Soft Skills Summer 2022

The Soft Skills Summer is an initiative by the CRC 1242, the CRC/TRR 247, CENIDE, the SPP 1980, FOR 2284 and the team for Equal Opportunities of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Duisburg-Essen. We would like to invite you to be a part of it and to improve your soft skills.

Registration: If you like to attend one or more of these workshops, please send an e-mail to until July 17, 2022 including:

  • full name
  • position / project
  • workshop(s) you would like to attend
  • and if childcare is needed.

Date: 25.07.2022 

Negotiation (english)

Negotiation does not only happen on the flea market. It is one of the most important professional skills for virtually every type of profession. And it gets more important the further you move up the ladder. Negotiations happen everywhere. If you happen to wear a three-piece suit at work it´s even more likely than if you have to slip into a chicken dress before work. And salary is by far not the only thing you´ll negotiate about throughout your (professional) life.


  • Salary negotiations: Is it only the salary we're talking about?
  • Hard vs. soft: Can I be assertive to my interests without being "bossy"?
  • Negotiations for conflict resolution: Getting the buy-in from the other side to form a lasting agreement.
  • Gender- and institutional perspective: Why are women earning less?

Start: 9:00     Duration: 8h     Room: MC 351 (Lotharstraße 1, Duisburg)

Trainer: Philipp Gramlich

Max. 14 participants (this course is already booked up)

Date: 01.08.2022

Daily Communications (englisch)

Focus on concrete communication situations such as one-on-one conversations with different conversation partners, such as supervisor, peers or collaboration partners.

  • We will first work on the underlying attitude and perspective a researcher needs to assume in communication in order to manage the situation with confidence and clarity. It requires not only a specific mind-set but also the ability to reflect on one’s own hesitancies and restrictions. This gives way to the strategy and play range a person can assume in these situations. We will dissect various communication situations taken from the area of concern to develop individual strategies for successful communication, including body language as an impactful aspect.


  • Reflecting on one’s communication understanding and attitude to generate clarity
  • Individual cases: Developing strategies - communication with confidence, also in critical situations
  • Body Language and impact on the outcome

Start: 10:00     Duration: 8h     Room: MD 245

Trainer: Kathrin Keune

Max. 12 participants

Date: 17.08.2022

Social Media for Scientists - what, where and why? (english)

Twitter, Instagram, maybe even TikTok? The number of social media channels we can use for science communication and presentation of ourself are constantly increasing. But if you start doing scicomm, do you really need to be on every channel? Which platforms are best for you, where are the differences? In this workshop we want to talk to you about the different possibilities, which experiences we made and what you are interested in. Why should we communicate, why does the society need communicating scientists and last but not least: what is in for you?

We will not just talk and show things, we also want to work with you on different aspects of taking pictures and videos, as well as podcasts.

This hands-on workshop offers an introduction to the following topics:

  • Overview of different social media channels, e.g. Instagram, Twitter and TikTok
  • Insights into professional platforms like LinkedIn and Researchgate
  • Practical training in taking pictures and videos for social media
  • Hands-on experiences with podcasts

Start: 9:30     Duration: 8h     Room: MF 346

Trainer: Peter Kohl, Nicolas Wöhrl and Michael Siegel

Max. 12 participants, please bring a mobile phone.

Date: 26.08.2022

Daily Communications: Schlagfertigkeit und Improvisation (deutsch)

Egal ob im Beruf oder im Alltag - wir sind häufig in der Situation, unangenehme Dinge ansprechen oder Konflikte klären zu müssen. Oder gar unfaire Angriffe abwehren zu müssen. Wie aber kann ich in so einer Situation angemessen reagieren oder gar zu einer Lösung kommen? In diesem Workshop sollen unterschiedliche Methoden und Ansätze zur Schlagfertigkeit erlernt, ausprobiert und angewendet werden, die uns in den unterschiedlichsten Situationen helfen können, die richtigen Worte zu finden und Probleme ansprechen und/oder kommunikativ lösen zu können.


  • Phasen eines Kritik- oder Konfliktgesprächs
  • Sicheres Auftreten, schnelles und schlagfertiges Agieren
  • Methoden zur Problembearbeitung, Umgang mit schwierigen Gesprächspartnern
  • Hilfreiche Tipps für Notfallsituationen, Improvisation.

Start: 9:30     Duration: 8h     Room: MC 351

Trainer: Sarah Giese

Max. 12 participants

Date: 31.08.2022   

The Harmonisation of Self-Awareness and the Awareness of Others (english)

Bringing self-awareness and the perception of others in harmony - that’s the challenge.

Self-reflection, self-awareness and self-value are all skills that can be trained:

  • Self-determination through audible and visible impact: presence through posture, voice and speech.
  • Self-support through positive thoughts, emotions and actions.
  • The estimation of myself and others.
  • Exercises for centralization and radiance.
  • Self-determination: when is it necessary to be extraverted or introverted?

The aim is having the confidence to know who you are and being confident because you know who you are.

Start: 9:30     Duration: 6h     Room: MD 468

Trainer: Claudia Duschner

Max. 12 participants (this course is already booked up)