven sub-projects, the psychological and neurobiological processes of the development and maintenance of specific Internet use disorders are to be researched.
25.09.2020DFG research group approved
The German Research Foundation (DFG) has approved the research group (FOR 2974) "Affective and cognitive mechanisms of specific Internet-use disorders" (ACSID). The spokesperson for the research group is Prof. Dr. Matthias Brand. Colleagues from the UDE work together with colleagues from the Universities of Bamberg, Bochum, Gießen, Mainz, Lübeck, Siegen, Ulm and the Hannover Medical School. The aim of the research group is to better understand the psychological and neurobiological processes involved in the development and maintenance of specific Internet use disorders in order to make a contribution to improve prevention and therapy.
Press article: