Current research projects

MERLIN project

MERLIN seeks new, widely applicable solutions for restoring the functions of freshwater ecosystems, for example to improve flood retention and store carbon dioxide.

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Collaborative Research Centre 1439

RESIST investigates how water bodies and their habitats respond to the mutilpe pressures. Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) with 12.3 million Euros.

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Biological assessment of floodplain status

The aim of the project is the development of a standardized, practical and a nationwide applica-ble method to assess the biological floodplain status.

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Online tools for ecological river assessment

Plattform for online calculation tools to determine the ecological quality of water bodies. The plattform is operated by the Aquatic Ecology on behalf of the Federal Environment Agency.

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Streams in the Arnsberger Forest

In cooperation with the ABU Soest, the Department of Aquatic Ecology investigates the macrozoobenthos of streams in the Arnsberg Forest

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