M. Sc. Mouadh Guesmi

Ph.D. Student Mouadh Guesmi
Office location: LE 409
Office hours: By appointment only
Phone : +49 (0) 203 379-1333
Email: mouadh.guesmi@stud.uni-due.de
Short CV
Since we are living in the era of advanced technologies and digitalization, I decided to study computer science in the higher institute of computer science and management in Kairouan, Tunisia. After obtaining my bachelor's degree in computer science, I opted for a research master in intelligent information systems at the same institute where I covered several subjects in depth like Learning Technologies, Game-Based Learning, Personalization, User Modeling, Educational Data Mining, and Learning theories Since February 2019, I have been a Ph.D. Student in the Social Computing Group, Department of Computer Science and Applied Cognitive Science (INKO), Faculty of Engineering at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
Research Interests
- Human centered interface
- User modeling and personalization
- Explainable Recommender Systems
- information visualization
Academic Qualifications
Sep 2014 - Apr 2018
Master in Intelligent Information Systems
The University of Kairouan, Higher Institute of Computer Science and Management, Tunisia
Sep 2011 - May 2014
Bachelor in Fundamental Computer Science
The University of Kairouan, Higher Institute of Computer Science and Management, Tunisia
work experience
since Feb 2019
Research assistant and PhD student in the Social Computing Group at the University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany
- Mouadh Guesmi, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Shoeb Joarder, Qurat Ul Ain, Clara Siepmann, Hoda Ghanbarzadeh, Rawaa Alatrash
Justification vs. Transparency: Why and How Visual Explanations in a Scientific Literature Recommender System Inproceedings Open Access
Information. 2023; 14(7):401. https://doi.org/10.3390/info14070401
- Mouadh Guesmi, Clara Siepmann, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Shoeb Joarder, Qurat Ul Ain, Rawaa Alatrash
Validation of the EDUSS Framework for Self-Actualization Based on Transparent User Models: A Qualitative Study Inproceedings Forthcoming
In Adjunct Proceedings of the 31th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP ’23 Adjunct), Limassol, Cyprus, June 2023.
- Mouadh Guesmi, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Jaleh Ghorbani-Bavani, Shoeb Joarder, Qurat Ul Ain, Rawaa Alatrash
What if Interactive Explanation in a Scientific Literature Recommender System Inproceedings
In Proceedings of the 9th Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems (IntRS ’22).
- Mohamed Amine Chatti, Mouadh Guesmi, Laura Vorgerd, Thao Ngo, Shoeb Joarder, Qurat Ul Ain, Arham Muslim
Is More Always Better? The Effects of Personal Characteristics and Level of Detail on the Perception of Explanations in a Recommender System Inproceedings
In Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization, Barcelona, Spain, July 2022.
- Mouadh Guesmi, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Laura Vorgerd, Thao Ngo, Shoeb Joarder, Qurat Ul Ain, Arham Muslim
Explaining User Models with Different Levels of Detail for Transparent Recommendation: A User Study Inproceedings
In Adjunct Proceedings of the 30th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP ’22 Adjunct), Barcelona, Spain, July 2022.
- Mouadh Guesmi, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Alptug Tayyar, Qurat Ul Ain, Shoeb Joarder
Interactive Visualizations of Transparent User Models for Self-Actualization: A Human-Centered Design Approach Journal Article
In Multimodal Technologies and Interaction (MTI) journal, 2022.
- Qurat Ul Ain, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Mouadh Guesmi, Shoeb Joarder
A Multi-Dimensional Conceptualization Framework for Personalized Explanations in Recommender Systems Inproceedings
In Companion Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI'22).
- Mouadh Guesmi, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Laura Vorgerd, Shoeb Joarder, Qurat Ul Ain, Thao Ngo, Shadi Zumor, Yiqi Sun, Fangzheng Ji, Arham Muslim
Input or Output: Effects of Explanation Focus on the Perception of Explainable Recommendation with Varying Level of Details Inproceedings
In Proceedings of the 8th Joint Workshop on Interfaces and Human Decision Making for Recommender Systems (IntRS ’21)
- Mohamed Amine Chatti, Volkan Yücepur, Arham Muslim, Mouadh Guesmi, Shoeb Joarder
Designing Theory-Driven Analytics-Enhanced Self-Regulated Learning Applications Book Chapter Forthcoming
In M. Sahin & D. Ifenthaler (Eds.), Visualizations and Dashboards for Learning Analytics. Cham: Springer. - Mouadh Guesmi, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Laura Vorgerd, Shoeb Joarder, Shadi Zumor, Yiqi Sun, Fangzheng Ji, Arham Muslim
On-demand Personalized Explanation for Transparent Recommendation Inproceedings
In Adjunct Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP ’21 Adjunct).
- Mohamed Amine Chatti, Fangzheng Ji, Mouadh Guesmi, Arham Muslim, Ravi Kumar Singh, and Shoeb Ahmed Joarder
SIMT: A Semantic Interest Modeling Toolkit Inproceedings
In Adjunct Proceedings of the 29th ACM Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization (UMAP ’21 Adjunct).
- Mouadh Guesmi, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Yiqi Sun, Shadi Zumor,Fangzheng Ji, Arham Muslim, Laura Vorgerd, and Shoeb Ahmed Joarder
Open, Scrutable and Explainable Interest Models for Transparent Recommendation Inproceedings
In Companion Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI'21).
- Mohamed Amine Chatti, Arham Muslim, Mouadh Guesmi, Florian Richtscheid, Dawood Nasimi, Amin Shahin, and Ritesh Damera
How to Design Effective Learning Analytics Indicators? A Human-Centered Design Approach Inproceedings
In Proceedings of the Fifteenth European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (ECTEL'20), pp. 303-317, 2020.
- Mohamed Amine Chatti, Arham Muslim, Manpriya Guliani, Mouadh Guesmi
The LAVA Model: Learning Analytics Meets Visual Analytics Book Chapter
In D. Ifenthaler & D. Gibson (Eds.), Adoption of Data Analytics in Higher Education Learning and Teaching (pp. 71-93). Cham: Springer.
- Arham Muslim, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Mouadh Guesmi
Open Learning Analytics: A Systematic Literature Review and Future Perspectives Book Chapter
In N Pinkwart & S Liu (Eds.), Artificial Intelligence Supported Educational Technologies (pp. 3-29). Cham: Knight .
- Mouadh Guesmi, Mohamed Amine Chatti, Arham Muslim
A Review of Explanatory Visualizations in Recommender Systems Inproceedings
In Companion Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK'20), pp. 480-491, 2020