
"The area runs electrically" - under this motto, the electrical CarSharing project RuhrautoE has been operated for several years. The University of Duisburg-Essen plays a key role in this process and is scientifically supporting the other consortium partners.

The vehicle use is organized by Partner Drive-CarSharing GmbH. More than 50 modern electric vehicles of various brands and sizes are available to the customer for flexible use within the framework of a CarSharing system. Since the project started about five years ago in Essen, RuhrautoE is now represented in almost all cities in the Ruhr area.

In addition to the Fahrzeug-Verleiher (vehicle rental company), the Verkehrsverbund Rhein-Ruhr (VRR) and the housing association company VIVAWEST Wohnen GmbH are also represented as partners in the consortium. The aim of the joint efforts is the detailed consideration of the combination of public transport and car sharing as well as the potential synergies in the use of car-sharing offers in large-scale residential areas.

In particular, the latter point is currently being tested in a one-year study on the use behavior of renters and electric vehicles. Within the scope of this study, both user surveys and a recording of the actual distances covered are carried out and analyzed scientifically.

The project RuhrautoE is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in the support program "Modellregionen Elektromobilität".


Project duration 2nd phase: 24 months (2015 - 2017)

Project coordinator at the Chair of Mechatronics:


Participating professorships / departments at UDE:

Affiliation to the main focus of the Faculty of Engineering at the UDE:

Link to the faculty (profile focal points):

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Image rights: Nissan