Veröffentlichungen / Papers

Publikationen des Instituts für Materialwissenschaft / Publications of the Institute for Materials Science

1993    1994    1995    1996    1999    2000    2001    2002    2003    2004    2005    2006    2007    2008    2009    2010    2011    2012    2013    2014    2015    2016    2017    2018    2019    2020    2021    2022    2023    2024    2025



Elham Foadian, Sheryl L Sanchez, Sumner B. Harris, Benjamin J. Lawrie, Astita Dubey, Yipeng Tang, Bin Hu, Jonghee Yang, Mahshid Ahmadi
Impact of Halogen Groups on the Properties of PEA-Based 2D Pb–Sn Halide Perovskites 
Advanced Optical Materials, 2024, 2403120


Neshable Noel, Tommy Mielke, Gustave Semugaza, Anne Zora Gierth, Susanne Helmich, Stefan Nawrath, Doru C. Lupascu
Chemical Transformations During the Preparation and Rehydration of Reactivated Virgin Cements
In Press, Journal Pre-proof, Available online 14 January 2025

Neshable Noel, Sadeq Alkhatib, Anne Gierth, Susanne Helmich, Tommy Mielke & Doru C. Lupascu​
Modification of Reactivated Cement Fines with Addition of Ground Blast Furnace Slag
Rilem Spring Convention 2024 (Advanced construction materials and processes for a carbon neutral society)

Gierth, A. Z., Mielke, T., Lupascu, D.C. Lupascu
Fracture Toughness on Compact Tension Specimen as a Quality Parameter for Reactivated Cement
Construction. Unter Mitarbeit von Universität Kassel, Ekkehard Fehling, Bernhard Middendorf und Jenny Thiemicke, S. 145–148.

Helmich, S., Noel, N., Gierth, A. Z., Taramonili, M., Mielke, T., D.C. Lupascu 
Rheologische Untersuchungen an thermisch reaktivierten Zementen mit variierenden w/z-Werten 
6. Grazer Betonkolloquium, S. 259–266

Sobhan M Fathabad, Vladimir V Shvartsman, Daniil Lewin, Galina M Kaleva, Ekaterina D Politova, D.C. Lupascu
Effect of Bi (Mg0. 5Ti0. 5) O3 addition on the dielectric and electrocaloric properties of relaxor (Na0. 5Bi0. 5) TiO3-BaTiO3 ceramics
Ceramics International, volume 50, pages 35769-35781, 2024

Miriana Vadala, Doru C. Lupascu & Anzhela Galstyan
Fabrication and characterization of microporous soft templated photoactive 3D materials for water disinfection in batch and continuous flow
Springer, Volume 23, pages 803–814, (2024) (Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences) 

E.Kröll, F. Paul, M. Vadalà, O.K. Tao, I. Hadi, D.C. Lupascu
High porosity hafnia ceramics by freeze casting
Open Ceramics, Volume 18, 2024

Astita Dubey, Sheryl L. Sanchez, Jonghee Yang, and Mahshid Ahmadi
Lead-Free Halide Perovskites for Photocatalysis via High-Throughput Exploration†
Chemistry of Materials, 2024

Astita Dubey, Ignacio Sanjuán, Corina Andronescu, Doru C. Lupascu
Bi site doped Ferroelectric BiFe0.95Mn0.05O3 Nanoparticles for Hydrogen Evolution Reaction
ChemCatChem, 2024


Noel, Neshable, Mielke, Tommy, Semugaza, Gustave, Lupascu, Doru C. Lupascu
Thermally Reactivated Cements and their Hydration Ability
V International Conference on Progress of Recycling in the Built Environment

Gierth, A. Z, Syring, S, Mielke, T, Lupascu, D. C. Lupascu
Fracture toughness on compact tension specimen as a quality parameter for cement stone
ce papers 6 (6), S. 1055–1060

Astita Dubey, Mohd. Shoaib, Muntjeer Ali, Absar A. Kazmi, Raj K. Dutta, Marianela Escobar Castillo, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Doru C. Lupascu
Ferroelectric-Photocatalysts for Degradation of Phthalate: Doped BiFeO3-Graphene Oxide Nanocomposites
Advanced Sustainable Systems, 2023, 2300444, 1-15 (2023)

F. Paul, C. Schwarz, R. R. Audh, J. Bluhm, S. Johnson, K. MacHutchon, T. Mielke, Amit Mishra, T. Rampai, T. Ricken, A. Schwarz, S. Skatulla, A. Thom, R. Verrinder, J. Schröder, M. Vichi, D.C. Lupascu
Sea ice mechanics
Computer Methods in Materials Science (2023)

Kyrillos Papadopoulos, Eirini Myrovali, Astita Dubey, Lamprini Malletzidou, Doru C Lupascu, Vladimir V Shvartsman, Ulf Wiedwald, Mavroeidis Angelakeris 
Control of physical properties in BiFeO3 nanoparticles via Sm3+ and Co2+ ion doping
Nanotechnology 35 (2024)

Zeyad H. Nafaee, Viktória Egyed, Attila Jancsó, Annamária Tóth, Adeleh Mokhles Gerami, Thanh Thien Dang, Juliana Heiniger-Schell, Lars Hemmingsen, Éva Hunyadi-Gulyás, Gábor Peintler, Béla Gyurcsik
Revisiting the hydrolysis of ampicillin catalyzed by Temoneira-1 β-lactamase, and the effect of Ni(II), Cd(II) and Hg(II)
Preotein Science (2023)

E. Kröll, A. Dubey, V. V. Shvartsman, and D. C. Lupascu
Enhanced energy storage and breakdown strength in barium titanate zirconate solid solutions with niobates and tantalates
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 43, 6864-6874 (2023)

M. Vadalà , E. Kröll, M. Küppers, D. C. Lupascu and R. Brunstermann
Hydrogen production via dark fermentation by bacteria colonies on porous PDMS-scaffolds
Int. J. Hydrog. Energy 48,  Issue 65, 25274-25284 (2023)

R. Scatena, R. Liu, V. V. Shvartsman, D. D. Khalyavin, Y. Inaguma, K. Yamaura, A. A. Belik, and R. D. Johnson
Hybrid improper ferroelectricity in columnar (NaY)MnMnTi4O12
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 62, e202305994 (2023)

Krupa Maria Kuruvila, V. V. Shvartsman, M. Hotari, D. A. Kiselev, and N. V. Giridharan
Investigation on degree of non-ergodicity and local piezoelectric properties in Na0.5Bi0.5TiO3–BiFeO3–PbTiO3 system
J. Appl. Phys. 133, 224101 (2023)

J. Fischer, J. Döntgen, C. Molin, S. E. Gebhardt, Y. Hambal, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, D. Hägele, and J. Rudolph
Simultaneous direct measurement of the electrocaloric and dielectric dynamics of ferroelectrics with microsecond temporal resolution
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 94, 043906 (2023)

G. Semugaza, T. Mielke, M. Escobar Castillo, A. Z. Gierth, J. X. Tam, S. Nawrath, D. C. Lupascu
Reactivation of hydrated cement powder by thermal treatment for partial replacement of ordinary portland cement
in Springer Vol 56, Materials and Structures, Article number: 48 (2023)

D. Lewin, I. Michiels, S.M. Fathabad, E. Kröll, K.-H. Menze, D.C. Lupascu
Flash and Breakdown: Thermal Runaway and Dielectric Breakdown as Competing Mechanisms During Flash Sintering of Barium Titanate
Adv. Eng. Mater. 2300142. (2023)

V. V. Shvartsman, Y. Hambal, and D. C. Lupascu
Direct and indirect measurements of the electrocaloric effect (ECE) in metal oxides
in The Electrocaloric Effect: Materials and Applications, eds. A. L. Kholkin, O. V. Pakhomov, A. A. Semenov, and A. Tselev
Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials, Elsevier, 2023, pp. 303-332

A. N. Morozovska, H. V. Shevliakova, E. A. Eliseev, G. S. Svechnikov, M. V. Silibin, V. V. Shvartsman, and N. V. Morozovsky
Analytical calculations of the electrocaloric response of ferroelectric nanoparticles
in The Electrocaloric Effect: Materials and Applications, eds. A. L. Kholkin, O. V. Pakhomov, A. A. Semenov, and A. Tselev
Woodhead Publishing Series in Electronic and Optical Materials, Elsevier, 2023, pp. 37-62

R. V. Chernozem, I. Pariy, M. A. Surmeneva, V. V. Shvartsman, G Planckaert, J. Verduijn, S. Ghysels, A. Abalymov, B. V. Parakhonskiy, E. Gracey, A. Gonçalves, S. Mathur, F. Ronsse, D. Depla, D. C. Lupascu, D. Elewaut, R. A. Surmenev, and A. G. Skirtach
Cell behavior changes and enzymatic biodegradation of hybrid electrospun poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-based scaffolds with an enhanced piezoresponse after the addition of reduced graphene oxide
Adv. Healthcare Mater. 12, 2201726 (2023)

E. D. Politova, G. M. Kaleva, S. A. Ivanov, A. V. Mosunov, S. Yu. Stefanovich, N. V. Sadovskaya, and V. V. Shvartsman
Dielectric properties and crystallite size distribution of modified lead-free sodium-bismuth titanate ceramics
Ferroelectrics 605, 73-82 (2023)

A. M. Gerami, J. Heiniger-Schell, E. L. da Silva, M. S. Costa, C. S. Costa, J. G. Monteiro, J. J. Pires, D. R. Pereira, C. Díaz-Guerra, A. W. Carbonari, K. Lorenz, and J. G. Correia
Cd implantation in α−MoO3: An atomic scale study
Physical Review Materials 7 (2023) 033603

D. Lewin, K.-H. Menze, I. Michiels, D.C. Lupascu
Influence of geometry on thermal gradients and hotspot formation during flash sintering
Journal of the European Ceramic Society, Volume 43, Issue 4, 2023, Pages 1633-1638


X. Chen, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, and Q. M. Zhang
Electrocaloric cooling - From materials to devices
J. Appl. Phys. 132, 240901 (2022)

F. Orlandi, D. Delmonte, G. Calestani, E. Cavalli, E. Gilioli, V. V. Shvartsman, P. Graziosi, S. Rampino, G. Spaggiari, C. Liu, W. Ren, S. Picozzi, M. Solzi, M. Casappa, and F. Mezzadri
γ-BaFe2O4: a fresh playground for room temperature multiferroicity
Nature Commun. 13, 7968 (2022)

J. P. V. Cardoso, V. V. Shvartsman, A. V. Pushkarev, Y. V. Radyush, N. M. Olekhnovich, D. D. Khalyavin, E. Cižmár, A. Feher, and A. N. Salak
Annealing-dependent morphotropic phase boundary in the BiMg0.5Ti0.5O3–BiZn0.5Ti0.5O3 perovskite system
Materials 15, 6998 (2022)

R. V. Chernozem, I. O. Pariy, A. Pryadko, A. P. Bonartsev, V. V. Voinova, V. A. Zhuikov, T. K. Makhina, G. A. Bonartseva, K. V. Shaitan, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, K. N. Romanyuk, A. L. Kholkin, R. A. Surmenev, and M. A. Surmeneva
A comprehensive study of the structure and piezoelectric response of biodegradable polyhydroxybutyrate-based films for tissue engineering applications
Polym. J. 54, 1225-1236 (2022)

E. D. Politova, G. M. Kaleva, A. V. Mosunov, S. Yu. Stefanovich, N. V. Sadovskaya, and V. V. Shvartsman
Characterization of modified lead-free ferroelectric sodium-bismuth titanate ceramics
Ferroelectrics 591, 91-99 (2022)

H. P. Gunnlaugsson, A. Mokhles Gerami, H. Masenda, S. Olafsson, R. Adhikari, K. Johnston, K. Naicker, G. Peters, J. Schell, D. Zyabkin, K. Bharuth-Ram, P. Krastev, R. Mantovan, D. Naidoo, I. Unzueta, and ISOLDE Collaboration
Charge and spin state of dilute Fe in NaCl and LiF
Physical Review B 106  (2022) 174108

M. B. Barbosa, J. G. Correia, K. Lorenz, A. M. L. Lopes, G. N. P. Oliveira, A. S. Fenta, J. Schell, R. Teixeira, E. Nogales, B. Méndez, A. Stroppa, J. P. Araújo
Contactless doping characterization of Ga2O3 using acceptor Cd probes
Scientific Reports 12 (2022) 14584

D. V. Zyabkin, J. Schell, J. G. M. Correia, U. Vetter, P. Schaaf
Perturbed Angular Correlation Technique at ISOLDE/CERN Applied for Studies of Hydrogenated Titanium Dioxide (TiO2): Observation of Cd-H Pairs
Crystals 12(6) (2022) 756

A. Plyushch, D. Lewin, P. Ažubalis, V. Kalendra, A. Sokal, R. Grigalaitis, V.V. Shvartsman, S. Salamon, H. Wende, A. Selskis, K.N. Lapko, D.C. Lupascu, J. Banys
Phosphate bonded CoFe2O4–BaTiO3 layered structures: Dielectric relaxations and magnetoelectric coupling
Lithuanian Journal of Physics, Vol.62, No. 4, pp. 221–228 (2022)

A. Plyushch, D. Lewin, A. Sokal, R. Grigalaitis, V.V. Shvartsman, J. Macutkevič, S. Salamon, H. Wende, K.N. Lapko, P.P. Kuzhir, D.C. Lupascu, J. Banys
Magnetoelectric coupling in nonsintered bulk BaTiO3 -- xCoFe2O4 multiferroic composites
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Volume 917, 2022, 165519

Dubey, A.; Salamon, S.; Attanayake, S. B.; Ibrahim, S.; Landers, J.; Castillo, M. E.; Wende, H.; Srikanth, H.; Shvartsman, V. V.; Lupascu, D. C.
Rare-Earth Doped BiFe0.95Mn0.05O3 Nanoparticles for Potential Hyperthermia Applications
Frontiers Bioenginnering and Biotechnology, 2022

Dubey, A.; Keat, C. H.; Shvartsman, V. V.; Yusenko, K. V.; Escobar, M. C.; Buzanich, A. G.; Hagemann, U.; Kovalenko, S. A.; Stähler, J. and Lupascu, D. C.
Mono-, Di-, and Tri-Valent Cation Doped BiFe0.95Mn0.05O3 Nanoparticles: Ferroelectric Photocatalysts Adv.
Funct. Mater. 2022, 2207105, 1-16

Heinz Haas, Dmitry Zyabkin, Juliana Schell, Thien T. Dang, Ian C. J. Yap 5, Ilaria Michelon, Daniel Gaertner, Adeleh Mokhles Gerami, Cornelia Noll and Reinhard Beck
Confirming the Unusual Temperature Dependence of the Electric-Field Gradient in Zn
Crystals 2022, 12(8), 1064

Ian Chang Jie Yap, Juliana Schell, Thien Thanh Dang, Cornelia Noll , Reinhard Beck, Ulli Köster, Ronaldo Mansano  and Hans Christian Hofsäss
Room-Temperature 181Ta(TiO2): An e- TDPAC Study
Crystals 2022, 12(7), 946

Juliana Schell, Dmitry Zyabkin, Krish Bharuth-Ram, João N. Gonçalves, Carlos Díaz-Guerra, Haraldur P. Gunnlaugsson, Aitana Tarazaga Martín-Luengo, Peter Schaaf, Alberta Bonanni, Hilary Masenda, Thien Thanh Dang, Torben E. Mølholt, Sveinn Ólafsson, Iraultza Unzueta, Roberto Mantovan, Karl Johnston, Hafliði P. Gíslason, Petko B. Krastev, Deena Naidoo  and Bingcui Qi
Anisotropy of the Electric Field Gradient in Two-Dimensional-MoO3 Investigated by 57Mn(57Fe) Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy
Crystals 2022, 12(7), 942

Marianna Tosato, Mattia Asti, Valerio Di Marco, Marianne L. Jensen, Juliana Schell, Thien Thanh Dang, Ulli Köster, Mikael Jensen, Lars Hemmingsen
Towards in vivo applications of 111Ag perturbed angular correlation of γ-rays (PAC) spectroscopy
Applied Radiation and Isotopes, Available online 13 October 2022, 110508

T. T. Dang, J. Schell, A. G. Boa, D. Lewin, G. Marschick, A. Dubey, M. Escobar-Castillo, C. Noll, R. Beck, Dmitry V. Zyabkin, K. Glukhov, I. C. J. Yap, A. Mokhles Gerami, and D. C. Lupascu
Temperature dependence of the local electromagnetic field at the Fe site in multiferroic bismuth ferrite
Phys. Rev. B 106, 054416 (2022)

Igor O. Pariy, Roman V. Chernozem, Polina V. Chernozem, Yulia R. Mukhortova, Andre G. Skirtach, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Doru C. Lupascu, Maria A. Surmeneva, Sanjay Mathur, Roman A. Surmenev
Hybrid biodegradable electrospun scaffolds based on poly(l-lactic acid) and reduced graphene oxide with improved piezoelectric response
Polymer Journal 2022

S. Skatulla, R. R. Audh, A. Cook, E. Hepworth, S. Johnson, D. C. Lupascu, K. MacHutchon, R. Marquart,
T. Mielke, E. Omatuku, F. Paul, T. Rampai, J. Schröder, C. Schwarz, and M. Vichi

Physical and mechanical properties of winter first-year ice in the Antarctic marginal ice zone along the Good Hope Line
The Cryosphere 16, 2899–2925, 2022

E. Sachse, M. Escobar-Castillo, F. Waag, B. Gökce, S. Salamon, J. Landers, H. Wende, D. C. Lupascu
Laser Ablation of NiFe2O4 and CoFe2O4 Nanoparticles
Nanomaterials 2022, Volume 12, Issue 11, 1872

I. Unzueta, H. P. Gunnlaugsson, T. E. Mølholt, H. Masenda, A. M. Gerami, P. Krastev, D. Zyabkin, K. Bharuth-Ram, D. Daidoo, S. Ólafsson, F. Plazaola, J. Schell, B. Qi, X. Zhao, J. Xiao, J. Zhao, R. Mantovan
Compositional Dependence of Epitaxial L10‐Mn x Ga Magnetic Properties as Probed by 57Mn/Fe and 119In/Sn Emission Mössbauer Spectroscopy

F. Paul, T. Mielke, R. Audh and D. C. Lupascu
Sea ice strength development from freezing to melting in the Antarctic marginal ice zone
Book of Extended Abstracts of the 6th ECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference
7th-9th July 2021, Valencia, Spain

Dang, T.T.; Schell, J.; Beck, R.; Noll, C.; Lupascu, D.C.
The Local Exploration of Magnetic Field Effects in Semiconductors
Crystals 2022, 12, 560

Y. Hambal, V. V. Shvartsman, I. Michiels, Q. Zhang, and D. C. Lupascu
High energy storage density in nanocomposites of P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) terpolymer and BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3 nanoparticles
Materials 15, 3151 (2022)

A. Grünebohm, M. Marathe, R. Khachaturyan, R. Schiedung, D. C. Lupascu, and V. V. Shvartsman
Interplay of domain structure and phase transitions: theory, experiment and functionality
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 34, 073002 (2022)

A. N. Salak, V. V. Shvartsman, J. P. Cardoso, A. V. Pushkarev, Y. V. Radyush, N. M. Olekhnovich, D. D. Khalyavin,
J. M. Vieira, E Čižmár, and A. Feher

The orthorhombic-tetragonal morphotropic phase boundary in high-pressure synthesized BiMg0.5Ti0.5O3–BiZn0.5Ti0.5O3
perovskite solid solutions

J. Phys. Chem. Solids 161, 110392 (2022)

Juliana Schell , Merlin Schmuck, Ipek Efe , Thien Thanh Dang , João Nuno Gonçalves , Daniil Lewin, Marianela Escobar Castillo, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Ângelo Rafael Granadeiro Costa, Ulli Köster, Reiner Vianden, Cornelia Noll, and Doru C. Lupascu
Strong magnetoelectric coupling at an atomic nonmagnetic electromagnetic probe in bismuth ferrite
PHYSICAL REVIEW B 105, 094102 (2022)

H. Masenda, H. P. Gunnlaugsson, R. Adhikari, K. Bharuth-Ram, D. Naidoo, A. T. Martín-Luengo, I. Unzueta, R. Mantovan, T. E. Mølholt, K. Johnston, J. Schell, A. M. Gerami, P. Krastev, B. Qi, S. Ólafsson
Unusual charge states and lattice sites of Fe in AlxGa1−xN:Mn
New Journal of Physics 24 (2022) 103007


Andrei D. Karabanov, Andrei N. Salak, Marianela Escobar C., Vladimir V. Shvartsman & Doru C. Lupascu
Synthesis, Structure, and Optical Properties of Large FAPbBr3 Perovskite Single Crystals
Integrated Ferroelectrics, 220:1, pp. 46-55  (2021), DOI: 10.1080/10584587.2021.1921534

Y. Hambal, K.-H. Menze, V. V. Shvartsman, and D. C. Lupascu
Directly Measured Electrocaloric Effect in Relaxor Polymer Nanocomposites
Proceedings of 2021 IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics
 (ISAF), 2021, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ISAF51943.2021.9477327

A. N. Salak, J. P. V. Cardoso, J. M. Vieira, V. V. Shvartsman, D. D. Khalyavin, E. L. Fertman, A. V. Fedorchenko, A. V. Pushkarev, Y. V. Radyush, N. M. Olekhnovich, R. Tarasenko, A. Feher, and E Čižmár
Magnetic behaviour of perovskite compositions derived from BiFeO3
Magnetochemistry 7, 151 (2021)

N. Bartek, V. V. Shvartsman, H. Bouyanfif, A. Schmitz, G. Bacher, S. Olthof, S. Sirotinskaya, N. Benson, and D. C. Lupascu
Band gap of Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 thin films prepared by pulsed laser deposition
Materials 14, 6841 (2021)

V. V. Shvartsman, D. D. Khalyavin, N. M. Olekhnovich, A. V. Pushkarev, Y. V. Radyush, and A. N. Salak
Spontaneous and induced ferroelectricity in the BiFe1-xScxO3 perovskite ceramics
Phys. Stat. Solidi A, 218, 2100173 (2021)

A. Ichangi, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, K. Lê, M. Grosch, A. K. Schmidt-Verma, C. Bohr, A. Verma, T. Fischer, and S. Mathur
Li and Ta-modified KNN piezoceramic fibers for vibrational energy harvesters
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 41, 7662-7669 (2021)

E. D. Politova, G. M. Kaleva, D. A. Bel'kova, A. V. Mosunov, N. V. Sadovskaya, D. A. Kiselev, T. S. Il'ina, and V. V. Shvartsman
Dielectric and piezoelectric properties of (Na0.5Bi0.5)(Ti1 – xMnx)O3 (x = 0–0.1) modified ceramics
Inorg. Mater. 57, 942-949 (2021)

M. Naveed-Ul-Haq, V. V. Shvartsman, V. Samulionis, M. Ivanov, J. Banys, and D. C. Lupascu
Dependence of the magnetoelectric coupling on elastic and dielectric properties of two-phase multiferroic composites
J. Mater. Sci. 56, 14978-14988 (2021)

E. D. Politova, G. M. Kaleva, A. V. Mosunov, N. V. Sadovskaya, T. S. Il'ina, D. A. Kiselev, and V. V. Shvartsman
Synthesis and properties of modified potassium-sodium niobate ceramics
Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. 66, 1257-1263 (2021)

X. Chen, V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, and Q. M. Zhang
Comment on ''Giant pyroelectric energy harvesting and a negative electrocaloric effect in multilayered nanostructures''
by G. Vats, A. Kumar, N. Ortega, C. R. Bowen and R. S. Katiyar

Energy Environ. Sci., 2016, 9, 1335, Energy Environ. Sci. 14, 1612-1614 (2021)

L. Schmidt-Mende, V. Dyakonov, S. Olthof, F. Ünlü,3 K. M. Trong Lê, S. Mathur, A. D. Karabanov, D. C. Lupascu,  L. Herz, A. Hinderhofer, F. Schreiber, A. Chernikov, D. A. Egger, O. Shargaieva, C. Cocchi, E. Unger, M. Saliba, M. M. Byranvand, M. Kroll, F. Nehm, K. Leo, A. Redinger, J. Höcker, T. Kirchartz, J. Warby, E. Gutierrez-Partida, D. Neher, M. Stolterfoht, U. Würfel, M. Unmüssig, J. Herterich, C. Baretzky, J. Mohanraj, M. Thelakkat, C. Maheu, W. Jaegermann, T. Mayer, J. Rieger, T. Fauster, D. Niesner, F. Yang, St. Albrecht, T. Riedl, A. Fakharuddin, M. Vasilopoulou, Y. Vaynzof, D. Moia, J. Maier, M. Franckevicius, V. Gulbinas, R. A. Kerner, L. Zhao, B. P. Rand, N. Glück, T. Bein, F. Matteocci, L. A. Castriotta, A. Di Carlo, C. Draxl and M. Scheffler
Roadmap on Organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite semiconductors and devices
APL Materials 9, 109202 (2021)

E. Kröll, V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, J. Schell, S. Salomon, H. Wende
Effect of Excess Lead Oxide and Thermal Treatment on Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of Pb(Fe2/3W1/3)O3
2021 IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF)

Astita Dubey, Alexander Schmitz, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Gerd Bacher, Doru C. Lupascu, Marianela Escobar Castillo
Role of Cooperative Factors in the Photocatalytic Activity of Ba and Mn Doped BiFeO3 Nanoparticles
Nanoscale Adv. 3, 5830-5840 (2021)

D. V. Zyabkin, J. Schell, D. Gaertner, T. T. Dang, J. N. Gonçalves, G. Marschick, and P. Schaaf
Hyperfine interactions and diffusion of Cd in TiO2 (rutile)
Journal of Applied Physics 126 (2019)  015102

Felix Paul, Tommy Mielke, Carina Schwarz, Jörg Schröder, Tokoloho Rampai, Sebastian Skatulla, Riesna R. Audh, Ehlke Hepworth, Marcello Vichi, Doru C. Lupascu
Frazil Ice in the Antarctic Marginal Ice Zone
J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2021, 9(6), 647

Eva Kröll, Miriana Vadalà, Juliana Schell, Simon Stegemann, Jochen Ballof, Sebastian Rothe, Doru C. Lupascu
Yttrium Oxide Freeze-Casts: Target Materials for Radioactive Ion Beams
Materials 14 (11), 2864 (2021)

Nicole Bartek, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Soma Salamon, Heiko Wende, Doru C. Lupascu
Influence of calcination and sintering temperatures on dielectric and magnetic properties of Pb(Fe0.5Nb0.5)O3 ceramics synthesized by the solid state method
Ceram. Intern. 47, 23396-23403 (2021)

Š. Svirskas, S. Balčiūnas, M. Šimėnas, G. Usevičius, M. Kinka, M. Velička, D. Kubicki, M. E. Castillo, A. Karabanov, V. V. Shvartsman, M. R. Soares, V. Šablinskas, A. N. Salak, D. C. Lupascu and J. Banys
Reply to the Comment on “Phase transitions, screening and dielectric response of CsPbBr3”
by Š. Svirskas, S. Balčiūnas, M. Šimėnas, G. Usevičius, M. Kinka, M. Velička, D. Kubicki, M. E. Castillo, A. Karabanov, V. V. Shvartsman, M. R. Soares, V. Šablinskas, A. N. Salak, D. C. Lupascu and J. Banys

J. Mater. Chem. A, 9, 11453-11455, (2021)

Yusra Hambal, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Daniil Lewin, Chieng Huo Huat, Xin Chen, Ivo Michiels, Qiming Zhang, Doru C. Lupascu
Effect of composition on polarization hysteresis and energy storage ability of P(VDF-TrFE-CFE) relaxor terpolymers
Polymers 13, 1343, (2021)

D. Gärtner, L. Belkacemi, V. A. Esin, F. Jomard, A. A. Fedotov, J. Schell, J. V. Osinskaya, A. V. Pokoev, C. Duhamel, A. Paul,  S. V. Divinski
Techniques of Tracer Diffusion Measurements in Metals, Alloys and Compounds
Diffusion Foundations 29 (2021) 31

A. Jancsó, J. G. Correia, R. K. Balogh, J. Schell, M. L. Jensen, D. Szunyog, P. W. Thulstrup, L. Hemmingsen
A reference compound for 199mHg perturbed angular correlation of γ-rays spectroscopy
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A  (2021) 165154

Helena Keller, Felix Paul
Mediciones reológicas de hormigón fresco y hielo frazilcon el reómetro móvil eBT-V
Revista Técnica CEMENTO HORMIGÓN • Nº 1.003 • MARZO-ABRIL 2021

Amjad Farooq, Motiur Rahman Khan, Tobias Abzieher, Achim Voigt, Doru C. Lupascu, Uli Lemmer, Bryce Sydney Richards, and Ulrich Wilhelm Paetzold
Photodegradation of Triple-Cation Perovskite Solar Cells: The Role of Spectrum and Bias Conditions
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2021

Xin Chen, Siqi Li, Xiaodong Jian, Yusra Hambal, Sheng-Guo Lu, Vladimir. V. Shvartsman, Doru C. Lupascu, and Q. M. Zhang
Maxwell Relation, Giant (Negative) Electrocaloric Effect, and Polarization Hysteresis
Appl. Phys. Lett. 118, 122904 (2021)

H. Haas, J. Röder, J. G. Correia ,J. Schell, A. S. Fenta, R. Vianden, E. M. H. Larsen, P. A. Aggelund, R. Fromsejer,
L. B. S. Hemmingsen, S. P. A. Sauer, D. C. Lupascu, V. S. Amaral

Free Molecule Studies by Perturbed γ-γ Angular Correlation: A New Path to Accurate Nuclear Quadrupole Moments
Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 103001 – Published 11 March 2021

Z. Othmen, A.R. Othmen, K. Daoudi, M. Boudard, A. Cavanna, A. Madouri, P. Gemeiner, D.C. Lupascu, M. Oueslati, B. Dkhil
Electronic interactions between graphene and cobaltite thin film La0.7Sr0.3CoO3 and its magnetic consequences
Surfaces and Interfaces 23, 100919 (2021)

H. P. Gunnlaugsson, H. Masenda, T. E. Mølholt, K. Bharuth-Ram, S. Ólafsson, K. Johnston, J. Schell, H. P. Gislason, P. B. Krastev, R. Mantovan, D. Naidoo, B. Qi, and I. Unzueta
Annealing studies combined with low temperature emission Mössbauer spectroscopy of short-lived parent isotopes: Determination of local Debye–Waller factors
Review of Scientific Instruments 92 (2021) 013901


G. Marschick, J. Schell, B. Stöger, J. N. Gonçalves, M. O. Karabasov, D. Zyabkin, A. Welker, M. Escobar C., D. Gaertner, I. Efe, R. A. Santos, J. E. M. Laulainen, and D. C. Lupascu
Multiferroic bismuth ferrite: Perturbed angular correlation studies on its ferroic α−β phase transition
Physical Review B 102 (2020) 224110

S. Stegemann, J. Ballof, T. E. Cocolios, J. G. Correia, K. Dockx,  O. Poleshchuk, J. P. Ramos, J. Schell, T. Stora, J. Vleugels
A porous hexagonal boron nitride powder compact for the production and release of radioactive 11C
Journal of the European Ceramic Society

V. I. E. Queloz, M. E. F. Bouduban, I. García-Benito, A. Fedorovskiy, S. Orlandi, M. Cavazzini, G. Pozzi, H. Trivedi, D. C. Lupascu, D. Beljonne, J.-E. Moser, M. K. Nazeeruddin, C. Quarti, G. Grancini
Spatial Charge Separation as the Origin of Anomalous Stark Effect in Fluorous Two-Dimensional Hybrid Perovskites
Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 2000228

A. Dubey, M. Escobar Castillo, J. Landers, S. Salamon, H. Wende, U. Hagemann, P. Gemeiner, B. Dkhil, V. V. Shvartsman, and D. C. Lupascu
Effect of Mn and Ba codoping on a magnetic spin cycloid of multiferroic Bismuth Ferrite nanoparticles
J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 22266-22277 (2020)

H. V. Shevliakova, A. N. Morozovska, N. V. Morozosky, G. S. Svechnikov, and V. V. Shvartsman
The influence of the distribution function of ferroelectric nanoparticles sizes on their electrocaloric and pyroelectric properties
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control 67, 2445-2453 (2020)

B. Qi, H. P. Gunnlaugsson, S. Ólafsson, H. P. Gislason, E. B. Thorsteinsson, U. B. Arnalds, R. Mantovan, I. Unzueta, D. V. Zyabkin, K. Bharuth Ram, K. Johnston, P. B. Krastev, T. E. Mølholt, H. Masenda, A. Tarazaga Martín-Luengo, D. Naidoo. J. Schell
Metal-insulator transition in crystalline V2O3 thin films probed at atomic-scale using emission Mössbauer spectroscopy
Thin Solid Films 714 (2020) 138389

Domenic Ganter, Steffen Franzka, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Doru C. Lupascu
The phenomenon of bitumen ‘bee' structures – bulk or surface layer – a closer look
International Journal of Pavement Engineering (2020)

Š. Svirskas, S. Balčiūnas, M. Šimėnas, G. Usevičius, M. Kinka, M. Velička, D. Kubicki, M. Escobar Castillo, A. Karabanov, V. V. Shvartsman, M. de Rosário Soares, V. Šablinskas, A. N. Salak, D. C. Lupascu, and J. Banys
Phase transitions, screening and dielectric response of CsPbBr3
J. Mater. Chem. A 8, 14015-14022 (2020)

J. P. Cardoso, D. Delmonte, E. Gilioli, E. L. Fertman, A. V. Fedorchenko, V. V. Shvartsman, V. Paukšta, R. Grigalaitis, J. Banys, D. D. Khalyavin, J. M. Vieira, and A. N. Salak
Phase transitions in the metastable perovskite multiferroics BiCrO3 and BiCr0.9Sc0.1O3
A comparative study, Inorg.
Chem. 59, 8727-8735 (2020)

A. Tarasov, V. V. Shvartsman, S. Shoja, D. Lewin, D. C. Lupascu, and H. Wiggers
Spray-ame synthesis of BaTi1-xZrxO3 nanoparticles for energy storage applications
Ceram. Intern. 46, 13915-13924 (2020)

E. L. Fertman, A. V. Fedorchenko, V. A. Desnenko, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, S. Salamon, H. Wende, A. I. Vaisburd, A. Stanulis, R. Ramanauskas, N. M. Olekhnovich, A. V. Pushkarev, Yu. V. Radyush, D. D. Khalyavin, and A. N. Salak
Exchange bias effect in bulk multiferroic BiFe0.5Sc0.5O3
AIP Adv. 10, 045102 (2020)

H. V. Shevliakova, A. N. Morozovska, N. V. Morozovsky, G. S. S. Svechnikov, and V. V. Shvartsman
Ferroelectric nanocomposites: Influence of nanoparticle size distribution on electrocaloric conversion parameters
2020 IEEE 40th International Conference on Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), Kyiv, Ukraine, 2020, pp. 105-108, DOI: 10.1109/ELNANO50318.2020.9108206

S. V. Dubkov, M. V. Silibin, S. V. Lebedev, R. I. Ryazanov, and V. V. Shvartsman
Development of a 3D printing technique for PVDF thin films for sensor elements of electronic devices
Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE Conference of Russian Young Researchers in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, EIConRus 2020, St. Petersburg Russian Federation; 27-30 January 2020, Article number 9039127, pp. 2587-2590. DOI: 10.1109/EIConRus49466.2020.9039127

Paul, Felix and Mielke, Tommy and Lupascu, Doru C.
Experimental setup to determine rheological properties of frazil ice
Rheologische Messungen an Baustoffen 2020, Page 75-84

D. V. Zyabkin, H. P. Gunnlaugsson, J. N. Gonçalves, K. Bharuth-Ram, B. C. Qi, I. Unzueta, D. Naidoo, R. Mantovan, H. Masenda, S. Ólafsson, G. Peters, J. Schell, U. Vetter, A. Dimitrova, S. Krischok, and P. Schaaf
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Electronic and Hyperfine Properties of Hydrogenated Anatase (TiO2):
Defects Interplay and Thermal Stability

The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124, 13, 7511-7522

J. Schell
Alternative Approaches to study Mining and Mineral Science at ISOLDE-CERN
Aspects in Mining & Mineral Science volume 4 issue 4 (2020) pages 519-522

P. B. Krastev, H. P. Gunnlaugsson, K. Nomura, K. Bharuth-Ram, B. Qi, H. Masenda,T. E. Mølholt, D. Naidoo,
S. Ólafsson, A. Tarazaga Martín-Luengo, I. Unzueta, K. Johnston, J. Schell, H. P. Gislason

Local increase of the Curie temperature in Mn/Fe implanted Y3Fe5O12 (YIG)
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 160 (2020) 109121

J. Schell, T. T. Dang, D. V. Zyabkin, R. Mansano, D. Gaertner, A. W. Carbonari
Investigation of the local environment of SnO2 in an applied magnetic field
Physica B: Condensed Matter 586 (2020) 412120

J. Schell, T. T. Dang, A. W. Carbonari
Incorporation of Cd-Doping in SnO2
Crystals 10 (2020) 35

G. Shanshan; M. Escobar Castillo; V. V. Shvartsman; M. Karabasov; D. C. Lupascu
Electrocaloric effect in P(VDF-TrFE)/ barium zirconium titanate composites
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2019

A. Dubey, M. E. Castillo, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, S. Salamon and H. Wende
Tuning the optical, structural and multiferroic properties of Bismuth Ferrite (BiFeO3) Nanoparticles
by Doping with Ba

2019 IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2019, pp. 1-4.

N. Bartek, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, U. Prah and H. Uršič
Influence of synthesis route on the properties of lead iron niobate
2019 IEEE International Symposium on Applications of Ferroelectrics (ISAF), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2019, pp. 1-4.

I. O. Pariy, A. A. Ivanova, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, G. B. Sukhorukov, M. A. Surmeneva, and R. A. Surmenev
Poling and annealing of piezoelectric Poly(Vinylidene fluoride) micropillar arrays

aterials Chemistry and Physics 239, 122035 (2020)

Naveed-Ul-Haq, M., Shvartsman, V.V., Trivedi, H., Salamon, S., Webers, S., Wende, H., Hagemann,
U., Schröder, J., Lupascu, D.C.

Corrigendum to "Strong converse magnetoelectric effect in (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O3-NiFe2O4 multiferroics:
A relationship between phase-connectivity and interface coupling"

(2020) Acta Materialia, 187, pp. 91-92

Staub, Florian; Anusca, Irina; Lupascu, Doru; Rau, Uwe; Kirchartz, Thomas
Effect of reabsorption and photon recycling on photoluminescence spectra and transients in lead-halide perovskite crystals
Materials, J. Phys. Mater.3, 025003 (2020)

Simon Siebeneicher, Friedrich Waag, Marianela Escobar Castillo, Vladimir V. Shvartsman,
Doru C. Lupascu and Bilal Gökce

Laser Fragmentation Synthesis of Colloidal Bismuth Ferrite Particles, Nanomaterials (MDPI)
Nanomaterials 2020, 10, 359

A. Schmitz, L. Leander Schaberg, S. Sirotinskaya, M. Pantaler, D. C. Lupascu, N. Benson, G. Bacher
Fine Structure of the Optical Absorption Resonance in Cs2AgBiBr6 Double Perovskite Thin Films

ACS Energy Lett. 2020, 5, 2, 559-565


Abolghasem Nourmohammadi, Doru C. Lupascu
The Room-Temperature Sodium-Free Organosol Precipitation of Barium Titanate Nanocrystals
Advanced Ceramics Progress, Volume 5, Issue 2 Spring 2019 Pages 12-18

D. A. Filippov, V. M. Laletin, N. N. Poddubnaya, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, J. Zhang, and G. Srinivasan
Magnetoelectricity: Using Magnetoelectric Response to Determine the Magnetostriction Characteristics of Composite Multiferroics
Technical Physics Letters, 2019, Vol. 45, No. 11, pp. 1152–1154

Juliana Schell, Stanislav Kamba, Martin Kachlik, Karel Maca, Jan Drahokoupil, B. Rahman Rano, João Nuno Gonçalves, Thien Thanh Dang, Angelo Costa, Cornelia Noll, Reiner Vianden, and Doru C. Lupascu
Thermal annealing effects in polycrystalline EuTiO3 and Eu2Ti2O7
AIP Advances, Volume 9, Issue 12 (2019)

J. Schell and G. Marschick
TDPAC Studies of Local Defects and Phenomena in Ferroics and Multiferroics
Crystals 9(12) (2019) 611

D. A. Filippov, V. M. Laletin, N. N. Poddubnaya, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, J. Zhang, and G. Srinivasan
Magnetostriction via magnetoelectricity: Using magnetoelectric response to determine

Tech. Phys. Lett. 45, 36-38 (2019)

Sirotinskaya, S.a, Fettkenhauer, C.b, Okada, D.c, Yamamoto, Y.c, Lupascu, D.C.b, Schmechel, R.a, Benson, N.
Spatially resolved investigation of the defect states in methylammonium lead iodide perovskite bicrystals
Journal of Materials Chemistry C Volume 7, Issue 42, 2019, Pages 13156-13160

A. N. Morozovska, E. A. Eliseev, M. D. Glinchuk, H. V. Shevliakova, G. S. Svechnikov, M. V. Silibin, A. V. Sysa, A. D. Yaremkevich, N. V. Morozovsky, and V. V. Shvartsman
Analytical description of the size effect on pyroelectric and electrocaloric properties of ferroelectric nanoparticles
Phys. Rev. Mater. 3, 104414 (2019)

D. V. Karpinsky, O. M. Fesenko, M. V. Silibin, S. V. Dubkov, M. Chaika, A. Yaremkevich, A. Lukowiak, Y. Gerasymchuk, W. Stręk, A. Pakalniškis, R. Skaudzius, A. Kareiva, Y. M. Fomichov, V. V. Shvartsman, S. V. Kalinin, N. V. Morozovsky, and A. N. Morozovska
Ferromagnetic-like behavior of Bi0.9La0.1FeO3–KBr nanocomposites
Sci. Rep. 9, 10417 (2019)

I. O. Pariy, A. A. Ivanova, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, G. B. Sukhorukov, T. Ludwig, A. Bartasyte, S. Mathur, M. A. Surmeneva, and R. A. Surmenev
Piezoelectric response in hybrid micropillar arrays of poly(vinylidene fluoride) and reduced graphene oxide
Polymers 11, 1065 (2019)

J. Belovickis, L. Werne, M. Silibin, V. Samulionis, D. Lellinger, H. Oehler, J. Banys, A. Sysa, K. Nekludov, V. V. Shvartsman, and I. Alig
Influence of annealing conditions on elastic and dielectric properties of P(VDF-TrFE) copolymer and its composites
Polym. Compos. 40, 1609-1618 (2019)

Martina Pantaler, Selina Olthof, Klaus Meerholz and Doru C. Lupascu
Bismuth-Antimony mixed double perovskites Cs2AgBi1-xSbxBr6 in solar cells
Published online by Cambridge University Press: 04 November 2019

Po-Kai Kung, Ming-Hsien Li, Pei-Ying Lin, Jia-Yun Jhang, Martina Pantaler, Prof. Doru C. Lupascu,
Giulia Grancini, Prof. Peter Chen

Lead‐Free Double Perovskites for Perovskite Solar Cells
19 October 2019, RRL Solar, doi: 10.1002

J. Schell, D. V. Zyabkin, D. C. Lupascu, H. Hofsäss, M. O. Karabasov, A. Welker, and P. Schaaf
A hyperfine look at titanium dioxide
12 August 2019, in AIP Advances (Vol.9, Issue 8)

Titanium dioxide investigated with time-differential perturbed angular correlation at CERN
12 August 2019, Scilight

D. V. Zyabkin, J. Schell, D. Gaertner,  T. T. Dang,  J. N. Gonçalves, G. Marschick, and  P. Schaaf
Hyperfine interactions and diffusion of Cd in TiO2 (rutile)
Journal of Applied Physics 126 (2019) 015102

Ganter, D., Mielke, T., Maier, M., Lupascu, D.C.
Bitumen rheology and the impact of rejuvenators
2019 Construction and Building Materials 222, pp. 414-423

R. K. Balogh, B. Gyurcsik, É. Hunyadi-Gulyás, J. Schell, P. W. Thulstrup, L. Hemmingsen, A. Jancso
C‐terminal cysteines of CueR act as auxiliary metal site ligands upon HgII binding ‐ a mechanism to prevent transcriptional activation by divalent metal ions?
Chemistry - A European Journal 25 (2019) 15030, First published: 31 July 2019

Schell, J., Hofsäss, H., Lupascu, D.C.
Using radioactive beams to unravel local phenomena in ferroic and multiferroic materials
2019 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms

T. Mielke; D. C. Lupascu
Einfluss der Gesteinskörnung auf das Temperaturverhalten von Asphalt
(Influence of the aggregate on the temperature behaviour of asphalt)
Straße und Autobahn, Jahrgang 70, Heft 4, S. 728-732 (2019)

B. Bosch-Santos, N. M. Nascimento, M. Saiki, E. L. Correa, T. S. N. Sales, L. F. D. Pereira, G. A.Cabrera-Pasca, R. N. Saxena, J. Schell, and A. W. Carbonari
Magnetic field at Ce impurities in La sites of La0.5Ba0.5MnO3 double perovskites
AIP Advances 9 (2019) 035245

I. Tomandl, J. Vacík, U. Köster, L. Viererbl, E. A. Maugeri, S. Heinitz, D. Schumann, M. Ayranov, J. Ballof, R. Catherall, K. Chrysalidis, T. Day Goodacre, D. Fedorov, V. Fedosseev, K. Johnston, B. Marsh, S. Rothe, J. Schell, and Ch. Seiffert
Measurement of the 7Be(n,p) cross section at thermal energy
Phys. Rev. C 99, 014612 – Published 14 January 2019

B. Qi, H. P. Gunnlaugsson, A. Mokhles Gerami, H. P. Gislason, S. Ólafsson, F. Magnus, T. E. Mølholt, H. Masenda,A. Tarazaga Martín-Lueugo, A. Bonanni, P. B. Krastev, V. Masondo, I. Unzueta, K. Bharuth-Ram, K. Johnston, D. Naidoo, J. Schell, P. Schaaf
57Fe Mössbauer study of epitaxial TiN thin film grown on MgO (1 0 0) by magnetron sputtering
Applied Surface Science, 464 (2019) 682-691

Labusch, M., Schröder, J., Lupascu, D.C.
3D magnetostrictive Preisach model for the analysis of magneto-electric composites
2019 Archive of Applied Mechanics 89(6), pp. 1011-1030

Labusch, M., Schröder, J., Lupascu, D.C.
A two-scale homogenization analysis of porous magneto-electric two-phase composites
2019 Archive of Applied Mechanics 89(6), pp. 1123-1140

V. Stanchik, V. F. Gremenok, R. Juskenas, I. I. Tyukhov, M. S. Tivanov, Ch. Fettkenhauer, V. V. Shvartsman, R. Giraitis, U. Hagemann, and D. C. Lupascu
Effects of selenization time and temperature on the growth of Cu2ZnSnSe4 thin films on a metal substrate for flexible solar cells
Solar Energy 178, 142-149 (2019).

Khazaee, M., Sardashti, K., Chung, C.-C., (...), Lupascu, D.C., Mitzi, D.B.
Dual-source evaporation of silver bismuth iodide films for planar junction solar cells
2019 Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7(5), pp. 2095-2105


Marianela Escobar Castillo1, Tarek A. Gad-Allah2, Mohamed E. M. Ali2, Ahmed Hassan Salem2, Ahmed S.G. Khalil3, M. Grazia Francesconi4, Doru C. Lupascu1
Effect of Inorganic Ions on Pyrite Catalyzed Fenton Reaction
Paper No. ICEPR 145, DOI: 10.11159/icepr18.145

M. Naveed-Ul-Haq, S. Webers, H. Trivedi, S. Salamon, H. Wende, M. Usman, A. Mumtaz, V. V. Shvartsman, and D. C. Lupascu
Effect of substrate orientation on local magnetoelectric coupling in bi-layered multiferroic thin films
Nanoscale 10, 20618-20627 (2018).

L. Damone,  J. Schell, et al.
7Be(n,p)7Li Reaction and the Cosmological Lithium Problem: Measurement of the Cross Section in a Wide Energy Range at n_TOF at CERN
Physical Review Letters 121 (2018) 042701

E. A. Eliseev, V. V. Khist, Y. M. Fomichov, M. V. Silibin, G. S. Svechnikov, A. L. Kholkin, D. V. Karpinsky, V. V. Shvartsman, and A. N. Morozovska
Fixed volume effect on polar properties and phase diagrams of ferroelectric semi-ellipsoidal nanoparticles, Eur. Phys. J. B 91, 150 (2018).

E.A. Maugeri, S. Heinitz, R. Dressler, M. Barbagallo, J. Ulrich, D. Schumann, N. Colonna, U. Köster, M. Ayranov, P. Vontobel, M. Mastromarco, J. Schell, J.M.Correia, T. Stora,

Preparation and characterization of three 7Be targets for the measurement of the 7Be(n, p)7Li and 7Be(n, alfa)7Li reaction cross sections
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A (2018)

T. T. Dang, J. Schell, D. C. Lupascu, and R. Vianden

Dynamic quadrupole interactions in semiconductors
Journal of Applied Physics 123 (2018) 165109

H. Trivedi, V. V. Shvartsman, M. S. A. Medeiros, R. C. Pullar, and D. C. Lupascu
Sequential piezoresponse force microscopy and the “small-data” problem
npj Computational Materials 4, 28 (2018).

T. Mielke, and D. C. Lupascu
Vorteilhaftes Temperaturverhalten von Asphalt durch den Einsatz von Stahlwerksschlacken
Schlacken-Symposium 2018, Ressourcenschonung durch Nutzung von Sekundärrohstoffen:
Wann wird politische Forderung zur Realität?, 169-174 (2018)

Maryam Khazaee, Kasra Sardashti, Jon-Paul Sun, Hanhan Zhou, Charlotte Clegg, Ian G. Hill, Jacob L. Jones, Doru C. Lupascu, and David B. Mitzi
A Versatile Thin-Film Deposition Method for Multidimensional Semiconducting Bismuth Halides
Chem. Mater., 2018, 30 (10), pp 3538–3544

K. Voges, C. Hübner, M. Vadalá, and D. C. Lupascu
Ice-Templated Poly(vinyl alcohol): Enhanced Strength and Low Thermal Conductivity
Macromol. Mater. Eng., 1800198 (2018)

M. Pantaler, K. T. Cho, V. Queloz, I. G. Benito, C. Fettkenhauer, I. Anusca, M. K. Nazeeruddin, D. C. Lupascu, and G. Grancini
Hysteresis-Free Lead-Free Double Perovskite Solar Cells by Interface Engineering
ASC Energy Letters 3, 1781-1786 (2018)

A. Grünebohm, Y.-B. Ma, M. Marathe, B.-X. Xu, K. Albe, C. Kalcher, K.-C. Meyer, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, and C. Ederer
On the origins of the inverse electrocaloric effect
Energy Technol. (2018)

S. Svirskas, V. V. Shvartsman, M. Dunce, R. Ignatans, E. Birks, T. Ostapchuk, S. Kamba, D. C. Lupascu, and J. Banys
Two-phase dielectric polar structure in 0.1NBT-0.6ST-0.3PT solid solutions
Acta Mater. 153, 117-125 (2018)

V. V. Shvartsman, D. A. Kiselev, A. V. Solnyshkin, D. C. Lupascu, and M. V. Silibin
Evolution of poled state in P(VDF-TrFE)/(Pb,Ba)(Zr,Ti)O3 composites probed by temperature dependent Piezoresponse and Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy
Sci. Rep. 8, 378 (2018)

J. Belovickis, M. Ivanov, S. Svirskas, V. Samulionis, J. Banys, A. V. Solnyshkin, S. A. Gavrilov, K. N. Nekludov, V. V. Shvartsman, and M. V. Silibin
Dielectric, Ferroelectric, and Piezoelectric Investigation of Polymer-Based P(VDF-TrFE) Composites
Phys. Stat. Solidi B 255, 1700196 (2018)

H. Trivedi, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, M. S. A. Medeiros, and R. C. Pullar
Stress induced magnetic-domain evolution in magnetoelectric composites
Nanotechnology 29, 255702 (2018)

A. N. Morozovska, E. A. Eliseev, M. D. Glinchuk, O. M. Fesenko, V. V. Shvartsman, V. Gopalan, M. V. Silibin, and D. V. Karpinsky
Rotomagnetic coupling in fine-grained multiferroic BiFeO3: Theory and experiment
Phys. Rev. B. 97, 134115 (2018)

M. Sanlialp, V. V. Shvartsman, R. Faye, M. O. Karabasov, C. Molin, S. Gebhardt, E. Defay, and D. C. Lupascu
Quasi-adiabatic calorimeter for direct electrocaloric measurements
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 89, 034903 (2018)

M. Pantaler, C. Fettkenhauer, H. L. Nguyen, I. Anusca, and D. C. Lupascu
Deposition routes of Cs2AgBiBr6 double perovskites for photovoltaic applications
MRS Advances Volume 3, Issue 32, pp. 1819-1823 (2018)

C. Hübner, C. Fettkenhauer, K. Voges, and D. C. Lupascu
Agglomeration-Free Preparation of Modified Silica Nanoparticles for Emulsion Polymerization - A Well Scalable Process
Langmuir 34(1), 376-383 (2018)

J. Schröder, and D. C. Lupascu (Eds.)
Ferroic Functional Materials - Experiment, Modeling and Simulation
Springer, Vol. 581 of CISM (International Centre for Mechanical Sciences); Cham, Switzerland (2018)

S. Q. Jan, M. Usman, M. Naveed-Ul-Haq, and A. Mumtaz
A study of relaxation effects in (1-x)BaZr0.2Ti0.8O3-xBa0.7Ca0.3TiO3 (x = 0.3, 0.35, 0.4) ferroelectric ceramics
J. Alloys Compd. 735, 1893-1900 (2018)



T. Mielke, and D. C. Lupascu
Einfluss von Stahlwerksschlacken auf das Temperaturverhalten von Asphalt
Beitrag zur Gesteinstagung 2017 der Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen- und Verkehrswesen (FGSV)
22./23. November 2017, Aschaffenburg

J. Schell, P. Schaaf, and D. C. Lupascu
Perturbed Angular Correlations at ISOLDE: a 40 years young technique
AIP Advances 7, 105017 (2017)

J. Schell, P. Schaaf, U. Vetter, and D. C. Lupascu
TDPAC study of Fe-implanted titanium dioxide thin films
AIP Advances 7, 095010 (2017)

K. Johnston, J. Schell, J. Correia, M. Deicher, H. Gunnlaugsson, D. C. Lupascu, A. Fenta, E. Bosne, and A. Costa
The solid state physics programm at ISOLDE: recent developments and perspectives
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 44(10), 104001 (2017)

M. Naveed-Ul-haq, V. V. Shvartsman, H. Trivedi, S. Salamon, S. Webers, H. Wende, U. Hagemann, J. Schröder, and D. C. Lupascu
Strong converse magnetoelectric effect in (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O3 - NiFe2O4 multiferroics: A relationship between phase-connectivity and interface coupling
Acta Mater. 144, 305-313 (2017)

M. Sanlialp, Z. Luo, V. V. Shvartsman, X. Wei, Y. Liu, B. Dkhil, and D. C. Lupascu
Direct measurement of electrocaloric effect in lead-free Ba(SnxTi1-x)O3 ceramics
Appl. Phys. Lett. 111, 173903 (2017)

V. V. Shvartsman, D. Gobeljic, J. Dec, and D. C. Lupascu
A piezoresponse force microscopy study of CaxBa1-xNb2O6 single crystals
Materials 10, 1032 (2017)

M. Naveed-Ul-haq, V. V. Shvartsman, G. Constantinescu, H. Trivedi, S. Soma, J. Landers, H. Wende, and D. C. Lupascu
Effect of Al3+ modification on cobalt ferrite and its impact on the magnetoelectric effect in BCZT-CFO multiferroic composites
J. Mater. Sci. 52(23), 13402-13413 (2017)

M. Marathe, D. Renggli, M. Sanlialp, M. O. Karabasov, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, A. Grünebohm, and C. Ederer
Electrocaloric effect in BaTiO3 at all three ferroelectric transitions: Anisotropy and inverse caloric effects
Phys. Rev. B. 96, 014102 (2017)

I. Anusca, S. Balciunas, P. Gemeiner, S. Svirskas, M. Sanlialp, G. Lackner, C. Fettkenhauer, J. Belovickis, V. Samulionis, M. Ivanov, B. Dkhil, J. Banys, V. V. Shvartsman, and D. C. Lupascu
Dielectric Respones: Answer to Many Questions in the Methylammonium Lead Halide Solar Cell Absorbers
Adv. Energy Mater. 1700600 (2017)

A. V. Fedorchenko, E. L. Fertman, V. A. Desnenko, O. V. Kotlyar, E. Cizmar, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, S. Salamon, H. Wende, A. N. Salak, D. D. Khalyavin, N. M. Olekhnovich, A. V. Pushkarev, Y. V. Radyush, and A. Feher
Magnetic Properties of the Bi0.65La0.35Fe0.5Sc0.5O3 Perovskite
Acta Physica Polonica A 131(4), 1069-1071 (2017)

J. Schell, D. C. Lupascu, A. W. Carbonari, R. D. Mansano, R. S. Freitas, J. N. Goncalves, T. T. Dang, ISOLDE collaboration, and R. Vianden
Cd- and In-doping in thin fim SnO2
J. Appl. Phys. 121, 195303 (2017)

A. C. Nganou, G. Lackner, B. Teschome, M. J. Deen, N. Adir, D. Pouhe, D. C. Lupascu, and M. Mkandawire
Cyanobacterial energy transfer kinetics in photosynthesis as an inspiration for improving organic solar cells
Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9(22), 19030-19039 (2017)

J. Schell, D. C. Lupascu, A. W. Carbonari, R. D. Mansano, T. T. Dang, and R. Vianden
Implantation of cobalt in SnO2 thin films studied by TDPAC
AIP Advances. 7, 055304 (2017)

J. Schell, D. C. Lupascu, A. W. Carbonari, R. D. Mansano, I. S. Ribeiro, T. T. Dang, I. Anusca, H. Trivedi, K. Johnson, and R. Vianden
Ion implantation in titanium dioxide thin films studied by perturbed angular correlations
J. Appl. Phys. 121, 145302 (2017)

A. Jancsó, J. G. Correia, A. Gottberg, J. Schell, M. Stachura, D. Szunyogh, S. Pallada, D. C. Lupascu, M. Kowalska, and L. Hemmingsen
TDPAC and beta-NMR applications in chemistry and biochemistry
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 44, 064003 (2017)

C. Molin, J. Peräntie, F. Le Goupil, F. Weyland, M. Sanlialp, N. Stingelin, N. Novak, D. C. Lupascu, and S. Gebhardt
Comparison of direct electrocaloric characterization methods exemplified by 0.92 Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.08 PbTiO3 multilayer ceramics
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 100, 2885-2892 (2017)

V.Y. Shur, V. A. Shikhova, D. O. Alikin, V. A. Lebedev, L. I. Ivleva, J. Dec, D. C. Lupascu, and V. V. Shvartsman
Temperature Effect on the Stability of the Polarized State Created by Local Electric Fields in Strontium Barium Niobate Single Crystals
Sci. Rep. 7, 125 (2017)

K. C. Amit, P. Borisov, V. V. Shvartsman, and D. Lederman
Weak ferromagnetism and short range polar order in NaMnF3 thin films
Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 092901 (2017)

Y.-B. Ma, C. Molin, V. V. Shvartsman, S. Gebhardt, D. C. Lupascu, K. Albe, and B.-X. Xu
State transition and electrocaloric effect in BaZrxTi1-xO3: Simulation and experiment
J. Appl. Phys. 121(2), 024103 (2017)

J. Schell, D. C. Lupascu, J. G. M. Correia, A. W. Carbonari, M. Deicher, M. B. Barbosa, R. D. Mansano, K. Johnston, I. S. Ribeiro, and the ISOLDE collaboration
In and Cd as defect traps in titanium dioxide
Hyperfine Interact. 238(2), (2017)



D. Demond, T. Merkel, T. Mielke, and D. C. Lupascu
Innovatives Asphaltmischgut mit Stahlwerksschlacke
Report des FEhS-Instituts 23(2), 2-6 (2016)

A. Belianinov, D. Gobeljic, V. V. Shvartsman, E. Endeve, E. J. Lingerfelt, R. Archibald, S. Kalinin, and S. Jesse
High Performance Computing Tools for Cross Correlation of Multi-Dimensional Data Sets Across Instrument Platforms
Microscopy and Microanalysis 22(3), 288-289 (2016)

M. Sanlialp, V. V. Shvartsman, M. Acosta, and D. C. Lupascu
Electrocaloric Effect in Ba(Zr,Ti)O3-(Ba,Ca)TiO3 Ceramics Measured Directly
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 99(12), 4022-4030 (2016)

M. Sanlialp, C. Molin, V. V. Shvartsman, S. Gebhardt, and D. C. Lupascu
Modified Differential Scanning Calorimeter for Direct Electrocaloric Measurements
IEEE T Ultrason Ferr. 63(10), 1690-1696 (2016)

M. Etier, V. V. Shvartsman, S. Salamon, Y. Gao, H. Wende, and D. C. Lupascu
The direct and the converse magnetoelectric effect in multiferroic cobalt ferrite-barium titanate ceramic composites
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 99(11), 3623-3631 (2016)

D. A. Kiselev, R. N. Zhukov, S. V. Ksenich, I. V. Kubasov, A. A. Temirov, N. G. Timushkin, A. S. Bykov, M. D. Malinkovich, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, and Y. N. Parkhomenko
The effect of silicon-substrate orientation on the local piezoelectric characteristics of LiNbO3 films
J. Surf. Investig-X-Ra. 10, 742-747 (2016)

M. Melo, E. B. Araujo, V. V. Shvartsman, V. Y. Shur, and A. L. Kholkin
Thickness effect on the structure, grain size, and local piezoresponse of self-polarized lead lanthanum zirconate titanate thin films
J. Appl. Phys. 120(5), 054101 (2016)

M. Naveed-Ul-Haq, V. V. Shvartsman, S. Salamon, H. Wende, H. Trivedi, A. Mumtaz and D. C. Lupascu
A new (Ba,Ca) (Ti,Zr)O3 based multiferroic composite with large magnetoelectric effect
Scientific Reports 6, 32164 (2016)

G. Lackner, I. Anusca, M. Sanlialp, M. Escobar, S. Iffländer, and D. C. Lupascu
Thin films for photovoltaic application
Ferroelectrics 496, 187-195 (2016)

M. Khazaee, W. Xia, G. Lackner, R. G. Mendes, M. Rümmeli, M. Muhler, and D. C. Lupascu
Dispersibility of vapor phase oxygen and nitrogen functionalized multi-walled carbon nanotubes in various organic solvents
Scientific Reports 6, 26208 (2016)

J. Belovickis, V. Samulionis, J. Banys, M. Sibilin, A. Solnyshkin, Y. Shilyaeva, K. Nekludov, S. Gavrilov, V. Rubanik, and V. V. Shvartsman
Ultrasonic spectroscopy of copolymer based P(VDF-TrFE) composites with fillers on lead zirconate titanate basis
Polymer Testing 53, 211-216 (2016)

M. Labusch, M.-A. Keip, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, and J. Schröder
On the Influence of Ferroelectric Polarization States on the Magneto-electric Coupling in Two-phase Composites
Technische Mechanik 36, 73-87 (2016)

D. Gobeljic, V. V. Shvartsman, A. Belianinov, B. Okatan, S. Jesse, S. V. Kalinin, C. Groh, J. Rödel, and D. C. Lupascu
Nanoscale mapping of heterogeneity of the polarization reversal in lead-free relaxor-ferroelectric ceramic composites
Nanoscale 8, 2168-2175 (2016)

L. F. Henrichs, O. Cespedes, J. Bennett, J. Landers, S. Salomon, C. Heuser, T. Hansen, T. Helbig, O.Gutfleisch, D. C. Lupascu, H. Wende, W. Kleemann and A. J. Bell
Multiferroic Clusters: A New Perspective for Relaxor-Type Room-Temperature Multiferroics
Adv. Funct. Mater. , 2111-2121 (2016)



H.-Y. Amanieu, H. N. M. Thai, S. Y. Luchkin, D. Rosato, D. C. Lupascu, M.-A. Keip, J. Schröder, and A. L. Kholkin
Electrochemical Strain Microscopy Time Spectroscopy: model and experiment on LiMn2O4
J. Appl. Phys. 118, 055101 (2015)

E.L. Fertman, A. V. Fedorchenko, A. V. Kotlyar, V. A. Desnenko, E. Čižmár, A. Baran, D. D. Khalyavin, A. N. Salak, V. V. Shvartsman, and A. Fehler
Exchange bias phenomenon in (Nd1-xYx)2/3Ca1/3MnO3 (x = 0, 0.1) perovskites
Low. Temp. Phys. 41, 1001-1005 (2015)

M. V. Sibilin, J. Belovickis, S. Svirskas, M. Ivanov, J. Banys, A. V. Solnyshkin, S. A. Gavrilov, O. V. Varenyk, A. S. Pusenkova, N. Morozovsky, V. V. Shvartsman, and A. N. Morozovska
Polarization reversal in organic-inorganic ferroelectric composites: Modeling and experiment
Appl. Phys Lett. 107, 142907 (2015)

A.V. Solnyshkin, I. M. Morsakov, A. A. Bogomolov, A. N. Belov, M. I. Vorobiev, V. I. Shevyakov, M. V. Silibin, and V. V. Shvartsman
Dynamic pyroelectric response of composite based on ferroelectric copolymer of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) and ferroelectric ceramics of barium lead zirconate titanate
Appl. Phys. A 121, 311-316 (2015)

M. Sanlialp, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, C. Molin, and S. Gebhardt
Direct electrocaloric measurements using a differential scanning calorimeter
IEEE International Symposium on ISAF, ISIF and PFM, 159-162, Singapore (2015)

D. C. Lupascu, H. Wende, M. Etier, A. Nazrabi, I. Anusca, H. Trivedi, V. V. Shvartsman, J. Landers, S. Salamon, and C. Schmitz-Antoniak
Measuring the magnetoelectric effect across scales
GAMM-Mitt. 38, 25-74 (2015)

S. Gorfman, H. Choe, V. V. Shvartsman, M. Ziolkowski, M. Vogt, J. Strempfer, T. Lukasiewicz, U. Pietsch and J. Dec
Time-resolved X-ray diffraction reveals the hidden mechanism of high piezoelectric activity in a uniaxial ferroelectric
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 097601 (2015)

D. O. Alikin, A. P. Turygin, J. Walker, T. Rojac, V. V. Shvartsman, V. Y. Shur, and A. L. Kholkin
Quantitative phase separation in multiferroic Bi0.88Sn0.12FeO3 ceramics via piezoresponse force microscopy
J. Appl. Phys. 118, 072004 (2015)

M. D. Simmons, N. Jones, D. J. Evans, C. Wiles, P. Watts, S. Salamon, M. Escobar Castillo, H. Wende, D. C. Lupascu, and M. G. Francesconi
Doping of Inorganic Materials in Microreactors - Preparation of Zn doped Fe3O4 Nanoparticles
Lab on a Chip 15, 3154-3162 (2015)

M. Naveed Ul-Haq, T. Yunus, A. Mumtaz, V. V. Shvartsman, and D. C. Lupascu
Magnetodielectric effect in relaxor/ferrimagnetic composites
J. Alloy Compd. 640, 462-467 (2015)

H. Trivedi, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, M. S. A. Medeiros, R. C. Pullar, A. L. Kholkin, P. Zelenovskiy, A. Sosnovskikh, and V. Y. Shur
Local manifestations of a static magnetoelectric effect in nanostructured BaTiO3-BaFe12O9 composite multiferroics
Nanoscale 7, 4489-4496 (2015)

M. Etier, C. Schmitz-Antoniak, S. Salamon, H. Trivedi, Y. Gao, A. Nazrabi, J. Landers, D. Gautam, M. Winterer, D. Schmitz, H. Wende, V. V. Shvartsman, and D. C. Lupascu
Magnetoelectric coupling on multiferroic cobalt ferrite-barium titanate ceramic composites with different connectivity schemes
Acta Materialia 90, 1-9 (2015)

H.-Y. Amanieu, M. Aramfard, D. Rosato, L. Batista, U. Rabe, and D. C. Lupascu
Mechanical protperties of commercial LixMn2O4 cathode under different states of charge
Acta Materialia 89, 153-162 (2015)

C. Molin, M. Sanlialp, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, P. Neumeister, A. Schönecker, and S. Gebhardt
Effect of dopants on the electrocaloric effect of 0.92 Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.08 PbTiO3 ceramics
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 35(7), 2065-2071 (2015)

M. Sanlialp, V. V. Shvartsman, M. Acosta, B. Dkhil, and D. C. Lupascu
Strong electrocaloric effect in lead-free 0.65Ba(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3-0.35(Ba0.7Ca0.3)TiO3 ceramics obtained by direct measurements
Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 062901 (2015)



D. Gobeljic, R. Dittmer, J. Rödel, V. V. Shvartsman, and D. C. Lupascu
Macroscopic and Nanoscopic Polarization Relaxation Kinetics in Lead-Free Relaxors Bi1/2Na1/2TiO3–Bi1/2K1/2TiO3–BiZn1/2Ti1/2O3
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 97(12), 3904-3912 (2014)

J. Landers, S. Salamon, M. Escobar Castillo, D. C. Lupascu, and H. Wende
Mössbauer Study of Temperature-Dependent Cycloidal Ordering in BiFeO3 Nanoparticles
Nano Letters 14(11), 6061-6065 (2014)

J. Pozingis, J. Macutkevic, R. Grigalaitis, J. Banys, and D. C. Lupascu
Dielectric Properties of 0.9AgO0.9Li0.1NbO3 - 0.1BiO0.5K0.5TiO3 Ceramics
Ferroelectrics 463, 99-104 (2014)

K. Voges, M. Vadala, and D. C. Lupascu
Dense nanopowder composites for thermal insulation
Phys. Status Solidi A 212(2), 439-442 (2014)

J. Pozingis, J. Macutkevic, R. Grigalaitis, J. Banys, and D. C. Lupascu
Structure and dielectric properties of (1-x)AgO0.9Li0.1NbO3 - (x)Bi0.5K0.5TiO3 ferroelectric ceramics
Ceramics International 40, 9961-9969 (2014)

Y. Liu, I. C. Infante, X. Lou, D. C. Lupascu, and B. Dkhil
Giant mechanically-mediated electrocaloric effect in ultrathin ferroelectric capacitors at room temperature
Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 012907 (2014)

D. Gobeljic, V. V. Shvartsman, K. Wang, F. Yao, J.-F. Li, W. Jo, J. Rödel, and D. C. Lupascu
Temperature dependence of the local piezoresponse in (K,Na)NbO3-based ceramics with large electromechanical strain
J. Appl. Phys. 116, 066811 (2014)

Y. Gao, V. V. Shvartsman, D. Gautam, M. Winterer, and D. C. Lupascu
Nanocrystalline barium strontium titanate ceramics synthesized via the "organosol" route and Spark Plasma Sintering
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 97, 2139-2146 (2014)

R. Dittmer, D. Gobeljic, W. Jo, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, J. L. Jones, and J. Rödel
Ergodicity reflected in macroscopic and microscopic field-dependent behavior of BNT-based relaxors
J. Appl. Phys. 115 (8), 084111 (2014)

M. Labusch, M. Etier, D. C. Lupascu, J. Schröder, and M.-A. Keip
Product properties of a two-phase magneto-electric composite: Synthesis and numerical modelling
Comput. Mech. 54, 71-83 (2014)

H.-Y. Amanieu, D. Rosato, M. Sebastiani, F. Massimi, and D. C. Lupascu
Mechanical property measurements of heterogeneous materials by selective nanoindentation: Application to LiMn2O4 cathode
Materials Science & Engineering 593, 92-102 (2014)



D. A. Kiselev, S. V. Ksenich, R. N. Zhukov, A. S. Bykov, M. D. Malinkovich, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, and Y. N. Parkhomenko
Piezoelectric characteristics of LiNbO3 thin-film heterostructures via piezoresponse force microscopy
J. Nano-Electron. Phys. 5, 04041 (2013)

M. V. Silibin, A. V. Solnyshkin, D. A. Kiselev, A. N. Morozovska, E. A. Eliseev, S. A. Gavrilov, M. D. Malinkovich, D. C. Lupascu, and V. V. Shvartsman
Local ferroelectric properties in polyvinylidene fluoride/barium lead zirconate titanate nanocomposite: Interface effect
J. Appl. Phys. 114, 144102 (2013)

M. Etier, V. V. Shvartsman, Y. Gao, J. Landers, H. Wende, and D. C. Lupascu
Magnetoelectric effect in (0–3) CoFe2O4-BaTiO3(20/80) composite ceramics prepared by the organosol route
Ferroelectrics 448, 77-85 (2013)

M. Escobar Castillo, V. V. Shvartsman, D. Gobeljic, Y. Gao, J. Landers, H. Wende, and D. C. Lupascu
Effect of particle size on ferroelectric and magnetic properties of BiFeO3 nanopowders
Nanotechnology 24, 355701 (2013)

Y. Gao, A. Elsukova, D.C. Lupascu
Preparation of SiO2 Encapsulated BaTiO3 Nanoparticles with Tunable Shell Thickness by Reverse Microemulsion
Particle and Particle Systems Characterization 30 (10), 832–836 (2013)

K. Wang, F.-Z. Yao, W. Jo, D. Gobeljic, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, J.-F. Li, and J. Rödel
Temperature-insensitive (K,Na)NbO3-based lead-free piezoactuator ceramics
Adv. Funct. Mater. 23, 4079-4086 (2013)

V. V. Shvartsman, B. Dkhil, and A. L. Kholkin
Mesoscale domains and nature of the relaxor state by piezoresponse force microscopy
Annu. Rev. Mater. Res. 43, 423-449 (2013)

V. V. Shvartsman, A. L. Kholkin, I. P. Raevski, S. I. Raevskaya, F. I. Savenko, and A. S. Emelyanov
Macroscopic and local piezoelectric properties of Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 single crystals exhibiting giant piezoelectric response
J. Appl. Phys. 113, 87208 (2013)

A. Tkach, P. M. Vilarinho, W. Kleemann, V. V. Shvartsman, P. Borisov, and S. Bedanta
Comment on "The Origin of Magnetism in Mn-Doped SrTiO3"
Adv. Funct. Mater. 23, 2229-2230 (2013)

D. A. Kiselev, M. D. Malinkovich, Y. N. Parkhomenko, A. V. Solnyshkin, A. A. Bogomolov, M. V. Silibin, S. A. Gavrilov, V. V. Shvartsman, and D. C. Lupascu
The Microstructure and local piezoelectric response in polymer nanocomposites with different ferroelectric crystalline additions
MRS Online Proceedings Library, 1556, (2013) mrss13-1556-w10-01 (doi:10.1557/opl.2013.784)

M. V. Silibin, S. A. Gavrilov, A. V. Solnyshkin, D. A. Kiselev, M. D. Malinkovich, Yu. N. Parkhomenko, M. L. Zheludkevich, V. V. Shvartsman, and D. C. Lupascu
Local polarization in polymer nanocomposites with different crystalline ferroelectric inclusions
Physics, Chemistry and Application of Nanostructures: Reviews and Short Notes to International Conference Nanomeeting – 2013, Minsk, Belarus, May 28-31, 109-112 (2013)



M. Etier, Y. Gao, V. V. Shvartsman, A. Elsukova, J. Landers, H. Wende, and D. C. Lupascu
Cobalt ferrite/barium titanate core/shell nanoparticles
Ferroelectrics 438, 115-122 (2012)

Yanling Gao and Doru C. Lupascu
Synthesis and Characterization of BaTiO3 Nanopowders and BaTiO3/CoFe2O4 Nanocomposites
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1397 (2012) (DOI: 10.1557//opl.2012.1013)

Moien Rezvani, Susanne Palecki, Doru C. Lupascu
Influence of variation of microfibre types and filler on workability, mechanical characteristics and durability properties of fibre reinforced high strength self-compacting concrete
BEFIB2012 - 8th RILEM Symposium on Fibre Reinforced Concrete, Guimarães (19 - 21 September 2012)

M. Etier, Y. Gao, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, J. Landers, and H. Wende
Magnetoelectric properties of 0.2CoFe2O4-0.8BaTiO3 composite prepared by organic method
Proceedings of 2012 21st IEEE Int. Symp. on Applications of Ferroelectrics held jointly with 11th IEEE European Conference on the Applications of Polar Dielectrics and IEEE PFM, ISAF/ECAPD/PFM, Article number 6297820 (2012)

V. V. Shvartsman and D. C. Lupascu
Lead free relaxor ferroelectrics
 J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 95, 1-26 (2012) 

A. Tkach, O. Okhay, A. Y. Wu, P. M. Vilarinho, S. Bedanta, V. V. Shvartsman, and W. Kleemann
Magnetic anomaly and dielectric tunability of (Sr,Mn)TiO3 thin films
Ferroelectrics 426, 274-281 (2012)

Yanling. Gao, V. V. Shvartsman, A. Elsukova, and D. C. Lupascu
Low-temperature synthesis of crystalline BaTiO3 nanoparticles by one-step "organosol''-precipitation
J. Mater. Chem. 22, 17573-17583 (2012) 

A. Dziaugys, V. V. Shvartsman, J. Macutkevic, J. Banys, Yu. Vysochanskii, and W. Kleemann
Phase diagram of mixed Cu(InxCr1-x)P2S6 crystals
Phys. Rev. B 85, 134105 (2012)

V. V. Shvartsman and A. L. Kholkin
Polar structures of PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3-PbTiO3 relaxors: piezoresponse force microscopy approach
J. Adv. Dielectr. 2, 1241003 (2012) 

W. Kleemann, P. Borisov, V. V. Shvartsman, and S. Bedanta
Multiferroic and magnetoelectric materials – developments and perspectives
EPJ Web of Conferences 29, 00046 (2012) 

J. Dec, W. Kleemann, V. V. Shvartsman, D. C. Lupascu, and T. Łukasiewicz
From mesoscopic to global polar order in the uniaxial relaxor ferroelectric Sr0.8Ba0.2Nb2O6
Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 052903 (2012)

Miriam Engel, Frederik Kunze, Doru C. Lupascu, Niels Benson, and Roland Schmechel
Reduced exciton binding energy in organic semiconductors: Tailoring the Coulomb interaction
Phys. Status Solidi RRL, 6: 68–70 (2012) (doi: 10.1002/pssr.201105488)

Gerhard Lackner, Ingolf Endler, Frank Meissner, Sebastian Scholz, Tobias Mayer-Uhma, Rocco Liebschner, Viktor Bezugly, Jan Meiss, Martin Mkandawire, Richard Boucher, Alexander Michaelis, and Doru C. Lupascu
Dyes in Vertically Aligned Carbon Nanotube Arrays for Solar Cell Applications
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1390 (2012) Materials Research Society (DOI: 10.1557/opl.2012)

Morad F. Etier, Vladimir V. Shvartsman, Frank Stromberg, Joachim Landers, Heiko Wende, Doru C. Lupascu
Synthesis and Magnetic Properties of Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles
Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. Vol. 1398 (2012) Materials Research Society (DOI: 10.1557/opl.2012.699)

Lackner, G. PhD thesis
Carbon nanotubes in organic solar cells.
University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, 2012

Lackner, G.; Mayer-Uhma, T.; Endler, I.; Boucher, R.; Meissner, F.; Scholz, S.; Krug, M.; Bezugly, V.; Mkandawire, M.; Majumder, A.; Kovalenko, D.; Conze, S.; Hildebrandt, S.; Michaelis, A.; Lupascu, D. C.
Dyes in carbon nanotube arrays
Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. B 2 (2012), No.6, pp.334-346 (ISSN: 2161-6221)

Meiss, J.; Hermenau, M.; Tress, W.; Schuenemann, C.; Selzer, F.; Hummert, M.; Alex, J.; Lackner, G.; Leo, K.; Riede, M.
Tetrapropyl-tetraphenyl-diindenoperylene derivative as a green absorber for high-voltage stable organic solar cells
Physical review. B, Condensed matter 04/2011; 83(16) (2012)



Doru C. Lupascu, Jörg Schröder, Christopher S. Lynch, Wolfgang Kreher, Ilona Westram
Mechanical Properties of Ferro-Piezoceramics, in:
Handbook of Multifunctional Polycrystalline Ferroelectric Materials, Lorena Pardo, Jose Ricote, Eds., pp. 485 - 559, Springer (2011)

R. Boucher, P. Renz, C. Li, T. Fuhrlich, J. Bauch, K. H. Yoon, and D. C. Lupascu
Large coercivity and polarization of sol-gel derived BaTiO3 nanowires
Journal of Applied Physics 110, 064112 (2011) 

A. Kupreviciute, J. Banys, T. Ramoska, R. Sobiestianskas, F. M. M. Alawneh, N. Gharbi & D. C. Lupascu
Dielectric Properties and Conductivity of Iron Oxide-Barium Titanate Composites
Ferroelectrics 418, pages 94-99 (2011)

J. Banys, T. Ramoska, J. Matukas, S. Pralgauskaite, F. M. M. Alawneh, V. V. Shvartsman & D. C. Lupascu
Investigation of Dielectric and Noise Properties of the Multiferoic Composite BaTiO3 with CoFe2O4
Ferroelectrics 417, 1, pages 25-32 (2011)

J. Pozingis, J. Banys, J. Macutkevic, R. Adomavicius, A. Krotkus & D. C. Lupascu
Relaxor Behaviour and Soft Mode in 0.85Ag0 9Li0 1NbO3 – 0.15Bi0 5K0 5TiO3 Ceramics
Ferroelectrics 416, 1, pages 72-77 (2011)

W. Kleemann, V. V. Shvartsman, P. Borisov, J. Banys, and Yu. M. Vysochanskii
Magnetic and polar phases and dynamical clustering in multiferroic layered solid solutions CuCr1-xInxP2S6
Phys. Rev. B 84, 094411 (2011)

V. V. Shvartsman, F. Alawneh, P. Borisov, D. Kozodaev, and D. C. Lupascu
Converse magnetoelectric effect in CoFe2O4-BaTiO3 composites with a core-shell structure
Smart Materials and Structures 20, 075006 (2011)

V. V. Shvartsman and A. L. Kholkin
Spontaneous and induced surface piezoresponse in PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3 single crystals
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 226, 108-112 (2011)

V. A. Khomchenko, J. A. Paixao, B. F. O. Costa, D. V. Karpinsky, A. L. Kholkin, I. O. Troyanchuk, V. V. Shvartsman, P. Borisov, and W. Kleemann
Structural, ferroelectric and magnetic properties of Bi0.85Sm0.15FeO3 perovskite
Cryst. Res. Technol. 46, 238 – 242 (2011)

A. Dziaugys, J. Banys, V. Samulionis, J. Macutkevic, Y. Vysochanskii, V. V. Shvartsman, and W. Kleemann
Phase transitions in layered cemiconductor – ferroelectrics, in:
Ferroelectrics - Characterization and Modeling, M. Lallart (ed.), InTech Open Access, Rijeka (2011), pp. 153-180

V. V. Shvartsman, W. Kleemann, D. A. Kiselev, I. K. Bdikin, and A. L. Kholkin
Polar structures in relaxors by Piezoresponse Force Microscopy, in:
Scanning Probe Microscopy of Functional Materials, S. V. Kalinin and A. Gruverman (eds.), Springer, New York (2011) pp. 345-383

V. V. Shvartsman and A. L. Kholkin
Nanoscale investigation of polycrystalline ferroelectric materials via piezoresponse force microscopy, in:
Multifunctional Polycrystalline Ferroelectric Materials: Processing and Properties, L. Pardo and J. Ricote (eds), Springer, Dordrecht (2011), pp 409-468

M. M. Ranjbar, M. Hosseinali Beygi, I. M. Nikbin, M. Rezvani, A. Barari
Evaluation of the strength variation of normal and lightweight self-compacting concrete in full scale walls
Materials and Technology 45 (6), 571-577 (2011)



Zhang Yong, Doru C. Lupascu
Re-Fatigue of Ferroelectric Ceramics
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 93(9), 2551 - 2554 (2010) 

Maxim Morozov, Doru C. Lupascu
Ferroelectric Properties, in:
Ceramics Science and Technology
Volume 2: Materials and Properties, I.-W. Chen, R. Riedel, Eds., Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 2010, 729-790

H. He, K. Zhernenkov, M.Vadala , N. Akdogan, D. Gorkov, R.M. Abrudan, B.P. Toperverg, H. Zabel, H. Kubota and S. Yuasa
The effect of annealing on the junction profile of CoFeB/MgO tunnel junctions
Journal of Applied Physics 108, 063922 (2010) 

W. Kleemann, V. V. Shvartsman , P. Borisov, and A. Kania
Coexistence of antiferromagnetic and spin cluster glass order in the magnetoelectric relaxor multiferroic PbFe0.5Nb0.5O3
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 257202 (2010)

W. Kleemann, P. Borisov, S. Bedanta, and V. V. Shvartsman
Multiferroic and Magnetoelectric Materials-Novel Developments and Perspectives
IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control 57, 2228-2232 (2010)

V. V. Shvartsman and A. L. Kholkin
Investigation of relaxor-ferroelectric transition in PbMg1/3Nb2/3O3-PbTiO3 ceramics by piezoresponse force microscopy
J. Appl.Phys. 108, 042007 (2010)

V. V. Shvartsman , S. Bedanta, P. Borisov, W. Kleemann, A. Tkach, and P. M.  Vilarinho
Spin cluster glass and magnetoelectricity in Mn-doped KTaO3
J. Appl. Phys. 107, 103926 (2010)

V. V. Shvartsman , P. Borisov, W. Kleemann, S. Kamba, and T. Katsufuji
Large off-diagonal magnetoelectric coupling in the quantum paraelectric EuTiO3
Phys. Rev. B 81, 064426 (2010)

V. A. Khomchenko, J. A. Paixao, V. V. Shvartsman , P. Borisov, W. Kleemann, D. V. Karpinsky, and A. L. Kholkin
Effect of Sm substitution on ferroelectric and magnetic properties of BiFeO3
Scripta Materialia 62, 238-241 (2010)

F. Figueiras, E. Rauwel, V. S. Amaral, N. Vyshatko, A. L. Kholkin, C. Soyer, D. Remiens, V. V. Shvartsman , P. Borisov, and W. Kleemann
Study of Ni2-Mn-Ga phase formation by magnetron sputtering film deposition at low temperature onto Si substrates and LaNiO3/Pb(Ti,Zr)O3 buffer
Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology 28, 6-10 (2010)



Peter Neumeister, Herbert Balke, Doru C. Lupascu
Continuum analysis of the nucleus growth of reverse domains in large ferroelectric crystals
J. Appl. Phys. 105, 084115 (2009) 

M. Vadala , K. Zhernenkov, M. Wolff, B. P. Toperverg, K. Westerholt and H. Zabel; P .Wisniowski, S. Cardoso, and P.P. Freitas
Structural characterization and magnetic profile of annealed CoFeB/MgO multilayers
Journal of Applied Physics 105, 113911 (2009) 

S. Palecki , I. Bevanda
Veränderter Frost-Tausalzwiderstand von UHPC Betonen bei bestehender Vorschädigung
17. ibausil, Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Weimar, September 2009



Ralf Müller, Jörg Schröder, Doru C. Lupascu
Thermodynamic Consistent Modelling of Defects and Microstructures in Ferroelectrics
GAMM-Mitteilung 31(2) (2008) 

Y.A. Genenko, N. Balke, D.C. Lupascu
Migration of Charged Defects in Local Depolarizing Fields as a Mechanism of Aging in Ferroelectrics
Ferroelectrics 370, 196-202 (2008)



N. Balke, D.C. Lupascu , T. Granzow, J. Rödel
Fatigue of lead zirconate titanate ceramics I: unipolar and DC loading
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 90(4), 1081-1087 (2007)

N. Balke, D.C. Lupascu , T. Granzow, J. Rödel
Fatigue of lead zirconate titanate ceramics II: sesquipolar loading
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 90(4), 1088-1093 (2007)

Ruzhong Zuo, T. Granzow, D.C. Lupascu , J. Rödel
PMN-PT ceramics prepared by spark plasma sintering
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 90(4), 1101-1106 (2007)

Y. Genenko, D.C. Lupascu
Drift of charged defects in local fields as aging mechanism in ferroelectrics
Phys. Rev. B 75, 184107 (2007)

N. Balke, H. Kungl, M. Hoffmann, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Bipolar fatigue caused by field screening in Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 ceramics
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 90 (12), 3869-3874 (2007)

Ilona Westram, Doru Lupascu , Jürgen Rödel, Bernd Laskewitz and Marc Kamlah
Electric-Field-Induced Crack Initiation From a Notch in a Ferroelectric Ceramic
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 90(9), 2849-2854 (2007)

J. Schröder, D. Lupascu , D. Balzani, Eds.
Proceedings of the First Seminar on The Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Institut für Mechanik, Bericht Nr. 5, Essen (2007) (ISBN-10: 3-9809679-1-3)

Y. Genenko, N. Balke, D.C. Lupascu
Aging in Ferroelectrics, a Drift Approach
Proc. IEEE Proc. on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, ISAF2006, A. Gruverman, Ed. (2007)

Y. Genenko, D.C. Lupascu
Drift of charged defects in local fields as a mechanism of degradation in ferroelectrics
Proc. IEEE Proc. on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, ISAF2007 (2008)

D.C. Lupascu
Microstructural Parameters and Semiconductor Properties at the Origin of the Macroscopic Behavior of Ferroelectrics
Proc. 1st  Seminar on The Mechanics of Multifunctional Materials, J. Schröder, D. Lupascu, D. Balzani, Eds., Universität Duisburg-Essen, Institut für Mechanik, Bericht Nr. 5, Essen (2007) (ISBN-10: 3-9809679-1-3)

H.-J. Keck , S. Palecki , Ch. Brandes, M.J. Setzer, P. Schießl
Entwicklung eines Prüfverfahrens für Betone nach dem Performance Concept für die Anwendung der Expositionsklasse XF2 und Korrelation mit der Praxis
Schriftenreihe der Bundesanstalt für Straßenwesen (2007)

Palecki, S. , Setzer, M.J.
Frost suction of high and ultra-high-performance concrete
Proceedings of TRANSCON 07, Universität Duisburg-Essen (Juni 2007)



A.B. Kounga-Njiwa, T. Fett, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Effect of geometry and electrical boundary conditions on R-curves for lead zirconate titanate
Engin. Fracture Mech. 73, 309-317 (2006)

D.C. Lupascu, Y. Genenko, N. Balke
Aging in Ferroelectrics
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 89(1), 224-229 (2006)

D. Schrade, R. Mueller, D. Groß, T. Utschig, D.C. Lupascu, V. Ya. Shur
Interaction of Defects with Domain Walls in Ferroelectrics
Mechanics of Materials 39(2), 161-174 (2006)

Y. Zhang, D.C. Lupascu
Nonlinearity and fatigue in ferroelectric lead zirconate titanate
J. Appl. Phys. 100, 054109 (2006)

D.C. Lupascu
Fatigue in ferroelectric ceramics due to cluster growth
Solid State Ionics 177, 3161-3170 (2006)

I. Westram, W.S. Oates, D.C. Lupascu; J. Rödel, C.S. Lynch
Mechanism of electric fatigue crack growth in lead zirconate titanate
Acta mater. 55, 301–312 (2007)

N. Balke, D.C. Lupascu, T. Blair, A. Gruverman
Thickness profiles through fatigued bulk lead zirconate titanate
J. Appl. Phys. 100, 114117 (2006) 

Setzer, M.J., Palecki, S. (Hrsg.)
Beiträge zur 6. CDF/ CIF-Fachtagung – Prüfung des Frost- und Frost-Tausalzwiderstandes
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Bauphysik und Materialwissenschaft, Heft 10, Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen (2006)

Palecki, S., Setzer, M.J.
Einfluss von Zusatzstoffen und Zusatzmitteln auf den Frostwiderstand
Tagungsband zur 6. CDF/ CIF-Fachtagung – Prüfung des Frost- und Frost-Tausalzwiderstandes, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Bauphysik und Materialwissenschaft, Heft 10, Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen (2006) S. 18-21 

Palecki, S., Setzer, M.J.
Möglichkeiten der Beurteilung des Frostwiderstandes hochfester Betone
Tagungsband zur 6. CDF/ CIF-Fachtagung – Prüfung des Frost- und Frost-Tausalzwiderstandes, Universität Duisburg-Essen, Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Bauphysik und Materialwissenschaft, Heft 10, Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen (2006) S. 67-78 

Palecki, S., Setzer, M.J.
Freeze-thaw durability of high-performance concrete – mechanism of water uptake and internal damage Proceedings of second international symposium on advances in concrete through science and engineering
Quebec, Canada (September 2006

Palecki, S., Setzer, M.J.
Schädigungs- und Transportmechanismen hochfester Betone unter Frost-Tau-Wechselbelastung
16. ibausil, Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Weimar (September 2006)



Yong Zhang, D.C. Lupascu, I.S. Baturin, E. Aulbach, A.L. Kholkine, V.Ya. Shur, J. Rödel
Evolution of bias field and offset piezoelectric coefficient in bulk lead zirconate titanate with fatigue
Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 012910 (2005)

C. Verdier, F.D. Morrison, D.C. Lupascu, J.F. Scott
Fatigue Studies in Compensated Bulk Lead Zirconate Titanate
J. Appl. Phys. 97, 024107 (2005)

W.S. Oates, C.S. Lynch, A.-B. Kounga Njiwa, D.C. Lupascu
Anisotropic Fracture Behavior in ferroelectric relaxor PZN-4.5%PT single crystals
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 88(7), 1838-1844 (2005)

V.V. Shvartsman, A.L. Kholkin, C. Verdier, Zhang Yong, D.C. Lupascu
Investigation of fatigue mechanism in ferroelectric ceramics via piezoresponse force microscopy
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 25(12), 2559-2561 (2005)

R. Mueller, D. Gross, D.C. Lupascu
Driving forces on domain walls in ferroelectric materials and interaction with defects
Computational Materials Science 35, 42-52 (2005)

Y. Zhang, D.C. Lupascu, E. Aulbach, I. Baturin, A. Bell, J. Rödel
Heterogeneity of Fatigue in Lead-Zirconate-Titanate
Acta Mater. 53(8), 2203-13 (2005)

A.B. Kounga-Njiwa, D.C. Lupascu, E. Aulbach, J. Rödel
An optical Method to Assess Electromechanical Coupling in Ferroelectric Ceramics
Experimental Mechanics 45(3), 290-94 (2005)

Longjie Zhou, D. C. Lupascu, A. Zimmermann, Yong Zhang
Discontinuous switching in antiferroelectric ceramics monitored by acoustic emissions
J. Appl. Phys. 97, 124106 (2005)

V.Ya. Shur, E.V. Nikolaeva, E.I. Shishkin, I.S. Baturin, A.G. Shur, T. Utschig, T. Schlegel, D.C. Lupascu
Deaging in Gd2(MoO4)3 by cyclic motion of a single planar domain wall
J. Appl. Phys. 98, 074106 (2005)

Y. Zhang, D.C. Lupascu, N. Balke, J. Rödel
Near electrode fatigue in lead zirconate titanate ceramics
J. Physique IV, France 128, 97-103 (2005)

V. V. Shvartsman, A. L. Kholkin, C. Verdier, D. C. Lupascu
Fatigue-induced evolution of the domain structure in ferroelectric PZT ceramics investigated by piezoresponse force microscopy
J. Appl. Phys. 98, 094109 (2005)

D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Fatigue in Bulk Lead Zirconate Titanate Actuator Materials
Adv. Engin. Mater. 7(10), 882-898 (2005)

T. Granzow, N. Balke, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Evolution of a stable polarization state in lead zirconate titanate ceramics by repeated partial switching
Appl. Phys. Lett. 87, 212901 (2005)

J.L. Jones, E.B. Slamovich, K.J. Bowman, D.C. Lupascu
Domain switching anisotropy in textured bismuth titanate ceramics
J. Appl. Phys. 98, 104101 (2005)

W.S. Oates, K.G. Webber, C.S. Lynch, A.B. Kounga-Njiwa, D.C. Lupascu
Local and global fracture properties in ferroelectric relaxor PZN-4.5%PT single crystals
Proc. SPIE, Smart Structures and Materials: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, Bellingham (2005)

Siebel, E., Brameshuber, W., Brandes, Ch., Dahme, U., Dehn, F., Frohburg, U., Feldrappe, V., Guse, U., Huß, A., Lang, E., Lohaus, L., Müller, Ch., Müller, H.S, Palecki, S., Petersen, L., Schröder, P., Setzer, M.J., Weise, F., Westendarp, A., Wiens, U.
DAfStb Sachstandbericht Übertragbarkeit von Frost-Laborprüfungen auf Praxisverhältnisse
Heft 560, Beuth Verlag, Berlin (2005)

Setzer, M.J., Palecki, S.
Laborprüfverfahren, Grundlagen und Anforderungen, Beiträge zum Kolloquium Frostwiderstand von Beton in Labor und Praxis im Forschungsinstitut der Zementindustrie
DAfStb, Düsseldorf (2005)

Palecki, S
Hochleistungsbeton unter Frost-Tau-Wechselbelastung – Schädigungs- und Transportmechanismen
Dissertation an der Universität Duisburg-Essen, Cuvillier Verlag Göttingen (2005)



Fatigue in Ferroelectric Ceramics and Related Issues
Series: Springer Series in Materials Science, Vol. 61 (2004), XVI, 225 p. 80 illus., Hardcover (ISBN: 978-3-540-40235-0)

D.C. Lupascu, C. Verdier
Fatigue anisotropy in lead zirconate titanate
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 24, 1663-67 (2004) 

D.C. Lupascu, S. Fedosov, C. Verdier, H. von Seggern, J. Rödel
Stretched exponential relaxation in perovskite ferroelectrics after cyclic loading
J. Appl. Phys. 95, 1386 (2004) 

W.S. Oates, C.S. Lynch, D.C. Lupascu, A.B. Kounga-Njiva, E. Aulbach, J. Rödel
Subcritical Crack Growth in Lead Zirconate Titanate
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 87(7), 1362 (2004) 

D.C. Lupascu
Strain coupled Hall effect in ferroelectric-ferroelastic lead zirconate titanate
Phys. Rev. B 70, 184124 (2004) 

A.B. Kounga-Njiwa, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Crack tip switching zone in ferroelectric ferroelastic materials
Acta Materialia 52(16), 4919 (2004) 

C. Verdier, D.C. Lupascu, H. von Seggern, J. Rödel
Effect of thermal annealing on switching dynamics of fatigued bulk lead zirconate titanate
Appl. Phys. Lett. 85(15), 3211 (2004) 

D.C. Lupascu, T. Granzow, T. Woike
Discontinuous domain wall motion in the relaxor ferroelectric Sr0.61Ba0.39Nb2O6
Europhys. Lett. 68(5) 733-739 (2004) 

Jürgen Nuffer, Doru C. Lupascu, Holger Hanselka
Ermüdung von Piezokeramiken in mechatronischen Systemen
Proc. des DVM-Arbeitskreises Betriebsfestigkeit, Sonsino, Ed. (2004)

Doru C. Lupascu
Fatigue in Ferroelectric Actuators
Proc. of ACTUATOR 2004, Bremen, K. Uchino, C. Schuh, Eds., Germany, pp. 419-22 

Palecki, S., Setzer, M.J.
Description of damage process of HPC due to frost attack
Proceedings of the international conference on durability of HPC and final workshop of Conlife at the Universität Duisburg-Essen, AEDIFICATIO Verlag, Essen (2004)

Setzer, M.J., Heine, P., Kasparek, S., Palecki, S., Auberg, R., Feldrappe, V., Siebel, E.
RILEM Recommendation TC 176-IDC: Test methods for frost resistance of concrete: CIF-Test: Capillary suction, internal damage and freeze-thaw test – reference method and alternative methods A and B
Materials and Structures 37, 743-753 (2004)

Setzer, M.J.; Palecki, S. (Hrsg.)
Durability of High-Performance concrete
Proceedings of the international conference on durability of HPC and final workshop of Conlife at the Universität Duisburg-Essen, AEDIFICATIO Verlag, Essen (2004)



S.L.S. Lucato, H.-A. Bahr, V.-B. Pham, D.C. Lupascu, H. Balke, J. Rödel, U. Bahr
Electrically driven cracks in piezoelectric ceramics: experiments and fracture mechanics analysis
J. Mechanics and Physics of Solids 50, 2333-2353 (2002) und 51, 977 (2003)

S.L.S. Lucato, H.-A. Bahr, V.-B. Pham, D.C. Lupascu, H. Balke, J. Rödel, U. Bahr
Crack Deflection in Piezoelectric Ceramics
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 23, 1147-56 (2003)

T. Karastamatis, D.C. Lupascu, S.L.S. Lucato, J. Rödel, C.S. Lynch
R-curves of Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT)
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 23, 1401-08 (2003)

C. Verdier, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Unipolar fatigue of ferroelectric lead zirconate titanate
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 23, 1409-15 (2003)

D.C. Lupascu, E. Aulbach, J. Rödel
Mixed electromechanical fatigue of lead zirconate titanate
J. Appl. Phys. 93(9), 5551-5556 (2003) 

D.C. Lupascu, T. Utschig, V.Ya. Shur, A.G. Shur
The dynamics of domain walls determined from acoustic emission measurements
Ferroelectrics 290, 207-219 (2003) 

A.B. Kounga, T. Fett, D. C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Crack-Tip Toughness of a Soft Lead Zirconate Titanate
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 86, 1973-1975 (2003) 

Palecki, S., Setzer, M.J.
Prüfung des Frost- und Frost-Tausalzwiderstandes von Hochleistungsbeton mittels des CDF/ CIF-Tests
15. ibausil, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, S. 2-0799 – 0809, Weimar (2003) 

M.J. Setzer, S. Palecki, E. Holt, T. Luping, M. Gay
Life-time prediction of HPC with respect to durability – Main results of the CONLIFE project
Proceedings of LIFETIME NETWORK meeting and international symposium, Kuopio, Finland (2003)


Palecki, S., Setzer, M.J.
Dauerhaftigkeit von Hochleistungsbeton unter Frostbeanspruchung
43. DAfStb-Forschungskolloquium Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 2003



J. Nuffer, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Stability of Pinning Centers in Fatigued Lead-Zirconate-Titanate
Appl. Phys. Lett., 80(6), 1049-1051 (2002)

D.C. Lupascu, V.Ya. Shur, A.G. Shur
The dynamics of a single planar domain wall in ferroelectric-ferroelastic Gd2(MoO4)3
Appl. Phys. Lett. 80(13), 2359-2361 (2002)

J. Nuffer, D.C. Lupascu, A. Glazounov, H.-J. Kleebe, J. Rödel
Microstructural Modifications of ferroelectric lead zirconate titanate ceramics due to bipolar electric fatigue
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 22(13), 2133-2142 (2002)

D.C. Lupascu, M. Hammer
Elastic Discontinuities during Switching of Ferroelectric Ceramics
physica status solidi (a) 191(2), 643-657 (2002)

C. Verdier, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Stability of defects in lead-zirconate-titanate after unipolar fatigue
Appl. Phys. Lett. 81(14), 2596-2599 (2002)

D.C. Lupascu, U. Rabe
Cyclic cluster growth in ferroelectric perovskites
Phys. Rev. Lett. 89(18), 187601-1-4 (2002)

S. L. dos Santos e Lucato, J. Lindner, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Influence of Electrical and Geometrical Boundary Conditions on Crack Growth in PZT
Key Eng. Mat., Vols. 206-213, 609-612 (2002)

V. Shur, E. Rumyantsev, E. Nikolaeva, E. Shishkin, I. Baturin, D.C. Lupascu, C.A. Randall, M. Ozgul
Fatigue Effect in Bulk Ferroelectrics
Proc. SPIE 4699, Smart Structures and Materials: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, C.S. Lynch, Ed., Bellingham (2002) pp. 40-50

Palecki, S.; Setzer, M.J.
Investigations of High-Performance Concrete under frost attack – internal damage and water uptake
Frost Resistance of Concrete; Proceedings of the International RILEM Workshop, S. 317-327, Essen (2002)

Palecki, S., Setzer, M.J.
Durability of HPC under frost attack
Proceedings 6th international symposium on high strength/ high-performance concrete, Leipzig (2002)



W. Chen, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel, C.S. Lynch
Short Crack R-Curves of Ferroelectric and Electrostrictive PLZT
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 84(3), 593-597 (2001) 

M.J. Hoffmann, M. Hammer, A. Endriss, D.C. Lupascu
Correlation between Microstructure, Strain Behavior, and Acoustic Emission of Soft PZT Ceramics
Acta Materialia 49(7), 1301-1310 (2001)

D.C. Lupascu
Microcracking and discontinuous fast switching as acoustic emission sources in 8/65/35 and 9.5/65/35 PLZT relaxor ferroelectrics
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 21, 1429 - 1432 (2001) 

J. Nuffer, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Microcrack clouds in fatigued electrostrictive 9.5/65/35 PLZT
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 21, 1421 - 1423 (2001) 

S.L.S Lucato, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Crack initiation and crack propagation in partially electroded PZT
J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. 21, 1425 - 1428 (2001) 

D.C. Lupascu, M. Kreuzer, S.L.S. Lucato, J. Rödel, C.S. Lynch
Liquid-crystal display of stress fields in ferroelectrics
Appl. Phys. Lett. 78(17), 2554-2556 (2001) 

S.L. dos Santos e Lucato, D. C. Lupascu, M. Kamlah, J. Rödel, C. S. Lynch
Constraint-Induced Crack Initiation at Electrode Edges in Piezoelectric Ceramics
Acta Materialia 49(14), 2751-2759 (2001) 

J. Nuffer, M. Schröder, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Negligible oxygen liberation during bipolar fatigue of ferroelectric lead-zirconate-titanate
Appl. Phys. Lett. 79(22), 3675-3677 (2001) 

T. Karastamatis, D.C. Lupascu, S. Lucato, C.S. Lynch
Effect of grain size on the R-curve behavior of Lead-Zirconate Titanate (PZT)
Proc. SPIE Vol. 4333, pp. 38-41, Smart Structures and Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, C.S. Lynch Ed., Bellingham (2001)

T. Karastamatis, C.S. Lynch, S.L.S. Lucato, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
R-curves in Lead Zirconate Titanate (PZT)
IEEE Proc. 12th International Symposium Applications of Ferroelectrics 2000, pp. 19-22 (2001) 

Palecki, S., Setzer, M.J., Auberg, R.
Frost attack on high-performance concrete modified by modern constituents
Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on concrete under severe conditions
CONSEC’01, Vancouver (2001)

Palecki, S., Setzer, M.J.
CONLIFE - Life-time prediction of HPC with respect to durability
Proceedings of workshop on durability of exposed concrete containing secondary cementitious materials
Hirtshals, Denmark, pp. 209-218

Palecki, S., Setzer, M.J.
Information about the CONLIFE project
TRA workshop “Environmentally friendly construction technologies”, Rimini, Italy (2001)

Palecki, S. Wehling, M.
Beispiele zur U-Wert Berechnung nach der neuen Norm DIN EN ISO 6946
Bauphysik, Heft 5, Ernst & Sohn Verlag, S. 298-303 (Oktober 2001)



J. Nuffer, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Acoustic Emission in PZT under Bipolar Electric Driving and Uniaxial Mechanical Stress
Ferroelectrics 240, 27-36 (2000)

S.L. dos Santos e Lucato, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Effect of Poling Direction on R-Curve Behavior in Lead Zirconate Titanate
J. Am. Ceram. Soc. 83(2), 424-426 (2000)

J. Nuffer, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Damage Evolution in Ferroelectric PZT Induced by Bipolar Electric Cycling
Acta Materialia 48, 3783-3794 (2000)

D.C. Lupascu, J. Nuffer, J.S. Wallace, J. Rödel
Role of Crack Formation in the Electric Fatigue Behavior of Ferroelectric PZT Ceramics
Proc. SPIE Vol. 3992, 209-216, Smart Structures and Materials 2000: Active Materials: Behavior and Mechanics, Christopher S. Lynch, Ed. (2000)

Wowra, O., Setzer, M.J., Palecki, S., Wessendorf, M.
Über die metastabilen Calciumkarbonatmodifikationen bei Frost- und Frost-Tausalzbelastung
14. ibausil-Tagung, Bauhaus Universität Weimar, Weimar (2000)

Palecki, S.; Setzer, M.J.
Einfluss verschiedener Taumittel auf die innere und äußere Schädigung von Beton unter Frostbeanspruchung
14. ibausil-Tagung, Bauhaus Universität Weimar, S. 1-0745-0754, Weimar (2000)



S. Habenicht, D. Lupascu, M. Neubauer, M. Uhrmacher, K.P. Lieb
Doping of sapphire single crystals with 111In and 111Cd detected by perturbed angular correlation
Hyperfine Interactions 121 (1-8), 445-448 (1999) 

D.C. Lupascu, J. Nuffer, J. Rödel
Acoustic Emission from Different PZT
Ferroelectrics 222, Part II, 249 (1999) 

M. Hammer, A. Endriss, D.C. Lupascu, M.J. Hoffmann
Influence of Microstructure on Microscopic and Macroscopic Strain Behavior of Soft PZT Ceramics
in C. Galassi et al. (eds.), Piezoelectric Materials: Advances in Science, Technology and Applications, 137-147, (NATO-Workshop, 24.-28.5.1999, Bukarest, nur eingeladene referierte Beiträge)

W. Chen, D.C. Lupascu , C.S. Lynch
Fracture Behavior of Ferroelectric Ceramics
Proc. SPIE Vol. 3667, pp.145-149 Smart Structures and Materials 1999: Mathematics and Control in Smart Structures, Vasundarar V. Varadan, Ed., Bellingham (1999)

J. Nuffer, D.C. Lupascu, J. Rödel
Acoustic Emission and State of Fatigue of ferroelectric Pb(ZrxTi1-x)O3 Ceramics
Proc. of the International Conference on Acoustic Emission‚ 99, Pavel Mazal, Ed., Brno, Tschechien (1999), pp. 175-179, (ISBN 80-214-1303-4)

W. Chen, C.S. Lynch, D.C. Lupascu
A Method of Measuring Short Crack R-Curve Behavior of Ferroelectric Ceramics
Proc. ASME WAM Nov. 14-19 (1999)

Setzer, M.J., Auberg, R., Palecki, S.
Non-destructive testing of internal damage of concrete caused by frost attack
International RILEM workshop on frost damage on concrete
Rilem proceedings PRO 25,
pp. 173-187, Minneapolis (1999)

Auberg, R., Palecki, S., Setzer, M.J.
Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung der inneren Gefügeschädigung von Beton durch Frostangriff
Beitrag zur Fachtagung Bauwerksdiagnose – Praktische Anwendung zerstörungsfreier Prüfungen
München (1999



S. Habenicht, D. Lupascu, M. Neubauer, M. Uhrmacher, L. Ziegeler and K.P. Lieb
Dynamic Hyperfine Interaction in pure and doped In2O3 and La2O3
Hyperfine Interactions C 1, 250 (1996)

S. Habenicht, D. Lupascu, M. Uhrmacher, L. Ziegeler, K.P. Lieb and ISOLDE-Collaboration
PAC-Studies of Sn-doped In2O3: Electronic defect relaxation following the 111In(EC)111Cd-decay
Zeitschrift f. Physik B 101, (1996)

S. Habenicht, R.N. Attili, H. Metzner, D. Lupascu, M. Uhrmacher, L. Ziegeler, K.P. Lieb
Submicroscopic characterization of Indium-Tin-Oxide Films by PAC
Cryst. Res. and Techn. 31, 821 (1996)

D. Lupascu, M. Neubauer, T. Wenzel, M. Uhrmacher, K.P. Lieb
Perturbed angular correlations in metal oxides with radioactive tracer beams
Nucl. Instr. and Meth. B 113, 507 (1996)

D. Lupascu, M. Neubauer, S. Habenicht, T. Wenzel, M. Uhrmacher, K.P. Lieb and ISOLDE-Collaboration
Relaxation of electronic defects in pure and doped La2O3 observed by perturbed angular correlations
Phys. Rev. B 54, 871 (1996)



M. Neubauer, A. Bartos, K.P. Lieb, D. Lupascu, M. Uhrmacher and T. Wenzel
Dynamic Hyperfine Interactions in Cr2O3 observed via PAC
Europhysics Letters 29, 175 (1995)

M. Uhrmacher, M. Neubauer, D. Lupascu and K.P. Lieb
Dynamic Hyperfine Interactions in Oxides
Proceedings of the 1st South American Conference on Hyperfine Interactions, La Plata, Argentinien (1995)

D. Lupascu, M. Neubauer, S. Habenicht, T. Wenzel, M. Uhrmacher and K.P. Lieb
PAC-Studies of dynamic hyperfine interactions in oxides, in Condensated Matter Studies by Nuclear Methods
Proceedings of the XXX. Zakopane School of Physics, Krzysztof Tomala, Edward A. Görlich, Eds., pp. 196-213, Zakopane, Polen (1995)



D. Lupascu, A. Bartos, K.P. Lieb and M. Uhrmacher
Precision PAC measurements in Er2O3 and Ho2O3 single crystals and structure refinement
Z. Phys. B 93, 441 (1994) 

D. Lupascu, M. Uhrmacher and K.P. Lieb
Electric field gradients of 111Cd in monoclinic (B-phase) rare earth sesquioxides
Journal of Physics: Condensated Matter 6, 10445 (1994)



D. Lupascu, J. Ahlbohn, J. Shitu, A. Bartos, K. Krolas, M. Uhrmacher and K.P. Lieb
Electric field gradients of 111Cd in the hexagonal (A-phase) La2O3 and Nd2O3 sesquioxides
Hyperfine Interactions 80, 959 (1993)