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Es wurden 302 Publikationen gefunden

  • Meller, Dominik;
    Large eddy simulation of reactive solid fuel systems using advanced flamelet approaches
    Duisburg, Essen (2024) XXIV, 127 Seiten
  • Eigemann, Jonas; Beck, Christian; Kempf, Andreas Markus
    A Method to Dampen Acoustic Waves in Compressible Reactive Flow Simulations
    In: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion Jg. 113 (2024) Nr. 2, S. 459 - 464
  • Loewenich, Moritz; Orthner, Hans; Wollny, Patrick; Wlokas, Irenäus; Bade, Stefan; Lyubina, Julia; Wiggers, Hartmut
    Synthesis and upscaling of silicon nanoparticles for lithium-ion batteries in a hot-wall reactor
    In: Journal of Alloys and Compounds Jg. 986 (2024) 174061
  • Meller, Dominik; Engelmann, Linus; Baik, Seung Jin; Kempf, Andreas Markus
    A Four Mixture Fraction FPV-LES for the Co-firing of Coal and Ammonia
    In: Direct and Large Eddy Simulation XIII: Proceedings of DLES13 / DLES13: Direct and Large Eddy Simulation; 26th - 28th October 2022; Udine, Italy / Marchioli, Cristian; Salvetti, Maria Vittoria; Garcia-Villalba, Manuel; Schlatter, Philipp (Hrsg.) 2024, S. 95 - 100
  • Baik, Seung-Jin; Martins, Fabio J. W. A.; Beyrau, Frank; Kempf, Andreas
    Synthetic Inlet Conditions for Inhomogeneous Flows from Filters, Packed Beds, or Sinter Plates
    In: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion Jg. 112 (2024) Nr. 2, S. 483 - 489
  • Abdelsamie, Abouelmagd; Guan, Wei; Nanjaiah, Monika; Wlokas, Irenäus; Wiggers, Hartmut; Thévenin, Dominique
    Investigating the impact of dispersion gas composition on the flame structure in the SpraySyn burner using DNS
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 40 (2024) Nr. 1-4, 105398
  • Wen, Xu; Shamooni, Ali; Stein, Oliver T.; Tainaka, Kazuki; Meller, Dominik; Kronenburg, Andreas; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Hasse, Christian
    A four-fuel-stream flamelet model for large-eddy simulation of piloted pulverized coal/ammonia co-combustion
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 40 (2024) Nr. 1-4, 105470
  • Paknahad, Reza; Lipkowicz, Jonathan T.; Gaffran, Noah; Wlokas, Irenäus; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Crane, Jackson
    Statistics of detonation confinement : 1D, 2D and 3D simulations in hydrogen–oxygen
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 40 (2024) Nr. 1-4, 105388
  • Lipkowicz, Jonathan Timo;
    Numerical Investigations of Flow Phenomena in Shock Tubes and Detonation Characteristics of Ozonated Mixtures
    Duisburg, Essen (2024) xx, 199 Seiten
  • Fiorina, Benoît; Luu, Tan Phong; Dillon, Samuel; Mercier, Renaud; Wang, Ping; Angelilli, Lorenzo; Ciottoli, Pietro Paolo; Hernández–Pérez, Francisco E.; Valorani, Mauro; Im, Hong G.; Massey, James C.; Li, Zhiyi; Chen, Zhi X.; Swaminathan, Nedunchezhian; Popp, Sebastian; Hartl, Sandra; Nicolai, Hendrik; Hasse, Christian; Dreizler, Andreas; Butz, David; Geyer, Dirk; Breicher, Adrian; Zhang, Kai; Duwig, Christophe; Zhang, Weijie; Han, Wang; van Oijen, Jeroen; Péquin, Arthur; Parente, Alessandro; Engelmann, Linus; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Hansinger, Maximilian; Pfitzner, Michael; Barlow, Robert S.
    A joint numerical study of multi-regime turbulent combustion
    In: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 16 (2023) 100221
  • Sellmann, Johannes;
    Modelling and Investigation of Nanoparticle Synthesis from the Gas-Phase
    Duisburg, Essen (2023) xxii, 143 Seiten
  • Cwiek, Piotr; Wollny, Patrick; Lalanne, Matthieu R.; Nanjaiah, Monika; Cohen, Maayan; Horodi, Noam; Wlokas, Irenäus; Rahinov, Igor
    Impact of Fe-doped H₂/O₂ flame equivalence ratio on the fate and temperature history of early particles
    In: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 15 (2023) 100176
  • Cifuentes, Luis; Wlokas, Irenäus; Wollny, Patrick; Kempf, Andreas Markus
    Turbulence effects on the formation and growth of nano-particles in three-dimensional premixed and non-premixed flames
    In: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 16 (2023) 100210
  • Martins, Fabio J.W.A.; Foo, Cheau Tyan; Unterberger, Andreas; Karaminejad, Sadrollah; Endres, Torsten; Mohri, Khadijeh
    Analyzing 3D fields of refractive index, emission and temperature in spray-flame nanoparticle synthesis via tomographic imaging using multi-simultaneous measurements (TIMes)
    In: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 16 (2023) 100213
  • Apazeller, Sascha; Karaminejad, Sadrollah; Nanjaiah, Monika; Wiggers, Hartmut; Endres, Torsten; Wlokas, Irenäus; Schulz, Christof
    LIF-imaging of temperature and iron-atom concentration in iron nitrate doped low-pressure aerosol flat flames
    In: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 16 (2023) 100199
  • Liu, Guannan; Wollny, Patrick; Menser, Jan; Dreier, Thomas; Endres, Torsten; Wlokas, Irenäus; Daun, Kyle J.; Schulz, Christof
    Spatially resolved measurement of the distribution of solid and liquid Si nanoparticles in plasma synthesis through line-of-sight extinction spectroscopy
    In: Optics Express (OpEx) Jg. 31 (2023) Nr. 3, S. 4978 - 5001
  • Crane, Jackson; Lipkowicz, Jonathan T.; Shi, Xian; Wlokas, Irenäus; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Wang, Hai
    Three-dimensional detonation structure and its response to confinement
    In: Proceedings of the Combustion Institute Jg. 39 (2023) Nr. 3, S. 2915 - 2923
  • Kunstmann, Babette; Wlokas, Irenäus; Kohns, Maximilian; Hasse, Hans
    Simulation study of superheating in evaporating droplets of (TTIP + p-xylene) in spray flame synthesis
    In: Applications in Energy and Combustion Science Jg. 15 (2023) 100156
  • Engelmann, Linus;
    Towards high-fidelity modeling of turbulent reactive systems using highly-resolved and simplified simulation techniques
    Duisburg, Essen (2023) xxxiii, 250 Seiten
  • Wollny, Patrick;
    Bridging Macro- and Mesoscopic Methodologies for the Modeling of Nanoparticle Synthesis and Population Dynamics
    Duisburg, Essen (2023) xxviii, 224 Seiten


  • Meller, Dominik;
    Large eddy simulation of reactive solid fuel systems using advanced flamelet approaches
    Duisburg, Essen (2024) XXIV, 127 Seiten
  • Lipkowicz, Jonathan Timo;
    Numerical Investigations of Flow Phenomena in Shock Tubes and Detonation Characteristics of Ozonated Mixtures
    Duisburg, Essen (2024) xx, 199 Seiten
  • Dieter, Kevin;
    Anwendung der Raman-Spektroskopie zur Charakterisierung und Detektion von intermediären Kohlenwasserstoffen in laminaren Ethanol-Flammen
    Duisburg, Essen (2023) XXVI, 276 Seiten
  • Wollny, Patrick;
    Bridging Macro- and Mesoscopic Methodologies for the Modeling of Nanoparticle Synthesis and Population Dynamics
    Duisburg, Essen (2023) xxviii, 224 Seiten
  • Sellmann, Johannes;
    Modelling and Investigation of Nanoparticle Synthesis from the Gas-Phase
    Duisburg, Essen (2023) xxii, 143 Seiten
  • Engelmann, Linus;
    Towards high-fidelity modeling of turbulent reactive systems using highly-resolved and simplified simulation techniques
    Duisburg, Essen (2023) xxxiii, 250 Seiten
  • Janbazi, Hossein;
    Development of a chemical kinetics reaction mechanism for tetramethylsilane-doped flames and comprehensive thermochemistry of silanes and siloxanes
    Duisburg, Essen (2021) xvii, 159 Blätter
  • Sharifi, Vahid;
    Investigation of High-Frequency Thermoacoustic Instabilities
    Duisburg, Essen (2021) xvi, 138 Seiten
  • Inanc, Eray;
    Numerical simulation of pulsed and stratified combustion
    Duisburg, Essen (2021) xxxvii, 219 Seiten
  • Gruhlke, Pascal;
    Towards an improved prediction of CO and NOx emissions from gas turbines by LES
    Duisburg, Essen (2021) xxvi, 179 Seiten
  • Šikalo, Nejra;
    Development and application of a genetic algorithm-based tool for the reduction and optimization of reaction kinetic mechanisms
    Duisburg, Essen (2018) xxiv, 201 Seiten
  • Rieth, Martin;
    Large eddy and direct numerical simulation of single and multiphase flows relying on lagrangian particle methods
    Duisburg, Essen (2018) xxii, 189 Seiten
  • Rittler, Andreas;
    Large eddy simulation of nanoparticle synthesis from spray flames
    Duisburg, Essen (2018) xxii, 180 Seiten
  • Proch, Fabian;
    Highly-resolved numerical simulation of turbulent premixed and stratified combustion under adiabatic and non-adiabatic conditions with tabulated chemistry
    Duisburg, Essen (2017) xxi, 181 Seiten
  • Janas, Peter;
    Large eddy simulation of in-cylinder phenomena in spark ignition engines
    Duisburg, Essen (2017) x, 153 Seiten
  • Nguyen, Minh Thuong;
    Large eddy simulation of internal combustion engine with efficient, particle-based moving immersed boundaries
    Duisburg, Essen (2017) xxiv, 189 Seiten
  • Deng, Lei;
    Numerical investigation of uncertainties in experiments for flame structure analysis and particle synthesis
    Duisburg, Essen (2017) xii, 119 Seiten
  • Weise, Claudia;
    Towards the modelling of a spray flame process for nanoparticle synthesis
    Duisburg ; Essen (2015) XII, 148 Seiten
  • Mohri, Khadijeh
    Supersonic flow over rectangular-section annular cavities
    London (2009)
  • Wlokas, Irenäus
    Simulation von Mehrkomponenten-Strömungen bei kleinen Mach-Zahlen
    (2006) VI, 123 S.

    Poster / Posterbeiträge

  • Grauer, S. J.; Unterberger, Andreas; Sipkens, T. A.; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Daun, K. J.; Mohri, Khadijeh;
    Background-oriented schlieren tomography for instantaneous 3D combustion imaging
    37th International Symposium on Combustion ; 29 July - 3 August 2018, Dublin, Ireland,
  • Pascal, Gruhlke; Mahiques, Enric Illana; Dederichs, Stefan; Beck, Christian; Kempf, Andreas M.;
    Investigation of CO and NOx Formation in a Jet Flame
    8th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2017), 18. and 21. April 2017 in Dubrovnik, Croatia,
  • Rittler, Andreas; Wlokas, Irenäus; Kempf, Andreas Markus;
    Large eddy simulation of spray flame synthesis of silicia nanoparticles
    The Materials Chain from discovery to production, International Conference May 30 - June 1, 2016,
  • Rittler, Andreas; Proch, Fabian; Kempf, Andreas Markus;
    LES of the Sydney spray flame series with PFGM/ATF and different sub-grid models
    The 35th International Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, California, USA from Sunday, August 3, 2014 – Friday, August 8, 2014,
  • Janas, Marius; Kaiser, Sebastian; Schild, M.; Dias Ribeiro, M.; Kempf, Andreas Markus;
    Penetration of flame and burnt gases into the top-land crevice : large eddy simulation and experimental high-speed visualization
    Symposium on Combustion, San Francisco, 2014,
  • Proch, Fabian; Cavallo Marincola, F.; Kempf, Andreas Markus;
    LES of the Cambridge Stratified Flame Series
    TNF11 Workshop, Darmstadt, Germany, July 26–28, 2012,

    Vorworte / Nachworte

  • Böhm, Benjamin; Kempf, Andreas
    Cyclic Variations in Internal Combustion Engines
    In: Flow, Turbulence and Combustion Jg. 110 (2023) Nr. 1, S. 1 - 2
  • Klein, Markus; Chakraborty, Nilanjan; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Sadiki, Amsini
    Development and validation of models for turbulent reacting flows
    In: Physics of Fluids Jg. 34 (2022) Nr. 12, 120401
  • Vorträge

  • Meller, Dominik; Engelmann, Linus; Kempf, Andreas Markus;
    Detailed analysis of particle behaviour with focus on pollutant formation of a swirl- stabilized pulverized coal flame using FPV-LES
    18th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (ICNC), San Diego, USA, 8 – 11 May 2022,
  • Nguyen, Minh Thuong; Turek, Stefan; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Münster, Raphael; Fogal, Tom; Hasemann, Olaf; Krüger, Jens;
    A virtual, interactive numerical wind-tunnel with GPU acceleration, real time visualization and real time interaction
    Joint DMV and GAMM Annual Meeting 2016,
  • Rittler, Andreas; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Wlokas, Irenäus;
    Coupling of poppulation balance models for the nanoparticle synthesis in reactiong flows with the large eddy simulation technique
    International Sooting Flame (ISF) Workshop, Sat July 30th - Sun July 31st 2016 - Seoul, South Korea,
  • Rittler, Andreas; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Wlokas, Irenäus; Deng, Lei;
    Large eddy simulation of nanoparticle synthesis from flame spray pyrolysis
    36th International Symposium on Combustion, COEX, Seoul, Korea | July 31 – August 5, 2016,
  • Rieth, Martin; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Hassel, Christoph; Clements, A.; Proch, Fabian; Rabaçal, Miriam;
    Massively parallel flamelet LES of a semi-industrial coal furnace
    1st International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion from February 10th to 11th, 2016 in Montabaur, Germany,
  • Janas, Peter; Kempf, Andreas Markus;
    Detailed Validation for Large Eddy Simulations of the Flow Field in the Valve Seat Region
    International Conference : The low CO2 spark ignition engine of the future and its hybridization, SIA POWERTRAIN, Versailles, France 2015,
  • Tufano, G.L.; Hasse, C.; Vascellari, M.; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Wlokas, Irenäus; Deng, Lei; Kronenburg, A.; Stein, O.;
    Direct numerical simulation of coal particle devolatilization and volatile combustion
    European Combustion Meeting 2015, Budapest,
  • Rieth, Martin; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Chen, Julia Yanling; Proch, Fabian; Lindstedt, P.;
    LES/FDF of a lean premixed methane counterflow flame
    15th International Conference on Numerical Combustion, Palais des Papes, Avignon, France, April 19 - 22, 2015,
  • Rittler, Andreas; Proch, Fabian; Kempf, Andreas Markus;
    Large Eddy Simulations of diluted spray flames with the PFGM/ATF approach and the influence of different sub filter models
    The Clean Air conference in Lisbon, July 5, 2015 - July 9, 2015,
  • Rieth, Martin; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Proch, Fabian;
    Large eddy simulation of a semi-industrial scale coal furnace with tabulated chemistry
    High Pressure and High Reynolds Combustion Workshop, March 24-26, 2015, Saudi-Arabia,
  • Deng, Lei; Wlokas, Irenäus; Korobeinichev, O.P.; Kempf, Andreas Markus;
    A finite volume based framework for simulation of laminar flames in complex geometries
    Flame Structure 2014, 8th International Seminar on Flame Structure Berlin Institute of Technology September 21st – 24th, 2014,
  • Janas, Peter; Peterson, B.; Kempf, Andreas Markus;
    Influence of the tumble flow on the flame propagation in a spark ignition engine
    LES for Internal Combustion Engine Flows, Rueil-Malmaison, France, 4-5 December 2014,
  • Rittler, Andreas; Wlokas, Irenäus; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Weise, Claudia;
    Large eddy simulation of TiO2 nanoparticle synthesis in a spray flame reactor,
    Conference on Aerosol Technology, 16–18 June 2014, Karlsruhe, Germany,
  • Weise, Claudia; Wlokas, Irenäus;
    Optimization of the setup and operating conditions of nanoparticle synthesis reactors by simulation
    Conference on Aerosol Technology 2014, 16-18 June 2014 Karlsruhe, Germany,
  • Nguyen, Minh Thuong; Kempf, Andreas Markus;
    The influence of LES filter width on the turbulence in the in-cylinder flow
    LES for Internal Combustion Engine Flows, Rueil-Malmaison, France 2014,
  • Weise, Claudia; Menser, Jan; Wlokas, Irenäus; Dreier, Thomas; Schulz, Christof; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Wiggers, Hartmut;
    Towards a standardized nanoparticle synthesis spray flame
    MRS Fall Meeting & Exhibit, 30. November - 5. Dezember 2014, Boston, Massachusetts,
    Boston (2014)
  • Nguyen, Minh Thuong; Kempf, Andreas Markus;
    LES of an IC-engine : An approach for moving boundaries in IC engine simulations
    European Combustion Meeting, Lund, Sweeden, (2013),
  • Rittler, Andreas; Proch, Fabian; Kempf, Andreas Markus;
    LES of the Sydney Piloted Spray Burner
    The 6th European Combustion Meeting, 25 - 28 June 2013, Lund University, Lund, Sweden,
  • Deng, Lei; Kempf, Andreas Markus; Wlokas, Irenäus;
    Numerical investigation on the laminar flame pertubation by a sampling nozzle
    The 6th European Combustion Meeting (ECM2013), Lund University, Sweden, from 25th to 28th of June, 2013,
  • Hardt, S.; Schulz, Christof; Wiggers, Hartmut; Wlokas, Irenäus; Hamid, A.; Weise, Claudia;
    Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Flame Spray assisted TiO2 Synthesis from Titaniumtetraisopropoxide
    ECM 2011, 5th European Combustion Meeting, Cardiff, UK, 27 June - 1 July 2011,
  • Wlokas, Irenäus; Staude, Susanne; Hecht, Christian; Atakan, Burak; Schulz, Christof;
    Measurement and simulation of Fe-atom concentrations in premixed Fe(CO)5-doped low-pressure H2/O2 flames
    4th European Combustion Meeting: Vienna University of Technology : 14th - 17th April 2009, Vienna, Austria,
    Vienna (2009)