Possible Topics for Master's Theses

Supervision Prof. Dr. Susanne Moebus (Centre for Urban Epidemiology)

The Centre for Urban Epidemiology offers Master's thesis topics to various research projects. We provide individual supervision and support on various issues such as methodological questions, literature research as well as helping to specialized literature. If you are interested send an e-mail to: Prof. Dr. Susanne Moebus, susanne.moebus@uk-essen.de.

Information and topic suggestions can be found on the CUE homepage / News.

Supervision Prof. Dr.-Ing. André Niemann (Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management)

When we say Hydraulic Engineering we mean all measures we do to use water or to save us for the risks and danger of water. When we say Water Resources Management we mean that measures that describe exploitation of the water by man. Our institute deals with all matters of water management, protection against floods, and the protection and keeping of natural waters.
More about the Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Water Resources Management.

Suggested topics for Master's thesis topics:

*** This page is under construction. Soon, more options on supervision in the research field of Urban Systems will be highlighted. ***