Yiqi Sun

Yiqi Sun
Master thesis student
Email: yiqi.sun@stud.uni-due.de
Thesis topic: Explainable and Scrutable Interest Modeling in Social Media using Visualizations
Related project: RIMA
Supervisor: M.Sc Mouadh Guesmi, Dr. Arham Muslim
Thesis duration: 02/2020 - 08/2020
Interest modeling (i.e. User interest modeling) is the subdivision of human-computer interaction which describes the process of building up and modifying an interest model. An interest model is the representation of an individual user ’s interests which is formed either explicitly or implicitly based on long-term or short-term information. The main goal of user interest modeling is the customization and adaptation of systems to the user's specific needs.
In this thesis, we will mine user data from Twitter and publication databases to build user interest models and leverage visualization techniques to display them. On this basis, we will provide users with explanations about the generated interest model, and allow them to rectify it.