Latest news from the ZWU network

Forschung,Zur PersonWhy I do Research: Shaista Khaliq
At the Intersection of Instrumental Chemistry and Biology

Forschung,PresseinfoCollaboration with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Unlocking Algae Biomolecule Production at Berkeley’s Synchrotron

ResearchMembrane technology in water and energy management
An important contribution to supply in Africa

ResearchOxygen and chlorine evolution without noble metals
Electrode potential transforms surfaces
2024-12-11 | Research
Visualising the Invisible
Antibacterial nanomaterials are regarded as promising in the fight against bacteria. The team led by Prof. Dr Anzhela Galstyan has utilised fluorescence lifetime microscopy to visualise active sites in membranes for the first time, thereby linking activity with properties.
Visualising the Invisible
Antibacterial nanomaterials are regarded as promising in the fight against bacteria. The team led by Prof. Dr Anzhela Galstyan has utilised fluorescence lifetime microscopy to visualise active sites in membranes for the first time, thereby linking activity with properties.
2024-11-25 | Research
Recognition for Outstanding Water Research
An important success for water research at the UDE: the CRC RESIST has been extended by the DFG for four years. The researchers are investigating how rivers react to climate change, pollution and structural modifications - and how they can recover from these stressors.
Recognition for Outstanding Water Research
An important success for water research at the UDE: the CRC RESIST has been extended by the DFG for four years. The researchers are investigating how rivers react to climate change, pollution and structural modifications - and how they can recover from these stressors.
2024-11-20 | Research, Network
Clarivate award for Prof Dr Alexander Probst and Prof Dr Martina Flörke
Clarivate award for Prof Dr Alexander Probst and Prof Dr Martina Flörke
2024-11-07 | Transfer
Greenlyte Carbon Technologies at Falling Walls Venture 2024
Entrepreneurial potential in science is honoured at the Falling Walls Summit in Berlin: the start-up Greenlyte Carbon Technologies, nominated by the University of Duisburg-Essen, is one of the 25 winners that will pitch today at the Falling Walls Venture platform.
Greenlyte Carbon Technologies at Falling Walls Venture 2024
Entrepreneurial potential in science is honoured at the Falling Walls Summit in Berlin: the start-up Greenlyte Carbon Technologies, nominated by the University of Duisburg-Essen, is one of the 25 winners that will pitch today at the Falling Walls Venture platform.
2024-11-04 | UA Ruhr
UA Ruhr – Cutting-Edge Research in Health, Environment and Society
The Research Center One Health Ruhr defines new standards for interdisciplinary, internationally competitive cutting-edge research in health, the environment and society. It has now been officially opened by Minister-President Hendrik Wüst and Minister of Science Ina Brandes.
UA Ruhr – Cutting-Edge Research in Health, Environment and Society
The Research Center One Health Ruhr defines new standards for interdisciplinary, internationally competitive cutting-edge research in health, the environment and society. It has now been officially opened by Minister-President Hendrik Wüst and Minister of Science Ina Brandes.
2024-08-22 | Forschung
Researching river ecosystems
Things are getting exciting: UDE submitted the full proposal for ‘REASONS - River Ecosystems in the Anthropocene’ in the Excellence Competition organised by the German federal and state governments. In February, the university was successful with its preliminary application.
Researching river ecosystems
Things are getting exciting: UDE submitted the full proposal for ‘REASONS - River Ecosystems in the Anthropocene’ in the Excellence Competition organised by the German federal and state governments. In February, the university was successful with its preliminary application.
2024-04-16 | Transfer
Operating reservoirs using AI
Floods, droughts, heatwaves: Climate change poses challenges for streamflow forecasting and reservoir management. In order to adapt them to climate change, researchers at the UDE are developing an AI-based control system for reservoirs based on artificial intelligence.
Operating reservoirs using AI
Floods, droughts, heatwaves: Climate change poses challenges for streamflow forecasting and reservoir management. In order to adapt them to climate change, researchers at the UDE are developing an AI-based control system for reservoirs based on artificial intelligence.
2024-03-13 | Zur Person
Award for Prof. Corina Andronescu
Chemist Corina Andronescu receives the Carl Duisberg Memorial Prize 2024 for her significant work in research and teaching. The prize recognizes in particular the importance of her intensive work in the field of electrochemical catalysis.
Award for Prof. Corina Andronescu
Chemist Corina Andronescu receives the Carl Duisberg Memorial Prize 2024 for her significant work in research and teaching. The prize recognizes in particular the importance of her intensive work in the field of electrochemical catalysis.
2024-03-01 | Forschung,International,Presseinfo,Presse Release
UDE coordinates international 2-million-EUR-project
New methods for biodiversity monitoring help to detect changes at an early stage and protect nature. This particularly applies to river ecosystems. The "DNAquaIMG" project led by UDE Professor Florian Leese enables better monitoring of biodiversity in rivers.
UDE coordinates international 2-million-EUR-project
New methods for biodiversity monitoring help to detect changes at an early stage and protect nature. This particularly applies to river ecosystems. The "DNAquaIMG" project led by UDE Professor Florian Leese enables better monitoring of biodiversity in rivers.
2024-02-26 | Forschung
Supporting Early Career Researchers in Water Research
The Water Science Alliance successfully relocated its headquarters to the ZWU of the UDE last year. Under the leadership of the newly elected co-chairs, Prof. Dr. Martina Flörke and Prof. Dr. Florian Leese, the alliance is creating new opportunities for young researchers.
Supporting Early Career Researchers in Water Research
The Water Science Alliance successfully relocated its headquarters to the ZWU of the UDE last year. Under the leadership of the newly elected co-chairs, Prof. Dr. Martina Flörke and Prof. Dr. Florian Leese, the alliance is creating new opportunities for young researchers.
2024-02-02 | Forschung,Hochschulpolitik,Presseinfo,Press Release
Water research reaches milestone
As part of the UA Ruhr, the partners have strategically developed their research together. The excellent water research has now won through with the "REASONS" project in the first round of the two-stage excellence competition organised by the federal and state governments.
Water research reaches milestone
As part of the UA Ruhr, the partners have strategically developed their research together. The excellent water research has now won through with the "REASONS" project in the first round of the two-stage excellence competition organised by the federal and state governments.
2024-01-25 | Forschung,Presseinfo,Press Release
How Does Agriculture Affect Freshwaters?
Most rivers in Europe are not doing well. An international research team, led by the Aquatic Ecology department at UDE, has investigated how different types and intensities of agriculture affect the ecological status of rivers.
How Does Agriculture Affect Freshwaters?
Most rivers in Europe are not doing well. An international research team, led by the Aquatic Ecology department at UDE, has investigated how different types and intensities of agriculture affect the ecological status of rivers.
2023-12-18 | Forschung,UA Ruhr
The extra mile from the lab to industry
CO₂ into raw materials for industry using renewable energies: What electrocatalysis can do in theory should be applied as quickly as possible. Researchers from UDE and RUB propose new performance parameters in Nature Communications.
The extra mile from the lab to industry
CO₂ into raw materials for industry using renewable energies: What electrocatalysis can do in theory should be applied as quickly as possible. Researchers from UDE and RUB propose new performance parameters in Nature Communications.
2023-12-14 | Forschung,Presseinfo,Press Release,International
How can Europe restore its nature?
The European Parliament will soon take a final vote on the "Nature Restoration Act", which aims to halt the loss of biodiversity in Europe. A research team led by UDE has analysed the law's chances of success and published its findings in the journal Science.
How can Europe restore its nature?
The European Parliament will soon take a final vote on the "Nature Restoration Act", which aims to halt the loss of biodiversity in Europe. A research team led by UDE has analysed the law's chances of success and published its findings in the journal Science.
2023-12-12 | Forschung,International,Zur Person
Converting Greenhouse Gases Sensibly
Methane is heating up our planet. Dr Astita Dubey, postdoctoral researcher at UDE, has been spending a year in the USA since November researching how climate-damaging methane can be converted into usable substances. Her project is funded by DAAD.
Converting Greenhouse Gases Sensibly
Methane is heating up our planet. Dr Astita Dubey, postdoctoral researcher at UDE, has been spending a year in the USA since November researching how climate-damaging methane can be converted into usable substances. Her project is funded by DAAD.
2023-10-26 | Forschung,Presseinfo,Press Release
11.5 million euros to research into the microbial carbon cycle
The earth more than 2,500 million years ago: Carbon dioxide dominates the atmosphere, oxygen is only present in traces. Researchers in the ERC Synergy Grant "Archaen Park" analyze the metabolism of ancient microbes using organisms living under extreme conditions today.
11.5 million euros to research into the microbial carbon cycle
The earth more than 2,500 million years ago: Carbon dioxide dominates the atmosphere, oxygen is only present in traces. Researchers in the ERC Synergy Grant "Archaen Park" analyze the metabolism of ancient microbes using organisms living under extreme conditions today.
2023-10-26 | Forschung,Presseinfo,Press Release
Two ERC Synergy Grants on highly topical issues
Two renowned ERC Synergy Grants of 2.55 million euros each were acquired by UDE researchers. Archean Park' is dedicated to life under primordial conditions. Cultures of the Cryosphere' investigates the social consequences of cooling and freezing technologies.
Two ERC Synergy Grants on highly topical issues
Two renowned ERC Synergy Grants of 2.55 million euros each were acquired by UDE researchers. Archean Park' is dedicated to life under primordial conditions. Cultures of the Cryosphere' investigates the social consequences of cooling and freezing technologies.
2023-09-24 | Forschung,Zur Person
Nadia Samak fights for clean ground water
What drives her to go to the lab every morning is the desire to find scientific solutions to environmental problems. The Biochemist Dr Nadia Samak wants to use microbes as a biological mechanism to degrade toxic compounds in the ground water.
Nadia Samak fights for clean ground water
What drives her to go to the lab every morning is the desire to find scientific solutions to environmental problems. The Biochemist Dr Nadia Samak wants to use microbes as a biological mechanism to degrade toxic compounds in the ground water.