Climate change and climate-neutral mobility
Electrification of a truck fleet
The Chair of General Business Administration and Mobility, together with a logistics company that supplies restaurants, submitted an application to fund an electromobility concept within the framework of the BMVI's electromobility funding guidelines, which has already been approved. As part of the planned project, a concept is to be designed to convert around 300 diesel refrigerated trucks to electrically powered trucks. The project is scheduled to start in 2022.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel, Karsten Neuberger
ITEM - Innovative transfer room for the renewal of mobility in Essen
For the funding initiative “T!Raum – TransferRooms for the future of regions”, a project outline was submitted in conjunction with the partners City of Essen, the IHK and the economic development agency, which aims to support structural change with measures in the field of modern mobility. By establishing modern, flexible and efficient mobility offers and switching to electromobility, households should be relieved and access to educational offers, the workplace or even social participation should be secured despite rising energy prices. At the same time, new educational offerings around the topic of modern mobility offerings should encourage the establishment of new companies.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel
Foresight – Studies

In addition to changes and innovations that have already manifested themselves, the Chair of Business Administration & Mobility also deals with the long-term future, especially in the mobility industry. Scientifically, this topic is known as foresight and aims to identify realistic future paths in order to derive strategies and innovations today. Both social and technological developments are considered and possible future scenarios are derived. The time horizon is around 10 or more years. In a world that is becoming increasingly volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA world), foresighting methods help companies, politics and society to orient themselves, anticipate future developments and thus be better prepared for them.
Especially in the mobility industry, which is currently undergoing extreme transformation, this recognition of possible futures is particularly important in order to adapt to and deal with changes. The chair deals with such changes and the appropriate reactions, primarily at the level of innovations and innovation strategy.
Contact person: Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel