6 Teammitglieder sitzen auf einer Bank vor dem Essener Dom

Team Members

Prof. Dr. Judith Purkarthofer

Esther Domke, M.A.

Sofia Grigoriadou, M.A.

Geylan Ahmed Daud, B.A.

Özge Zar

Serpil Kuzay

Bahar Yilmaz

Former colleagues: Anne-Marie Mölders, M.A. (until März 2022), Diana Lehl (Autumn 2022)

If you would like to follow our work and receive information about events, please contact us: sprint@uni-due.de

Prof. Brigitta Busch (U Vienna) and Prof. Marcelyn Oostendorp (U Stellenbosch) Language and Trauma (Workshop and Handbook)

Founded with Sandra Ballweg (Paderborn), exchanging on recent research, joint presentations and publications.

Urszula Dsc 9236 0 Dr. habil. Urszula Doliwa (University Warmia Mazury in Poland). We work on Community Media, Media Pluralism and pirate radio in Poland, Austria and Hungary (with Gergely Gosztonyi). Latest paper in 2021: Community media’s role in changing centre‐periphery relations through participatory, not-for-profit journalism. International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics, https://doi.org/10.1386/macp_00042_1

Dr. Mi-Cha Flubacher and Prof. Brigitta Busch (University of Vienna): Lived experience of language, language portraits and heteroglossia.net
Recently published: Speaking Subjects in Multilingualism Research: Biographical and Speaker-centred Approaches

Supervision of PhD thesis:

Esther Domke (UDE): Influences on processes of linguistic and sociocultural integration in Germany of medical professionals (from Mexico); German Studies

Sofia Grigoriadou (UDE): Heritage language education (HLE) and languages with a small number of speakers. Navigating European Union (EU) language policy, school regulations in North-Rhine Westphalia (NRW) and everyday practice:
the case of Greek HLE. German Studies

Irem Karacay (University of Mannheim and UDE): The Minority of the Minority: Capturing the Origin-Specific Linguistic Diversity in Intergenerational Language Transmission; First Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Irena Kogan / CDSS (Center for Doctoral Studies in Social Sciences); Research interests: Immigration, ethnic discrimination, sociology of language, sociolinguistics
Project Link (Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/ProjectMULTITUDE

Miriam Lange Guerra (UDE): Transnational female migrant and their linguistic repertoire from a southern frame: A biographical approach through comics from female migrants from Lusophony countries. Research interests: Applied linguistics, multilingualism research, sociolinguistics

Yin Yu (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen und UDE): Family and School: Intergenerational perspectives on the connections between family language policy and schooling; First supervisor: Prof. Andrea Bogner / Intercultural German studies