Centre for Logistics and Traffic (ZLV)
The Centre for Logistics and Traffic (ZLV) dedicates itself to the interdisciplinary conception, management and transfer of scientific work in the areas of logistics, mobility and traffic. The ZLV is thereby geared towards long-term sustainable, economically beneficial, socially acceptable and ecologically reliable innovations.
Institute for Primary Social and Science Education (Institut für Sachunterricht - ISU)
The ISU represents the field of subject-specific education in research and teaching.
In accordance with the profile of the UDE, the research focus of the ISU is on empirical educational research. The focus here is on the training of teachers for the first and second phase of teacher training.
Joint Centre Urban Systems (JUS)
The Joint Centre Urban Systems (JUS) is an inter- and transdisciplinary "umbrella" research centre with central facilities at the University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) and represents the university’s Flagship Research Area "Urban Systems". The JUS is part of a greater scientific cooperation within the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr), which, together with the Ruhr University of Bochum and the Technical University of Dortmund, founded the Competence Field Metropolitan Research (KoMet)
Essener Gesellschaft für Geographie und Geologie e.V. (EGGG)
The Geographical and Geological Society of Essen pursues the aim, to present research findings in geography and geology to an interested public in an applied and problem oriented manner. The knowledge will be imparted and expanded by lectures and excursions.