Prof. Dr. Dieter Jäger
47057 Duisburg
Universitätsprofessor/in em./i.R., Optoelektronik
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Die folgenden Publikationen sind in der Online-Universitätsbibliographie der Universität Duisburg-Essen verzeichnet. Weitere Informationen finden Sie gegebenenfalls auch auf den persönlichen Webseiten der Person.
Neuronlike impulses in a travelling wave structure loaded with resonant tunneling diodes and air bridgesIn: Journal of Physics Communications Jg. 3 (2019) Nr. 8, S. 085010Online Volltext: (Open Access)
An MMIC implementation of FitzHugh-Nagumo neurons using a resonant tunneling diode nonlinear transmission lineIn: Physica Scripta Jg. 90 (2015) Nr. 2, S. 025002Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Traveling-wave pulse on a superconductive active transmission line using resonant tunneling diodesIn: Physica Scripta Jg. 88 (2013) Nr. 4, S. 045801Online Volltext:
Cationic liposomal paclitaxel plus gemcitabine or gemcitabine alone in patients with advanced pancreatic cancer : a randomized controlled phase II trialIn: Annals of Oncology Jg. 23 (2012) Nr. 5, S. 1214 - 1222Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Development of Short Electrical Pulses in a Schottky Line Periodically Loaded with Resonant Tunneling DiodesIn: Journal of Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves Jg. 33 (2012) Nr. 6, S. 627 - 637Online Volltext:
Electrical short pulses generation using a resonant tunneling diode nonlinear transmission lineIn: Physica Scripta Jg. 85 (2012) Nr. 3,Online Volltext:
Long-distance pulse propagation on high-frequency dissipative nonlinear transmission lines/resonant tunneling diode line cascaded mapsIn: Physica Scripta Jg. 84 (2011) Nr. 4, S. 045803Online Volltext:
Generation of electrical short pulses using a Schottky transmission line periodically loaded with tunnelling diodesIn: Physica Scripta Jg. 81 (2010) Nr. 3, S. 035801Online Volltext:
Optoelectronic K-Band Oscillator With Gigahertz Tuning Range and Low Phase NoiseIn: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (L-PT) Jg. 22 (2010) Nr. 20, S. 1497 - 1499Online Volltext:
Perspective in next-generation home networks : Toward optical solutions?In: IEEE Communications Magazine (M-COMM) Jg. 48 (2010) Nr. 2, S. 39 - 47Online Volltext:
Radio-over-fibre technologies arising from the Building the future Optical Network in Europe (BONE) projectIn: IET Optoelectronics Jg. 4 (2010) Nr. 6, S. 247 - 259Online Volltext:
1.3-μm GaNAsSb-GaAs UTC-photodetectors for 10-gigabit ethernet linksIn: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Jg. 21 (2009) Nr. 13, S. 911 - 913Online Volltext:
14-GHz GaNAsSb unitraveling-carrier 1.3-μm photodetectors grown by RF plasma-assisted nitrogen molecular beam epitaxyIn: IEEE Electron Device Letters Jg. 30 (2009) Nr. 6, S. 590 - 592Online Volltext:
60 GHz Radio-over-Fiber Technologies for Broadband Wireless ServicesIn: Journal of Optical Networking (JON) Jg. 8 (2009) Nr. 5, S. 471 - 487Online Volltext:
A novel analytical model as a design tool for uni-traveling-carrier traveling wave photo detectors approaching 1 THzIn: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Jg. 57 (2009) Nr. 1, S. 223 - 230Online Volltext:
A self-referencing intensity based polymer optical fiber sensor for liquid detectionIn: Sensors Jg. 9 (2009) Nr. 8, S. 6446 - 6455Online Volltext: (Open Access)
Microwave Photonics - Past, Present, and FutureIn: IEEE Microwave Magazine Jg. 10 (2009) Nr. 4, S. 154 - 156Online Volltext:
Nanosecond switching and wavelength tuning of external-cavity laser diode using a reflective electroabsorption modulatorIn: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Jg. 21 (2009) Nr. 18, S. 1347 - 1349Online Volltext:
Plastic optical fiber technology for reliable home networking : Overview and results of the eu project pof-allIn: IEEE Communications Magazine (M-COMM) Jg. 47 (2009) Nr. 8, S. 58 - 68Online Volltext:
Recent Progress in Dilute Nitride-antimonide Materials for Photonic and Electronic ApplicationsIn: ECS Transactions Jg. 19 (2009) Nr. 3, S. 5 - 29Online Volltext:
60GHz Photonic Millimeter-Wave Link for Short to Medium-Range Wireless Transmission up to 12.5Gb/sIn: Journal of Lightwave Technology (J-LT) Jg. 26 (2008) Nr. 15, S. 2424 - 2429Online Volltext:
Generation and electrical contacting of gold quantum dotsIn: Colloid and Polymer Sciences Jg. 286 (2008) Nr. 8-9, S. 1029 - 1037Online Volltext:
High responsivity GaNAsSb p-i-n photodetectors at 1.3µm grown by radio-frequency nitrogen plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxyIn: Optics Express Jg. 16 (2008) Nr. 11, S. 7720 - 7725Online Volltext:
Multigigabit 1.3 µm GaNAsSb/GaAs PhotodetectorsIn: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 93 (2008) S. 033509Online Volltext:
Theoretical analysis of TM nonlinear asymmetrical waveguide optical sensorsIn: Sensors and Actuators A: Physical Jg. 147 (2008) Nr. 1, S. 137 - 141Online Volltext:
An LTCC-Based Wireless Transceiver for Radio-Over-Fiber ApplicationsIn: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Jg. 55 (2007) Nr. 3, S. 579 - 587Online Volltext:
High-speed picosecond pulse response GaNAsSb p-i-n photodetectors grown by rf plasma-assisted nitrogen molecular beam epitaxy
Microwave Optical Week (MOW), ISIS-IPHOBAC Workshop, 16-18 May 2007, Budapest, Hungary,In: Applied Physics Letters (APL) Jg. 90 (2007) Nr. 18, S. 183515Online Volltext: -
Millimetre wave signal generation using resonant tunneling diodes NLTL-resonatorsIn: Optics Letters (OL) Jg. 49 (2007) Nr. 12, S. 2907 - 2909Online Volltext:
Augenblicke voller Spannung : Drahtlose Energieversorgung bei elektronischen Retina-ImplantatenIn: Forum Forschung : das Forschungsmagazin der Universität Duisburg-Essen (2006) S. 70 - 75
Nonlinear Te surface waves in a layered antiferromagnet - Superconductor waveguide structureIn: International Journal of Modern Physics B Jg. 20 (2006) Nr. 20, S. 2941 - 2949Online Volltext:
Observation of localized solitary waves along a bi-modal transmission lineIn: Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Jg. 39 (2006) Nr. 2, S. 390 - 393Online Volltext:
Eye Robot - Implantierbare elektronische Sehhilfe für BlindeIn: Forum Forschung : das Forschungsmagazin der Universität Duisburg-Essen (2005) S. 38 - 41
Fabrication and laser control of double-paddle silicon oscillatorsIn: Review of Scientific Instruments Jg. 76 (2005) Nr. 4, S. 045106Online Volltext:
Generation of short electrical pulses and millimeter wave oscillations on a resonant tunnel diode nonlinear transmission lineIn: Current Applied Physics: Physics, Chemistry and Materials Science Jg. 5 (2005) Nr. 6, S. 567 - 571Online Volltext:
Characteristics of nonlinear waveguide sensors with metallic core filmsIn: Laser Physics Jg. 14 (2004) Nr. 12, S. 1524 - 1528
Coupled Solitons in a Bi-Modal Transmission Line with a Small cw Band GapIn: Physica Scripta Jg. 69 (2004) Nr. 2, S. 146 - 149Online Volltext:
Efficient finite-difference time-domain approach for calculating nonlinear waveguide modesIn: Journal of Optical Communications Jg. 25 (2004) Nr. 6, S. 257 - 262Online Volltext:
Simulation of sensing characteristics in optical nonlinear waveguide sensorsIn: Laser Physics Jg. 14 (2004) Nr. 9, S. 1231 - 1237
Characteristics of TM surface waves in a nonlinear antiferromagnet- semiconductor-superconductor waveguide structureIn: Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism Jg. 16 (2003) Nr. 2, S. 443 - 447Online Volltext:
Intraokulare Sehhilfe - Entwicklung der Komponenten und Aufbau des GesamtsystemsIn: Der Ophthalmologe: Zeitschrift der Deutschen Ophthalmologischen Gesellschaft Jg. 100 (2003) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 147
Licht aus der Steckdose : Zukunftstechnik optische TelekommunikationIn: Forum Forschung (2003) S. 137 - 142
Near infrared light transmission of in vitro porcine opaque corneasIn: Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, IOVS Jg. 44 (2003) Nr. 13, S. U298 - U298
Ultra-Wide-Band traveling-wave photodetectors for photonic local oscillatorsIn: Journal of lightwave technology Jg. 21 (2003) Nr. 12, S. 3062 - 3070Online Volltext:
A CMOS clock and data recovery circuit for intraocular microsystemsIn: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 47 (2002) Nr. S1a, S. 167 - 170Online Volltext:
LED-Display for an intraocular microoptic systemIn: Biomedical engineering = Biomedizinische Technik Jg. 47 (2002) Nr. S1a, S. 164 - 166Online Volltext:
Optische Netze für die Kommunikationstechnik der ZukunftIn: Inno: innovative Technik - neue Anwendungen Jg. 7 (2002) Nr. 23, S. 4 - 5
Propagation characteristics of lossy nonlinear waveguides using perturbation approachesIn: Electromagnetics Jg. 22 (2002) Nr. 8, S. 667 - 674Online Volltext:
Solution of lossy dielectric moving waveguides using numerical method (Davidenko`s Approach)In: Electromagnetics Jg. 22 (2002) Nr. 8, S. 659 - 666Online Volltext:
Integrated 460 GHz photonic transmitter moduleIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 37 (2001) Nr. 22, S. 1347 - 1348Online Volltext:
Optical heterodyne millimeter-wave generation using 1.55µm traveling-wave photodetectorsIn: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Jg. 49 (2001) Nr. 10, S. 1926 - 1933Online Volltext:
An approach to single optical component antenna base stations for broadband millimeter-wave fiber-radio access systemsIn: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques (T-MTT) Jg. 48 (2000) Nr. 12, S. 2588 - 2595Online Volltext:
Calculation of the complex propagation constant of nonlinear waves in a three wave-guide structureIn: Journal of Optical Communications Jg. 21 (2000) Nr. 4, S. 134 - 138Online Volltext:
High-Efficiency fiber-to-chip coupling using low-loss tapered single-mode fiberIn: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Jg. 12 (2000) Nr. 8, S. 1016 - 1018Online Volltext:
Modeling of nonlinear Heterostructures for opto-electronic signal processingIn: Computational Technologies Jg. 5 (2000) S. 104 - 110
Nonlinear hybrid GaAs/AlGaAs multilayer-heterostructures for high speed information processingIn: Journal Computational Technologies Jg. 5 (2000) Nr. 4, S. 104 - 110
Ultra-broadband K/sub a/ to W-band 1.55 /spl mu/m travelling-wave photomixerIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 36 (2000) Nr. 11, S. 970 - 972Online Volltext:
A Perturbation Method for Complex Root Finding of Nonlinear Electromagnetic WavesIn: International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves Jg. 20 (1999) Nr. 7, S. 1389 - 1402Online Volltext:
Artificial vision : an application for short-distance free-space optical interconnectionIn: Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics Jg. 1 (1999) Nr. 2, S. 310 - 312Online Volltext:
Complex zeros of moving optical waveguidesIn: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Jg. 21 (1999) Nr. 6, S. 465 - 470Online Volltext:
Exact and Analytical Methods for Finding Complex Roots of Moving Waveguides with Absorbing LayersIn: International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves Jg. 20 (1999) Nr. 4, S. 725 - 735Online Volltext:
Full-duplex 60 GHz fibre optic transmissionIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 35 (1999) Nr. 19, S. 1653 - 1655Online Volltext:
Full-duplex fiber-optic RF subcarrier transmission using a dual-function modulator/photodetectorIn: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Jg. 47 (1999) Nr. 7, S. 1338 - 1341Online Volltext:
Metal-Clad Multilayer Waveguide : Circle-Chain Convergent Method and Two Perturbation MethodsIn: International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves Jg. 20 (1999) Nr. 7, S. 1425 - 1440Online Volltext:
Modeling of the dynamics of multi-section waveguide lasersIn: Optical and Quantum Electronics Jg. 31 (1999) Nr. 9-10, S. 1031 - 1045Online Volltext:
Numerical and analytical solutions of dispersion equation in lossy nonlinear waveguiding systemIn: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Jg. 22 (1999) Nr. 4, S. 273 - 278Online Volltext:
Propagation attenuation of TM modes in moving waveguidesIn: Journal of Optical Communications Jg. 20 (1999) S. 640
Millimeter wave generation on nonlinear transmission linesIn: Annals of Telecommunications Jg. 52 (1997) Nr. 3-4, S. 134 - 139Online Volltext:
Nonlinear travelling wave photodetector for millimeter wave harmonic frequency generationIn: Journal of Communication Jg. 47 (1997)
Analysis of microwave propagation effects using two-dimensional electrooptic field mapping techniquesIn: Optical and Quantum Electronics Jg. 28 (1996) Nr. 7, S. 919 - 932Online Volltext:
Normal mode analysis and characterization of an InGaAs/GaAs MQW field-induced optical waveguide including electrode effectsIn: Journal of Lightwave Technology (J-LT) Jg. 14 (1996) Nr. 10, S. 2422 - 2435Online Volltext:
Electro-optic probing of RF signals in submicrometre MMIC devicesIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 31 (1995) Nr. 25, S. 2188 - 2189Online Volltext:
Mesoscopic Semiconductor Switching Element with Giant Electro-Optical Nonlinearities due to Intrinsic PhotoconductivityIn: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 34 (1995) Nr. Suppl. 1, S. 15 - 18Online Volltext:
Optically controlled coplanar transmission lines for microwave signal processingIn: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Jg. 43 (1995) Nr. 9, S. 2408 - 2413Online Volltext:
Pulse Compression on Parametric Driven Homogeneous Nonlinear Transmission LinesIn: Appl. Phys. Lett. (1995)
AlAs/GaAs Multilayered Structures as Low Intensity Nonlinear Optical MediaIn: Journal of Physics: Conference Series (JPCONF) Jg. 139 (1994) S. 565 - 568
An InGaAs/GaAs MQW Optical Switch Based on Field-Induced WaveguidesIn: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Jg. 6 (1994) Nr. 7, S. 828 - 830Online Volltext:
Characterization of a MMIC by direct and indirect electro-optic sampling and by network analyzer measurementsIn: Microelectronic Engineering Jg. 24 (1994) Nr. 1-4, S. 377 - 384Online Volltext:
Experimental characterization of the perturbations of microwave devices by the electro-optic probe tipIn: Microelectronic Engineering Jg. 24 (1994) Nr. 1-4, S. 123 - 130Online Volltext:
Two-dimensional field mapping in coplanar MMIC-components using direct electro-optic probingIn: Microelectronic Engineering Jg. 24 (1994) Nr. 1-4, S. 385 - 392Online Volltext:
AlAs/GaAs Bragg reflectors as low intensity optical switching devicesIn: Integrated Computer - Aided Engineering Jg. 1 (1993)
Fundamentals of optical beam testingIn: Microelectronic Engineering Jg. 24 (1993) Nr. 1-4, S. 327 - 339Online Volltext:
GaAs MSM Photodiode Using the Highly Doped Channel Layer of a Heterostructure MESFETIn: Physica Status Solidi (A): Applications and Materials Science Jg. 136 (1993) Nr. 1, S. K65 - K69Online Volltext:
InGaAs/GaAs multiple-quantum-well modulators and switchesIn: Optical and Quantum Electronics Jg. 25 (1993) Nr. 12, S. 865 - S883Online Volltext:
Microwave gap solitons and bistability in magnetostatic periodic structuresIn: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 62 (1993) Nr. 1, S. 110 - 112Online Volltext:
Photoelectrical properties of GaAs MSM photodetektor compatible with pseudomorphic heterostructure MESFETIn: Physica status solidi A: Applications and Materials Science Jg. 140 (1993) Nr. 2, S. K111 - K114Online Volltext:
Strained-Layer Multiple-Quantum-Well InGaAs/GaAs Waveguide Modulators Operating Around 1 μmIn: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters Jg. 5 (1993) Nr. 1, S. 49 - 52Online Volltext:
Vertical n-i-n Multiple-Quantum-Well Electrooptical Modulators for High-Speed ApplicationsIn: IEEE Photonics Technology Letters (L-PT) Jg. 5 (1993) Nr. 2, S. 178 - 180Online Volltext:
Coplanar microwave phase shifter for InP-based MMICsIn: Microelectronic Engineering Jg. 19 (1992) Nr. 1-4, S. 421 - 424Online Volltext:
Electro-optic sampling of nonlinear effects in Schottky coplanar linesIn: Microelectronic Engineering Jg. 16 (1992) Nr. 1-4, S. 305 - 312Online Volltext:
Experiments on optoelectronic bistability in distributed AlAs/GaAs-Bragg reflectorsIn: Microelectronic Engineering Jg. 19 (1992) Nr. 1-4, S. 53 - 56Online Volltext:
Equivalent circuit model for current filamentation in p‐i‐n diodesIn: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 59 (1991) Nr. 1, S. 105 - 107Online Volltext:
Growth and characterization of AlGaAs/GaAs Bragg reflectors for nonlinear optoelectronic devicesIn: Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology Jg. 9 (1991) Nr. 1-3, S. 361 - 364Online Volltext:
Observation of spatio-temporal structures due to current filaments in Si pin diodesIn: Physics Letters A Jg. 160 (1991) Nr. 4, S. 397 - 400Online Volltext:
Optische SignalverarbeitungIn: Der Elektroniker: Fachzeitschrift für die industrielle Elektronik und den technisch-wissenschaftlichen Computereinsatz Jg. 30 (1991) Nr. 6, S. 6 - 11
Poled polymer for optical testing of electrical circuitsIn: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 70 (1991) S. 1656 - 1659Online Volltext:
Wave propagation phenomena and microwave-optical interaction in coplanar lines on semiconductor substrateIn: Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications Jg. 5 (1991) Nr. 4-5, S. 337 - 351Online Volltext:
2-D Array of Optoelectronic Logic XNOR Gates for Bipolar Binary Optical ProcessingIn: Japanese Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 29 (1990) Nr. 8, S. L1553 - L1556Online Volltext:
Dynamics of optical and electrooptical switching in photo-thermal bistable CdS crystalsIn: Zeitschrift für Physik / B , Condensed Matter Jg. 79 (1990) Nr. 1, S. 149 - 157Online Volltext:
Optical study of current filaments in pin diodesIn: Physics Letters A Jg. 143 (1990) Nr. 6-7, S. 337 - 341Online Volltext:
Optoelectronic switching in travelling-wave MSM photodetectors using photon energies below bandgapIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 26 (1990) Nr. 22, S. 1874 - 1875Online Volltext:
Large optical nonlinearities in hybrid semiconductor devicesIn: Journal of the Optical Society of America / B Jg. 6 (1989) Nr. 4, S. 588 - 594Online Volltext:
Linear and nonlinear optical properties of thin evaporated and epitaxial II-VI compound filmsIn: Thin Solid Films Jg. 175 (1989) S. 179 - 183Online Volltext:
Optically controlled phase shift of Schottky coplanar linesIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 25 (1989) Nr. 23, S. 1575 - 1577Online Volltext:
Spectroscopic investigation of oxide states responsible for hot-carrier degradationIn: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 54 (1989) Nr. 2, S. 168 - 169Online Volltext:
Variable phase shift of spatially periodic proton-bombarded Schottky coplanar linesIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 25 (1989) Nr. 17, S. 1135 - 1136Online Volltext:
An electro-optic and optoelectric bistable interconnect at 514 nm : The photothermal CdS self-electro-optic-effect devicesIn: Journal of Quantum Electronics Jg. 24 (1988) Nr. 12, S. 2500 - 2506Online Volltext:
CdS photoelectric device: Modulation and optical bistability at 514 nmIn: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 52 (1988) Nr. 5, S. 342 - 344Online Volltext:
Generation and optimum control of picosecond optical pulses from gain-switched semiconductor lasersIn: Journal of Quantum Electronics Jg. 24 (1988) Nr. 8, S. 1519 - 1523Online Volltext:
Increasing absorption bistability in hybrid silicon devices and the control of the characteristicsIn: Journal de Physique Colloques Jg. 49 (1988) Nr. C2, S. 131 - 134Online Volltext:
Nonlinearity and switching behaviour of thermooptical Schottky SEED devicesIn: Journal de Physique Colloques Jg. 49 (1988) Nr. C2, S. 140 - 141Online Volltext:
Optical bistability and switching in nonresonant GaAs : Cr self-electrooptic effect devicesIn: Applied Optics Jg. 27 (1988) Nr. 9, S. 1769 - 1771Online Volltext:
Optical bistability in a hybrid Si Schottky beat device at 1.3 μmIn: Optics Communications Jg. 65 (1988) Nr. 1, S. 57 - 60Online Volltext:
Optische und optoelektronische Bistabilität - Halbleiterbauelemente für die digitale optische DatenverarbeitungIn: Laser und Optoelektronik Jg. 1 (1988) S. 46 - 51
Steady state operation of a non-linear Fabry-Perot for oblique incidence : Polarization and beam angle dependenceIn: Journal de Physique Colloques Jg. 49 (1988) Nr. C2, S. 181 - 182Online Volltext:
Thermo-optical SEED devices : External control of nonlinearity, bistability and switching behaviourIn: Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics Jg. 45 (1988) Nr. 3, S. 151 - 155Online Volltext:
Comments on “Small-Signal Second-Harmonic Generation by a Nonlinear Transmission Line”In: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Jg. 35 (1987) Nr. 1, S. 76Online Volltext:
Hybrid optical bistability based on increasing absorption in depletion layer of an si schottky seed deviceIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 23 (1987) Nr. 10, S. 490 - 492Online Volltext:
Nonlinear nonreciprocity and directional bistability in a ring resonator with a quadratic nonlinear mediumIn: Physical Review Letters Jg. 59 (1987) Nr. 19, S. 2145 - 2148Online Volltext:
Nonresonant optical bistability in InP:Fe seed devicesIn: Optics Communications Jg. 62 (1987) Nr. 3, S. 193 - 196Online Volltext:
Optical, optoelectronic and electrical bistability and multistability in a silicon Schottky seedIn: Solid State Electronics Jg. 30 (1987) Nr. 1, S. 67 - 71Online Volltext:
Optoelectronic Pulse Compression of Microwave SignalsIn: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Jg. 35 (1987) Nr. 11, S. 1014 - 1018Online Volltext:
Pattern formation in S-shaped negative differential conductivity materialIn: Zeitschrift für Physik. B: Condensed matter Jg. 65 (1987) Nr. 4, S. 515 - 525Online Volltext:
Properties of solitary current filaments in silicon pin diodesIn: Physics Letters. A Jg. 123 (1987) Nr. 8, S. 421 - 424Online Volltext:
Stable pulsations of semiconductor lasers by optoelectronic feedback with avalanche photodiodesIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 23 (1987) Nr. 9, S. 471 - 472Online Volltext:
Current filament formation in gold compensated silicon pin diodesIn: Scanning Electron Microscopy: SEM (1986) Nr. 2, S. 441 - 446
Emergence of aperiodic spikes and a boundary crisis in nonlinear microwave resonatorsIn: Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Jg. 33 (1986) Nr. 2, S. 1451 - 1453Online Volltext:
Experimental observation of spatial structures due to current filament formation in silicon pin diodesIn: Physics Letters. A Jg. 117 (1986) Nr. 3, S. 141 - 144Online Volltext:
Generation and parametric amplification of solitons in a nonlinear resonator with a Korteweg-de Vries mediumIn: Physical Review A: Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics Jg. 34 (1986) Nr. 5, S. 4528 - 4531Online Volltext:
Generation of Microwave Pulses by Optoelectronically Switched ResonatorsIn: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics Jg. 22 (1986) Nr. 1, S. 108 - 111Online Volltext:
New correlation technique for measuring short electrical pulses with picosecond time resolutionIn: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 48 (1986) Nr. 22, S. 1550 - 1551Online Volltext:
Characteristics of travelling waves along the non-linear transmission lines for monolithic integrated circuits : a reviewIn: International journal of electronics letters Jg. 58 (1985) Nr. 4, S. 649 - 669Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Investigations on current filament phenomena using a SEMIn: Beiträge zur elektronenmikroskopischen Direktabbildung von Oberflächen: BEDO Jg. 18 (1985) S. 133 - 138
Low-Power Optical Bistability and Multistability in a Self-electo-Optic Silicon InterferometerIn: IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics Jg. 21 (1985) Nr. 9, S. 1453 - 1457Online Volltext:
The BARITT diode : a low noise heterodyne photodetector with high integral gainIn: Physica. B C Jg. 129 (1985) Nr. 1-3, S. 501 - 505Online Volltext:
Bistability and solitons observed in a nonlinear ring resonatorIn: Physics Letters. A Jg. 102 (1984) Nr. 3, S. 89 - 92Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Chaos observed in a Fabry-Perot interferometer with quadratic nonlinear mediumIn: Physics Letters. A Jg. 105 (1984) Nr. 3, S. 105 - 109Online Volltext:
Multistability and soliton modes in nonlinear microwave resonatorsIn: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 44 (1984) Nr. 12, S. 1105 - 1107Online Volltext:
Optical Injection Locking of BARITT OscillatorsIn: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Jg. 31 (1983) Nr. 1, S. 78 - 79Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Optoelectronically pulsed slot-line antennasIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 19 (1983) Nr. 9, S. 316 - 317Online Volltext:
Self-pulsing and transients of a Fabry-Perot interferometer with quadratic nonlinear mediumIn: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 54 (1983) Nr. 9, S. 4826 - 4831Online Volltext:
Beobachtung von Stromfilamenten im REMIn: Beiträge zur elektronenmikroskopischen Direktabbildung von Oberflächen: BEDO Jg. 15 (1982) Nr. 1, S. 143 - 147
Bistability observed in a Fabry-Perot interferometer with quadratic nonlinear mediumIn: Applied Physics Letters Jg. 41 (1982) Nr. 11, S. 1028 - 1030Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Experiments on KdV SolitonsIn: Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Jg. 51 (1982) Nr. 5, S. 1686 - 1693Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Optoelectronic generation of microwave powerIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 18 (1982) Nr. 18, S. 783 - 784Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Quantitative study of recurrence in Korteweg de Vries systemsIn: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 53 (1982) Nr. 8, S. 5377 - 5381Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Phase-matched second harmonic generation and parametric mixing on nonlinear transmission linesIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 17 (1981) Nr. 2, S. 76 - 77Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Electrical properties of coplanar transmission lines on lossless and lossy substratesIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 15 (1979) Nr. 3, S. 88 - 90Online Volltext:
Negative conductance in SCLC diodes with trapsIn: Physica status solidi A: applications and materials science Jg. 49 (1978) Nr. 2, S. 431 - 435Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Nonlinear wave propagation along periodic-loaded transmission linesIn: Applied Physics Jg. 15 (1978) Nr. 4, S. 393 - 397Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Soliton propagation along periodic-loaded transmission lineIn: Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing Jg. 16 (1978) Nr. 1, S. 35 - 38Online Volltext:
Abstimmbare Tiefpaßfilter in StreifenleitungstechnikIn: Archiv für Elektronik und Übertragungstechnik: AEÜ Jg. 31 (1977) S. 77 - 80
Distributed variable-capacitance microstrip lines for microwave applicationsIn: Applied Physics Jg. 12 (1977) Nr. 2, S. 203 - 207Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Efficiency of harmonic frequency generation along Schottky contact microstrip linesIn: Archiv für Elektronik und Übertragungstechnik: AEÜ Jg. 31 (1977) Nr. 5, S. 212 - 215
Influence of carrier transit time on the small‐signal admittance of SCLC diodesIn: Physica status solidi: A, Applications and materials science Jg. 42 (1977) Nr. 2, S. 657 - 665Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Minority and majority carrier mobilities determined by microwave measurementsIn: Physica status solidi: A, Applications and materials science Jg. 44 (1977) Nr. 1, S. 191 - 195Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Temperature anomalies of Schottky-barrier diodes on n-type siliconIn: Journal of Applied Physics Jg. 48 (1977) Nr. 10, S. 4413 - 4414Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Slow-Wave Propagation Along Variable Schottky-Contact Microstrip LineIn: IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques Jg. 24 (1976) Nr. 9, S. 566 - 573Online Volltext:
Bias-dependent small-signal parameters of Schottky contact microstrip linesIn: Solid State Electronics Jg. 17 (1974) Nr. 8, S. 777 - 783Online Volltext:
Bias-dependent phase delay of schottky contact microstrip lineIn: Electronics Letters Jg. 9 (1973) Nr. 10, S. 201 - 203Online Volltext:
Bestimmung von Materialeigenschaften dünner Schichten im Bandleitungs-ResonatorIn: Zeitschrift für angewandte Physik Jg. 31 (1971) S. 271 - 274
Abschlussbericht Photonik I : Verbundprojekt Optische Verbindungstechnik 4/90 - 3/94(1994)
Microwave photonics : From concepts to devices and applicationsIn: Microwave Photonics / Lee, Chi H. (Hrsg.) 2017, S. 1 - 41Online Volltext:
Propagation of Microwaves in MMICs Studied by Time- and Frequency-Domain Electro-Optic Field MappingIn: Optical sensors: part of Advanced photonics ; 27 - 31 July 2014, Barcelona, Spain / Optics InfoBase, 27 - 31 July 2014, Barcelona 2014, S. 190 - 195Online Volltext:
Fastly tunable External-Cavity Diode-Lasers Controlled by Electro-Absorption ModulatorsIn: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO Europe/EQEC) / Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Europe and 12th European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO Europe/EQEC), 22 - 26 May 2011, Munich, Germany 2011 CB_P17Online Volltext:
High Data Rate Radio Over Fiber TechnologiesIn: IEEE Photonics Conference (PHO), 2011 / IEEE Photonics Conference (PHO), Arlington, Virginia, USA, 9 - 13 Oct. 2011 2011, S. 192 - 193Online Volltext:
Continuous-Wave Photonic THz-Transmitter Modules employing Antenna-Integrated 1.55µm Waveguide-PhotodetectorsIn: International Forum on Terahertz Spectroscopy and Imaging / 4th Workshop on Terahertz Technology, Kaiserslautern, March 2-3 2010 40, Abstract 03
Gas Phase Synthesis of Highly Specific Silicon Nanoparticles on the Pilot Plant Scale for Optoelectronic ApplicationsIn: Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2010, San Francisco 2010
Opto-electronic dual-loop 50 GHz oscillator with wide tunability and low phase noiseIn: IEEE Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP), 2010 / IEEE Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP), 2010 : 5 - 9 Oct. 2010, Montreal, Quebec, Canada / IEEE Photonics Society; Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (Hrsg.) 2010, S. 224 - 226Online Volltext:
Photovoltaic devices from silicon nanoparticlesIn: Photovoltaics and optoelectronics from nanoparticles / Symposium T, "Photovoltaics and Optoelectronics from Nanoparticles", April 5 - 9, 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA / Winterer, Markus; Gladfelter, Wayne L.; Gamelin, Daniel R.; Oda, Shunri (Hrsg.) 2010, S. 107 - 111
An Antenna-Integrated Photonic Millimeter-Wave TransmitterIn: European workshop on photonic solutions for wireless, access, and in-house networks / European workshop on photonic solutions for wireless, access, and in-house networks, Duisburg, May 18-20, 2009 2009, S. 77 - 80
Bidirectional Multi-Standard RoMMF Transmission Using a Reflective Electro-Optic TransceiverIn: European workshop on photonic solutions for wireless, access, and in-house networks / May 18-20, 2009, Duisburg, Germany 2009, S. 45 - 47
Experimental analysis of temperature dependence in multimode optical fiber links for radio-over-fiber applicationsIn: 11th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2009) / ICTON 2009: Ponta Delgada; Portugal; 28 June 2009 through 2 July 2009 / Jaworski, Marek (Hrsg.) 2009, S. 5185019Online Volltext:
Future internet in home area networks : Towards optical solutions?In: Towards the future internet: a European research perspective / Tselentis, Georgios (Hrsg.) 2009, S. 160 - 172Online Volltext:
High-Speed Laser Steuerung durch Elektrooptische Modulator–Array (EMA)In: Virtuelle Instrumente in der Praxis: Messtechnik, Automatisierung ; Begleitband zum Kongress VIP 2009 / Jamal, Rahman (Hrsg.) 2009, S. 214 - 220
Photonic Millimeter-Wave Generation for Ultra-Broadband and Low Phase Noise ApplicationsIn: Proceedings of the 5th Joint Symposium on Opto- & Microelectronic Devices and Circuits, SODC 2009 / SODC 2009, May 9-15, Beijing, China 2009, S. 77 - 81
Photonic Millimeter-Wave System for Broadband Wireless AccessIn: European workshop on photonic solutions for wireless, access, and in-house networks / Duisburg, May 18-20, 2009 2009, S. 123 - 126
Photonic Oscillators for THz Signal GenerationIn: Microwave photonics: devices and applications / Iezekiel, Stavros (Hrsg.) 2009, S. 85 - 110Online Volltext:
Transparent Radio-over-Multimode Fiber Transmission System with Novel Transceiver for Picocellular InfrastructuresIn: Proceedings of the 35th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC 2009) / ECOC 2009, September 20 - 24, Vienna, Austria 2009, S. P6.18
60 GHz Wireless Photonic Link System for 12.5Gb/s Data TransmissionIn: ITG Symposium on Photonic Networks / ITG Symposium on Photonic Networks, 28-29 April 2008 2008, S. 101 - 104
60GHz radio-over-fibre wireless system for bridging 10Gb/s ethernet linksIn: 34th European Conference on Optical Communication / ECOC 2008 ; Brussels, Belgium, 21 - 25 September 2008 / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Corporation (Hrsg.) 2008Online Volltext:
A UTC-TW Photo Detector Operating at Frequencies Exceeding 100 GHzIn: The 38th European Microwave Conference / EuMC ; 38 (Amsterdam) : 2008.10.27-31 2008, S. 377 - 380Online Volltext:
Highly-Compact Fibre-Optic Package for 30-300GHz Wireless Transmitter ModulesIn: 2nd Electronics System-Integration Technology Conference / ESTC 2008 ; 1 - 4 Sept. 2008, Greenwich, UK 2008, S. 1111 - 1114Online Volltext:
Photonics for broadband radio communications at 60 GHz in access and home networksIn: IEEE International Meeting on Microwave Photonics jointly held with the 2008 Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference / MWP2008/APMP2008; Gold Coast, QLD; Australia; 30 September 2008 through 3 October 2008; 2008, S. 5 - 8Online Volltext:
Ultra-Broadband and Low Phase Noise Photonic Millimeter-Wave GenerationIn: International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, 2008 / International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, 2008 / Asia-Pacific Microwave Photonics Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 30 September - 3 October 2008 2008, S. 283 - 286Online Volltext:
A Silicon Optical Bench for Optical Feeding an LTCC-Based Wireless TransceiverIn: V. ITG Workshop: Photonische Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik / V. ITG-Workshop: Photonische Aufbau- und Verbindungstechnik : 28. März 2007, Fraunhofer IZM, Berlin / Fischer-Hirchert, U. H. P. (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 38 - 41
Dual Band LTCC-Based Wireless Transceiver with Optical Interface using Polymer FibersIn: IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium / IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 2007 : 3 - 8 June 2007, Honolulu, HI 2007, S. 59 - 62Online Volltext:
High-Speed Transceiver for Radio-over-POF ApplicationsIn: Proceedings - POF 2007 / 16th International Conference on Plastic Optical Fibers : September 10 - 12, 2007, Turin, Italy 2007, S. 48 - 51
Integrated InGaAs pin-diode on exactly oriented silicon (001) substrate suitable for 10 Gbit/s digital applicationsIn: 20th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society: Conference Proceedings / LEOS; Lake Buena Vista, United States; 21 - 25 October 2007 2007, S. 180 - 181Online Volltext:
Microwave Photonics - From Concepts to Devices and ApplicationsIn: Microwave Photonics / Lee, Chi H. (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 1 - 30
Realization Of Tunable Periodical Differential Transmission Lines On SiliconIn: 14th International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems / 14th International Conference on Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, MIXDES '07 ; 21 - 23 June 2007, Ciechocinek, Poland / Napieralski, Andrzej (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 328 - 332Online Volltext:
Recent Developments in Polymer Optical Fiber (POF) TransceiversIn: 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2007 / 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2007 : ICTON '07 ; 1 - 5 July 2007, Rome, Italy / Marciniak, Marian (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 54 - 57Online Volltext:
Status and recent results from the POF-ALL EU project : large-core plastic fibers for low cost, high-speed short reach applicationsIn: ECOC 07 / ECOC 2007, 33rd European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication, September 16 - 20, 2007, Berlin, Germany 2007, S. 5758345Online Volltext:
Vertical pin-modulator for controlling an external-cavity diode laserIn: 2007 International Students and Young Scientists Workshop on Photonics and Microsystems: Proceedings / 2007 International Students and Young Scientists Workshop on Photonics and Microsystems : 8 - 10 July 2007, Dresden, Germany / Borkowska, Agnieszka; Sieradzka, Karolina (Hrsg.) 2007, S. 11 - 14Online Volltext:
Wideband photonic millimeter-wave synthesizer using a high-power pin waveguide photodiodeIn: Proceedings of the 37th European Microwave Conference, EUMC / EUMC; Munich; Germany; 9 October 2007 through 12 October 2007 2007, S. 588 - 591Online Volltext:
An LTCC-based Wireless Transceiver with Integrated Optical InterfaceIn: IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest, 2006 / IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest, 11 - 16 June 2006, San Francisco, CA 2006, S. 6 - 9Online Volltext:
Millimeter-wave and Terahertz PhotonicsIn: Proceedings of the SPIE / Second Conference on Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Photonics at SPIE Photonics Europe, 5 - 6 April 2006, Strasbourg, France 2006
Photonic Millimeter-wave and Terahertz Source TechnologiesIn: Proceedings of the International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics / International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, Grenoble, France, 3-6 Oct. 2006 2006, S. 21 - 24
Radical shorted transmission lines on silicon based upon periodic metamaterial structuresIn: 36th European Microwave Conference, 2006 / 36th European Microwave Conference, Sept. 2006, Manchester, United Kingdom 2006, S. 788 - 791Online Volltext:
Remote optoelectronic microwave generation in fiber radio systems using a ring oscillatorIn: 36th European Microwave Conference / 36th European Microwave Conference, Sept. 2006, Manchester, United Kingdom 2006, S. 1115 - 1117Online Volltext:
THz-Photomixers : An OverviewIn: Millimeter-wave and terahertz photonics / Second Conference on Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Photonics at SPIE Photonics Europe, 5 - 6 April 2006, Strasbourg, France 2006, S. 61940D-1 - 61940D-8Online Volltext:
Design and modelling of A III/V mobile-gate with optical input on a silicon substrateIn: Conference Proceedings - International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials / IPRM 2005; Glasgow, Scotland; 8 - 12 May 2005 2005, S. 17 - 20Online Volltext:
Design considerations for a uni-traveling carrier traveling wave photo detector for efficient generation of millimeter wave and sub-MM wave signalsIn: Proceedings of the 2005 European Microwave Conference / 35th European Microwave Conference 2005 part of the 8th European Microwave Week (EuMW), Oct. 4 - 6, 2005, Paris, France 2005, S. 597 - 600Online Volltext:
Heterogeneous wireless/wireline optical access networks with the R-EAT as backend componentIn: Microwave and Terahertz Photonics / PHOTONICS EUROPE, 26-30 April 2004, Strasbourg, France / Stöhr, Andreas; Jäger, Dieter; Iezekiel, Stavros (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 27 - 33Online Volltext:
Mathematical simulation of nonlinear optical wave guided sensorsIn: Microwave and Optical Technology 2003: 11 - 15 August 2003, Ostrava, Czech Republic / International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology ; 9; 2003; Ostrava ISMOT 2003 ; 9; 2003; Ostrava / Pištora, Jaromír (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 324 - 327Online Volltext:
Nonlinear TM surface wave in a single interface of antiferromagnet and left-handed metamaterial structureIn: Conference digest of the 2004 joint 29th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2004 and 12th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, 2004 / 29th International Conference on Infrared and Millimeter Waves, 2004 and 12th International Conference on Terahertz Electronics, 2004 : 27 Sept. - 1 Oct. 2004, University of Karlsruhe (TH), Karlsruhe, Germany 2004, S. 99 - 100Online Volltext:
Reflection-type EAT for full duplex wireless/wireline access networksIn: Proceedings of the 3rd Joint Symposium on Opto- and Microelectronics / Symposium on Opto- and Microelectronics (SODC 2004), Wuhan, China 2004, S. 56 - 58
THz photomixing employing traveling-wave photodetectorsIn: 2004 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest: Vol. 1 / IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest : June 6-11, 2004 Fort Worth Convention Center, Fort Worth, Texas / Denniston, David B. (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 275 - 278Online Volltext:
Ultra-wideband traveling-wave photodetectors for THz signal generationIn: LEOS 2004: conference proceedings; Vol. 1 / IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting, Westin Rio Mar Beach, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, 8-9 November, 2004 2004, S. 200 - 201Online Volltext:
Waveguide and antenna coupled traveling-wave 1.55-µm photodetectors for optical (sub)millimeter-wave generationIn: Microwave and Terahertz Photonics / PHOTONICS EUROPE, 26-30 April 2004, Strasbourg, France / Stöhr, Andreas; Jäger, Dieter; Iezekiel, Stavros (Hrsg.) 2004, S. 202 - 209Online Volltext:
Advanced simulation techniques for periodic structuresIn: Proceedings of the 11th Microcoll Conference 2003 / 11th Microcoll Conference, September 10-11, Budapest, Hungary, 2003 2003, S. 117 - 122
Explicit finite-difference time domain for nonlinear analysis of waveguide modesIn: Photonics, Devices, and Systems II: proceedings from Photonics Prague 2002 / International Conference on Photonics, Devices and System, 26 - 29 May 2002, Prague, Czech Republic / Hrabovsky, Miroslav (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 193 - 198Online Volltext:
Nonlinear TM surface waves in a left-handed material structureIn: Microwave and optical technology 2003 / 9th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology, 11 - 15 August 2003, Ostrava, Czech Republic / Pistora, Jaromír (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 184 - 188Online Volltext:
Nonlinear surface waves along the boundary of magnetic superlattices (LANS)In: Microwave and optical technology 2003 / 9th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology, 11 - 15 August 2003, Ostrava, Czech Republic 2003, S. 274 - 278Online Volltext:
Optical THz generationIn: MWP 2003 Proceedings / International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics : 10-12 September 2003, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary 2003, S. 179 - 182Online Volltext:
Optical submillimeter-wave generation employing antenna integrated ultra-fast travelling-wave 1.55 /spl mu/m photodetectorsIn: IMS 2003: 2003 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest / IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, June 8-13, 2003, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania / Taylor, Aurea; Chiang, Norman (Hrsg.) 2003, S. 143 - 146Online Volltext:
Optoelectronic components and integration devices : form concepts to applicationsIn: Optics Microwave Interactions: Interactions entre optique et micro-ondes / RTO presented on 2-3 September 2002 in Jouy en Josas, France, on 5-6 September 2002 in Duisburg, Germany and on 9-10 September 2002 in Budapest, Hungary. 2003, S. 2.1 - 2.15
A novel 1.55µm HBT-Electroabsorption modulatorIn: Proceedings of the International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP `01) / MWP `01, 7-9 Jan. 2002, Long Beach, CA, USA 2002, S. 21 - 24Online Volltext:
All-optical radio-independent millimeter-wave radio-on-fiber system with lean antenna base stationsIn: 2002 International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics / International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics , Awaji, Japan, November 5-8, 2002 2002, S. 213 - 216Online Volltext:
Different approaches for integrating HBTs and EAMsIn: The 10th IEEE International Symposium on Electron Devices for Microwave and Optoelectronic Applications / EDMO 2002 ; 18 - 19 November; Manchester, UK 2002, S. 149 - 154Online Volltext:
GHz and THz InGaAsP traveling wave photodetectorIn: IEEE LEOS annual meeting conference proceedings: Vol. 2 / The 15th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 10-14 Nov. 2002, Glasgow, United Kingdom 2002, S. 422 - 423Online Volltext:
High-speed photonic components for optical communicationsIn: SODC 2002 / SODC 2002, March 10-16, Stuttgart, Germany 2002, S. 59 - 63
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Integrated photonic Tera-Hertz transmitterIn: Fifth International Symposium on Contemporary Photonics Technology, CPT 2002 / CPT 2002, January 15-17, Tokyo, Japan 2002, Nr. J-2, S. 167 - 168
Monolithically integrated optoelectronic circuits using HBT, EAM, and TEATIn: Proceedings of the International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP 2002) / MWP 2002, November 5-8, Awaji, Japan 2002, S. 349 - 352
Photonic (sub)millimeterwave local oscillatorsIn: XIV International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications / XIV International Conference on Microwaves, Radar and Wireless Communications : MIKON-2002, Gdańsk, Poland, May 20 - 22, 2002 2002, S. 722 - 734Online Volltext:
Photonic microwave local oscillators - technologies and applicationsIn: 32nd European Microwave Conference (EuMC 2002) / Europ. Microwave Conf. (EuMC 2002), Workshop: Advances in Photon.Tech. for Microwave Appl., Milano, Italien, 2002 Jg. WM3 2002, S. 1 - 15
Photonic technologies for visual implantsIn: SPIE Proceedings: Biomedicine and Biophotonics / International Conference on Applied of Photonic Tech. (ICAPT 2002), Quebec City, Canada, 2002 2002, S. 77 - 84Online Volltext: Online Volltext
Waveguide HBT electroabsorption modulators : Devices and circuitsIn: 14th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials: Conference Proceedings / Stockholm, Sweden; 12 - 16 May 2002 2002, S. 123 - 126Online Volltext:
Waverguide HBT electroabsorption modulators : devices and circuitsIn: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM) / IPRM: May 12-16, 2002, Stockholm, Sweden 2002, S. 123 - 126
Heterodyne electro-optic sampling of millimeter-wave signalsIn: Proceedings of the 11th Conference and Exhibition on Microwaves, Radio Communication and Electromagnetic Compatibility / MIOP 2001, May 8-10, 2001, Stuttgart, Germany 2001, S. 94 - 99
Integration of heterostructure bipolar transistor and electroabsorption waveguide modulator based on a multifunctional layer design for 1.55μmIn: 13th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials: Conference Proceedings / IPRM 2001; Nara, Japan; 14.05.2001 - 18.05.2001 2001, S. 440 - 443Online Volltext:
LED-based micro display for an intraocular vision aid (IoVA)In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society / 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 25-28 Oct. 2001, Istanbul, Turkey Jg. 4 2001, S. 3436 - 3439Online Volltext:
Microwave PhotonicsIn: Proceedings of the 31st European Microwave Conference / Microwave Conference, 24-26 Sept. 2001, London, England 2001, S. 75 - 78Online Volltext:
Ultra-broadband 160GHz InGaAsP photodetector for photonic LOIn: Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC 2001) / ECOC 2001, 30 Sept.-4 Oct. , Amsterdam, Netherlands Jg. 4 2001, S. 562 - 563Online Volltext:
A good prospect for broadband millimeter-wave fiber-radio access system - An approach to single optical component at antenna base stationIn: 2000 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest: Vol. 3 / IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium digest : June 11-16, 2000, Hynes Convention Center, Boston, Massachusetts / Wendler, John; Perkins, Thomas (Hrsg.) 2000, S. 1745 - 1748Online Volltext:
Attenuation of magnetostatic surface waves in a superconductor-ferrite structureIn: Proceedings of the first Regional Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials / MSM-99: Tehran, Iran, 27-30 September 1999 Jg. 1 2000, S. 669 - 676Online Volltext:
Electroabsorption Transceiver (EAT) for Fiber-Wireless NetworksIn: Proceedings CPT 2000 2000, S. 45 - 46
Electroabsorption transceiver (EAT) : Device concepts and applications in mm-wave fiber-wirelessIn: Applications of photonic technology 4: closing the gap between theory, development, and application / International Conference on Applications of Photonic Technology 4, June 12 through June 16, 2000 in Québec City / Lessard, Roger A. (Hrsg.) 2000, S. 314 - 316Online Volltext:
Improved fiber-chip coupling using low-loss tapered fibersIn: Applications of Photonic Technology 4: closing the gap between theory, development, and application / International Conference on Applications of Photonic Technology 4, June 12 through June 16, 2000 in Québec City 2000, S. 280 - 282Online Volltext:
Intraocular vision aid (IOS) : Optical signal transmission and image generationIn: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Vol. 1 / 22nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society : 23-28 July 2000, Navy Pier Convention Center, Chicago, Illinois, USA / Enderle, John Denis (Hrsg.) 2000, S. 796 - 797Online Volltext:
LED-based micro display for an intraocular vision aid (IoVA)In: Proceedings of the World Microtechnologies Congress MICRO.tec 2000 / World Microtechnologies Congress MICRO.tec 2000, Hannover, Germany, 2000 2000, S. 453 - 456
Microwave optical interaction devices: From concept to applicationsIn: 30th European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2000 / EuMC 2000, 2-5 Oct. 2000, Paris, France 2000, S. 386 - 389Online Volltext:
Millimetre-wave bandwidth electroabsorption modulators and transceiversIn: International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics / International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics MWP 2000,11-13 September 2000, St. John's College, Oxford, UK 2000, S. 125 - 127Online Volltext:
Miniaturized fiber coupled RF E-field sensor with high sensitivityIn: Conference Proceedings - Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Annual Meeting-LEOS / 13th Annual Meeting IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, 13-16 Nov. 2000, Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, USA Jg. 2 2000, S. 525 - 526Online Volltext:
Miniaturized fiber-coupled E-field sensorIn: Proceedings of MICRO.tec 2000 / MICRO.tec 2000, 25. bis 27. September, Hannover, Germany Jg. 1 2000, S. 495 - 500
Nonlinear multilayer heterostructures for microwave photonic applicationsIn: Proceedings INPRIM-2000 / INPRIM-2000, Novosibirsk, Russland, 2000 2000, S. 93
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Optical Signal and Energy Transmission for Implantable Intraocular MicrosystemsIn: Proceedings of the World Microtechnologies Congress MICRO.tec 2000 / MICRO.tec 2000, 25. bis 27. September, Hannover, Germany 2000, S. 461 - 465
Optical add-drop multiplexing of 60 GHz millimeterwave signals in a WDM radio-on-fiber ringIn: Technical digest / Optical Fiber Communication Conference: Vol. 4 / Optical Fiber Communication Conference : March 7 - 10, 2000, Baltimore Convention Center, Baltimore, Maryland / Koch, Thomas (Hrsg.) Jg. 4 2000, S. 137 - 139Online Volltext:
Optical add-drop multiplexing of 60GHz millimeterwave signals in a WDM radio-on-fiber ringIn: Technical Digest: Optical Fiber Communication Conference / Optical Society of America; Technical Digest, Optical Fiber Communication Conference 2000, Baltimore, 7 March 2000Maryland, / Optical Fiber Communication Conference (Hrsg.) 2000
Optical signal transmission and image generationIn: Proceedings of the 22nd Annual EMBS / 22nd Annual EMBS International Conference, July 23-28,2000, Chicago IL 2000, S. 796 - 797
Photonics for Millimeter-Wave Broadband Wireless, in Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and PhotonicsIn: Terahertz and Gigahertz Electronics and Photonics II / International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, 30.07-04.08 2000, San Diego, CA, United States / Hwu, R. Jennifer (Hrsg.) 2000, S. 1 - 8Online Volltext:
Radio-on-fiber wavelength division multiplexing ring using 60-GHz-band electroabsorption transceiverIn: Proceedings of the 1st Japan-Korea-MWP / 1st Japan-Korea-MWP, Osaka, Japan, 2000 2000, S. 123 - 127
Traveling-wave photodetector for mm-wave photonic local oscillatorIn: ECOC 2000: Proceedings; Vol. 2 2000, S. 107 - 108
Full-duplex 60GHz fibre-wireless networks employing EA-transceiverIn: Proceedings of the European Microwave Week / European Microwave Week, Munich, Germany, 1999 1999, S. 24 - 33
Integrated broadband fiber optical E-field-sensor for EMC-applicationsIn: 1999 IEEE LEOS Annual Meeting Conference Proceedings: Vol. 1 / LEOS '99 : 12th Annual Meeting : IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 1999 Annual Meeting : 8-11 November 1999, Renaissance Parc Fifty-Five Hotel, San Francisco, CA 1999, S. 383 - 384Online Volltext:
Microwave and millimeter-wave fiber optic links : Full-duplex fiber-wireless network architecture employing EA-transceiverIn: Proceedings -10th Microcoll / 10th MICROCOLL, Budapest, Hungary, 1999 1999, S. 41 - 46
Microwave nonlinear characteristics of TE waves at ferrite and ferroelectric interfaceIn: Proceedings 10th MICROCOLL / 10th MICROCOLL, 21. - 24. March 1999, Budapest, Hungary, 1999, S. 343 - 346
Novel micromachined fiber-optic E-field sensorIn: 1999 IEEE LEOS annual meeting conference proceedings: Vol. 1 / LEOS '99 : 12th Annual Meeting : IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 1999 Annual Meeting : 8-11 November 1999, Renaissance Parc Fifty-Five Hotel, San Francisco, CA 1999, S. 385 - 386Online Volltext:
Optical data links for artificial visionIn: 1999 IEEE LEOS annual meeting conference proceedings: Vol. 2 / LEOS '99 : 12th Annual Meeting : IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 1999 Annual Meeting : 8-11 November 1999, Renaissance Parc Fifty-Five Hotel, San Francisco, CA 1999, S. 824 - 825Online Volltext:
Optical signal and energy transmission for a retina implantIn: Proceedings BMES/EMBS / The First Joint BMES/EMBS Conference Serving Humanity, Advancing Technology Od.13-16,'99, Atlanta,GA, USA 1999, S. 476Online Volltext:
TLLM based Dynamic Model of Multi-Section-LaserdiodesIn: Proceedings - 10th MICROCOLL / 10th MICROCOLL : Budapest, Hungary, March 21 - 24, 1999 1999, S. 41 - 46
Advanced microwave photonic devices for analog optical linksIn: International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics / International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, October 12-14, 1998, Sarnoff Corpor[a]tion, Princeton, New Jersey 1998, S. 153 - 156Online Volltext:
Artificial vision : an application for short-distance free-space optical interconnectionIn: Proceedings of the SPIE / Optics in Computing '98, Brugge, Belgium | June 17, 1998 / Chavel, Pierre H.; Miller, David A. B.; Thienpont, Hugo (Hrsg.) 1998, S. 240 - 242Online Volltext:
Distributed Velocity-matched 1.55um InP Travelling-Wave Photodetector for Generation of High Millimeterwave Signal PowerIn: MTT-S International Microwave Symposium and Exhibition / MTT-S International Microwave Symposium and Exhibition, Baltimore, Maryland, 1998 1998, S. 1233 - 1236
Distributed velocity-matched 1.55 μm InP travelling-wave photodetector for generation of high millimeterwave signal powerIn: Proceedings of the 1998 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium / MTT-S`98, Baltimore, USA, 07.06.1998 - 12.06.1998 Jg. 3 1998, S. 1233 - 1236
EA-Transceiver for full-duplex WDM ring networksIn: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Signals, Systems and Electronics / International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics, ISSSE'98; Pisa, Italy; ; 29 September 1998 through 2 October 1998 1998, S. 384 - 387Online Volltext:
Error-free full-duplex optical WDM-FDM transmission using an EA-transceiverIn: Proceedings of the International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, MWP, Technical Digest / MWP; Princeton, NJ, USA; ; 12 October 1998 through 14 October 1998 1998, S. 37 - 40
Fiber-Chip-Coupling based on InP-V-Groove TechnologyIn: LEOS '98: Conference Proceedings / LEOS'89,11th Annual Meeting : IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 1998 Annual Meeting : 1-4 December, 1998, the Walt Disney World Swan Hotel, Orlando, Florida 1998, S. 40 - 41Online Volltext:
Millimeterwave Photonic Devices for Optical Links : Trends and ApplicationsIn: The 3rd International Symposium Novel Techniques on Applications of Millimeter-Waves / The 3rd International Symposium Novel Techniques on Applications of Millimeter-Waves NTAMMW´98 Technical Digest, Sendai, Japan, 1998 1998, S. 65 - 70
Nonlinear Electromagnetic Sureface Waves Guided by Single Hexagonal Planar FerriteIn: Proceedings of the XIVth International Conference on Microwave Ferrites - Gyromagnetic Electronics and Electrodynamics / XIVth International Conference on Microwave Ferrites - Gyromagnetic Electronics and Electrodynamics : October 11 - 15, 1998, Eger, Hungary 1998, S. 127 - 130
Novel analog optical RF E-field sensor systemIn: Photonics and Radio Frequency II / SPIE's International Symposium on Optical Science, Engineering, and Instrumentation - Photonics and Radio Frequency II, 21-22 July 1998, San Diego, CA, United States / Zagar, Gregory J.; Goutzoulis, Anastasios P.; Pirich, Andrew R. (Hrsg.) 1998, S. 158 - 167Online Volltext:
Remote optical sensor system for E-field measurementsIn: The International Society for Optical Engineering / nternational Conference on Applications of Photonic Technology, ICAPT; Ottawa, Can; ; 29 July 1998 through 31 July 1998 1998, S. 862 - 867
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Wideband Microwave Optic Link for Remote SensingIn: Proceedings of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium / PIERS`98, July 15-17, 1998, Nantes, France Jg. 1 1998, S. 85
1D- and 2D-electro-optic field mapping to study nonlinear effects in NLTLsIn: Proceedings of IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics Konferenz / MWP '97: from September 3 through 5 at Schloß Hugenpoet, Duisburg/Essen 1997, S. 277 - 280
8 x 8 GaAsP/GaP LED Arrays Fully Integrated With 64 Channels Si-Driver CircuitsIn: Applications of Photonic Technology 2 - Communications, Sensing, Materials, and Signal Processing 1997, S. 333 - 338
Electroabsorption Modulators for Broadband Fiber Electro-Optic Field SensorsIn: Applications of photonic technology: 2 communications, sensing, materials, and signal processing / International Conference on Applications of Photonic Technology, held July 29 - August 1, 1996, in Montreal, Canada / Lampropoulos, George A.; Lessard, Roger A. (Hrsg.) 1997, S. 871 - 876
High-Speed Travelling-Wave Photodetectors for Optical Generation of MillimeterwavesIn: Proceedings of the Asia Pacific Microwave Conference / APMC '97, 2-5 Dec. 1997, Hong Kong Jg. 2 1997, S. 573 - 576
High-speed Travelling-Wave Photodetectors for Wireless Optical Millimeter Wave TransmissionIn: Proceedings of IEEE International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics / MWP '97: from September 3 through 5 at Schloß Hugenpoet, Duisburg/Essen 1997, S. 103 - 106
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Micro Photovoltaic Cell Array for Energy Transmission into the Human EyeIn: Proceedings of the 14th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference / 14th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona, Spain 1997, S. 1165 - 1167
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Millimeterwave Photodetectors, Microwaves and OptronicsIn: Mikrowellen und Optronik: Kongreßunterlagen / MIOP ’97, 9. Kongreßmesse für Hochfrequenztechnik, Funkkommunikation und elelektromagnetische Verträglichkeit, 22. - 24. April 1997, Sindelfingen, Deutschland 1997
Nonlinear RTD circuits for high-speed A/D conversionIn: Proceedings of Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC) / APMC '97, 2-5 Dec. 1997, Hong Kong Jg. 2 1997, S. 497 - 500
Optically Powered Integrated Optical E-Field SensorIn: International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors / 12th International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors: technical digest, October 28-31, 1997, Williamsburg, Virginia 1997, S. 261 - 264
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EMC measurements using electrooptic waveguide modulatorsIn: International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics / MWP'96 : Dec. 3-5, 1996, ATRI, Kyoto, Japan / Denshi-Jōhō-Tsūshin-Gakkai; Lasers and Electro-Optics Society Corporation (Hrsg.) 1996, S. 177 - 180Online Volltext:
High resolution electro-optic measurements of 2D field distributions inside MMIC devicesIn: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, June 2 - 7, 1996 Anaheim Convention Center Anaheim, California / Bowers, John E. (Hrsg.) 1996, S. 450 - 451
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In-circuit electro-optic field mapping for function test and characterization of MMICsIn: 1996 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest: bridging the spectrum / IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, June 17-21, 1996, Moscone Convention Center, San Francisco, California / Ranson, Richard G; Pollard, Roger D. (Hrsg.) 1996, S. 1533 - 1536Online Volltext:
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Optically Controlled Microwave DevicesIn: International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics / International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics, MWP'96, Dec. 3-5, 1996, ATRI, Kyoto, Japan 1996, S. 269 - 272Online Volltext:
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Wave Propagation in Planar Structures for Travelling Wave Semiconductor DevicesIn: Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium PIERS'96: Conference Proceedings / PIERS, Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, 8 - 12 July, 1996, University of Innsbruck, Institute of Meteorology and Geophysics, Austria 1996, S. 136
2D electro-optic probing combined with field theory based multimode wave amplitude extraction : A new approach to on-wafer measurementIn: Proceedings of 1995 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium / MTT-S International Microwave Symposium, 16-20 May 1995, Orlando, Florida / Kirby, Lynn (Hrsg.) 1995, S. 1049 - 1052Online Volltext:
Analysis of wave propagation effects in MMICs using two-dimensional electro-optic field mappingIn: MIOP ´95 / MIOP ´95, Sindelfingen 1995 1995, S. 293 - 297
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High-Speed Travelling-Wave Photodetectors, Modulators and SwitchesIn: 1995 digest of the LEOS summer topical meetings / LEOS Summer Topical Meetings, August 7 - 11, 1995 at Keystone Resort, Keystone Colorado 1995, S. 57 - 58Online Volltext:
MMIC characterization using electro-optic field mappingIn: 1995 URSI International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics: Proceedings / URSI International Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics, Parc Fifty Five Hotel, San Francisco, California, October 25-27, 1995 1995, S. 41 - 44Online Volltext:
Semiconductor devices for photonic integrated circuitsIn: International Conference on Nonlinear Optical Physics & Applications ICNOPA '95: Conference Proceedings / International Conference on Nonlinear Optical Physics & Applications ICNOPA '95, Harbin, China, 1995 1995, S. 5 - 6
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Two dimensional imaging of fields in monolithic integrated circuits using optical techniquesIn: Conference proceedings: M+Rf 95, London, 10 - 12 October 1995 / Microwaves and RF '95 (M+Rf 95), 10 - 12 October 1995, London / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) (Hrsg.) 1995, S. 132 - 136
Very high efficient frequency generation beyond 200 GHz using quantum nonlinear transmission linesIn: MIOP ´95 / MIOP ´95, Sindelfingen 1995 1995, S. 326 - 330
Circuit-Internal Characterization of MMICs using Two-Dimensional Electro-Optic Field Mapping in Combination with Microwave CAD TechniquesIn: 24th European Microwave Conference 94: Conference Proceedings; Vol.2 / 24 thEuropean Microwave Conference, Palais des Festivals et des Congrès Cannes, France, 5 - 8 September 1994 1994, S. 1386 - 1391Online Volltext:
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Mode analysis of wave propagation on coplanar transmission lines using electro-optic field mappingIn: 1994 Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference proceedings: Vol. 1 / Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference (APMC), December 6-9, 1994, Tokyo, Japan 1994, S. 149 - 152
Nonlinear hybrid alas/gaas bragg reflectors for photonic switching applicationsIn: International Conference on Optical Information Processing / International Conference on Optical Information Processing, 2-7 August 1993, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation / Gulyaev, Yuri V.; Pape, Dennis R. (Hrsg.) 1994, S. 148 - 151Online Volltext:
Nonlinear optical and electro-optical characteristics of hybrid AlAs/GaAs Multilayered StructuresIn: LEOS '94 conference proceedings: Vol. 2 / LEOS '94: IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society 1994 7th annual meeting; October 31 - November 3, 1994, Sheraton Boston Hotel & Towers, Boston, Massachusetts 1994, S. 336 - 337Online Volltext:
Partial Interdiffusion of InGaAs/GaAs MQW Modulators for Photonic IntegrationIn: Integrated photonics research: summaries of papers presented at the Integrated Photonics Research Topical Meeting, February 17 - 19, 1994, San Francisco, California / Integrated Photonics Research Topical Meeting, 17.-19.02.1994, San Francisco 1994, S. 157 - 159
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Two-dimensional mapping of amplitude and phase of microwave fields inside a MMIC using the direct electro-optic sampling techniqueIn: Proceedings of the IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest / San Diego, USA; 23-27 May 1994 Jg. 3 1994, S. 1597 - 1600Online Volltext:
A High Speed MSM-Travelling-Wave Photodetector for InP-Based MMICsIn: Mikrowellen und Optronik: Kongreßunterlagen / MIOP '93, Mikrowellen und Optronik, 7. Kongressmesse für Höchstfrequenztechnik, 25. - 27. Mai 1993, Sindelfingen, Deutschland 1993, S. 271 - 275
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Electro-Optic Probing of Coplanar Transmission Lines and Optoelectronic Microwave Devices up to 40 GHzIn: Mikrowellen und Optronik: Kongreßunterlagen / MIOP '93, Mikrowellen und Optronik, 7. Kongressmesse für Höchstfrequenztechnik, 25. - 27. Mai 1993, Sindelfingen, Deutschland 1993, S. 492 - 496
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Microwave photonicsIn: Optical Information Technology: State-of-the-Art Report / Smith, S. Desmond; Neale, Roderick F. (Hrsg.) 1993, S. 328 - 333Online Volltext:
Optical bistability in hybrid AlAs/GaAs Bragg reflectorsIn: Photonic Switching / Topical Meeting on Photonic Switching, 1 - 3 July 1992, Minsk, Belarus / Gončarenko, Andrey M. (Hrsg.) 1993, S. 188 - 191Online Volltext:
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Pulse Generation and Compression on a Travelling-Wave MMIC Schottky Diode ArrayIn: Ultra-Wideband, Short-Pulse Electromagnetics 1993, S. 67 - 74Online Volltext:
Pulse generation and compression on nonlinear transmission linesIn: IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest: Workshop on "Picosecond and Femtosecond Electromagnetic Pulses: Analysis and Applications" / IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Symposium Digest: June 14-18, 1993, Atlanta, Georgia 1993, S. 37 - 57
Travelling-wave MMIC Schottky, MSM and pn diodes for microwave and optoelectronic applicationsIn: Proceedings of the 16th International Semiconductor Conference / 16th International Semiconductor Conference, CAS 1993, Bucharest, Romania, 1993 1993, S. 19 - 29
Two-dimensional direct electra-optic field mapping in a monolithic integrated GaAs amplifierIn: 23rd European Microwave Conference / EuMA 1993; Madrid, Spain; 6 - 10 September 1993 1993, S. 497 - 499Online Volltext:
Two-dimensional direct electro-optic field mapping in a monolithic integrated GaAs amplifierIn: Proceedings of the 23rd European Microwave Conference (EuMC'93) / EuMC'93, 10. September 1993, Madrid, Spain 1993, S. 497 - 499
Coplanar InAlAs/InGaAs/InP microwave delay line with optical controlIn: Proceedings of IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society: Annual Meeting 1992 / LEOS '92: 16-19 Nov. 1992, Boston, MA, USA 1992, S. 684 - 685Online Volltext:
Coplanar microwave phase shifter for InP-based MMICsIn: Proceedings of the 22nd European Solid-State Device Research Conference / ESSDERC 1992; Leuven; Belgium; 14 - 17 September 1992 1992, Nr. 4, S. 421 - 424
Frequency domain characterisation of a GaAs coplanar waveguide up to 40GHz by electro-optic probingIn: Proceedings of IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society: Annual Meeting 1992 / LEOS '92: 16-19 Nov. 1992, Boston, MA, USA 1992, S. 119 - 120Online Volltext:
Interdigitated electrode and coplanar waveguide InAlAs/InGaAs MSM photodetectors grown by LP MOVPEIn: Proceedings of the Fourth Indium Phosphide and Related Materials Conference / 4th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials - IPRM'92, 21.-24. April 1992, Newport, United States 1992, S. 596 - 599Online Volltext:
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Current density filaments in semiconductor devicesIn: Nonlinear Dynamics in Solids / Thomas, Harry (Hrsg.) 1991, S. 68 - 87Online Volltext:
Electrooptic sampling of microwave signals on MSM coplanar linesIn: Workshop Proceedings 1991, S. 52 - 57
GHz electooptical modulation in surface oriented nin AlGaAs/GaAs multiple quantum well microresonatorIn: Proceedings of LEOS Annual Meeting / LEOS'91: November 4 - 7, 1991. San Jose, CA 1991, S. 75
InGaAs/GaAs multiple quantum well electro-optical waveguide modulatorsIn: IEEE Proceedings of LEOS Annual Meeting, Conference Digest / LEOS´91: San José, CA, USA, 1991 1991, S. 75
Nonlinear characteristics of transmission lines on semiconductor substrates with applications to MMICsIn: Proceedings of the International Microwave Conference / International Microwave Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1991 1991, S. 524 - 536
Optoelektronik, Optically controlled travelling wave MSM photodetector for phased array applicationsIn: Workshop Proceedings / IFF-Ferienkurs, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, 1991 1991, S. 22 - 27
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Array of logic XNOR gates and its application to the optical implementation of neural networksIn: Optical interconnections and networks / European Congress on Optics, 14-15 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands / Bartelt, Hartmut (Hrsg.) 1990, S. 157 - 163Online Volltext:
Electro-optical modulation in AlGaAs/GaAs distributed feedback structuresIn: High Speed Phenomena in Photonic Materials and Optical Bistability / The International Congress on Optical Science and Engineering, 12-16 March 1990, The Hague, The Netherlands / Jäger, Dieter (Hrsg.) 1990, S. 202 - 208Online Volltext:
Hybrid semiconductor devices for optical and optoelectronic signal processingIn: International Conference on Optoelectronic Science and Engineering '90 / International Conference on Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, 22- 15 August 1990, Beijing, China / Wang, Da-Heng (Hrsg.) 1990, S. 709 - 713Online Volltext:
Nonlinear and linear optical properties of thin evaporated CdS-films and related materialsIn: Thin Films in Optics / International Congress on Optical Science and Engineering, 1989, Paris, France 1990, S. 13 - 20Online Volltext:
Optical bistability in silicon on saphire thermooptical SEED elementIn: International Conference on Optoelectronic Science and Engineering '90 / International Conference on Optoelectronic Science and Engineering, 22- 15 August 1990, Beijing, China / Wang, Da-Heng (Hrsg.) 1990, S. 702 - 705Online Volltext:
Optical bistability in thin silicon thermooptical SEEDs at wavelengths of 1.06µm and 514nmIn: Nonlinear Dynamics in Optical Systems: OSA Proceedings / Nonlinear Dynamics in Optical Systems, Shangri, USA, 1990 1990, S. 52 - 56
Photonic Switching and SEED Effect in AlGaAs/GaAs DFB Structures Grown by MOVPEIn: Photonic Switching II: Proceedings of the International Topical Meeting / International Topical Meeting, Kobe, Japan, April 12–14, 1990 / Tada, Kunio; Hinton, H. Scott (Hrsg.) 1990, S. 185 - 189Online Volltext:
Dispersive multistability and increasing absorption switching in an array of thermooptical Si SEED elementsIn: Proceedings Optics in Computing 1989, S. 87 - 92
Intrinsic Optical Bistability and Collective Nonlinear Phenomena in Periodic Coupled Microstructures : Model ExperimentsIn: Optical Switching in Low-Dimensional Systems / Haug, H. (Hrsg.) 1989, S. 9 - 23Online Volltext:
Optical Bistability : Semiconductor Devices For Digital Optical Signal ProcessingIn: Nonlinear Optical Materials II: Proceedings / Grun, Jean-Bernard (Hrsg.) 1989, S. 2 - 9Online Volltext:
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Optical and optoelectronic nonlinearity in bistable Si and InP devicesIn: Optical Nonlinearities and Instabilities in Semiconductors / Haug, Hartmut (Hrsg.) 1988, S. 361 - 371
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Bistability and multistability in Si and InP self-electrooptic-effect devicesIn: From optical bistability towards optical computing: The European Joint Optical Bistability Project / Mandel, P.; Smith, S. D.; Wherrett, B. S. (Hrsg.) 1987, S. 267 - 273
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Si and semi-insulating InPIn: From optical bistability towards optical computing: The European Joint Optical Bistability Project / Mandel, P.; Smith, S. D.; Wherrett, B. S. (Hrsg.) 1987, S. 88 - 93
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Micro Electronic Component with Electrically Accessible Metallic Clusters [Patentschrift](2009)
Microwave and Terahertz Photonics
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Vertical Electroabsorption Transceiver (VEAT) Consisting of Multiple Heterostructures
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Electro-optical modulator arrays for the ultra-fast spectral tuning of external-cavity diode lasers
SIOE 2010 29-31 March 2010, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales, UK,Cardiff (2010) -
Photothermal laser processing of thin silicon nanoparticle films : prospects in photovoltaic applications
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Vertical Modulator Array for Fast Intra-Cavity Wavelength Control
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Broadband 60GHz Wireless Radio-over-Fibre System for up to 12.5Gb/s Wireless Transmission(2008)
Fast Control of an External-Cavity Laser Diode using a Vertical PIN-Modulator
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Nonlinear Optoelectronics in Bragg Heterostructures
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Optical Millimeter-Wave Generation using 1.55µm Photodiodes with and without Integrated Antennas
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Polymer Optical Fiber Based Fiber-Radio System for Wireless LAN Applications
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Radio-over-Fiber Communication Using a Vertically Integrated Transceiver
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Radio-over-Fiber in-Building Communication Using an Integrated Electro Optic Transceiver
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Ultra-Wideband Photonic Millimeter-Wave Synthesizers with Coaxial (DC-110GHz) and Rectangular Waveguide (69-112GHz) Output Ports
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Ultra-Wideband Photonic Millimeter-Wave Synthesizers with Coaxial (DC-110GHz) and Rectangular Waveguide (70-115GHz) Output Ports
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Marktpotenzial für POF-Lösungen
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High Performance III/V RTD and PIN Diodes on a silicon substrate
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Home Networks : A Future Market
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LED als Bauelement der Optoelektronik
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Microwave Photonics - From Concepts to Applications
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Photomixing and Microwave Photonics
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Photomixing and Microwave Photonics
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Small-Form-Factor 40Gb/s Photoreceiver employing a novel planar Si-based hybrid Integration Concept
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Fiber-chip coupling of waveguide R-EAT
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High-speed, high-frequency fibre optic modules and their applications in fibre-radio systems
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Microwave Photonics - An Introduction(2004)
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Nonlinear TE surface waves in a photosensitive semiconductor film bounded by a superconductor cover
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Simultaneous transmission of 2.5Gb/s base band signal and microwave signals employing a 1.55µm R-EAT for hybrid wireless/wireline networks
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TM surface waves in a superconductor film bounded by a nonlinear antiferromagnet cover
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Design and analysis of optical nonlinear surface plasmons sensors
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All-Optical Radio-Independent Radio-on-Fiber Architecture
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Characteristics of TM surface waves in an non-linear antiferromagnet-semiconductor-superconductor waveguide structure
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Design of nonlinear guided sensors
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Electroabsorption transceiver (EAT) for radio-over-fiber applications
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Finite difference time domain analysis of two dimensional planer scatter
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High-frequency photodetectors in Europe
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Reflection-Electro-Absorption Transceiver for Optical Local Loop
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Simulation of nonlinear optical waveguide structure by using FDTD technique
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Demonstration von Heterostruktur-Bipolartransistoren und Elektroabsorptionsmodulatoren auf der Basis eines multifunktionalen Schichtdesigns
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Effects of absorbing nonlinear dielectric layers in a three waveguide structure
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Electronic conductance of quantum wire structures
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Integration of Heterostructure Bipolartransistors with Electroabsorption Waveguide Modulators and Applications
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Nichtlineare Optoelektronik in den hybriden Vielschichtheterostrukturen
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Heterostructure bipolartransistor combining electroabsorption waveguide modulator based on a multifunctional layer design for 1.55µm
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Attenuation of magnetostatic surface waves in a superconductor-ferrite structure
First Regional Conference on Magnetic and Superconducting Materials : (MSM-99) : Tehran, Iran, 27-30 September 1999,Tehran (1999) -
Faser-Wellenleiter-Kopplung auf der Basis von InP-V-Gruben und faseroptischen Modenfeld-Transformatoren
ITG/VDE-Workshop über Photonische Integration und Aufbautechnik, Berlin, 1999,(1999) -
Nichtlineare Vielschichtheterostrukturen für die Mikrowellen-Photonik
VW-Photonik Symposium, Duisburg, Germany, 1999,Duisburg (1999) -
Traveling Wave Devices for Electronic and Optoelectronic Applications(1999)
Chirp Optimized 60GHz Millimeter-Wave Fiber-Optic Transmission Incorporating EA-Modulator
European Conference on Optical Communications 1998 (ECOC`98), Madrid, 1998,Madrid (1998) -
Concept and Applications of Nonlinear Transmission Lines
Asia Pacific Microwave Conference APMC`98, Yokohama, 1998,Yokohama (1998) -
Effects of Absorption on the Propagation Constancs of Nonlinear Guided Waves in an Asymetrical Optical Waveguide
International Workshop on Nonlieanr Optics, Applications, NOA`98, Mietzyzdroje, Poland, 1998,Mietzyzdroje (1998) -
Fiber Optic Links for Microwave and Millimeterwave Systems
28th EuMC `98, Amsterdam, 1998,Amsterdam (1998) -
Integrated Optical E-Field Sensors using TW EA-Modulators
Interational Topical Workshop on Contemporary Photonic Technologies CPT`98, Technical Digest, Tokyo, 1998,Tokyo (1998) -
Magnetostatic Surface Wave in a Superconductor-Ferrite Structure
5th International Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimeterwave Circuits INMMC`98, Conference Proceedings, Duisburg, Germany, 1998,Duisburg (1998) -
Microwave optical interaction devices : From concepts to applications
Summer-School "Interactions between Microwave and Optics", OMW, Autrans, France, 1998,Autrans (1998) -
Modelling von Optoelektronischen Wellenleiter-Modulatoren und Photodetektoren
Diskussionstagung "Modelling und Simulation integriert-optischer Schaltungen und mikrooptischer Systeme", Berlin, 1998,Berlin (1998) -
Nonlinear Hybrid GaAs/AlGaAs multilayer-heterostructures for high-speed information processing
Optics in Computing (OC`98), Brugge, Belgique, 1998,Brügge (1998) -
Nonlinear Transmission Lines
University of Michigan, 1998,Michigan, USA (1998) -
Optics for Infrastructure
ICO Topical Meeting, (OII `98), Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 1998,Tianjin, China (1998) -
Photodetector for Generation of High Millimeterwave Signal Power
MTT-S International Microwave Symposium and Exhibition, Baltimore, Maryland, 1998,Baltimore (1998) -
Recent Development in Microwave Photonics : High-Speed Devices for mm-Wave Fiber-Wireless Signal Transmission
ICAPT `98, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, 1998,Ontario (1998) -
Recent Developments in Microwave Photonics : High-Speed Devices for mm-Wave Fiber-Wireless Signal Transmission
International Conference on Applications of Photonic Technology (ICAPT`98), Ottawa, 1998,,Ottawa (1998) -
Dynamics of nonlinear electro-optical GaAs/AlAs multilayer-heterostructures
International Conference on Low Dimensional Structures (LSDS) '97, Lissabon, Portugal, 1997,Lissabon (1997) -
Frequency and time domain characterization of nonlinear transmission lines using electro-optic probing techniques
MIOP ´97, Sindelfingen,Sindelfingen (1997) -
Millimeterwave Photodetectors
Conference and Exhibition on Microwaves, Radio Communication and Electromagnetic Compatibility; MIOP 1997; Sindelfingen, Germany; 22.04.1997 - 24.04.1997,Sindelfingen, Germany (1997) -
Modeling and simulation of nonlinear hybrid AlGaAs/GaAs Bragg reflectors
10th III-V Semiconductor Device Simulation Workshop, Torino, Italy, 1997,Torino (1997) -
Nichtlineare Vielschichtheterostrukturen für die Mikrowellen-Photonik
Photonik Symposium, Schwäbisch Hall-Hessental, 1997,Schwäbisch Hall-Hessental (1997) -
Vielschichtheterostrukturen : Neue Materialien für die Mikrowellen-Photonik
Photonik-Symposium, Würzburg, 1997,Würzburg (1997) -
Analysis of in-circuit electro-optic measurements of MMICs
XXVth General Assembly of the URSI, Lille, France, 1996,(1996) -
Millimeter wave power generation on nonlinear transmission lines(1995)
Modulatoren und Schalter
VDE Diskussionstagung, Jena, 1995,(1995) -
Nonlinear Transmission Lines for Millimeter Wave Applications(1995)
Strong nonlinear phenomena in periodical structures and their applications
NATO Workshop " Nonlinear Microwave Signal Processing", Roma, Italy, Oct.1995,(1995) -
40 GHz Vertical Electrooptical Fabry-Perot Modulator with Schottky contacts
CLEO/EUROPE `94, Amsterdam, Niederlande, 1994,(1994) -
InAlAs/InGaAs Heterostrukturen auf InP zur Realisierung optisch steuerbarer Höchstfrequenzleitungen
9. Treffen des DGKK Arbeitskreises "Epitaxie von III/V-Halbleitern", Duisburg, Dezember 1994,(1994) -
Microwave Propagation on Nonlinear Transmission Lines(1994)
Schichtstruktur für elektrooptische Schalter
MBE-Workshop, Templin, Germany, 1994,Templin (1994) -
Two-dimensional Franz-Keldysh Effect - Electroabsorption in GaAs/AlGaAs MQW with in-plane electric fields(1994)
Electro-optical testing of MMICs
24th General Assembly, August 25-September 2, 1993, Kyoto, Japan, 1993,Kyoto (1993) -
InGaAs/GaAs MQW-Schichten für photonische Bauelemente
Herbstschule zu Halbleiter-Nanostrukturen für die Optoelektronik und Photonik, Jena, 1993,Jena (1993) -
Fundamentals of laser beam testing
Euroform II, Contactless Testing of IC, Duisburg, 1991,Duisburg (1991) -
Electrooptical light modulation and SEED effect in surface oriented AlGaAs/GaAs Bragg reflectors
Meeting on Future Directions for Optics in Computers,Besancon, France (1990)
Artikel in Zeitschriften
Beiträge in Sammelwerken und Tagungsbänden
Poster / Posterbeiträge
Dieter Stefan Jäger was born in Tratten/Ranten, Austria, in 1944. He received the Diplomphysiker, Dr. rer. Nat., and Habilitation degrees in physics, all from the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany, in 1969, 1974 and 1980, respectively. From 1974 to 1990 he has been the leader of a research group at the Institute for Applied Physics, University of Münster, where he became an Associate Professor of Physics in 1985. In 1989/90 he was Visiting Professor at the University of Duisburg. In 1990 he joined the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the University of Duisburg where he has been head of the Department of Optoelectronics. He has published about 350 papers in physical and technical journals and in books and is a reviewer for several journals. He has been a consultant to a number of industrial and government organizations. He has been Conference Chair of several conferences and served as the coordinator and member of the Management Committee of ESPRIT projects sponsored by the Commission of the European Commission. Professor Jäger is Honorary Professor of Brasov University/Romania and Consultant Professor of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.
He is Fellow of the IEEE (USA) and member of the German Physical Society (DPG), the German Vacuum Association (DVG), the German Society of Information Technology (VDE, ITG), and the German Association for Applied Optics (DGaO). He is correspondent of the Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale (URSI). Professor Jäger is Chair of the German IEEE LEOS chapter and Chair of the IEEE Microwave Photonics Steering Committee. He is consultant of the IEE Photonics Network, member of the Photonics Competence Center and founder of the OpTech-Net, a German Network of Excellence on optical technologies. Professor Jäger is currently engaged in nonlinear phenomena in solid-state devices where he is mainly concerned with nonlinear microwaves for MMIC applications as well as nonlinear optics, ultrafast electrooptics, and optical switching in semiconductors for optoelectronic signal processing. His research interests include ultrafast optoelectronics for microwave power generation and transmission, millimeter wave optical links for broadband communication technologies and picosecond electrooptical measuring techniques. He has also activities in the areas of optical neural technology and optoelectronics for medical applications.