Commendation 2018
The diverse commitment at the UDE should not go unrecognized. For this reason, napro has been awarding commendations at the UDE summer party since 2016 and in doing so, on behalf of the university, would like to thank students and employees who are helping to shape the university through their commitment to sustainable development.

Commendations 2019
from left to right: Sustainability Commissioner Prof. Dr. André Niemann and former Chancellor Dr. Rainer Ambrosy, Dr. Claudia Andrews, student pastor at ESG, awarded for the initiative "Level up! Ulrich Radtke, Nicole Walger (Director of the University Library, awarded for sustainability in the library), Maximilian Jung (student, awarded for the student initiative ENACTUS), Monika Brinner (internal sustainability officer of the University Library), Jennifer Schollmeier (student, awarded for the student initiative ENACTUS).
Commendations 2018

The project team ILoNa from the Center for Logistics and Transport (ZLV) initiated the research and network project ILoNa (Innovative Logistics for Sustainable Lifestyles), which investigates the interaction of logistics and sustainable lifestyles. The project brings in connecting research approaches, taking into account socio-economic and ecological aspects, and develops alternative sustainable options for action.

Andreas Kleine and his building management team were honoured for their ongoing efforts in sustainable energy management. They introduced the ENerGO+® project and promoted further activities in the field of energy-efficient action.

Lisa Prepens, Renata Maracic, Ibrahim El-Haj and Halid Omerovic successfully introduced a sustainable returnable cup deposit system at the University of Duisburg-Essen and in Essen Rüttenscheid during the Zero-Waste Workshop.
Commendations 2017

The Studierendenwerk, above all Mr. Schulte-Ternusen, was committed to the purchase and promotion of regional products. For this purpose, the team was already awarded a pioneer canteen in 2015 by the state of NRW.

An internal university portal for unused furniture, equipment and materials ensures the sustainable use of available resources. The UDE Kleinanzeigen team from the building management department, namely Britta Mauritz, Anja Lhotak, Benjamin Krawieczek and Martina Buiting, were awarded for this.

The student Nina Kiedrowicz successfully initiated the inter-faculty certificate "Education for Sustainable Development" in the course of a UDE lecture series. The certificate offers students the opportunity to transparently demonstrate their acquired competences and knowledge in the field of "Sustainable Development".

Commendations 2017
Among others, André Kreft (Faculty of Biology) and Arnim Spengler (Institute for Construction Operations and Management) were awarded for the installation of PC stations with unused computers of the UDE in refugee homes.
The purchasing team at the UDE is committed to ecological sustainability. They introduced an environmentally friendly and resource-conserving product catalogue for office supplies, which is also to be implemented for office furniture in the future.
The commitment of the 'Internal Services' department also helped to reduce CO2 emissions. Here, a pilot project with an electric car for the mailroom of the Duisburg and Essen campuses was launched in June 2016.
The idea of using and conserving resources and avoiding waste is also taken up by the AStA of the UDE. In Duisburg, a 'Umsonstraum' was set up in room LF023. This primarily contains a 'food sharing fair divider' in which saved food can be passed on to others. In addition, the possibility of sharing non-food items was opened up and a recycling option for old mobile phones, batteries and pens was created.

Sustainability Process (napro)
Room V15 R04 H38
Tel.: +49 201 183-2358
Fax: +49 201 183-6789