Dr. Sonja Zimmermann

Faculty of Biology
Aquatic Ecology
Universitätsstrasse 5
D-45141 Essen
Room S05T03B15
Phone: +
Fax: +
My research focuses on environmental behaviour, bioaccumulation and toxicology of pollutants in aquatic ecosystems, with emphasis on the platinum group elements (PGE) Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium, which are primarily used in automobile catalytic converters. My work includes field and exposure studies, toxicity testing, biomarker assays as well as chemical analytics. As senior scientist I have more than 20 years of experience in research and teaching in the field of ecotoxicology – environmental analytics – parasitology with more than 40 articles in international peer-reviewed journals and books (see publications). I am active as a reviewer for about 20 international scientific journals. Currently, I am mainly involved in the German-South African Cooperation project “PGEAquaTox”.
My teaching activities cover lectures, seminars and practical courses for the international Master study program “Environmental Toxicology” and the Bachelor study program “Biology”.