CV Shirley Knauer


Prof. Dr. Shirley Knauer

Center of Medical Biotechnology
Faculty of Biology
University of Duisburg-Essen

Curriculum Vitae
2021 – today Board member and head of research focus "ambience" in the research center ACTIVE SITES
Since 2016 Professor for Molecular Biology II (W2), University of Duisburg-Essen
2013 - 2018 Guest lecturer for Microbiology, University of Salzburg, Austria
2010 - 2015 Junior professor of Molecular Biology II (W1), University of Duisburg-Essen
2007 - 2009 Postdoctoral Fellow/Junior Group Leader, Department of Cellular and Molecular Oncology, University Medical School Mainz, Prof. Dr. Roland Stauber
2005 - 2007 Postdoctoral Fellow, Georg-Speyer-Haus, Institute of Biomedical Research, University of Frankfurt/Main, PD Dr. Roland Stauber
2008 Habilitation in Molecular Medicine, University of Mainz
2001 - 2005 Ph.D. (Dr. phil. nat.), University of Frankfurt/Main
1995 - 2000 Study of Biology, University of Erlangen-Nuremburg
Awards & Stipends
2013 German Life Science Award, GBM/Roche
2011 - 2013 Member of the 'Global Young Faculty II' of the Stiftung Mercator
2008 & 2011 Research & Scientific Award from the Stiftung Tumorforschung Kopf-Hals
2008 - 2009 Postdoctoral Fellowship from the Peter und Traudl Engelhorn Foundation
2007 Dagmar Eißner Award for young scientists
Postdoctoral Lecturer Grant from the Kalkhof Rose Foundation
2006 - 2007 Graduate Grant from the NOVARTIS Foundation of Therapeutic Research
1998 - 2004 Scholarships from the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes
2010 - today Member of the Female Research Equality (FREQ) Network of the VCI
2011 - 2018 Board member of the Joint Working Group ‘Chemical Biology’ (DEChEMa e.V.)
2012 - 2018 Speaker of the Study Group ‘Chemical Biology ‘of the GBM
Patent: "Nuclear export inhibitors with anti-tumoral activity". Inventors: R.H. Stauber, V. Fetz, S.K. Knauer, W. Mann. Patent Application-No. 10177212.7, EP 2 431 364 A1.Extended in 2012.