Learning Analytics
Lecture Learning Analytics (WS 23/24)
Semester: Winter Semester 2023/24
Lecture language: English
Exam language: English
Exam type: Oral examination
Maximum number of participants: 30
The course will officially start on the October 11, 2023, and will take place in a Blended Learning format (online + in-person). More information will be provided in the Moodle course room for the registered students. Registration is possible until the October 4, October 9, 2023 (see the registration section below).
Learning Analytics (LA) has attracted a great deal of attention as practitioners, institutions, and researchers are increasingly seeing the potential that LA has to shape the future technology-enhanced learning landscape. LA is an emerging data science field that represents the application of big data and analytics in education. It deals with the development of methods that harness educational data sets to support the learning process. LA is an interdisciplinary field involving competencies from computer science, cognitive psychology, and pedagogy. It leverages various computer science methods. These include statistics, big data, machine learning, data/text mining, information visualization, visual analytics, and recommender systems. The first part of the course will provide a systematic overview of this emerging field and its key concepts through a reference model for LA-based on four dimensions, namely data, environments, context (what?), stakeholders (who?), objectives (why?), and methods (how?). In the second part of this course, we will discuss various methods and techniques required to develop innovative LA systems, in relation to each dimension of the LA reference model. In the last part of the course, current topics and trends in LA research will be presented and discussed in invited talks. The presented methods and technologies will be further investigated and applied in small student projects carried out throughout the course. The course topics will include:
- Learning analytics and related areas (e.g. educational data mining)
- A reference model for learning analytics
- Big Data (NoSQL Databases, Hadoop ecosystem)
- Learner modeling
- Ethics and privacy in learning analytics
- Assessment and feedback
- Machine Learning / Data Mining (classification, clustering, association rule mining)
- Recommender systems
- Information visualization and visual analytics
- Current topics in learning analytics (invited lectures)
Getting credits for this course requires successful completion of all assignments, projects, and oral exams at the end of the semester. The final grade will be calculated as follows: assignments and projects (50%) and oral exams (50%).
Target Audience
- Master Applied Computer Science
- Master ISE
- Master Komedia
Date and location
Lecture/Lab Session:
- Wed, 14:00 – 16:00
- LK 052/Online
- Starts on the October 11, 2023
Lecture/Lab Session:
- Thu, 10:00 – 12:00
- LC 140/Online
- Starts on the October 12, 2023
- Interest in data science and/or learning technologies.
- High motivation and commitment.
Due to didactical methods, we have a limit of 30 students for this class (first come, first served). To register, please email Clara Siepmann by the October 4, October 9, 2023, with your contact information, your study program, your matriculation number, and if available your knowledge/experience in Data Science and Learning Technologies. If the maximum number of participants is reached, we will use a waiting list.
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Chatti (Lecturer)
M. Sc. Clara Siepmann (Teaching Assistant)
Student's Projects
The Data Connoisseurs Master Exploration & Overview Webapp (MEOW)
The project aims to explore Applied Computer Science (Angewandte Informatik) and data science study programs in Germany. It was implemented in order to support students in the choice of these study programs, as well as to support the establishment of new study degrees in these fields.
- Marawan Abdelgawad
- Mohamed Abdelmagied
- Venorika Bogdanovich
- Maniel Frías
- Kevin Hoffschlag
- Ula Muhabbek
LA RAHAM Lecture Recommender (LecRec)
The project aims to support Bachelors and Masters of Applied Computer Science (Angewandte Informatik) at the university Duisburg-Essen to help them to choose the elective courses based on the similarity between the courses, based on the student ratings or based on the course, that are usually been taken together.
- Mahsa Alizadeh
- Ali Elhag
- Robert Fiedler
- Huthayfa Ghunaim
- Anshuman Sinha
Data Detectives AdaptiveLearning
The project aims to support Bachelors and Masters of Applied Computer Science (Angewandte Informatik) at the university Duisburg-Essen to help them to choose the elective courses based on the similarity between the courses, based on the student ratings or based on the course, that are usually been taken together.
- Bahareh Bahadori
- Shima Ghasempour
- Mohamed Khalifa
- Sohail Khan
- Maryam Malahnejad
- Mohamed Tawfik
- Qintha Rahma Vierdestya
The Learning Pythons Grade Genius
The project aims to support students in understanding their academic performance through predictive modeling and data visualization. In this tool, machine learning was leveraged to predict student grades based on a variety of factors, utilizing both a personalized approach (based on individual student data) and a non-personalized approach (through general grade trends and attributes). The Student Grade Predictor is developed to be user-friendly and accessible to students across all disciplines.
- Elaheh Najafi
- Elham Najafi
- Eric Souobu Ndjoughem
- Nil Monfort
- Lisa Mühl
- Lucie Stecker