Supported by Chambers of Commerce in the Ruhr Region, Johannes-Rau-Forschungsgemeinschaft and The Association of German Engineers
Autonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping Conference
Lecture Noss spoken 146MB
Lecture Noss PDF
An intelligent lockage management system for inland waterways – development on the basis of AIS data and ship traffic simulations
The benefits in autonomous maritime transport |
NOVIMAR vessel train control system – tank test and first trial |
Recent research directions for autonomous shipping | |
Correction data transmission by VDE considering AIS reception on inland waterways | |
A tightly coupled navigation filter for the control of an automatic river ferry | |
SmartKai - an assistant system to prevent damage to ships and port infrastructure | |
Applications of laser-scanners as close-range sensors in inland navigation | |
Precise GNSS based positioning for automated inland vessel navigation | |
VR-based methods for the development and deployment of automated mobility systems in an urban environment | |
Development of an information platform to increase the efficiency of transport processes on the Spree-Oder-Wasserstraße | |
Towards autonomy – navigating a meandering route | |
Autonomous ships and the proximate cause conundrum – a maritime and insurance law tango | |
Man and IT together at the helm | |
The AutoBin project – key concepts, status and intended outcomes | |
Research and control center for autonomous inland vessels - VeLABi |
Supported by Chambers of Commerce in the Ruhr RegionAutonomous Inland and Short Sea Shipping Conference
Smart shipping handout | |
Trackpilot first step toward autonomous sailing case study and recent developments | |
Full automatic river ferry | |
Towards an automatic entering of inland waterway locks | |
Autonomous docking of marine vessels | |
Virtual test field AVL | |
Mathematical models for manoeuvring | |
Approach of smart shipping in NL | |
The vessel train platooning on short sea and inland waterways | |
One sea presentation | |
SmartShippingRheinRuhr |