Teaching & Supervision

Supervision of theses
I am happy to supervise in the range of my expertise on
- multilingual families (incl. minority language contexts),
- language policy and planning,
- language and spatial practice,
- language organization and multilingual education (including heritage language education),
- language biographies, ethnography and qualitative research methodology.
When you are planning a BA, MA or PhD thesis on related topics, please get in contact as early as possible. Working languages: German, English, French, Norwegian.
Visit the Moodle course 'BA theses' (in German) or contact me via: sprint@uni-due.de
Current teaching
- 2024 Summer term
Past courses and teaching
2023 Fall / Winter term- Language and discrimination (MA, in German)
- Critical review: Concepts in Sociolinguistics I (with Evelyn Ziegler, in German)
- Language acquisition (BA, in German) 2023 Summer term
- Language acquisition (in German)
- Multilingual Families - qualitative methods (in German) 2022 Fall / Winter term
- Critical review: Concepts in Sociolinguistics I (with Evelyn Ziegler, in German)
- Multilingual Speakers - Metalinguistic reflection and awareness in a language café (in German)
- 2021 Fall/Winter term
- 2021 Spring / Summer term
- 2020 Fall/Winter term