Project Information

The German middle class in the context of the labour market

Background and objectives

The inequality of household incomes has increased in Germany. Since the late 1990s, the middle class has shrunk by five percentage points, while the lower and upper classes have gained in significance.

Studies on the middle class have so far been based on an analysis of secondary income distribution (disposable household income). The relationship between disposable household income and changes in the labour market has not yet been addressed. Our own analyses have shown that members of the lower class are mostly employed in jobs with low hourly wages and only a small amount of working time. In the upper income classes, however, hourly wages and annual and weekly working hours are much greater. Members of the lower class want to extend their working hours, but often have no opportunity to do so because they are often only offered mini-jobs.

The project focuses on the analysis of the relationship between changes in the labour market, such as the expansion of low wages and mini-jobs, and the development of household income stratification. The aim is to identify drivers for the increase in inequality of household incomes in the labour market.


This project continues and deepens our previous research on the low-wage sector and minimum wages as well as on the middle class in Germany.

The following topics will be investigated:

  • Effects of the growing inequality in individual wages on the stratification structure of the population.
  • Impact of the general statutory minimum wage on the low-wage sector and the wage distribution. Differentiation of the analysis according to sectors and groups of employees. Interactions between collectively agreed wages and minimum wages.
  • Individual employment behaviour and class affiliation. How are individual employment characteristics such as working hours or hourly wages combined into income in the household context? How does employment behaviour and the stratification structure of the population change over time?
  • Differentiation of households according to employment patterns (multiple earners, secondary earners, single breadwinner, etc.).
  • Differentiated evaluation of weekly working hours and desired working hours in the different income classes. How far apart are wish and reality?
  • Is there a polarization of the annual working times between the income classes?
  • Influence of state redistribution on the stratification structure
  • Income inequality and economic growth

The project is based on a mix of different methods: theoretical analyses and literature evaluations are combined with own statistical evaluations. Own evaluations are based on the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) of the DIW in the form of descriptive evaluations and regression analyses.


Bosch, Gerhard / Kalina, Thorsten, 2019: Die Mittelschicht in Deutschland unter Druck. In: Weiterbildung H. 6, S. 32–35

Bosch, Gerhard / Kalina, Thorsten, 2018: Understanding rising income inequality and stagnating ordinary living standards in Germany. In: Brian Nolan: Inequality and inclusive growth in rich countries: Shared challenges and contrasting fortunes, pp. 153–187 | DOI-Link

Kalina, Thorsten / Weinkopf, Claudia, 2018: Niedriglohnbeschäftigung 2016 – beachtliche Lohnzuwächse im unteren Lohnsegment, aber weiterhin hoher Anteil von Beschäftigten mit Niedriglöhnen. Duisburg: Inst. Arbeit und Qualifikation. IAQ-Report 2018-06 | DOI-Link| Info | Lesen

Bosch, Gerhard / Kalina, Thorsten, 2017: Die deutsche Mittelschicht aus der Arbeitsmarktperspektive. In: Kai Eicker-Wolf und Achim Truger: Ungleichheit in Deutschland – ein "gehyptes" Problem? Über die Verteilungsrealität und Möglichkeiten ihrer Gestaltung, S. 111–141

Bosch, Gerhard / Kalina, Thorsten, 2017: Wachsende Ungleichheit in der Prosperität. Einkommensentwicklung 1984 bis 2015 in Deutschland. Duisburg: Inst. Arbeit und Qualifikation. IAQ-Forschung 2017-03 | DOI-Link| Info | Lesen

Bosch, Gerhard / Kalina, Thorsten, 2017: Kein Grund zur Entwarnung! Ungleichheit nimmt weiter zu, und ihr Niveau ist nicht akzeptabel. In: ifo Schnelldienst 70 (10), S. 22–26 | Lesen

Kalina, Thorsten / Weinkopf, Claudia, 2017: Niedriglohnbeschäftigung 2015 – bislang kein Rückgang im Zuge der Mindestlohneinführung. Duisburg: Inst. Arbeit und Qualifikation. IAQ-Report 2017-06 | DOI-Link| Info | Lesen

Bosch, Gerhard / Kalina, Thorsten, 2016: Mittelschichten in Deutschland - unter Druck. In: Sozialismus 43 (2), S. 13-19

Bosch, Gerhard / Kalina, Thorsten, 2015: Die Mittelschicht in Deutschland unter Druck. Duisburg: Inst. Arbeit und Qualifikation. IAQ-Report 2015-04 | DOI-Link| Info | Lesen

Bosch, Gerhard / Kalina, Thorsten, 2015: Das Ende der "nivellierten Mittelstandsgesellschaft". Die deutsche Mittelschicht unter Druck. Duisburg: Inst. Arbeit und Qualifikation. IAQ-Forschung 2015-01 | DOI-Link| Info | Lesen


Prof. Dr. Gerhard Bosch, Dr. Thorsten Kalina: Growing income inequality and the erosion of the German middle class. IWPLMS 2017 – 38th Annual Conference of the International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation, 13th to 15th September 2017. Manchester, European Work and Employment Research Centre, Manchester Business School of the University of Manchester, 14.09.2017

Project data

Term of the project:
01.01.2016 - 31.12.2020

Reseach department:
Flexibility and Security

Project management:
Prof. Dr. Gerhard Bosch,Dr. Claudia Weinkopf

Project team:
Dr. Thorsten Kalina