Publications by type


Ziyad, S., Lam, J., Christen, P., Schnell, R., & Nanayakkara, C. (2024). Changes in Self-reported Ethnicity over Time: A Population Level Study using Public Voter Databases. Poster presentation, IPDLN, Chicago, 16.09.2024.

Schnell, R. (2023). Privacy Concerning Population Covering Datasets. Shonan Meeting “Biggest Failures in Privacy,” National Institute of Informatics, Shonan, Japan, 30.10.2023 (Invited).

Christen, P., & Schnell, R. (2022). Avoiding the Peak of Inflated Expectations: Common Misconceptions in Population Data Research. 2022 International Population Data Linkage Conference; Edinburgh, Scotland, 07.09.–09.09.2022.

Höcker, P., Reinhold, J., & Schnell, R. (2022). A Major Accident in a Nuclear Power Plant: Modeling Selected Consequences Using Microsimulation. European Meeting of the International Microsimulation Association 2022, Nuremberg, 18.07.2022.

Schnell, R., & Weiand, S. V. (2022). Microsimulation of an Educational Attainment Register to Study Record Linkage Quality. 2022 International Population Data Linkage Conference; Edinburgh, Scotland, 07.09.–09.09.2022.

Schnell, R., & Haug, S. (2021). Impfbereitschaft und Einstellungen zu Alternativmedizin und Verschwörungstheorien (English title: Willingness to Vaccinate and Attitudes Toward Alternative Medicine and Conspiracy Theories). Soziologische Perspektiven auf die Corona-Krise, 09.06.2021, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung. URL:

Klingwort, J., Burger, J., Buelens, B., & Schnell, R. (2020a). Inferring a Transport Network from Road Sensor Data Without a Sampling Design. Big Data Meets Survey Science 2020 (BigSurv20), 13.11.2020.

Klingwort, J., Burger, J., Buelens, B., & Schnell, R. (2020b). Understanding the Difference in Freight Transport Estimates With and Without Road Sensor Data. Big Data Meets Survey Science 2020 (BigSurv20), 13.11.2020.

Klingwort, J., & Schnell, R. (2020). Critical Limitations of Digital Epidemiology: Why COVID-19 Apps Are Useless. NeEDS Workshop on Data; Decisions in the COVID19 times, 01.07.2020. URL:

Schnell, R. (2020). Braucht die Wissenschaft noch Zufallsstichproben? Möglichkeiten und Grenzen alternativer Stichprobenverfahren (English title: Does science still require random samples? Possiblities and pitfalls of alternative sampling methods, in German). 8. KSWD des RatSWD, 02.03.2020, Berlin, Germany. URL:

Schnell, R., & Klingwort, J. (2020a). Geomasking with Intersecting Sets of Grid Points (ISGP). Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe e.V (LIfBi), 13.01.2020, Bamberg.

Schnell, R., & Klingwort, J. (2020b). Workshop: Privacy Preserving Locational Distance Computations – Application in R. Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe e.V. (LIfBi), 13.01.2020, Bamberg.

Klingwort, J., Buelens, B., Burger, J., & Schnell, R. (2019a). Correcting Survey Measurement Error Using Road Sensor Data. International Total Survey Error Workshop 2019 (ITSEW2019). 10.06.2019 – 12.06.2019, Bergamo, Italy. URL:

Klingwort, J., Buelens, B., Burger, J., & Schnell, R. (2019b). Graph-based Inference from Non-probability Road Sensor Data. Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Den Haag, Netherlands. 16.05.2019.

Klingwort, J., Buelens, B., Burger, J., & Schnell, R. (2019c). Graph-based Inference from Non-Probability Road Sensor Data. In: NPSO Innovation Day of Statistics Netherlands & Statistics Belgium. The Hague, Netherlands. 26.11.2019. URL:

Klingwort, J., Buelens, B., Burger, J., & Schnell, R. (2019d). How Big Data and Surveys Can Work Together: Survey Point Estimate Adjustment by Capture-recapture Using Road Sensor Data. Statistics Netherlands (CBS). Heerlen, Netherlands. 23.05.2019.

Klingwort, J., Buelens, B., Burger, J., & Schnell, R. (2019e). Implementing Big Data in Official Statistics: Capture-recapture Techniques to Adjust for Underreporting in Transport Surveys Using Sensor Data. New Techniques; Technologies for Statistics (NTTS): 12.03-14.03-2019; Brussels, Belgium, 12.03.2019.

Reinhold, J., Höcker, P., Brocker, S., & Schnell, R. (2019). Die Anwendung von Mikrosimulationen zur Bevölkerungsfortschreibung (english title: The application of microsimulations for predicting population totals. In German). Statistische Woche, Trier, 11.09.2019.

Schnell, R. (2019a). An R Package for PPRL. Confidential Computing Conference, 21.02.–22.02.2019, CSIRO, Data61, Sydney, Australia.

Schnell, R. (2019b). Linking with sensitive identifiers in a national statistical institute. GSS Data Linking Symposium, London, United Kingdom, 23.10.2019.

Schnell, R. (2019c). Record Linkage als zentraler Baustein der Forschung mit Registern und Big Data-Nutzungen (English title: Record Linkage as a central building block for registry- and big-data-based research). Wiesbaden, Statistisches Bundesamt (Federal Statistical Office), Germany; 28.06.2019. URL:

Schnell, R. (2019d). Umfragen verstehen und beurteilen: Sozial- und Politikforschung für die politische Praxis (English title: Understanding and evaluating surveys: Applied social and political science for policy making, in German). BVM - Kompaktseminar, Berlin, Germany, 08.10.2019. URL:

Schnell, R. (2019e). Umfragen verstehen und beurteilen: Sozial- und Politikforschung für Journalisten (English title: Understanding and evaluating surveys: Applied social and political science for journalists, in German). BVM - Kompaktseminar, Berlin, Germany, 31.01.2019. URL:

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2019a). Comparing Record Linkage Methods for Real-World Perinatal and Neonatal Data without Unique Identifiers. 4th International Conference on Administrative Data Research (ADR 2019). 9-11 December, Cardiff, Wales.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2019b). Encoding hierarchical classication codes for Privacy-preserving Record Linkage using Bloom filters. Data Integration; Applications Workshop (DINA 2019) at the ECML/PKDD 2019; 20.09.2019, Würzburg.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2019c). Evaluating Privacy-preserving Encryptions for large-scale National Mortality Registries. Confidential Computing Conference, 21.02.–22.02.2019, CSIRO, Data61, Sydney, Australia.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2019d). Hardening Methods. Confidential Computing Conference, 21.02.–22.02.2019, CSIRO, Data61, Sydney, Australia.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2019e). Using Adaptive Cluster Sampling in a CATI Survey of Rare Populations. Eighth Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA): 15.07-19.07.2019; Zagreb; 19.07.2019.

Schnell, R., & Christen, P. (2019). PPRL Topics for Research. Confidential Computing Conference, 21.02.–22.02.2019, CSIRO, Data61, Sydney, Australia.

Schnell, R., Höcker, P., & Borgs, C. (2019). Privacy-Preserving Linkage of Encrypted Survey and Administrative Numerical Data using Distance-Preserving Bloom Filters. Eighth Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA): 15.07-19.07.2019; Zagreb; 18.07.2019.

Schnell, R., & Redlich, S. (2019a). Statistische Methoden des Datenschutzes für georeferenzierte Daten der empirischen Sozialforschung. Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe e.V (LIfBi), 06.11.2019, Bamberg, Germany.

Schnell, R., & Redlich, S. (2019b). Web Scraping Online Newspaper Death Notices for the Estimation of the Local Number of Deaths. 12th International Conference on Health Informatics (HEALTHINF 2019). 22.02.-24.02.2019; Prague.

Schnell, R., Thomas, K., & Noack, M. (2019). Education and Income Effects in Randomised Response Estimates of Undeclared Employment. Eighth Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA): 15.07-19.07.2019; Zagreb; 16.07.2019.

Klingwort, J., Buelens, B., & Schnell, R. (2018a). Capture-recapture Techniques for Transport Survey Estimate Adjustment Using Road Sensor Data. Big Data Meets Survey Science 2018 (BigSurv18); Barcelona, Spain, 26.10.2018. URL:

Klingwort, J., Buelens, B., & Schnell, R. (2018b). Transport Survey Estimate Adjustment by Permanently Installed Highway-sensors Using Capture-recapture Techniques. International Methodology Symposium 2018; Ottawa, Kanada, 07.11.2018.

Ranbaduge, T., Vidanage, A., Vaiwsri, S., Schnell, R., & Christen, P. (2018). Evaluating Hardening Techniques Against Cryptanalysis Attacks on Bloom Filter Encodings for Record Linkage. 2018 International Population Data Linkage Conference; Banff, Canada, 12.09.-14.09.2018.

Schnell, R. (2018). Research in Progress of the Research Methodology Group: From Heaping to Undercoverage in Web surveys. CBS, 19.10.2018, Heerlen.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2018a). Hardening Encrypted Patient Names Against Cryptographic Attacks Using Cellular Automata. DINA 2018: 4th Workshop on Data Integration and Applications; IEEE ICDM 2018; Singapore, 17.11.2018.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2018b). Implementing Privacy-preserving National Health Registries. International Methodology Symposium 2018; Ottawa, Kanada, 09.11.2018.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2018c). Privacy-preserving Methods for Linking Big Data and Survey Data sets. Big Data Meets Survey Science 2018 (BigSurv18); Barcelona, Spain, 26.10.2018. URL:

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2018d). Proof of Concept for a Privacy Preserving National Mortality Register. 2018 International Population Data Linkage Conference; Banff, Canada, 12.09.-14.09.2018.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2018e). Protecting Record Linkage Identifiers Using a Language Model for Patient Names. 63th GMDS Conference; Osnabrück, 04.09.2018.

Borgs, C., & Schnell, R. (2017). Estimating Optimal Parameter and Identifier Choices for Bloom Filter-based PPRL using Model Estimates. Data Linkage Technical Forum: 04.10.2017; Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia.

Buelens, B., Klingwort, J., & Schnell, R. (2017). Differences between Early and Late Web Respondents in a Health Survey. International Total Survey Error Workshop 2017, 13.06.2017, IAB, Nürnberg.

Klingwort, J., Buelens, B., & Schnell, R. (2017). Capture-recapture Techniques to Validate Survey Through Sensor Data. NPSO Innovation Day of Statistics Netherlands & Statistics Belgium; Den Haag, Netherlands, 22.11.2017. URL:

Schnell, R. (2017a). Impulsreferat für die Sektion Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (English title: Kick-Off Presentation for the Research Methodology Section of the German Sociological Association (DGS)). Rundgespräch der DFG und der DAGStat: Statistik und Datenwissenschaften; Dortmund, 22.11.2017.

Schnell, R. (2017b). Matching-Verfahren. Guest lecture at the Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung (BIBB); Bonn, 30.11.2017.

Schnell, R. (2017c). Privacy Preserving Record Linkage with National Datasets. Record Linkage in Switzerland – Workshop FORS April 10, 2017, Lausanne.

Schnell, R. (2017d). Putting People on the Map Without Revealing Their Location: Privacy Preserving Locational Distance Computations. Guest lecture at the Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsverläufe e.V (LIfBi), 22.11.2017, Bamberg (Invited).

Schnell, R. (2017e). Qualitätskriterien der Forschung aus wissenschaftlicher Sicht (English title: Scientific Criteria for Quality of Applied Research, in German). Berufsverband Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforscher; Frankfurt, 30.01.2017.

Schnell, R. (2017f). Recent Developments in Bloom Filter-Based Methods for Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage. Curtin Institute for Computation, Curtin University, Perth, 12.9.2017.

Schnell, R. (2017g). Record Linkage in Deutschland und Grossbritannien: Erfahrungen und lessons learned (English title: Record linkage in Germany and Great Britain: Experiences gained and lessons learned). Record Linkage in Switzerland – Workshop FORS, April 10, 2017, Lausanne.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2017a). An Overview of State of the Art Bloom Filter-based Privacy-preserving Record Linkage for Very Large Databases. Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA): 17.07.-21.07.2017; Lisbon, 18.07.2017.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2017b). New Techniques for Privacy-preserving Record Linkage of Large-scale Social Science Data Sets. International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2017), 11.07.2017, Cologne.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2017c). Practical Challenges for Implementing Privacy-preserving Record Linkage. Data Linkage Technical Forum: 04.10.2017; Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2017d). State of the Art Privacy-Preserving Record Linkage of Large Administrative Data Sets. New Techniques; Technologies for Statistics: 13–17 March 2017; Brussels, 14.03.2017.

Schnell, R., & Klingwort, J. (2017). Putting People on the Map Without Revealing Their Location: Privacy-preserving Locational Distance Computations. Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA): 17.07. – 21.07.2017; Lisbon, 18.07.2017.

Schnell, R., & Panreck, L. (2017). Comparing the same Questionnaire between five Online Panels: A Study of the Effect of Recruitment Strategy on Survey Results. Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA): 17.07. – 21.07.2017; Lisbon, 18.07.2017.

Schnell, R., Richter, A., & Borgs, C. (2017). A Comparison of Statistical Linkage Keys with Bloom Filter-based Encryptions for Privacy-preserving Record Linkage Using Real-world Mammography Data. 10th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems; Technologies (HEALTHINF 2017), 276–283, Porto, Portugal.

Schnell, R., & Thomas, K. (2017a). The Impact of Formal Question Characteristics on Design Effects as a Data Quality Indicator: a Cross-National Comparison Using the ESS. International Total Survey Error Workshop 2017, 13.06.2017, IAB, Nürnberg.

Schnell, R., & Thomas, K. (2017b). The Impact of Formal Question Characteristics on Design Effects as a Data Quality Indicator: A Cross-National Comparison Using the ESS. Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA): 17.07. – 21.07.2017; Lisbon, 18.07.2017.

Brown, A., Borgs, C., Randall, S., & Schnell, R. (2016). High quality linkage using multibit trees for privacy-preserving blocking. International Population Data Linkage Conference (IPDLN2016): 24.08-26.08.2016; Swansea.

Schnell, R. (2016a). Hardening Bloom Filter PPRL by Modifying Identifier Encodings. [DLAW02] Data Linkage: Techniques, Challenges; Applications; 12.09.2016–16.09.2016; Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge University (Invited).

Schnell, R. (2016b). Linking Without Consent Techniques of Privacy Preserving Record Linkage and Why It is Not Used in Practice. Institute for Social; Economic Research (ISER), University of Essex, Colchester, 14.11.2016 (Invited).

Schnell, R. (2016c). Privacy Preserving Record Linkage Verfahren mit Daten der Sozialversicherungen, der Personenstandsregister und üblichen Formaten von Forschungsdaten. Workshop Rechtliche, Organisatorische und Technische Voraussetzungen für Verbesserung der Todesfallerfassung und Einrichtung eines Nationalen Mortalitätsregisters in Deutschland; 7.10.2016; Berlin.

Schnell, R. (2016d). Technical Solutions to Overcome Governance Restrictions: Privacy Preserving Record Linkage Techniques. International Population Data Linkage Conference – Workshops (IPDLN2016): 23.08.2016; Swansea (Invited).

Schnell, R. (2016e). Unterschiede zwischen Internet-Nutzern und Nicht-Nutzern und deren Bedeutung für die Durchführung von Websurveys. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (LMU) München: 15.06.2016; München.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2016a). Available Methods for Privacy Preserving Record Linkage on Census Scale Data. European Conference on Quality in Official Statistics (Q2016): 31.05–03.06.2016; Madrid, 01.06.2016.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2016b). Linking Against All Odds: Using Administrative Data with Modern Privacy Preserving Record Linkage Techniques. 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology: 11.09–16.09.2016; Leicester.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2016c). Randomized Response and Balanced Bloom Filters for Privacy Preserving Record Linkage. IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM); Barcelona.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2016d). Secure Privacy Preserving Record Linkage of Large Databases by Modified Bloom Filter Encodings. International Population Data Linkage Conference (IPDLN2016): 24.08–26.08.2016; Swansea, 23.08.2016.

Schnell, R., & Kroll, M. (2016). Putting People on the Map without Revealing their Location. 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology: 11.09-16.09.2016; Leicester.

Schnell, R., & Thomas, K. (2016a). The Effect of Formal Question Characteristics on Design Effects: A Cross-national Study Using the ESS. 9th International Conference on Social Science Methodology: 11.09-16.09.2016; Leicester, 12.09.2016.

Schnell, R., & Thomas, K. (2016b). The Effect of Formal Question Characteristics on Design Effects: A Cross-national Study Using the ESS. 2016 International Conference on Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation,; Testing (QDET2): 09.11.-13.11.2016; Miami, 10.11.2016.

Schnell, R., Torregroza, S., & Noack, M. (2016). Differences in General Health of Internet Users and Non-users and Implications for the Use of Web-Surveys. ESRC Research Methods Festival Bath: 05.07.-07.07.2016; Bath. URL:

Schnell, R. (2015a). Difference in General Health of Internet Users and Non-Users and Implications for the Use of Web Surveys. Statistics Netherlands (CBS): 17.12.2015, Heerlen.

Schnell, R. (2015b). Increasing the Security of Bloom Filter based Privacy Preserving Record Linkage. The Farr Institute International Conference 2015: Data Intensive Health Research; Care: 26.08-28.08.2015; St Andrews, 27.08.2015.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2015). Recent Advances in Privacy Preserving Record Linkage. Sixth Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA): 13.07.-17.07.2015; Reykjavik, 17.07.2015.

Schnell, R. (2014a). Dokumentationsdefizite des Zensus 2011 und Konsequenzen für den Zensus 2021 (English title: Documentation deficits of the 2011 census and consequences for the census of 2021). Arbeitskreis Stadtforschung, Statistik und Wahlen (AK SSW) des Deutschen Städtetages (DST): 10.04.-11.04.2014; Würzburg, 10.04.2014.

Schnell, R. (2014b). Pseudonymisierte Verknüpfung von Daten der medizinischen Qualitätssicherung mit Bloom-Filtern (English title: Pseudonymised linkage of medical quality management data). Tagung des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss: 17.01.2015; Berlin, 17.01.2014.

Schnell, R., & Borgs, C. (2014). Datenschutzgerechte Zusammenführung personenbezogener Daten: Techniken des “Privacy Preserving Record Linkage” (English title: Privacy Preserving Record Linkage of Personal Data: Techniques of the “Privacy Preserving Record Linkage,” in German). 59. GMDS-Jahrestagung: 07.09.-10.09.2014; Göttingen, 10.09.2014. DOI: 10.3205/14gmds232

Schnell, R., Richter, A., & Borgs, C. (2014). Performance of Different Methods for Privacy Preserving Record Linkage with Large Scale Medical Data Sets. 2014 International Health Data Linkage Conference: 28.04.-30.04.2014; Vancouver, 29.04.2014.

Schnell, R. (2013a). A Spatial-cluster Based RDD-sampling Technique for Rare Population. Fifth Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA): 15.07.-19.07.2013; Ljubljana, 18.07.2013.

Schnell, R. (2013b). Efficient Private Record Linkage of Very Large Datasets. 59th World Statistics Congress of the International Statistical Insitute: 25.08.-30.08.2013; Hong Kong, 29.08.2013.

Schnell, R. (2013c). Evaluation of Privacy Preserving Record Linkage Techniques with a Large Scale Database. Fifth Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA): 15.07.-19.07.2013; Ljubljana, 18.07.2013.

Schnell, R. (2013d). Privacy Preserving Record Linkage mit Bloomfiltern: Stand der Diskussion (English title: Privacy Preserving Record Linkage with Bloom-Filters: State of Discussion, in German). Institut für Medizinische Informationsverarbeitung, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, LMU; München, 22.01.2013.

Schnell, R. (2013e). Privacy-preserving Record Linkage and Privacy-preserving Blocking with Cryptographic Keys. Joint Statistical Meeting of the American Statistical Association: 03.08.-08.08.2013; Montreal, 04.08.2013.

Ölschläger, K., Grabellus, F., Schnell, R., Geffken, M., Hoiczyk, M., Ahrens, M., Podleska, L., Täger, G., Treckmann, J. W., Pöttgen, C., Schuler, M. H., & Bauer, S. (2012). Chemotherapie bei resektablen Weichteilsarkomen mit komplexem Karyotyp - eine Single-Center Analyse (English title: Chemotherapy for resectable soft tissue sarcomas with a complex karyotype - a Single-Centre analysis). Posterpräsentation auf der Jahrestagung der Deutschen, Österreichischen und Schweizerischen Gesellschaften für Hämatologie und Onkologie: 19.10.-23.10.2012; Stuttgart; (Posterpreis in der Kategorie “Sarkome und weitere Tumoren”).

Schnell, R. (2012a). Eine Methode für datenschutzgerechtes Record-Linkage mit verschlüsselten Identifikatoren (English title: A method for Privacy Preserving Record Linkage using encrypted identifiers). 59. Sitzung des AK Technische Datenschutzfragen; Schwerin, 09.10.2012.

Schnell, R. (2012b). Recent Developments in Privacy Preserving Record Linkage. Administrative Data Liaison Service ADSL Conference “Major innovations in the field of administrative data linkage and analysis”; Royal Statistical Society, London, 16.11.2012.

Schnell, R. (2012c). Recent Developments in Privacy Preserving Record Linkage. MEA Workshop “Linking Survey and Survey Data”: 19.11.-20.11.2012; Berlin, 19.11.2012 (equivalent to the ADSL-Presentation).

Schnell, R. (2012d). Sozialwissenschaftliche Anwendungen von Record-Linkage (English title: Applications for Record Linkage in the social sciences). Universität Göttingen, 30.05.2012.

Schnell, R. (2012e). Statistische Verfahren des Record-Linkage (English title: Statistical Record Linkage methods). Statistik-Tage 2012 “Methoden und Potenziale des Zensus 2011”: 26.06.-27.07.2012; Bamberg-Fürth, 26.07.2012.

Schnell, R., & Gramlich, T. (2012). Methodische Probleme bei Online- oder Web-Surveys (English title: Methodological Problems of Online- or Web-Surveys, in German). Joint Congress of the ESHMS; DGMS “Health Inequalities During Life-course”: 30.08.-01.09.2012; Hannover, 30.08.2012.

Schnell, R., Trappmann, M., & Gramlich, T. (2012). Potential Undercoverage and Bias in Name-based Samples of Foreigners. H2R, New Orleans, Nov. 2nd, 2012.

Trappmann, M., & Schnell, R. (2012). Namensbasierte Verfahren zur Ziehung von Migranten/innenstichproben (English title: Name-based sampling of migrants, in German). 1. Workshop des Deutschen Freiwilligensurveys 2014 “Methodische Fragen der Stichprobenziehung und der Befragung”: 25.06.-26.06.2012; Deutsches Zentrum für Altersfragen (DZA) Berlin, 26.06.2012.

Bachteler, T., Thenen, S. von, & Schnell, R. (2011a). New Developments in MTB, a Record Linkage Toolbox for the Social Sciences. The 2011 European Survey Research Association (ESRA) Conference: 18.07.-22.07.2011; Lausanne University, 19.07.2011.

Bachteler, T., Thenen, S. von, & Schnell, R. (2011b). Workshop on Record-Linkage using Matching Tool-Box (MTB). CEPS / INSTEAD Graduate Studies Programme (GraSP); Alzette - Luxembourg, 07.12.2011.

Noack, M., & Schnell, R. (2011). Reliability and Stability of the “Alone in the Dark” Indicator. The 2011 ASA Spring Methodology Conference: 18.05.-20.05.2011; Tilburg University, 19.05.2011.

Schnell, R. (2011a). Cryptographic long-term Stable Identification Keys for Record Linkage in Longitudinal Research. The 2011 Scottish Health Informatics Program SHIP Biennial Conference “Exploring Existing Data for Health Research”: 09.09.-11.09.2011; St Andrews University, 11.09.2011.

Schnell, R. (2011b). Datenschutzgerechtes Record-Linkage mit dem nationalen Perinatalregister (English title: Privacy Preserving Record Linkage with a national perinatal register). Arbeitskreis Wissenschaft der Datenschutzbeauftragten des Bundes und der Länder; Wiesbaden, 08.11.2011.

Schnell, R. (2011c). Stichprobendesign; Methodische Fragen des Designs und komplexer Analysen von Längsschnittdaten in Kohortenstudien (English title: Sampling design; Methodological questions concerning the design and the complex analysis of longitudinal data in cohort studies). lidA Methoden-Workshop; Bundesanstalt für Arbeitsschutz und Arbeitsmedizin (BAuA) Berlin, 25.10.2011.

Schnell, R., & Bachteler, T. (2011). New Items for Self-generated Identification Codes. “Advancing Survey Methods” 2nd International Conference: 17.11.-18.11.2011; University Bremen, 18.11.2011.

Schnell, R., Bachteler, T., & Reiher, J. (2011a). A New Cryptographic Long-term Stable Key for Generating Panels Based on Survey and Administrative Data. The 2011 European Survey Research Association (ESRA) Conference: 18.07.-22.07.2011; Lausanne University, 21.07.2011.

Schnell, R., Bachteler, T., & Reiher, J. (2011b). An Empirical Evaluation of Methods for Privacy-preserving String Comparison in Record Linkage. The 2011 European Survey Research Association (ESRA) Conference: 18.07.-22.07.2011; Lausanne University, 19.07.2011.

Schnell, R., Bachteler, T., & Reiher, J. (2011c). Bloom Filter Based Cryptographic Personal Identification Keys for Longitudinal Research. The 2011 ASA Spring Methodology Conference: 18.05.-20.05.2011; Tilburg University, 18.05.2011.

Schnell, R., Gramlich, T., & Bender, S. (2011a). Different Biases Due to Different Causes of Nonresponse: The Use of Complete Administration Data for Nonresponse Analysis. The 2011 European Survey Research Association (ESRA) Conference: 18.07.-22.07.2011; Lausanne University, 20.07.2011.

Schnell, R., Gramlich, T., & Bender, S. (2011b). Different Biases Due to Different Causes of Nonresponse: The Use of Complete Administration Data for Nonresponse Analysis. The 2011 ASA Spring Methodology Conference: 18.05.-20.05.2011; Tilburg University, 19.05.2011.

Schnell, R., Gramlich, T., & Trappmann, M. (2011). Potential Undercoverage and Bias in Name-based Samples of Foreigners. The 2011 ASA Spring Methodology Conference: 18.05.-20.05.2011; Tilburg University, 18.05.2011.

Schnell, R. (2009). Wie man Nadeln im Heuhaufen findet: Überlegungen zu Bevölkerungsstichproben seltener und sehr seltener Subgruppen: Autistische Kinder, Luxemburger und Reiche. (English title: How to Find a Needle in a Haystack: Thoughts on Population Samples of Rare and Very Rare Subgroups: Autistic Children, Luxembourger and the Wealthy, in German). Vortrag im Rahmen der Reihe “Die kleine Form,” Universität Duisburg-Essen, 06.05.2009. URL:

Schnell, R., Gramlich, T., & Thenen, S. von. (2009). Erfahrungen bei der Gründung eines Open-Access-Journals (English title: Experiences of the Establishment of Open-Access-Journals, in German). ZIM/UB Kolloquiumsreihe im Rahmen der Open Access Woche 2009, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 22.10.2009.

Schnell, R., Zwingenberger, A., & Hopt, O. (2009). QDDS III: A Tool for Documenting Survey Questionnaires for Researchers and Data Archives. Third conference of the European Survey Research Association: 29.06.-03.07.2009; Warsaw, 30.06.2009.

Schnell, R. (2008a). Anwendungen des Record-Linkage in der sozialwissenschaftlichen Forschung (English title: Implementation of Record-Linkage in Social Science Research, in German). Antrittsvorlesung, Universität Duisburg-Essen, 05.11.2008.

Schnell, R. (2008b). Augmenting Surveys. Sektion Methoden der DGS, Bonn, 08.03.2008.

Schnell, R. (2008c). Bioindikatoren (English title: Bioindicators, in German). Berlin, KVI-2-Tagung, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaft, 27.06.2008.

Schnell, R. (2008d). Record-Linkage zur Datengewinnung. Theorie und Anwendungsbeispiele. (English title: Record-Linkage for Data Collection. Theory and Application Example, in German). Universität Mannheim, 06.05.2008.

Schnell, R. (2007a). Erfahrungen bei der Gründung eines Open-Access-Journals (English title: Experiences of the Establishment of Open-Access-Journals, in German). 1. Konstanzer Open-Access-Tag, 07.12.2007.

Schnell, R. (2007b). Non-Response: Konsequenzen rückläufiger Ausschöpfung in der Surveyforschung (English title. Non-Response: Consequences of Decreasing Response Rates in Survey Research, in German). Universität Giessen, 18.10.2007.

Schnell, R. (2007c). Results of a Nonresponse Follow up Study in a Multi-mode National Survey. Second Conference of the European Survey Research Association; Prague, 29.06.2007.

Schnell, R., Bachteler, T., & Reiher, J. (2007a). Improving Record-linkage-software for Survey-data. Second conference of the European Survey Research Association, Prague, 29.06.2007.

Schnell, R., Bachteler, T., & Reiher, J. (2007b). SAFELINK: Ein neues Verfahren für fehlertolerantes, treuhänderfreies Record-Linkage mit stark kryptographischen Schlüsseln (English title: SAFELINK: A new Technique for error-tolerant, trustee-free Record-Linkage with strong cryptographical Keys, in German). Universität Bremen (BIPS), 05.11.2007.

Schnell, R., Ziniel, S., & Coutts, E. (2007). Inaccuracy of Birthday Respondent Selection Methods in Mail and Telephone Surveys. Second conference of the European Survey Research Association, Prague, 29.06.2007.

Trappmann, M., & Schnell, R. (2007). The Effect of a Refusal Avoidance Training (RAT) on Final Disposition Codes. Second Conference of the European Survey Research Association; Prague, 29.06.2007.

Schnell, R., Ziniel, S., & Coutts, E. (2005). Inaccuracy of Birthday Respondent Selection Methods in Mail and Telephone Surveys. Sektion Methoden der DGS, 15.10.2005.

Rässler, S., & Schnell, R. (2004). A Comparison of Multiple Imputation and Other Unit-nonresponse Compensating Techniques in Fear of Crime Studies. Joint Statistical Meeting; Toronto.

Schnell, R. (2004a). Different Types of Nonresponse, Different Causes, Different Effects and Different Remedies. (“invited lecture”), ESF, Lugano, 13.08.2004.

Schnell, R. (2004b). Record-Linkage. “invited keynote” für die Konferenz 2004 der SMABS (Society for Multivariate Analysis in the Behavioral Science); Jena, 21.07.2004.

Schnell, R. (2004c). Record-Linkage Using Error Prone Strings. “invited lecture,” International Conference on Multisource Databases; Nürnberg, 22.07.2004.

Schnell, R. (2003). A Comparison of Item-nonresponse in 5 Identical Surveys with 3 Different Modes of Interviewing in an Interpenetrated Sample. Basel, 09.10.2003.

Schnell, R., Bender, S., & Bachteler, T. (2003). Record linkage Using Error Prone Strings. American Statistical Association; San Francisco, 05.08.2003.

Coutts, E., Kreuter, F., Schnell, R., & Thume, D. (2002). [Abstract:] “Not Very Likeley. I’d Say 70%: Estimation of Subjective Probabilities; in: Blasius, J., Hox, J., de Leeuw, E. und Schmidt, P. (Hrsg.): Social Science Methodology in the New Millennium. (J. Blasius, J. Hox, E. de Leeuw, & P. Schmidt, eds.). Köln, Opladen: Leske + Budrich.

Schnell, R. (2002a). Neue Ergebnisse zum Vergleich einer bundesweiten Quotenstichprobe mit bundesweiten Zufallsstichproben anhand interpenetrierender Stichproben (English title: New Results of a Comparison Between Nationwide Quota-Samples and Nationwide Random Samples Using Interpenetrating Samples, in German). Oberseminar; Universität Nürnberg-Erlangen, 09.01.2002.

Schnell, R. (2002b). The Changing Face of Political Methodology. Universität Zürich, 30.11.2002.

Schnell, R., & Kreuter, F. (2002a). [Abstract:] Empirical Estimation of Design Effects in Complex Samples; in: Blasius, J., Hox, J., de Leeuw, E. und Schmidt, P. (Hrsg.): Social Science Methodology in the New Millennium. (J. Blasius, J. Hox, E. de Leeuw, & P. Schmidt, eds.). Köln, Opladen: Leske + Budrich.

Schnell, R., & Kreuter, F. (2002b). [Abstract:] Unit-nonresponse as a Function of Interviewer Contact Strategies; in: Blasius, J., Hox, J., de Leeuw, E. und Schmidt, P. (Hrsg.): Social Science Methodology in the New Millennium. (J. Blasius, J. Hox, E. de Leeuw, & P. Schmidt, eds.). Köln, Opladen: Leske + Budrich.

Schnell, R., & Kreuter, F. (2002c). New Tools for the Documentation of Questionnaire Development. International Conference on Questionnaire Development, Evaluation; Testing Methods (QDET): 14.11-17.11.2002; Charleston, 14.11.2002.

Schnell, R., & Kreuter, F. (2002d). Separating Interviewer and Sampling-point Effects. Poster presentation, AAPOR, Tampa, 18.05.2002.

Schnell, R., & Kreuter, F. (2002e). Two Mechanisms of Interviewer Behaviour and Their Impact on Victimization Rates. Kopenhagen, 29.08.2002.

Schnell, R. (2001a). Filemerge Using Error Prone Strings. Vortrag auf der Tagung “Alternative Datenerhebungsmethoden” der Sektion “Methoden” der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie.

Schnell, R. (2001b). Vergleich einer bundesweiten Quotenstichprobe mit bundesweiten Zufallsstichproben anhand interpenetrierender Stichproben (English title: Comparison between a Nationwide Quota-Sample and a nationwide Random Sample Using Interpenetrating Samples, in German). Vortrag auf der Tagung “Feldarbeit in der Umfrageforschung” der Sektion “Methoden” der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie.

Schnell, R., & Kreuter, F. (2001). Internetgestützte Lehre im Bereich Methoden und Statistik (English title: Web-based Teaching in the field of Methods and Statistics, in German). Vortrag im Rahmen der Tagung “Lehre mit neuen Bildungstechnologien” an der Universität Konstanz, 09.02.2001.

Schnell, R. (1998). Statistische Konsequenzen sozialer Bedingungen standardisierter Befragungen (English title: Statistical Consequences of Social Conditions of standardized Surveys, in German). Antrittsvorlesung an der Universität Konstanz.

Schnell, R. (1997a). Ansätze zu einer Rational-Choice-Theorie des Teilnahmeverhaltens (English title: Approaches to a Rational-Choice-Theory of Participation, in German). Vortrag beim ZUMA-Workshop “Ausschöpfungen”; Mannheim.

Schnell, R. (1997b). Dimensionen und Entwicklung der Kriminalitätsfurcht (English title: Dimensions and Development of Fear of Crime, in German). Vortrag an der Universität Landau.