Samuel Sanders

Samuel Sanders studied English, German and Social Sciences at the Macquarie University of Sydney (Australia), the University of Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV, France), and the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany) from which he graduated with a teacher´s degree in 2014. In addition, he completed a teaching degree in Intercultural Pedagogy and Teaching German as a Foreign or Second Language in 2015.
The thesis of his First State Exam discussed English as a global language from a geographical, historical, linguistic as well as sociocultural perspective. Due to his outstanding results he was acknowledged as the best graduate of the year by the Zentrum für Lehrerbildung of the University of Duisburg-Essen. Furthermore, he received the UDE-scholarship aimed at highly talented students and also finished his additional teaching degree as the best graduate.
Since early 2015 he commutes between London (UK) and Essen where he pursues his PhD degree and holds a lecturer and research assistant position (wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at the chair of Applied Linguistics and Didactics at the Institute for Anglophone Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen.
Samuel played an essential part as co-organiser of the 10th AILA-Europe Junior Researcher Meeting in Applied Linguistics (JRM 2018).The English departments of the University of Koblenz-Landau and the University of Münster repeatedly invited him to teach courses in the field of Applied Linguistics and Didactics. In 2014 he worked as a German language teaching assistant at the Vilnius University in Lithuania. Moreover, he has been working as a music teacher for disabled and mentally challenged people for several years, and, in 2012, as a private tutor in Amsterdam (Netherlands).
Besides his academic career, Samuel dedicates his time to music, travelling, adventures and exploring cultures. He is a signed musician and has been repeatedly touring throughout the world with his band as well as on his own or with friends.
We can be richer than industry as long as we know that there's things that we don't really need.
We can speak louder than ignorance ´cause we speak in silence every time our eyes meet.
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