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Essen is located in the Rhine-Ruhr area and can be easily reached by car, train and plane. The city is connected to an extensive public transport network, allowing for high-speed railway connections from across Germany as well as from neighbouring countries, e.g. the Thalys from Paris & Brussels. Three of the nearest airports are Düsseldorf International, Cologne-Bonn and Eindhoven (NL).

Arriving by plane

Most people travelling by plane will arrive at Düsseldorf Airport or Cologne-Bonn Airport (Köln-Bonn). There are also smaller airports (just servicing budget airlines) within travel distance: Airport Weeze (also called Düsseldorf-Weeze; please note that the Weeze airport is not situated in Düsseldorf and has no regular direct connections to Essen) and Dortmund Airport. A further option, especially for transatlantic flights, is Frankfurt Airport .

The average travel time (via trains) connecting the airports to Essen main station (Essen Hbf) is as follows:

  • Düsseldorf Airport: 20-25 minutes (direct transfer)
  • Cologne-Bonn Airport: 75 minutes (usually one stopover)
  • Dortmund Airport: 60-75 minutes (two stopovers, one route by bus)
  • Airport Weeze: 2 h (two or more stopovers, by bus and various trains)
  • Frankfurt Airport: varies between 90 miin. (direct ICE connection) and 2-3 h (for connections with stopover in either Düsseldorf or Cologne)

You can look up detailed timetables and itineraries on the German Railways site.

Arriving by train

If you wish to take a train to Essen main station (Essen Hauptbahnhof, Essen Hbf), please look up timetables and itineraries on the German Railways website. Click on the following link to access the journey planner:

Journey planner German Railways (Deutsche Bahn)

Public transport How to reach the University campus from Essen main station

In order to get from Essen main station (Essen Hauptbahnhof, Essen Hbf) to the University of Duisburg-Essen campus, please take one of the following undergrounds or trams.

Timetable information public transport

Get to "Rheinischer Platz" (easiest way):

  • Tram 101 (direction Germaniaplatz)
  • Tram 105 (direction Frintrop-Unterstr.)

At "Rheinischer Platz" (coming from Essen main station) head towards the exit "Universität". As soon as you exit the station you will see the university buildings. Simply walk straight ahead until you reach the building with the red tower (building R12) and the red pillars in front of it. We are looking forward to meeting you in the "Glaspavillon" right behind these pillars.

Get to "Universität Essen":

  • Subway U11 (direction GE-Buerer Str.)
  • Subway U17 (direction Altenessen)

At "Universität Essen" (coming from Essen main station), please follow the signs to "Universität Essen". You will need to cross the campus to get to the red conference building (building R12). Having reached the red building, follow the signs to ICEHL. Your final destination will be the "Glaspavillon" where we will be welcoming you.

Taking a cab from Essen main station to the University campus costs around € 7-8. You can also walk the short distance through the pedestrian zone (around 20 minutes).

Arriving by car

The direction for your GPS:

Universität Duisburg-Essen
Universitätsstrasse 2
45141 Essen

Parking areas are situated on campus.

A40 coming from Mülheim:

  • Take exit "Essen-Zentrum"
  • Turn left twice onto Hans-Böckler-Strasse (B224)
  • Follow the signs to "Universität"

A40 coming from Bochum:

  • Take exit "Essen-Zentrum"
  • Turn right under the railway bridge onto Hindenburgstrasse
  • Following the signs to "Universität"

A42 (both directions):

  • Motorway junction "Essen-Nord"
  • Turn onto Gladbecker Strasse (B224)
  • Follow "Essen Zentrum"
  • Then follow the signs to "Universität"

A52 coming from Düsseldorf:

  • Take exit "Essen-Süd"
  • Following the signs to "Universität"

A52 coming from Essen-Huttrop:

  • Take exit "Essen-Bredeney"
  • Turn right onto Ruhrallee
  • Follow the signs to "Universität"


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