Joachim Bluhm

apl. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Joachim Bluhm
Tel. +49(0)201/183-2660 |
Universität Duisburg-Essen Fakultät für IngenieurwissenschaftenAbteilung Bauwissenschaften Institut für Mechanik Universitätsstraße 15 Raum R12 S02 H93 45141 Essen |
Forschung • Lehre • Werdegang • Publikationen
- Elastizitäts- und Plastizitätstheorie
- Materialtheorie
- Theorie poröser Medien
Aktuelle Lehrveranstaltungen von apl. Prof. Dr. Joachim Bluhm:
- Tensor Calculus
- Continuum Mechanics
- Zwei- und dreidimensionale Tragwerke
Bisherige Lehrtätigkeiten
- Thermodynamics of Materials
- FEM - Multiphase Materials
- Schiffsschwingungen
- Mechanik 1 - 3
- Surface Structures
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1985 | Diplom im Bauingenieurwesen (Vertiefungsrichtung Konstruktiver Ingenieurbau, Studiengang DII), Universität Essen |
1985 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Institut für Mechanik, Universität Essen |
1988 | Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Institut für Mechanik, Universität Essen |
1990 | Promotion zum Dr.-Ing., Universität Essen Titel der Arbeit: "Ein Modell zur Berechnung geometrisch nichtlinearer Probleme der Elastoplastizität mit Anwendung auf ebene Stabwerke" |
1994 | Ernennung zum Akademischen Rat |
1996 | Habilitation und Ernennung zum Privatdozenten |
1998 | Ernennung zum Akademischen Oberrat |
seit 2011 | Akademischer Direktor am Institut für Mechanik A, Universität Duisburg-Essen |
- Bluhm, J., Bloßfeld, W. M. & Ricken, T.: Modeling of liquid and gas saturated porous solids under freezing and thawing cycles. ZAMM, submitted for publication, 2012.
- Bluhm, J., Bloßfeld, W. M. & Ricken T.: Energetic effects during phase transition under freezing-thawing load in porous media – a continuum multiphase description and FE-simulation. ZAMM, submitted for publication, 2012.
- Bluhm, J., Ricken T. & Bloßfeld, W. M.: Ice Formation in Porous Media. In: Markert, B. (ed.): Advances in Extended and Multifield Theories for Continua. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Pfeiffer, F. & Wriggers, P. (eds.), 153 – 174,
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-22738-7, Springer 2011.
- Bluhm, J., Ricken T. & Bloßfeld, W. M.: Simulation of freeze-thaw-cycles in liquid and gas saturated porous media. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM) 10, 359 – 360, 2010.
- Ricken T. & Bluhm, J.: Modeling fluid saturated porous media under frost attack. GAMM-Mitteilungen 33 (1), 40 – 56, DOI 10.1002/gamm.201010004, 2010.
- Ricken, T. & Bluhm, J.: Remodeling and growth of living tissue – A multiphase theory. Archive of Applied Mechanics 80, 453 – 465, DOI: 10.1007/s00419-009-0383-1, 2010.
- Bluhm, J., Ricken T. & Bloßfeld, W. M.: Dynamic phase transition border under freezing-thawing load – A multiphase description. Schroeder, J. (ed.): Report 47, Institute of Mechanics, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany, 2009.
- Bluhm, J., Ricken T. & Bloßfeld, W. M.: Freezing and thawing processes in porous media – Experiment and simulation. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM) 9, 387 – 388, 2009.
- Ricken, T. & Bluhm, J.: Evolutional growth and remodeling in multiphase living tissue. Computational Materials Science 45, Issue 3, 806 – 811, 2009.
- Ricken, T., Bluhm, J., Epple, M., Annen, T., Wehmöoller, M., Eufinger, H. & Bloßfeld, W. M.: Modeling of porous functionally graded biodegradable implants for bone replacement. Proceedings of the 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), Venice, Italy, 2008.
- Bluhm, J., Bloßfeld, W. M. & Ricken T.: Ice-Formation in saturated porous media. Proceedings of the 8th. World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM8), Venice, Italy, 2008.
- Bluhm, J., Ricken T. & Bloßfeld, W. M.: Energetische Aspekte zum Gefrierverhalten von Wasser in porösen Strukturen. Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM) 8, Issue 1, 10483 – 10484, 2008.
- Bluhm, J. & Ricken, T.: Modeling of freezing and thawing processes in liquid filled thermo-elastic porous solids. In Setzer M.J. (Hrsg.): Transport in Concrete: Nano- to Macrostructure, Proceedings of 5th International Essen Workshop, Aedificatio Publishers,Freiburg, 41 – 57, 2007
- Ricken, T., Schwarz, A. & Bluhm, J.: A triphasic model of transversely isotropic biological tissue with application to stress and biological induced growth. Computational Materials Science 39, 124 – 136, 2007.
- Bluhm, J. & Ricken, T.: A comparative study about numeric simulated growth processes in biomechanics. In: Ehlers W. & Markert B. (eds.): Proceedings of the first GAMM Seminar on Continuum Biomechanics, Freudenstadt-Lauterbad, Germany, Report No. II-14 aus dem Institut für Mechanik (Bauwesen), Lehrstuhl II, Universität Stuttgart, 1 – 11, 2006.
- Ricken, T, Schwarz, A & Bluhm, J.: A triphasic theory for growth in biological tissue – Basics and applications. Materials Science and Engineering Technology 37, No. 6, 446 – 456, 2006.
- Bluhm, J., Setzer, M. J. & Kruschwitz, J.: Modeling of ice formation in porous media. In Huyghe, J. M. R. & Raats, P. A. C. (Hrsg.): Mechanics of Physicochemical and Electromechanical Interactions in Porous Media, Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium at Rolduc, Kerkrade, The Netherlands, Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht ⋅ Boston ⋅London, 329 – 334, 2005.
- Kruschwitz, J. & Bluhm, J.: Modeling of ice formation in porous solids with regard to the description of frost damage. Computational Materials Science 32, No. 3-4, 407 – 417, 2005.
- de Boer, R. & Bluhm, J.: Eine Theorie fürs Grobe und Feine – Die Theorie poröser Materialien (Medien). Essener Unikate 23, Ingenieurwissenschaften Bauwesen – Ein Leistungsspektrum, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 22 – 34, 2004.
- de Boer, R., Bluhm, J., Wähling, M. & Ricken, T.: Phasenüberänge in porösen Medien. Forschungsbericht aus dem Fachbereich Bauwesen 98, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 2003.
- Bluhm, J.: Modelling of saturated thermoelastic porous solids with different temperatures. In: Ehlers, W. & Bluhm, J. (Hrsg.): Porous media: Theory, experiments and numerical applications, Springer-Verlag, Berlin ⋅ Heidelberg ⋅New York, 87 – 118, 2002.
- Bluhm, J.: Constitutive relations for thermoelastic porous solids within the framework of finite deformations. In: Ehlers, W. (Hrsg.): Theoretical and Numerical Methods in Continuum Mechanics of Porous Materials, Proceedings of the IUTAM Symposium at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, Kluver Academic Publishers, Dordrecht ⋅ Boston ⋅London, 27 – 32, 2001.
- Bluhm, J.: Ein vereinfachtes binäres Modell mit kompressiblen und inkompressiblen Phasen. In: Diebels, S. (Hrsg.): Zur Beschreibung komplexen Materialverhaltens: Beiträge anläßlich des 50. Geburtstags von Herrn Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolgang Ehlers, Universität Suttgart, Institut für Mechanik, Lehrstuhl II, Bericht Nr. II-7, 2001.
- Bluhm, J.: Constitutive relations for thermo-elastic porous solids. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 80, S125 – S128, 2000.
- de Boer, R. & Bluhm, J.: Phase transitions in gas- and liquid-saturated porous solids. Transport in Porous Media 34, 249 – 267, 1999.
- de Boer, R. & Bluhm, J.: The influence of compressibility on the stresses of elastic porous solids – semimicroscopic investigations. Int. J. Solids Structures 36, 4805 – 4819, 1999.
- Liu, Z., Bluhm, J. & de Boer, R.: Inhomogeneous plane waves, mechanical energy flux and energy dissipation in a two-phase porous medium. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 78, 617 – 625, 1998.
- Bluhm, J., de Boer, R., Kempa, W. & Wähling, M.: Phasenübergänge – ein kurzer Abriß. MECH-Bericht 98/2, FB10/Mechanik, Universität-GH Essen, 1998.
- Bluhm, J.: Modeling of phase transitions in saturated porous media. In: Hui, D. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Composites Engineering (ICCE/5), Las Vegas, 95 – 96, 1998.
- Bluhm, J. & de Boer, R.: Biots Poroelastizitätstheorie aus der Sicht der porösen Medien. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 78, S281 – S282, 1998.
- Jägering, S. & Bluhm, J.: Zur numerischen Simulation kompressibler poröser Medien. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech.(ZAMM) 78, S523 – S524, 1998.
- Bluhm, J.: First order phase transitions in porous media. In: Thimus, J.F., Abousleimann, Y., Cheng, A.H.D., Coussy, O. & Detournay, E. (Hrsg.): Poromechanics – a tribute to Maurice A. Biot; Proceedings of the Biot Conference on Poromechanics, Louvain-La-Neuve, Belgien, Balkema ⋅ Rotterdamm ⋅ Brookfield, 17 – 22, 1998.
- Bluhm, J.: Zur Berücksichtigung der Kompressibilität des Festkörpers bei porösen Materialien. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 77, S39 – S40, 1997.
- Bluhm, J. & de Boer, R.: The volume fraction concept in the porous media theory. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech.(ZAMM) 77, 563 – 577, 1997.
- Bluhm, J. & de Boer, R.: A model for compressible elastic porous media. In: Kosinski, W., de Boer, R. & Groß, D. (Hrsg.): Problems of environmental and damage mechanics; Proceedings of the 31th Polish Solid Mechanics Conference SolMec’96, IPPT PAN ⋅ Warszawa, 13 – 26, 1997.
- Bluhm, J: Zur Berücksichtigung der Kompressibilität des Festkörpers bei porösen Materialien. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 77, S39 – S40, 1997.
- Bluhm, J.: A consistent model for saturated and empty porous media. Habilitationsschrift; Forschungsbericht aus dem Fachbereich Bauwesen 74, Universität-GH Essen, 1997.
- Bluhm, J. & de Boer, R.: Effective Stresses – a clarification. Archive of Applied Mechanics (Ingenieur-Archiv) 66, 479 – 492, 1996.
- Bluhm, J., de Boer, R. & Skolnik, J.: Allgemeine Plastizitätstheorie für poröse Medien. Forschungsbericht aus dem Fachbereich Bauwesen 73, Universität-GH Essen, 1996.
- Bluhm, J., de Boer, R. & Wilmanski, K.: The thermodynamic structure of the two-component model of porous incompressible materials with true mass densities. Mechanics Research Communication, Vol. 22, 171 – 180, 1995.
- Bluhm, J.: The thermodynamic structure of a ternary model of porous compressible materials. In: Atluri, S. N., Yagawa, Y. & Cruse, T. A. (Hrsg.): Computational Mechanics’ 95, Vol. 2, Springer-Verlag Berlin ⋅ Heidelberg ⋅ New York, 1892 – 1897, 1995.
- Musielak, G., Bluhm , J. & de Boer, R.: Numerical simulation of drying processes of fluid-saturated capillary bodies. MECH-Bericht 94/2, FB 10/Mechanik, Universität-GH Essen, 1994.
- Bluhm, J. & de Boer, R.: Endliche Elastizitätsgesetze für poröse Medien. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 74, T224 – T225, 1994.
- Bücker, G. & Bluhm, J.: Fließbedingungen für Reibungsmaterialien. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 74, T226 – T228, 1994.
- Bluhm, J.: Plastic strain directions and back-stress paths for frictional materials. In: Bingye, Xu & Wei, Yang (Hrsg.): Advances In Engineering Plasticity And Its Application; International Academic Publishers, 323 – 328, 1994.
- Bluhm, J.: Plastisches Materialverhalten granularer Stoffe im Verfestigungsbereich. In: Bruhns, O. T. (Hrsg.): Große plastische Formänderungen, Bad Honnef 1994; Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Mechanik, Nr. 93, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 97 – 100, 1994.
- Bluhm, J. & Lund, T.: Ein Modell zur Berechnung des Konsolidationsproblems im Bereich großer elastischer Deformationen. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 74, T446 – T449, 1993.
- Bluhm, J.: Granular and brittle materials in the hardening range. Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium On Plasticity and Its Current Applications, Baltimore, 1993.
- Bluhm, J.: The determination of response parameters of a single surface yield criterion. MECH-Bericht 92/2, FB 10/Mechanik, Universität-GH Essen, 1992.
- Bluhm, J.: Ein Modell zur Berechnung geometrisch nichtlinearer Probleme der Elastoplastizität mit Anwendung auf ebene Stabtragwerke. Dissertation; Forschritt-Berichte VDI, Reihe 18, Nr. 94, VDI-Verlag, Düsseldorf, 1991.
- Bluhm, J. & Ehlers, W.: Praktische Methoden zur Berechnung geometrisch nichtlinearer Probleme der Elastoplastizität. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 71, T586 – T589, 1991.
- de Boer, R., Ehlers, W. & Bluhm, J.: A new yield criterion for porous solids. MECH-Bericht 91/2, FB 10/Mechanik, Universität-GH Essen, 1991.
- Bluhm, J. & Ehlers, W.: Neuere Überlegungen zur Berechnung nichtlinearer Prozesse kinematisch verfestigender Materialien. In: Bruhns, O. T. (Hrsg.): Große plastische Formänderungen, Bad Honnef 1991; Mitteilungen aus dem Institut für Mechanik, Nr. 78, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 94-97, 1991.
- Bluhm, J.: Ein Beitrag zur Berechnung elastisch-plastisch deformierbarer Tragwerke im Rahmen der geometrisch nichtlinearen Theorie. Vorträge zum Problemseminar Plastizitätstheorie IV, Heft 1/91, Fakultät für Maschinenwesen, Technischen Universität Dresden, 121 – 130, 1991.
- Bluhm, J. & Ehlers, W.: Zur vollständig geometrisch nichtlinearen Berechnung elastisch-plastisch deformierbarer Strukturen. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 70, T676 – T678, 1990.
- Bluhm, J. & Ehlers, W.: Zur endlichen Elastizität von Stäben – ein Vergleich verschiedener FEM-Modelle. Zeitschr. Angew. Math. Mech. (ZAMM) 69, T239 – T240, 1989.
Pise M, Bluhm J and Schröder J (2019), "Elasto-plastic phase-field model of hydraulic fracture in saturated binary porous media", International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering. (DOI: 10.1615/IntJMultCompEng.2019027066)
[BibTeX] |
@article{PisBluSch:2019:epp, author = {M. Pise and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, title = {Elasto-plastic phase-field model of hydraulic fracture in saturated binary porous media}, journal = {International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering}, year = {2019}, number = {DOI: 10.1615/IntJMultCompEng.2019027066} } |
Bartel F, Ricken T, Schröder J and Bluhm J (2018), "On efficient computation of 3-d simulation within TPM2-Framework", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM). Vol. 18(1), pp. e201800332 (2 pages).
[BibTeX] |
@article{BarRicSchBlu:2018:oec, author = {F. Bartel and T. Ricken and J. Schröder and J. Bluhm}, title = {On efficient computation of 3-d simulation within TPM2-Framework}, journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM)}, year = {2018}, volume = {18}, number = {1}, pages = {e201800332 (2 pages)} } |
Bluhm J, Specht S and Schröder J (2017), "Description of the damage and healing behavior of an extrinsic and autonomous self-healing anisotropic material", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM). Vol. 17, pp. 567-568.
[BibTeX] |
@article{BluSpeSch:2017:dot, author = {J. Bluhm and S. Specht and J. Schröder}, title = {Description of the damage and healing behavior of an extrinsic and autonomous self-healing anisotropic material}, journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM)}, year = {2017}, volume = {17}, pages = {567-568} } |
Leichsenring P, Serdas S, Wallmersperger T, Bluhm J and Schröder J (2017), "Electro-chemical aspects of IPMCs within the framework of the Theory of Porous Media", Smart Materials and Structures. Vol. 26(4), pp. 045004 (14 pages).
[BibTeX] |
@article{LeiSerWalBluSch:2017:eca, author = {P. Leichsenring and S. Serdas and T. Wallmersperger and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, title = {Electro-chemical aspects of IPMCs within the framework of the Theory of Porous Media}, journal = {Smart Materials and Structures}, year = {2017}, volume = {26}, number = {4}, pages = {045004 (14 pages)} } |
Pise M, Bluhm J and Schröder J (2017), "A phase-field model of hydraulic fracture in saturated binary porous media", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM). Vol. 17, pp. 539-540.
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@article{PisBluSch:2017:apf, author = {M. Pise and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, title = {A phase-field model of hydraulic fracture in saturated binary porous media}, journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM)}, year = {2017}, volume = {17}, pages = {539-540} } |
Serdas S, Bluhm J and Schröder J (2017), "Modeling and simulation of electro-chemomechanical behavior of ionic polymer-metal composites within the framework of the Theory of Porous Media", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM). Vol. 17, pp. 565-566.
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@article{SerBluSch:2017:mas, author = {S. Serdas and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, title = {Modeling and simulation of electro-chemomechanical behavior of ionic polymer-metal composites within the framework of the Theory of Porous Media}, journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM)}, year = {2017}, volume = {17}, pages = {565-566} } |
Specht S, Bluhm J and Schröder J (2017), "Description of damage and healing of a self-healing anisotropic material", In ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART 2017.
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@inproceedings{SpeBluSch:2017:dod, author = {S. Specht and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, title = {Description of damage and healing of a self-healing anisotropic material}, booktitle = { ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Smart Structures and Materials SMART 2017}, year = {2017} } |
Bluhm J, Serdas S and Schröder J (2016), "Theoretical framework of modeling of ionic EAPs within the Theory of Porous Media", Arch. Appl. Mech.. Vol. 86, pp. 3-19.
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@article{BluSerSch:2016:tfo, author = {J. Bluhm and S. Serdas and J. Schröder}, title = {Theoretical framework of modeling of ionic EAPs within the Theory of Porous Media}, journal = {Arch. Appl. Mech.}, year = {2016}, volume = {86}, pages = {3-19} } |
Bluhm J, Specht S and Schröder J (2016), "Modeling of Extrinsic and Autonomous Self-Healing phenomena within the Framework of the Theory of Porous Media", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM). Vol. 16, pp. 431-432.
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@article{BluSpeSch:2016:moe, author = {J. Bluhm and S. Specht and J. Schröder}, title = {Modeling of Extrinsic and Autonomous Self-Healing phenomena within the Framework of the Theory of Porous Media}, journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM)}, year = {2016}, volume = {16}, pages = {431--432} } |
Maike S, Bluhm J, Schröder J, Brands D and Ricken T (2016), "Macroscopic characterization of porous unit cells within the framework of the theory of porous media", In Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation. Cape Town, South Africa , pp. 400-406. CRC Press.
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@incollection{MaiBluSchBraRic:2016:mco, author = {S. Maike and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder and D. Brands and T. Ricken}, editor = {A. Zingoni}, title = {Macroscopic characterization of porous unit cells within the framework of the theory of porous media}, booktitle = {Insights and Innovations in Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation}, publisher = {CRC Press}, year = {2016}, pages = {400-406} } |
Serdas S, Bluhm J and Schröder J (2016), "A thermodynamical consistent model for modeling of ionic electroactive polymers (EAPs) within the framework of the Theory of Porous Media", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM). Vol. 16, pp. 485-486.
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@article{SerBluSch:2016:atc, author = {S. Serdas and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, title = {A thermodynamical consistent model for modeling of ionic electroactive polymers (EAPs) within the framework of the Theory of Porous Media}, journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM)}, year = {2016}, volume = {16}, pages = {485-486} } |
Bluhm J, Specht S and Schröder J (2015), "Modeling of self-healing effects in polymer composites", Arch. Appl. Mech.. Vol. 85, pp. 1469-1481. |
@article{BluSpeSch:2015:mos, author = {J. Bluhm and S. Specht and J. Schröder}, title = {Modeling of self-healing effects in polymer composites}, journal = {Arch. Appl. Mech.}, year = {2015}, volume = {85}, pages = {1469-1481}, doi = {DOI 10.1007/s00419-014-0946-7} } |
Serdas S, Bluhm J and Schröder J (2015), "Modeling of thermo-electro-mechanical coupling effects in ionic electroactive polymers within the Theory of Porous Media", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM). Vol. 15, pp. 425-426.
[BibTeX] |
@article{SerBluSch:2015:mot, author = {S. Serdas and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, title = {Modeling of thermo-electro-mechanical coupling effects in ionic electroactive polymers within the Theory of Porous Media}, journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM)}, year = {2015}, volume = {15}, pages = {425-426} } |
Specht S, Bluhm J and Schröder J (2015), "Continuum mechanical description of an extrinsic and autonomous self-healing material based on the theory of porous media", In Self-healing Materials. Vol. 273, pp. 143-184. Springer. |
@incollection{SpeBluSch:2015:cmd, author = {S. Specht and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, editor = {M. D. Hager and S. van der Zwaag and U. S. Schubert}, title = {Continuum mechanical description of an extrinsic and autonomous self-healing material based on the theory of porous media}, booktitle = {Self-healing Materials}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2015}, volume = {273}, pages = {143-184}, doi = {10.1007/12_2015_338} } |
Specht S, Bluhm J and Schröder J (2015), "Simulation of self-healing processes in microcapsule based self-healing polymeric systems", In International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering. , pp. 871-880.
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@inproceedings{SpeBluSch:2015:sos, author = {S. Specht and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, title = {Simulation of self-healing processes in microcapsule based self-healing polymeric systems}, booktitle = { International Conference on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering}, year = {2015}, pages = {871-880} } |
Bluhm J, Bloßfeld WM and Ricken T (2014), "Energetic effects during phase transition under freezing-thawing load in porous media -- a continuums multiphase description and FE-simulation", J. Appl. Math. Mech. (ZAMM). Vol. 94(7-8), pp. 586-608. |
@article{BluRicBlo:2014:eed, author = {J. Bluhm and W. M. Bloßfeld and T. Ricken}, title = {Energetic effects during phase transition under freezing-thawing load in porous media -- a continuums multiphase description and FE-simulation}, journal = {J. Appl. Math. Mech. (ZAMM)}, year = {2014}, volume = {94}, number = {7-8}, pages = {586-608}, doi = {10.1007/978-3-642-22738-7} } |
Ricken T, Sindern A, Bluhm J, Widmann R, Denecke M, Gehrke T and Schmidt TC (2014), "Concentration driven phase transitions in multiphase porous media with application to methane oxidation in landfill cover layers", J. Appl. Math. Mech. (ZAMM). Vol. 94(7), pp. 609-622. |
@article{RicSinBluWidDenGerSchmi:2014:cdp, author = {T. Ricken and A. Sindern and J. Bluhm and R. Widmann and M. Denecke and T. Gehrke and T. C. Schmidt}, title = {Concentration driven phase transitions in multiphase porous media with application to methane oxidation in landfill cover layers}, journal = {J. Appl. Math. Mech. (ZAMM)}, year = {2014}, volume = {94}, number = {7}, pages = {609-622}, doi = {10.1002/zamm.201200198} } |
Specht S, Bluhm J and Schröder J (2014), "Modeling of self-healing phenomena in a polymer matrix based on a microcapsule system", In 11 th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI).
[BibTeX] |
@inproceedings{SpeBluSch:2014:mosh, author = {S. Specht and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, title = {Modeling of self-healing phenomena in a polymer matrix based on a microcapsule system}, booktitle = {11 th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM XI)}, year = {2014} } |
Specht S, Bluhm J and Schröder J (2013), "FE-Analysis of concentration dependent healing processes in a polymer matrix", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM). Vol. 13, pp. 219-220.
[BibTeX] |
@article{SpeBluSch:2013:foc, author = {S. Specht and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, title = {FE-Analysis of concentration dependent healing processes in a polymer matrix}, journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM)}, year = {2013}, volume = {13}, pages = {219-220} } |
Specht S, Bluhm J and Schröder J (2013), "Self-healing phenomena in polymers based on the Theory of Porous Media", In Fouth International Conference on Self-Healing Materials -- ICSHM 2013.
[BibTeX] |
@inproceedings{SpeBluSch:2013:shp, author = {S. Specht and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, title = {Self-healing phenomena in polymers based on the Theory of Porous Media}, booktitle = {Fouth International Conference on Self-Healing Materials -- ICSHM 2013}, year = {2013} } |
Specht S, Bluhm J and Schröder J (2012), "Modeling of healing processes in a polymer matrix", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM). Vol. 12(1), pp. 357-358.
[BibTeX] |
@article{SprBluSch:2012:moh, author = {S. Specht and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, title = {Modeling of healing processes in a polymer matrix}, journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM)}, year = {2012}, volume = {12}, number = {1}, pages = {357-358} } |
Bluhm J, Bloßfeld WM and Ricken T (2011), "Simulation of freezing and thawing processes with capillary effects in fluid filled porous media", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM). Vol. 11(1), pp. 455-456. |
@article{BluBloRic:2011:sof, author = {J. Bluhm and W. M. Bloßfeld and T. Ricken}, title = {Simulation of freezing and thawing processes with capillary effects in fluid filled porous media}, journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM)}, year = {2011}, volume = {11}, number = {1}, pages = {455-456}, doi = {10.1002/pamm.201210171} } |
Bluhm J, Ricken T and Bloßfeld WM (2011), "Ice Formation in Porous Media", In Advances in Extended and Multifield Theories for Continua. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Pfeiffer, F. and Wriggers, P. (eds.). , pp. 153-174. Springer.
[BibTeX] |
@inproceedings{BluRicBlo:2011:ifi, author = {J. Bluhm and T. Ricken and W. M. Bloßfeld}, editor = {B. Markert}, title = {Ice Formation in Porous Media}, booktitle = {Advances in Extended and Multifield Theories for Continua. Lecture Notes in Applied and Computational Mechanics, Pfeiffer, F. and Wriggers, P. (eds.)}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2011}, pages = {153-174} } |
Bluhm J, Ricken T and Bloßfeld WM (2010), "Simulation of freeze-thaw-cycles in liquid and gas saturated porous media", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM). Vol. 10(1), pp. 359-360. |
@article{BluRicBlo:2010:sof, author = {J. Bluhm and T. Ricken and W. M. Bloßfeld}, title = {Simulation of freeze-thaw-cycles in liquid and gas saturated porous media}, journal = {Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. (PAMM)}, year = {2010}, volume = {10}, number = {1}, pages = {359-360}, doi = {10.1002/pamm.201010172} } |
Ricken T and Bluhm J (2010), "Modeling fluid saturated porous media under frost attack", GAMM-Mitteilungen. Vol. 33(1), pp. 40-56. |
@article{RicBlu:2010:mfs, author = {T. Ricken and J. Bluhm}, title = {Modeling fluid saturated porous media under frost attack}, journal = {GAMM-Mitteilungen}, year = {2010}, volume = {33}, number = {1}, pages = {40-56}, doi = {10.1002/gamm.201010004} } |
Ricken T and Bluhm J (2010), "Remodeling and growth of living tissue -- A multiphase theory", Arch. Appl. Mech.. Vol. 80, pp. 453-465. |
@article{RicBlu:2010:rag, author = {T. Ricken and J. Bluhm}, title = {Remodeling and growth of living tissue -- A multiphase theory}, journal = {Arch. Appl. Mech.}, year = {2010}, volume = {80}, pages = {453-465}, note = {DOI: 10.1007/s00419-009-0383-1}, doi = {10.1007/s00419-009-0383-1} } |
Bluhm J, Ricken T and Bloßfeld WM (2009), "Dynamic phase transition border under freezing-thawing load -- A multiphase description". Thesis at: J. Schröder (ed.), Institute of Mechanics, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany. (47)
[BibTeX] |
@techreport{BluRicBlo:2009:dpt, author = {J. Bluhm and T. Ricken and W. M. Bloßfeld}, title = {Dynamic phase transition border under freezing-thawing load -- A multiphase description}, school = {J. Schröder (ed.), Institute of Mechanics, University Duisburg-Essen, Germany}, year = {2009}, number = {47} } |
Bluhm J and Ricken T (2007), "Modeling of freezing and thawing processes in liquid filled thermo-elastic porous solids", In Transport in Concrete: Nano- to Macrostructure. , pp. 41-57. Aedificatio Publishers, Freiburg.
[BibTeX] |
@inproceedings{BluRic:2007:mof, author = {J. Bluhm and T. Ricken}, editor = {M. J. Setzer}, title = {Modeling of freezing and thawing processes in liquid filled thermo-elastic porous solids}, booktitle = {Transport in Concrete: Nano- to Macrostructure}, publisher = {Aedificatio Publishers, Freiburg}, year = {2007}, pages = {41-57} } |
Bluhm J (2002), "Porous Media: Theory, experiments and numerical applications" , pp. 87-118. Springer.
[BibTeX] |
@inbook{Blu:2002:mos, author = {J. Bluhm}, editor = {W. Ehlers and J. Bluhm}, title = {Porous Media: Theory, experiments and numerical applications}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2002}, pages = {87-118} } |
(2002), "Porous media: Theory, experiments and numerical applications" Springer.
[BibTeX] |
@book{EhlBlu:2002:pm_book,, editor = {W. Ehlers and J. Bluhm}, title = {Porous media: Theory, experiments and numerical applications}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2002} } |
Bluhm J (1997), "A Consitent Model for Saturated Porous Media". Thesis at: Forschungsbericht aus dem Fachbereich Bauwesen, 74, Universität-GH Essen.
[BibTeX] |
@techreport{Blu:1997:acm_habil, author = {J. Bluhm}, title = {A Consitent Model for Saturated Porous Media}, school = {Forschungsbericht aus dem Fachbereich Bauwesen, 74, Universität-GH Essen}, year = {1997} } |
Pise M, Bluhm J and Schröder J (submitted (2018)), "Elasto-plastic phase-field model of hydraulic fracture in saturated binary porous media", International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering.
[BibTeX] |
@article{PisBluSch:2018:epp, author = {M. Pise and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, title = {Elasto-plastic phase-field model of hydraulic fracture in saturated binary porous media}, journal = {International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering}, year = {submitted (2018)} } |
Schwarz A, Bluhm J and Schröder J (accepted (2019)), "A finite element formulation for freezing and thawing processes of ice within the framework of the TPM", In Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics & Computation. Cape Town, South Africa Taylor & Francis Group.
[BibTeX] |
@incollection{SchBluSch:2019:afe, author = {A. Schwarz and J. Bluhm and J. Schröder}, editor = {A. Zingoni}, title = {A finite element formulation for freezing and thawing processes of ice within the framework of the TPM}, booktitle = {Research and Applications in Structural Engineering, Mechanics & Computation}, publisher = {Taylor & Francis Group}, year = {accepted (2019)} } |
Stand: 02.05.2019