Studying with teaching option
LA BA HRSGe Haupt-, Real- und Gesamtschulen (secondary schools)
Graduates of the subject History with the teaching option Haupt-, Real-, Sekundar- and Gesamtschulen (secondary school, comprehensive school, and high school) master the access to sources and can present and communicate the results of historical research. The successful applicant will possess the basic skills in in subject areas didactic analysis, diagnosis, planning, evaluation and replication of teaching processes at secondary level I.
LA BA GyGe Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen (Grammar schools and comprehensive schools)
Graduates of the subject History with the teaching option Gymnasien und Gesamtschulen master the access to sources and can present and communicate the results of historical research. They possess basic skills in subject areas didactic analysis, diagnosis, planning, evaluation and reflection of school teaching processes at secondary level I & II.
LA MA HRSGe Secondary and comprehensive schools
Graduates of the Master's program with the teaching option Hauptschule, Realschule, Sekundarschule and Gesamtschule possess curricular, diagnostic and historical-cultural competence with regard to students at the lower secondary level. They can design appropriate teaching and learning arrangements and motivate students to learn history.
LA MA GyGe High schools and comprehensive schools
Graduates of the master's program with the teaching option Gymnasium und Gesamtschulen will possess curricular, diagnostic and history-cultural competence with regard to students at secondary level I & II. They will be able to design appropriate teaching and learning arrangements and motivate students to learn history.
LA Elementary School Learning Area Natural and Social Sciences (Sachunterricht)
The subjects History and Geography are jointly responsible for Module 1 (BA): Culture, Space, Environment, Mobility and Time, which focuses on the historical and spatial perspective of subject teaching. In addition, the subject History provides an elective offer in the modules 6 (BA) and 8 (MA): Thematic Fields of Sachunterricht I & II.