Hoch-N - Network

HOCH-N network
As part of the HOCHN project (Sustainability at Higher Education Institutions: develop - network - report), a nationwide network is being set up to promote sustainable development at German universities. Within the fields of teaching, research, operations and the cross-sectional areas of governance, sustainability reporting and transfer, central themes and areas of action are identified and operationalized, through which sustainability-oriented action is promoted.
The field of action "Sustainability Reporting" is handled by the University of Hamburg (Prof. Alexander Bassen, project leader of HOCH-N and member of the RNE), the Free University of Berlin (Prof. Gerhard de Haan) and the University of Duisburg-Essen (Prof. André Niemann). The aim is to derive design parameters for a first university-specific reporting standard in Germany.
HOCH-N sustainability reporting events