Dr. Jochem Kail

Faculty of Biology
Aquatic Ecology
Universitätsstrasse 5
D-45141 Essen
Room S05T03B08
Tel: +
Fax: +
The focus of my research is on the effect of multiple anthropogenic pressures on different spatial and temporal scales on freshwater biota. I started investigating the positive effect of large wood on river morphology, habitat diversity and its use in river restoration. This shifted my interest to river restoration in general, resulting in studies like a global meta-analysis of river restoration effects.
More recently, I mainly work on the effects and interactions of different, especially large-scale pressures on river biota. Besides local hydromorphological alterations, I considered additional large-scale pressures like missing woody riparian vegetation, catchment land use and climate change. To quantify these pressures, I extensively use GIS and remote sensing, but also hydraulic- and morphological models. To investigate these data, I use a wide variety of novel statistical methods, e.g. for detecting thresholds and change points, methods to detect non-linear relationships and interactions, and considering uncertainty in (statistical) models using sensitivity analyses and Bayesian Belief Networks.