Scanning augerelectron microscopy

© ICAN 2019 | figure 1

What is scanning auger microscopy?

A scanning auger microscope (SAM) combines the scanning power and spatial resolution of a scanning electron microscope (SEM) with the element specific analysis of auger electron spectroscopy (AES). In this way it is possible to record chemical 2D maps of the chemical configuration of a surface with a spatial resolution of ~7nm.

An electron beam is rastered across the sample surface. In reacting with teh surface atoms slow moving secondary electrons as well as auger electrons are created. The detecion of the secondary electrons gives an image of the surface. Auger electrons have a kinetic energy that is element specific and hence a spectroscopic analysis of the emitted electrons allows the determination of the chemical composition of the surface.

The auger proces is scetched in FIgure 1. a) An electron of the primary beam hits an electron of a surface atom which is then emitted into vacuum. b) The hole is filled by an electron from a less strongly bound shell. c) The energy, that is released by this second electron is transmitted to a third electron from the same orbital. The kinetic energy of this electron is hence only dependent on the energy difference of the different orbitals and thus element specific. d) This electron is being emitted into vacuum and detected.

At ICAN we use the Scanning Auger NanoProbe 710 by Ulvac-Phi.

Figure 1: Schematic representation of the screw process.

Chemical 2D maps

Image 2 shows a magnesium particle, roughly 400 nm x 400 nm large, that shows two distinctly different regions. The green colored areas are sulfur rich, while in the red areas phophorous is mixed with the magnesium.

Platinum nanowires are shown in figure 3 (height 20 nm, 50 nm (width)), which were prepared onto a silicon substrate in the FIB. The auger signals of platinum (blue) and silicon (yellow) overlayed. The graph on the right gives the Pt-intensity along a line scan, represented by the green shaded area in the 2D map.

© ICAN 2019 | figure 2

Figure 2: 2D map of a magnesium particles in ductile iron. The red areas are rich in phosphorus, the green ones rich in sulfur.

© ICAN 2019 | figure 3

Figure 3: 2D map of platinum nanowires on silicon. The map is 5 µm x 5 µm and consists of 512x512 pixels.

© ICAN 2019 | figure 4

Scanning electron microscopy

Due to the highly focussed electron beam it is possible to record secondary electron images (SEM). The NanoProbe 710 detects the generated seondary electrons using a scintillator detector. Figure 4 shows a 20 µm x 20 µm SEM image of platinum nanowires on silicon. The green rectangle depicts the area mapped as a chemical map in figure 3 (rotated by 180°).

Figure 4: Scanning electron microscope image SEM) of platinum nanowires on silicon. The image size is 20 µm x 20µm. The green rectangle depicts the region shown in figure 3 as a chemical 2D map.

© ICAN 2019 | figure 5

Auger electron spectroscopy

Figure 5 give the intensity dI/dE of the auger electrons in the kinetic energy range between 1500 eV and 2000 eV. This is, where peaks from silicon and platinum show up, which were used in generating figure 3. The red graph was recorded on silicon, the black one on the edge of a platinum nanowire. The signals from silicon and platinum, ca. 1622 eV,  and platinum, ca. 1970 eV, are clearly visible.

Figure 5: Intensity of the auger signal on a platinum nanowire (black) and silicon substrate (red).

Your contact for SAM:

ICAN - Interdisciplinary Center for Analytics on the Nanoscale

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47057 Duisburg
LN U1.15


  • Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in, Center for Nanointegration Duisburg-Essen

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The following publications are listed in the online university bibliography of the University of Duisburg-Essen. Further information may also be found on the person's personal web pages.

    Journal articles

  • Saddeler, Sascha; Hagemann, Ulrich; Bendt, Georg; Schulz, Stephan
    Core-shell Co₃O₄@CoO Nanoparticles for Enhanced OER Activity
    In: ChemCatChem Vol. 16 (2024) Nr. 6, e202301327
  • Bai, Fan; Schulwitz, Jonas; Priamushko, Tatiana; Hagemann, Ulrich; Kostka, Aleksander; Heidelmann, Markus; Cherevko, Serhiy; Muhler, Martin; Li, Tong
    Correlating atomic-scale structural and compositional details of Ca-doped LaCO₃ perovskite nanoparticles with activity and stability towards the oxygen evolution reaction
    In: Journal of Catalysis Vol. 438 (2024) 115697
  • He, Biao; Hosseini, Pouya; Escalera-López, Daniel; Schulwitz, Jonas; Rüdiger, Olaf; Hagemann, Ulrich; Heidelmann, Markus; DeBeer, Serena; Muhler, Martin; Cherevko, Serhiy; Tschulik, Kristina; Li, Tong
    Effects of Dynamic Surface Transformation on the Activity and Stability of Mixed Co-Mn Cubic Spinel Oxides in the Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Media
    In: Advanced Energy Materials (2024) in press
  • Olean-Oliveira, André; Hasnain, Najeeb; Martínez-Hincapié, Ricardo; Hagemann, Ulrich; Jain, Adarsh; Segets, Doris; Spanos, Ioannis; Čolić, Viktor
    Electrochemical Insights into Hydrogen Peroxide Generation on Carbon Electrodes : Influence of Defects, Oxygen Functional Groups, and Alkali Metals in the Electrolyte
    In: ACS Catalysis Vol. 14 (2024) Nr. 23, pp. 17675 - 17689
  • Khairani, Inna Yusnila; Jin, Benjin; Palardonio, Sidney M.; Hagemann, Ulrich; Alonso, Beatriz; Ortega, Amaya; Doñate-Buendía, Carlos; Martorell, Jordi; Ros, Carles; Kallio, Tanja; Gökce, Bilal
    FeNi nanoparticle-modified reduced graphene oxide as a durable electrocatalyst for oxygen evolution
    In: Journal of Catalysis Vol. 439 (2024) 115771
  • Gao, Zhuo; Sanjuán, Ignacio; Hagemann, Ulrich; Wittmar, Alexandra S. M.; Andronescu, Corina; Ulbricht, Mathias
    Polyacrylonitrile-based porous polymer spheres and their conversion to N-doped carbon materials for adsorption and electrocatalysis
    In: Journal of Applied Polymer Science Vol. 141 (2024) Nr. 22, e55438
  • Luan, Chenglong; Escalera-López, Daniel; Hagemann, Ulrich; Kostka, Aleksander; Laplanche, Guillaume; Wu, Dongshuang; Cherevko, Serhiy; Li, Tong
    Revealing Dynamic Surface and Subsurface Reconstruction of High-Entropy Alloy Electrocatalysts during the Oxygen Evolution Reaction at the Atomic Scale
    In: ACS Catalysis Vol. 14 (2024) Nr. 17, pp. 12704 - 12716
  • Sanjuán, Ignacio; Kumbhar, Vaibhav; Chanda, Vimanshu; Machado, Raíssa R. L.; Jaato, Bright N.; Braun, Michael; Mahbub, Muhammad A. A.; Bendt, Georg; Hagemann, Ulrich; Heidelmann, Markus; Schuhmann, Wolfgang; Andronescu, Corina
    Tunable Syngas Formation at Industrially Relevant Current Densities via CO₂ Electroreduction and Hydrogen Evolution over Ni and Fe-derived Catalysts obtained via One-Step Pyrolysis of Polybenzoxazine Based Composites
    In: Small Vol. 20 (2024) Nr. 23, 2305958
  • Placke-Yan, Carsten; Bendt, Georg; Salamon, Soma; Landers, Joachim; Wende, Heiko; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schulz, Stephan
    Versatile synthesis of sub-10 nm sized metal-doped MₓCo₃−ₓO₄ nanoparticles and their electrocatalytic OER activity
    In: Materials Advances Vol. 5 (2024) Nr. 8, pp. 3482 - 3489
  • Luan, Chenglong; Corva, Manuel; Hagemann, Ulrich; Wang, Hongcai; Heidelmann, Markus; Tschulik, Kristina; Li, Tong
    Atomic-Scale Insights into Morphological, Structural, and Compositional Evolution of CoOOH during Oxygen Evolution Reaction
    In: ACS Catalysis Vol. 13 (2023) Nr. 2, pp. 1400 - 1411
  • Braun, Michael; Chatwani, Mohit; Kumar, Piyush; Hao, Yun; Sanjuán, Ignacio; Apostoleri, Ariadni-Aikaterini; Brix, Ann Cathrin; Morales, Dulce M.; Hagemann, Ulrich; Heidelmann, Markus; Masa, Justus; Schuhmann, Wolfgang; Andronescu, Corina
    Cobalt nickel boride as electrocatalyst for the oxidation of alcohols in alkaline media
    In: JPhys Energy Vol. 5 (2023) Nr. 2, 024005
  • Bera, Anupam; Bullert, Denise; Linke, Matthias; Franzka, Steffen; Hagemann, Ulrich; Hartmann, Nils; Hasselbrink, Eckart
    Interaction of 2-propanol with predominantly SrO- and TiO2-terminated SrTiO3(100) surfaces studied by vibrational sum frequency spectroscopy
    In: Catalysis Science and Technology Vol. 13 (2023) Nr. 17, pp. 4988 - 4995
  • Luan, Chenglong; Angona, Johanna; Bala Krishnan, Arjun; Corva, Manuel; Hosseini, Pouya; Heidelmann, Markus; Hagemann, Ulrich; Batsa Tetteh, Emmanuel; Schuhmann, Wolfgang; Tschulik, Kristina; Li, Tong
    Linking Composition, Structure and Thickness of CoOOH layers to Oxygen Evolution Reaction Activity by Correlative Microscopy
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Vol. 62 (2023) Nr. 28, e202305982
  • Banko, Lars; Tetteh, Emmanuel Batsa; Kostka, Aleksander; Piotrowiak, Tobias Horst; Krysiak, Olga Anna; Hagemann, Ulrich; Andronescu, Corina; Schuhmann, Wolfgang; Ludwig, Alfred
    Microscale Combinatorial Libraries for the Discovery of High-Entropy Materials
    In: Advanced Materials Vol. 35 (2023) Nr. 9, 2207635
  • Wittmar, Alexandra; Vigneswaran, Thaarmikaa; Ranković, Nikola; Hagemann, Ulrich; Hartmann, Nils; Martínez-Hincapié, Ricardo; Čolić, Viktor; Ulbricht, Mathias
    N-Doped porous carbons obtained from chitosan and spent coffee as electrocatalysts with tuneable oxygen reduction reaction selectivity for H₂O₂ generation
    In: RSC Advances Vol. 13 (2023) Nr. 33, pp. 22777 - 22788
  • Leichtweis, Jandira; Carissimi, Elvis; Hagemann, Ulrich; Ulbricht, Mathias; Fischer, Lukas
    NiFe₂O₄/biochar decorated porous polymer membranes for the flow-through photo-Fenton degradation of tetracycline
    In: Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 477 (2023) 147203
  • Fischer, Lukas; Volz, Anna; Hagemann, Ulrich; Ulbricht, Mathias
    Polymeric multi-composites with a tailored nickel microenvironment as catalytic flow-through membrane reactors for efficient p-nitrophenol degradation
    In: Chemical Engineering Journal Vol. 463 (2023) 142437
  • Wittmar, Alexandra S. M.; Ropertz, Marcus; Braun, Michael; Hagemann, Ulrich; Andronescu, Corina; Ulbricht, Mathias
    Preparation of N-doped carbon materials from cellulose:chitosan blends and their potential application in electrocatalytic oxygen reduction
    In: Polymer Bulletin Vol. 80 (2023) Nr. 7, pp. 7827 - 7845
  • Xiang, Weikai; Yang, Nating; Li, Xiaopeng; Linnemann, Julia; Hagemann, Ulrich; Ruediger, Olaf; Heidelmann, Markus; Falk, Tobias; Aramini, Matteo; DeBeer, Serena; Muhler, Martin; Tschulik, Kristina; Li, Tong
    3D atomic-scale imaging of mixed Co-Fe spinel oxide nanoparticles during oxygen evolution reaction
    In: Nature Communications Vol. 13 (2022) Nr. 1, 179
  • Dreyer, Maik; Hagemann, Ulrich; Heidelmann, Markus; Budiyanto, Eko; Cosanne, Nicolas; Friedel Ortega, Klaus; Najafishirtari, Sharif; Hartmann, Nils; Tüysüz, Harun; Behrens, Malte
    Beneficial Effects of Low Iron Contents on Cobalt‐Containing Spinel Catalysts in the Gas Phase 2‐Propanol Oxidation
    In: ChemCatChem Vol. 14 (2022) Nr. 18, e202200472
  • Dubey, Astita; Keat, Chin Hon; Shvartsman, Vladimir V.; Yusenko, Kirill V.; Escobar Castillo, Marianela; Buzanich, Ana Guilherme; Hagemann, Ulrich; Kovalenko, Sergey A.; Stähler, Julia; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Mono-, Di-, and Tri-Valent Cation Doped BiFe₀.₉₅Mn₀.₀₅O₃ Nanoparticles : Ferroelectric Photocatalysts
    In: Advanced Functional Materials Vol. 32 (2022) Nr. 43, 2207105
  • Brix, Ann Cathrin; Dreyer, Maik; Koul, Adarsh; Krebs, Moritz; Rabe, Anna; Hagemann, Ulrich; Varhade, Swapnil; Andronescu, Corina; Behrens, Malte; Schuhmann, Wolfgang; Morales, Dulce M.
    Structure-Performance Relationship of LaFe₁₋ₓCoₓO₃ Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Evolution, Isopropanol Oxidation, and Glycerol Oxidation
    In: ChemElectroChem Vol. 9 (2022) Nr. 4, e202200092
  • Thiemann, Fabian; Sciaini, G.; Kassen, A.; Hagemann, Ulrich; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Ultrafast transport-mediated homogenization of photoexcited electrons governs the softening of the A1g phonon in bismuth
    In: Physical Review B Vol. 106 (2022) Nr. 1, 014315
  • BalaKrishnan, Arjun; Blanc, Niclas; Hagemann, Ulrich; Gemagami, Parham; Wonner, Kevin; Tschulik, Kristina; Li, Tong
    Direct Detection of Surface Species Formed on Iridium Electrocatalysts during the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
    In: Angewandte Chemie International Edition Vol. 60 (2021) Nr. 39, pp. 21396 - 21403
  • Pollmann, Erik; Sleziona, Stephan; Foller, Tobias; Hagemann, Ulrich; Gorynski, Claudia; Petri, Oliver; Madauß, Lukas; Breuer, Lars; Schleberger, Marika
    Large-Area, Two-Dimensional MoS2 Exfoliated on Gold : Direct Experimental Access to the Metal–Semiconductor Interface
    In: ACS Omega Vol. 6 (2021) Nr. 24, pp. 15929 - 15939
  • Karlušić, Marko; Mičetić, Maja; Kresić, M.; Jakšić, Milko; Šantić, Branko; Bogdanović-Radović, Iva; Bernstorff, Sigrid; Lebius, Henning; Ban-d'Etat, Brigitte; Žužek Rožman, Kristina; O'Connell, Jacques; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schleberger, Marika
    Nanopatterning surfaces by grazing incidence swift heavy ion irradiation
    In: Applied Surface Science Vol. 541 (2021) pp. 148467
  • Omambac, Karim; Petrović, Marin; Bampoulis, Pantelis; Brand, Christian; Kriegel, Marko A.; Dreher, Pascal; Janoschka, David; Hagemann, Ulrich; Hartmann, Nils; Valerius, Philipp; Michely, Thomas; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael
    Segregation-Enhanced Epitaxy of Borophene on Ir(111) by Thermal Decomposition of Borazine
    In: ACS Nano Vol. 15 (2021) Nr. 4, pp. 7421 - 7429
  • Angel, Steven; Tapia, Juan David; Gallego, Jaime; Hagemann, Ulrich; Wiggers, Hartmut
    Spray-Flame Synthesis of LaMnO₃₊δNanoparticles for Selective CO Oxidation (SELOX)
    In: Energy & Fuels Vol. 35 (2021) Nr. 5, pp. 4367 - 4376
  • Dreyer, Maik; Cruz, Daniel; Hagemann, Ulrich; Zeller, Patrick; Heidelmann, Markus; Salamon, Soma; Landers, Joachim; Rabe, Anna; Friedel Ortega, Klaus; Najafishirtari, Sharif; Wende, Heiko; Hartmann, Nils; Knop-Gericke, Axel; Schlögl, Robert; Behrens, Malte
    The Effect of Water on the 2-Propanol Oxidation Activity of Co-Substituted LaFe₁−CoₓO₃ Perovskites
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Vol. 27 (2021) Nr. 68: Special Issue: Contemporary Challenges in Catalysis, pp. 17127 - 17144
  • Rabe, Anna; Büker, Julia; Salamon, Soma; Koul, Adarsh; Hagemann, Ulrich; Landers, Joachim; Friedel Ortega, Klaus; Peng, Baoxiang; Muhler, Martin; Wende, Heiko; Schuhmann, Wolfgang; Behrens, Malte
    The Roles of Composition and Mesostructure of Cobalt-Based Spinel Catalysts in Oxygen Evolution Reactions
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Vol. 27 (2021) Nr. 68, pp. 17038 - 17048
  • Madauß, Lukas; Pollmann, Erik; Foller, Tobias; Schumacher, Jens; Hagemann, Ulrich; Heckhoff, Tobias; Herder, Matthias; Skopinski, Lucia; Breuer, Lars; Hierzenberger, Anke; Wittmar, Alexandra; Lebius, Henning; Benyagoub, Abdenacer; Ulbricht, Mathias; Joshi, Rakesh; Schleberger, Marika
    A swift technique to hydrophobize graphene and increase its mechanical stability and charge carrier density
    In: npj 2D Materials and Applications Vol. 4 (2020) Nr. 1, 11
  • Naveed-Ul-Haq, M.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Trivedi, Harsh; Salamon, Soma; Webers, Samira; Wende, Heiko; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schröder, Jörg; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Corrigendum to ‘Strong converse magnetoelectric effect in (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O₃-NiFe₂O₄ multiferroics: A relationship between phase-connectivity and interface coupling’ (Acta Materialia (2018) 144 (305–313), (S1359645417309072), (10.1016/j.actamat.2017.10.048))
    In: Acta Materialia Vol. 187 (2020) pp. 91 - 92
  • Alkan, Baris; Medina, Danea; Landers, Joachim; Heidelmann, Markus; Hagemann, Ulrich; Salamon, Soma; Andronescu, Corina; Wende, Heiko; Schulz, Christof; Schuhmann, Wolfgang; Wiggers, Hartmut
    Cover Feature: Spray‐Flame‐Prepared LaCo1–xFexO3 Perovskite Nanoparticles as Active OER Catalysts : Influence of Fe Content and Low‐Temperature Heating (ChemElectroChem 12/2020)
    In: ChemElectroChem Vol. 7 (2020) Nr. 12, pp. 2495 - 2495
  • Dubey, Astita; Escobar Castillo, Marianela; Landers, Joachim; Salamon, Soma; Wende, Heiko; Hagemann, Ulrich; Gemeiner, Pascale; Dkhil, Brahim; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Effect of Mn and Ba Codoping on a Magnetic Spin Cycloid of Multiferroic Bismuth Ferrite Nanoparticles
    In: Journal of Physical Chemistry C: Nanomaterials and Interfaces Vol. 124 (2020) Nr. 40, pp. 22266 - 22277
  • Saddeler, Sascha; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schulz, Stephan
    Effect of the Size and Shape on the Electrocatalytic Activity of Co₃O₄Nanoparticles in the Oxygen Evolution Reaction
    In: Inorganic Chemistry Vol. 59 (2020) Nr. 14, pp. 10013 - 10024
  • Tigges, Sebastian; Wöhrl, Nicolas; Radev, Ivan; Hagemann, Ulrich; Heidelmann, Markus; Nguyen, Thai Binh; Gorelkov, Stanislav; Schulz, Stephan; Lorke, Axel
    One-step synthesis of carbon-supported electrocatalysts
    In: Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology Vol. 11 (2020) pp. 1419 - 1431
  • Alkan, Baris; Medina, Danea; Landers, Joachim; Heidelmann, Markus; Hagemann, Ulrich; Salamon, Soma; Andronescu, Corina; Wende, Heiko; Schulz, Christof; Schuhmann, Wolfgang; Wiggers, Hartmut
    Spray-Flame-Prepared LaCo₁–ₓFeₓO₃ Perovskite Nanoparticles as Active OER Catalysts : Influence of Fe Content and Low-Temperature Heating
    In: ChemElectroChem Vol. 7 (2020) Nr. 12, pp. 2564 - 2574
  • Tigges, Sebastian; Wöhrl, Nicolas; Hagemann, Ulrich; Ney, Marcel; Lorke, Axel
    The effect of metal-oxide incorporation on the morphology of carbon nanostructures
    In: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Vol. 53 (2020) Nr. 14, pp. 145206
  • Kalus, Mark; Lanyumba, Riskyanti; Lorenzo-Parodi, Nerea; Jochmann, Maik; Kerpen, Klaus; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schmidt, Torsten Claus; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal
    Correction : Determining the role of redox-active materials during laser-induced water decomposition
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Vol. 21 (2019) Nr. 43, pp. 24239
  • Kalus, Mark; Lanyumba, Riskyanti; Lorenzo-Parodi, Nerea; Jochmann, Maik; Kerpen, Klaus; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schmidt, Torsten Claus; Barcikowski, Stephan; Gökce, Bilal; Lorenzo Parodi, Nerea
    Determining the role of redox-active materials during laser-induced water decomposition
    In: Physical Chemistry, Chemical Physics (PCCP) Vol. 21 (2019) Nr. 34, pp. 18636 - 18651
  • Stanchik, A.V.; Gremenok, V.F.; Juskenas, R.; Tyukhov, Igor I.; Tivanov, M.S.; Fettkenhauer, Christian; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Giraitis, R.; Hagemann, Ulrich; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Effects of selenization time and temperature on the growth of Cu₂ZnSnSe₄ thin films on a metal substrate for flexible solar cells
    In: Solar Energy Vol. 178 (2019) pp. 142 - 149
  • Beyer, Christopher; Dohmen, Ralf; Rogalla, Detlef; Becker, Hans-Werner; Marquardt, Katharina; Vollmer, Christian; Hagemann, Ulrich; Hartmann, Nils; Chakraborty, Sumit
    Lead diffusion in CaTiO₃ : A combined study using Rutherford backscattering and TOF-SIMS for depth profiling to reveal the role of lattice strain in diffusion processes
    In: American Mineralogist Vol. 104 (2019) Nr. 4, pp. 557 - 568
  • Pappert, Kevin; Loza, Kateryna; Shviro, Meital; Hagemann, Ulrich; Heggen, Marc; Dunin-Borkowski, Rafal E.; Schierholz, Roland; Maeda, Takuya; Kaneko, Kenji; Epple, Matthias
    Nanoscopic Porous Iridium/Iridium Dioxide Superstructures (15 nm) : Synthesis and Thermal Conversion by In Situ Transmission Electron Microscopy
    In: Chemistry - A European Journal Vol. 25 (2019) Nr. 47, pp. 11048 - 11057
  • Haxhiaj, Ina; Tigges, Sebastian; Firla, Damian; Zhang, Xiaorui; Hagemann, Ulrich; Kondo, Takahiro; Nakamura, Junji; Marzun, Galina; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Platinum nanoparticles supported on reduced graphene oxide prepared in situ by a continuous one-step laser process
    In: Applied Surface Science Vol. 469 (2019) pp. 811 - 820
  • Speich, Claudia; Dissinger, Frank; Liborius, Lisa; Hagemann, Ulrich; Waldvogel, Siegfried R.; Tegude, Franz-Josef; Prost, Werner
    Process Development for Wet-Chemical Surface Functionalization of Gallium Arsenide Based Nanowires
    In: Physica Status Solidi (B): Basic Solid State Physics (2019) pp. 1800678
  • Ruks, Tatjana; Beuck, Christine; Schaller, Torsten; Niemeyer, Felix; Zähres, Manfred; Loza, Kateryna; Heggen, Marc; Hagemann, Ulrich; Mayer, Christian; Bayer, Peter; Epple, Matthias
    Solution NMR Spectroscopy with Isotope-Labeled Cysteine (¹³C and ¹⁵N) Reveals the Surface Structure of l -Cysteine-Coated Ultrasmall Gold Nanoparticles (1.8 nm)
    In: Langmuir Vol. 35 (2019) Nr. 3, pp. 767 - 778
  • Hagemann, Ulrich; Huba, Kornelia; Nienhaus, Hermann
    Measuring displacement currents during fabrication of Mg/Si Schottky diodes due to band-bending evolution
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 124 (2018) Nr. 22, pp. 225302
  • Naveed-Ul-Haq, M.; Shvartsman, Vladimir; Trivedi, Harsh; Salamon, Soma; Webers, Samira; Wende, Heiko; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schröder, Jörg; Lupascu, Doru C.
    Strong converse magnetoelectric effect in (Ba,Ca)(Zr,Ti)O3 - NiFe2O4 multiferroics : a relationship between phase-connectivity and interface coupling
    In: Acta Materialia Vol. 144 (2018) pp. 305 - 313
  • Bahners, Thomas; Gebert, Beate; Prager, Andrea; Hartmann, Nils; Hagemann, Ulrich; Gutmann, Jochen Stefan
    UV-light assisted patterned metallization of textile fabrics
    In: Applied Surface Science Vol. 436 (2018) pp. 1093 - 1103
  • Waag, Friedrich; Gökce, Bilal; Kalapu, Chakrapani; Bendt, Georg; Salamon, Soma; Landers, Joachim; Hagemann, Ulrich; Heidelmann, Markus; Schulz, Stephan; Wende, Heiko; Hartmann, Nils; Behrens, Malte; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Adjusting the catalytic properties of cobalt ferrite nanoparticles by pulsed laser fragmentation in water with defined energy dose
    In: Scientific Reports Vol. 7 (2017) Nr. 1, pp. 13161
  • Lau, Marcus; Straube, Thomas; Aggarwal, A. Vikas; Hagemann, Ulrich; De Oliveira Viestel, Bernardo; Hartmann, Nils; Textor, Torsten; Lutz, Harald; Gutmann, Jochen Stefan; Barcikowski, Stephan
    Gradual modification of ITO particle's crystal structure and optical properties by pulsed UV laser irradiation in a free liquid jet
    In: Dalton Transactions Vol. 46 (2017) Nr. 18, pp. 6039 - 6048
  • Schaumann, Julian; Loor, Manuel; Ünal, Deria; Mudring, Anja; Heimann, Stefan; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schulz, Stephan; Maculewicz, Franziska; Schierning, Gabi
    Improving the zT value of thermoelectrics by nanostructuring : Tuning the nanoparticle morphology of Sb2Te3 by ionic liquids
    In: Dalton Transactions Vol. 46 (2017) Nr. 3, pp. 656 - 668
  • Rytlewski, Piotr; Bahners, Thomas; Polewski, Filip; Gebert, Beate; Gutmann, Jochen Stefan; Hartmann, Nils; Hagemann, Ulrich; Moraczewski, Krzysztof
    Laser-induced surface activation of biocomposites for electroless metallization
    In: Surface and Coatings Technology Vol. 311 (2017) pp. 104 - 112
  • Petrović, Marin; Hagemann, Ulrich; Horn-von Hoegen, Michael; Meyer zu Heringdorf, Frank
    Microanalysis of single-layer hexagonal boron nitride islands on Ir(111)
    In: Applied Surface Science Vol. 420 (2017) pp. 504 - 510
  • Loor, Manuel; Bendt, Georg; Schaumann, Julian; Hagemann, Ulrich; Heidelmann, Markus; Wölper, Christoph; Schulz, Stephan
    Synthesis of Sb2Se3 and Bi2Se3 Nanoparticles in Ionic Liquids at Low Temperatures and Solid State Structure of [C4C1Im]3[BiCl6]
    In: Zeitschrift für Anorganische und Allgemeine Chemie (ZAAC) Vol. 643 (2017) Nr. 1, Special Issue: Reactions in Ionic Liquids, pp. 60 - 68
  • Daumann, S.; Andrzejewski, Dominik; Di Marcantonio, M.; Hagemann, Ulrich; Wepfer, Svenja; Vollkommer, F.; Bacher, Gerd; Epple, Matthias; Nannen, Ekaterina
    Water-free synthesis of ZnO quantum dots for application as an electron injection layer in light-emitting electrochemical cells
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry C: Materials for Optical and Electronic Devices Vol. 5 (2017) Nr. 9, pp. 2344 - 2351
  • Fischer, Mathias; Hormes, Josef; Marzun, Galina; Wagener, Philipp; Hagemann, Ulrich; Barcikowski, Stephan
    In Situ Investigations of Laser-Generated Ligand-Free Platinum Nanoparticles by X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy : How Does the Immediate Environment Influence the Particle Surface?
    In: Langmuir Vol. 32 (2016) Nr. 35, pp. 8793 - 8802
  • Bendt, Georg; Schiwon, Raphael; Salamon, Soma; Landers, Joachim; Hagemann, Ulrich; Limberg, Christian; Wende, Heiko; Schulz, Stephan
    Molecular design for tailoring a single-source precursor for bismuth ferrite
    In: Inorganic Chemistry Vol. 55 (2016) Nr. 15, pp. 7542 - 7549
  • Schade, Linda; Franzka, Steffen; Thomas, Marc; Hagemann, Ulrich; Hartmann, Nils
    Resonant laser processing of nanoparticulate Au/TiO2 films on glass supports : Photothermal modification of a photocatalytic nanomaterial
    In: Surface Science Vol. 650 (2016) pp. 57 - 63
  • Loor, Manuel; Bendt, Georg; Hagemann, Ulrich; Wölper, Christoph; Assenmacher, Wilfried; Schulz, Stephan
    Synthesis of Bi2Te3 and (BixSb1−x)2Te3 nanoparticles using the novel IL [C4mim]3[Bi3I12]
    In: Dalton Transactions Vol. 45 (2016) Nr. 39, pp. 15326 - 15335
  • Xiao, Lisong; Schroeder, Matthias; Kluge, Sebastian; Balducci, Andrea; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schulz, Christof; Wiggers, Hartmut
    Direct self-assembly of Fe2O3/reduced graphene oxide nanocomposite for high-performance lithium-ion battery
    In: Journal of Materials Chemistry A: Materials for Energy and Sustainability Vol. 3 (2015) Nr. 21, pp. 11566 - 11574
  • Hagemann, Ulrich; Nienhaus, Hermann
    Surface plasmon coupled chemiluminescence during adsorption of oxygen on magnesium surfaces
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Vol. 143 (2015) Nr. 24, pp. 244703
  • Bendt, Georg; Sonntag, Jens; Lorke, Axel; Assenmacher, Wilfried; Hagemann, Ulrich; Schulz, Stephan
    Van der Waals epitaxial MOCVD-growth of (BixSb1-x)2Te3 (0
    In: Semiconductor Science and Technology Vol. 30 (2015) Nr. 8, pp. 085021
  • Merk, Vivian; Rehbock, Christoph; Becker, Felix; Hagemann, Ulrich; Nienhaus, Hermann; Barcikowski, Stephan
    In situ non-DLVO stabilization of surfactant-free, plasmonic gold nanoparticles : effect of Hofmeister's anions
    In: Langmuir Vol. 30 (2014) Nr. 15, pp. 4213 - 4222
  • Hagemann, Ulrich; Nienhaus, Hermann
    Quantum size effects in chemicurrent measurements during low-temperature oxidation of Mg(0001) epilayers
    In: New Journal of Physics (NJP) Vol. 16 (2014) pp. 113035
  • Becker, Felix; Krix, David; Hagemann, Ulrich; Nienhaus, Hermann
    Internal detection of surface plasmon coupled chemiluminescence during chlorination of potassium thin films
    In: The Journal of Chemical Physics (JCP) Vol. 138 (2013) Nr. 3, pp. 034710-1 - 034710-6
  • Nienhaus, Hermann; Karacuban, Hatice; Krix, David; Becker, Felix; Hagemann, Ulrich; Steeger, Doris; Bywalez, Robert; Schulz, Christof; Wiggers, Hartmut
    Low temperature diffusion of Li atoms into Si nanoparticles and surfaces
    In: Journal of Applied Physics Vol. 114 (2013) Nr. 3, 034310
  • Hagemann, Ulrich; Krix, David; Nienhaus, Hermann
    Electronic excitations generated by the deposition of Mg on Mg films
    In: Physical Review Letters Vol. 104 (2010) Nr. 2, pp. 028301
  • Hagemann, Ulrich; Timmer, Matthias; Krix, David; Kratzer, Peter; Nienhaus, Hermann
    Electronic excitations in magnesium epitaxy: Experiment and theory
    In: Physical Review B: Condensed matter and materials physics Vol. 82 (2010) Nr. 15, 155420-1-9
  • Thesis

  • Hagemann, Ulrich;
    Quantum size effects in Mg epilayers on Si (111) : enhancement of photoelectron yield and oxidation rate
    Duisburg, Essen (2015) 207 S.
  • Research report

  • Hagemann, Ulrich
    Angle Resolved XPS - ARXPS
    In: ICAN Notes Vol. 3 (2021)
  • Hagemann, Ulrich
    Focus Track – How to minimize and compensate z-Axis drift using the Renishaw InVia Raman microscope
    In: ICAN Notes Vol. 5 (2021)
  • Lectures

  • Deike, Rüdiger; Smaha, Bartosz; Müller, Ulrich; Hagemann, Ulrich; Heidelmann, Markus; Kiesler, Dennis;
    Neue Erkenntnisse zur Keimbildung bei GJS
    Österreichische Gießereitagung ; Gurten, 27.-28. April 2017,
    Gurten, Österreich (2017)