Research associate

Simon Krukowski, M.Sc.
Research associate (research and teaching)
Room Tel. |
LE 616 +49 203 379 / 4143 |
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Research Methods in Psychology
Media-based Knowledge Construction
Department of Human-centered Computing and Cognitive Science
Faculty of Computer Science
University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg Campus
Lotharstraße 65
D-47057 Duisburg
Research Interests
- Social Network Analysis
- Online Learning Communities
- Knowledge Creating Communities
- Data Science
Publications (peer-reviewed)
Krukowski, S., Martínez-Martínez, F., & Hoppe, H. U. (in press). Differential characteristics and collaborative interactions of institutional and personal Twitter accounts in a citizen science context. Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing.
Krukowski, S., Martínez-Martínez, F., & Hoppe, H. U. (2023). Does Volunteer Engagement Pay Off? An Analysis of User Participation in Online Citizen Science Projects. In L.-H. Wong, Y. Hayashi, C. A. Collazos, C. Alvarez, G. Zurita, & N. Baloian (Eds.), Collaboration Technologies and Social Computing (pp. 67–82). Springer International Publishing.
Krukowski, S., & Hecking, T. (2021a). Global and local community memberships for estimating spreading capability of nodes in social networks. Applied Network Science, 6(1), 84.
Krukowski, S., & Hecking, T. (2021b). Using link clustering to detect influential spreaders. In R. M. Benito, C. Cherifi, H. Cherifi, E. Moro, L. M. Rocha, & M. Sales-Pardo (Eds.), Complex Networks & Their Applications IX (pp. 408–419). Springer International Publishing.
Schnaubert, L., Krukowski, S., & Bodemer, D. (2021). Assumptions and confidence of others: The impact of socio-cognitive information on metacognitive self-regulation. Metacognition and Learning, 16(3), 855–887.