Established in 2003, the ZWU is dedicated to innovative environmental research. The Centre has been created to address the environmental impacts of global social changes and challenges such as urbanisation and megacities, climate change, water availability and quality as well as their implications for human life. The ZWU´s primary activities focus on water research in a broad area of expertise within the field of water ecology, drinking water treatment & supply (contamination, evaluation, and purification), environmental toxicology & chemistry, urban water management, hydrology, hydraulic engineering and legal & economic expertise on water governance.

ZWU Network

The ZWU stands for a broad, forward-looking and interdisciplinary environment and water research.

With over 190 members, the center links the three universities of the University Alliance Ruhr (UA Ruhr) as well as several technical colleges, research institutes and actors from society, politics and industry.


Structure and Team

The ZWU members benefit from a wide range of membership support. We provide opportunities to enable scientists, engineers, medical professionals, economists and industrial partners to undertake interdisciplinary collaborative research projects.

Our administrative staff offers practical support at all management levels to members.

The Executive Board is responsible for scientific management of the Central Scientific Facility.

Pooling water expertise

Extended ZWU Network