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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.

    Artikel in Zeitschriften

  • Civitillo, Sauro; Mayer, Anna-Maria; Jugert, Philipp
    A systematic review and meta-analysis of the associations between perceived teacher-based racial-ethnic discrimination and student well-being and academic outcomes
    In: Journal of Educational Psychology Jg. 116 (2024) Nr. 5, S. 719 - 741
  • Ialuna, Francesca; Civitillo, Sauro; Schachner, Maja K.; Jugert, Philipp
    Culturally Responsive Teaching Self-Efficacy and Cultural Diversity Climate Are Positively Associated With the Academic and Psychological Adjustment of Immigrant and Nonimmigrant Students
    In: Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology (2024) in press
  • Ialuna, Francesca; Civitillo, Sauro; Jugert, Philipp
    Culturally responsive teaching, teacher-student relationship and school belongingness : A multi-informant study in ethnically diverse classrooms
    In: Learning, Culture and Social Interaction Jg. 47 (2024) 100839
  • Ialuna, Francesca; Civitillo, Sauro; McElvany, Nele; Leyendecker, Birgit; Jugert, Philipp
    Resilience in multicultural classrooms : School relationships can protect the school adjustment of immigrant, refugee and non‐immigrant children
    In: British Journal of Educational Psychology (BJEP) (2024) in press
  • Civitillo, Sauro; Jugert, Philipp
    Zooming in on everyday ethnic-racial discrimination : A review of experiencing sampling methodology studies in adolescence
    In: European Journal of Developmental Psychology Jg. 21 (2024) Nr. 4, S. 592 - 611
  • Vietze, Jana; Schwarzenthal, Miriam; Moffitt, Ursula; Civitillo, Sauro
    Beyond ‘migrant background’ : How to select relevant, social justice oriented, and feasible social categories in educational research
    In: European Journal of Psychology of Education Jg. 38 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 389 - 408
  • Civitillo, Sauro; Ialuna, Francesca Eugenia; Lieck, Dwayne; Jugert, Philipp
    Do infrahumanization or affective prejudice drive teacher discrimination against Romani students? : A conceptual replication of Bruneau et al. (2020) in Germany
    In: Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology Jg. 28 (2022) Nr. 3, S. 340 - 344
  • Jugert, Philipp; Kaiser, Marie; Ialuna, Francesca Eugenia; Civitillo, Sauro
    Researching race-ethnicity in race-mute Europe
    In: Infant and Child Development Jg. 31 (2022) Nr. 1, S. e2260
  • Schachner, Maja K.; Schwarzenthal, Miriam; Moffitt, Ursula; Civitillo, Sauro; Juang, Linda
    Capturing a nuanced picture of classroom cultural diversity climate : Multigroup and multilevel analyses among secondary school students in Germany
    In: Contemporary Educational Psychology Jg. 65 (2021) 101971
  • Civitillo, Sauro; Göbel, Kerstin; Preusche, Zuzanna M.; Jugert, Philipp
    Disentangling the effects of perceived personal and group ethnic discrimination among secondary school students : The protective role of teacher–student relationship quality and school climate
    In: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development (2021) Nr. 177: Special Issue: The Impact of Migration on Child and Adolescent Development: The Role of Socialization Experiences in Family and School, S. 77 - 99
  • Civitillo, Sauro; Juang, Linda P.; Schachner, Maja K.
    Stressing similarities or ignoring differences? : Shedding light into different forms of color-evasive ideology with pre- and in-service teachers
    In: Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft: ZfE Jg. 24 (2021) Nr. 1, S. 135 - 153
  • Civitillo, Sauro; Juang, Linda P.; Badra, Marcel; Schachner, Maja K.
    The interplay between culturally responsive teaching, cultural diversity beliefs, and self-reflection : A multiple case study
    In: Teaching and Teacher Education Jg. 77 (2019) S. 341 - 351
  • Aufsätze

  • Ialuna, Francesca Eugenia; Civitillo, Sauro; McElvany, Nele; Leyendecker, Birgit; Jugert, Philipp
    Resilience in multicultural classrooms : do positive relationships moderate the language proficiency-school adjustment link?
  • Preprints

  • Ialuna, Francesca Eugenia; Civitillo, Sauro; Schachner, Maja; Jugert, Philipp
    Culturally responsive teaching self-efficacy and cultural diversity climate are positively associated with the academic and psychological adjustment of immigrant and non-immigrant students
  • Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden

  • Civitillo, Sauro; Ialuna, Francesca; Jugert, Philipp
    Stereotype und Vorurteile gegenüber Roma-Schüler*innen : Ein Überblick zu den Ursachen, zu Interventionen und bewährten Praktiken
    In: Stereotype in der Schule II: Ursachen und Möglichkeiten der Intervention / Glock, Susanne (Hrsg.) 2022, S. 235 - 263
  • Civitillo, Sauro; Jugert, Philipp
    ‚Sie kümmern sich nicht und haben es eh verdient‘ : Mythen über den Zusammenhang von Armut und Bildung
    In: Mythen, Fehlvorstellungen, Fehlkonzepte und Irrtümer in Schule und Unterricht / Steins, Gisela; Spinath, Birgit; Dutke, Stephan; Roth, Marcus; Limbourg, Maria (Hrsg.) 2022, S. 181 - 196