Mensch-Computer Interaktion
The course will officially start on October 13th, 2021 and will take place in a Blended Learning format (online + in person). More information will be provided in the Moodle courseroom for the registered students. Registration is possible via Moodle until October 1st 8th, 2021.
About this Course
The lecture course Mensch-Computer Interaktion (Human-Computer Interaction), introduces basic concepts and models of human-computer interaction as well as a usability engineering process that describes the user-centric approach to designing interactive systems. The methods presented support the systematic analysis of user goals and requirements, the design of user interfaces as well as the user-centric evaluation of systems with analytic and empirical methods. Among others, the following topics will be covered in the course:
- Concepts and models of human-computer interaction
- Psychological basics of human-computer interaction
- Models of interaction between people and their environment, such as affordances, mappings, constraints, slips, and mistakes
- Human-centered design process
- Task and requirements analysis
- Techniques for prototyping user interfaces
- User studies and evaluation methods
- Golden rules of user interface design
This course follows a student-centered and project-based learning approach. The theoretical concepts are further investigated and applied in group projects carried out throughout the course, to foster collaboration, project management, conflict management, and presentation skills.
- Donald Norman, The Design Of Everyday Things, ISBN-13 : 978-0465050659
- Alan Dix, Janet Finlay, Gregory D. Abowd, Russell Beale, Human-Computer Interaction, ISBN 0130461091
- Preim, B., & Dachselt, R. (2010). Interaktive Systeme: Band 1: Grundlagen, Graphical User Interfaces, Informationsvisualisierung. Springer-Verlag
- Preim, B., & Dachselt, R. (2015). Interaktive Systeme: Band 2: User Interface Engineering, 3D-Interaktion, Natural User Interfaces. Springer- Verlag
Target audience
- Bachelor Angewandte Informatik
- Bachelor ISE
- Bachelor Komedia
Date and location
Lecture Session:
- Wed, 10:00 – 12:00
- Online / LB 107
- Starts on October 13, 2021
Exercise Session:
- G1 Mo 14 – 16, Online / LB 117
- G2 Di 08 – 10, Online / LE 120
- G3 Mi 14 – 16, Online / LC 137
- G4 Mi 16 – 18, Online / LE 104
- G5 Do 08 – 10, Online / LC 140
- G6 Do 16 – 18, Online / LE 104
- G7 Fr 08 – 10, Online / LE 120
- Interest in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
- High motivation and commitment
Registration is possible via Moodle until October 1st 8th, 2021
- Course material in Moodle
- Show in course catalogue (LSF, Module Database)
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Chatti (Lecturer)
M. Sc. Qurat Ul Ain (Teaching Assistant)
M. Sc. Shoeb Joarder (Teaching Assistant)
Student Projects
„Helping people who help people.“ An App that makes work for caretakers easier and more enjoyable
Group name: Roboter-Mensch-Kontakter
Group members: Leander Weuthen, Henri Hagen Lendla, David Zittel
Change Payment Method
We have added a “change payment method” button to allow the user to change the payment method of any disclosed order. This was not a possibility beforehand and led to many errors that were hard and time-consuming to fix. You can now change the payment method of any
order however many times you please by just a few clicks
Group name: TheGroup
Group members: Iliana Moraitou, Anna-Lena Freyhoff, Marie Irabor, Elina Wehlitz
The solution for Communication and Connectivity
Group name: BMMS
Group members: Barbora Kleinova, Mengchen Li, Marie Schlüsener, Sean Martin
Smartphone operating system for elderly users. Help-Button which provides help in every situation
Group name: Cenipati
Group members: Pascal Peters, Christoph Vorer, Nils Bronner, Tim Rachul
Find A Seat
Group name: HHR
Group members: Hakan Ok, Hande Kaya, Rana Karaca
Group name: InTeam
Group members: Anna Hoffmann, Pia Dungs and Alisa Drabe
Let's Cook!
Make cooking easy for everyone, by looking for different recipes using ingredients found in one’s pantry
Group name: Group Alpha
Group members: Deyna Haishnee Sunnassee, Adam Alabdul Wahab, Alara Ciyrak
Motivation Booster
An App to motivate people to overcome their lack of motivation, so they can include a certain behavior to their daily lives
Group name: MauVanTan
Group members: Maurice Schmidt, Vanessa Wollny, Tanja Schell
Our solution to the disconnection and problems our users have with streaming services, by considering more interviews following our early prototypes, our personal team discussion and pragmatism of the solution is to make a social media-based platform for users to reach their content providers and get feedback on shows and media, in order to get better recommendations and reach a decision on what service they should subscribe to.
Group name: Sigma
Group members: Arshia Zare, Avin Safari Shirzi, Aryan Kaushik
Tackling Big City Problem
Let's have more social interactions on train platforms! How our Interactive Screen helps you to start enjoying your time waiting for the train and get inspired by new people.
Group name: SMPL
Group members: Maxine Lücht, Pia Victor, Stefano Klimka, Liu Zixiao
WHO-R-U acts as an extension of your biography on other social media applications. It allows you to choose from a wide scale of components that can be added to your profile, such as personality tests or movie reviews. Our app tries to give users a space where they can introduce themselves to people exactly how they want to.
Group name: NASA
Group members: Noah Liebig, Aliyah Reem Berutti, Ali Haydar Zorluer, Sasha Marie Hemmer-Dudszus