Katharina v. Elbwart

Dr. Katharina v. Elbwart
E-mail: katharina.elbwart@upb.de (for questions about credits in Winter 20/21)
Dear all,
I no longer work at UDE. Please contact Prof. Bös for any questions about classes you have completed with me.
All the best,
since May 2019 |
Adjunct lecturer, General Linguistics and Varieties of English, University of Duisburg-Essen Teacher trainee (Referendariat für das Lehramt an Berufskollegs), HBBK Marl |
2014-2019 |
Research assistant (wiss. MA), General Linguistics and Varieties of English, University of Duisburg-Essen
2013-2014 | Graduate Teaching Assistant, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, USA | ||
2010-2011 | Graduate Teaching Assistant, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, USA |
Sept. 2019 | PhD in Linguistics, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany |
Dec. 2015 | Certificate in German as a Foreign/Second Language (DaZ/DaF), BAMF, Germany |
August 2014 | Master of Arts in Linguistics, Florida Atlantic University, USA |
August 2014 | Certificate in SLA and TESOL, Florida Atlantic University, USA |
June 2013 | First State Exams in English, German, Economics (Teaching degree for vocational schools) |
2016 | Innovations in Teaching Award (Innovationspreis der Lehre), ZHQE, UDE |
2014 | Recognition as the best graduate of the year 2014, UDE, ZfL |
2013 | Fellowship awarded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) |
2010 | Fellowship awarded by the Federation of German-American Clubs (VDAC) |
Areas of interest and research
Folk linguistics & language regard | World Englishes |
Sociolinguistics | Language ideologies |
First and second language acquisition | Foreign language teaching & learning |
Language and migration | Teaching varieties of English |
Recent academic activities
von Elbwart, K. (under review). A View from the Sunshine State: Mapping Perceptions and Language Ideologies in Florida. In P. Ronan and E. Ziegler (eds). Language, Migration and Identity. Oxford: Peter Lang.
von Elbwart, K., Burovikinha, V., Winter, K. (under review). Wer Jubiläen feiert, erinnert sich. In H. Cölfen, K. Helmer & G. Herchert (eds). Aller Ehre werth und nicht leicht zu ersetzen: Feste, Feiern, Jubiläen. Duisburg: Univ.-Verl. Rhein-Ruhr.
von Elbwart, K. (2020). Language regard in the Sunshine State. Floridian perspectives on language ideologies and linguistic variation. WVT: Trier.
'Making diversity and language practices visible: Language regard in Florida', Third International Conference on Sociolinguistics (ICS.3), Prague, Czech Republic, Aug. 26-28, 2020. (accepted for presentation)
'Analyzing linguistic variation in the 21st century: Map-drawing and language ideologies in ArcGIS', Methods XVII, Mainz, Germany, August 3-7, 2020. (accepted for presentation)
‘Variationist Dialectology’: Studying language regard in Florida, International Societyfor the Linguistics of English (ISLE 6), Joensuu, Finland, June 3-6, 2020. (accepted for presentation)
Projects (completed)

Language regard in the Sunshine State
Investigating perceptions of linguistic variation in a culturally diverse context, this study examines immigrant language regard and ideologies in Florida and the U.S. Taking on a variationist perspective, it analyzes perceptual data against various social variables and combines approaches in sociolinguistics, perceptual dialectology and language attitude research. In doing so, mental maps were gathered and run in ArcGIS, an advanced information system to make geolinguistic spaces visible. Results reveal subliminal, yet strong language attitudes and prove that language regard is highly ideological in nature.

Schreibkompetenzen der Studierenden in der Hochschullehre fördern
Im Projekt A Writers‘ conference – Improving students’ academic writing skills bringen die Studierenden im Rahmen verschiedener “Writers’ Conferences” selbst verfasste Texte ins Seminar, zu denen sie dann von ihren Kommiliton*innen eine kriteriengeleitete Rückmeldung erhalten. Hierdurch werden die Studierenden darauf vorbereitet, ihre erste Hausarbeit zu verfassen.