PD Dr. Christoph RühlemannRegular Expression in R

Dozent: PD Dr. Christoph Rühlemann (Universität Freiburg)
Donnerstag, den 9.12.2021 (9:30 - 17:30)
Freitag, den 10.12.2021 (9:00 - 14:30)
Donnerstag, den 27.1.2022 (9:30 - 17:30)
Freitag, den 28.1.2022 (9:00 - 14:30)
R11 T05 C93

Die Termine am 9.12 und 10.12 finden digital via ZOOM statt, da die derzeitige Lage eine Präsenzveranstaltung aus unserer Sicht nicht zulässt. Die Januar-Termine sind nach jetzigem Stand und ohne Gewähr noch in Präsenz geplant.

Anmeldung geschlossen

Regular Expression, or regex, is a programming language to automatically detect, replace, and
extract text as well as to manage, structure and re-structure data collections implemented in
many programming languages, including R. Based on diverse sets of actual corpus-linguistic
and interactional-linguistic data, in this workshop we will use regex to perform linguistic analyses
in the fields of Corpus Linguistics, Phonetics, and particularly Interactional Linguistics.
Workshop participants will learn how to (i) master regex syntax including literal and non-literal
matching, character classes, backreference, lookaround, static and dynamic patterns, (ii) use
regex in data management and transformation, (iii) apply regex to linguistic research, (iv) and
acquire basics in R programming including visualization and novel packages such as dplyr.
Participants are expected to engage in small-scale practical tasks during the workshop as well
as carry out practical tasks between workshop blocks.

The workshop, which will be held in English, is organized in two blocks:
Block 1: 9th-10th December, 2021
Block 2: 27th-28th January, 2022

Preparatory (but not mandatory) literature:
• Crawley, M. J. 2007. The R book. Chichester: John Wiley
• Gries, S. Th. 2017 (2nd edition). Quantitative corpus linguistics with R. A practical introduction.
New York/ London: Routledge
• Rühlemann, C. 2020. Visual linguistics with R. Amsterdam: Benjamins