Synthesis of nanoparticles in the gas phase

Investigation of nanoparticles in the gas phase has been an ongoing research for several years at the Institute for Combustion and Gas Dynamics. Over the past few years this work has also lead to purposeful production of nanoparticles. Initially, investigations were focused on particles produced from flame reactors. Today, we have expanded our means of particle production to various methods. These include utilizing hot-wall reactors, laser- and microwave-plasma reactors.

Using flame reactors, where only oxides may be produced, we generate nanoparticles such as SiO2, TiO2, ZnO und Fe2O3. For the production of non-oxidic nanoparticles, reactors that do not require the use of oxygen must be used. By utilizing such reactors, we have succeeded in producing various non-oxidic nanoparticles from materials that easily oxidize such as iron, silicon and indium.

Synthesis of silicon nanoparticles in a plasma reactor

Synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles in a flame reactor