CRC 1093 - Training Program and Events

General information
The graduate school provides a structural framework for graduate training within the CRC. Interdisciplinary excellent scientific education is offered by all of the participating principal investigators as well as external scientists and non-scientists.
The training program comprises lectures, teaching units and seminars on a biweekly basis (CRC1093 Bi-Weekly seminar). External scientist are invited to present and discuss their research to CRC members. Within the teaching lectures the group leaders or postdocs of a CRC working group are giving insight into theoretical and practical knowledge of their research projects and methods. They also describe existing cooperation projects with other CRC groups. The PhD students have the ability to ask in detail about the research project, technical items and possible interaction with their own research project.
In order to learn new techniques and experimental methods PhD students attend practical courses or participate in the lab exchange program. In the literature seminars students present and discuss the strenght and weaknesses of recent publications in chemistry or biology of their choosing. Annually a progress meeting with the dissertation committee, an international or alternating graduate student symposia as well as workshops (see below) in transferable skills and career development are held.

CRC Bi-weekly seminar
The CRC1093 Bi-Weekly Seminar takes place every second Tuesday from 4-6 pm. It combines science lectures of external guests, teaching lectures and internal seminars / progress reports. All PhD students are invited to suggest external speakers. Please contact our scientific coordinator. View all seminars and lectures

Lecture and SeminarComputational Drug Design
The group of Elsa Sanchez (A8) offers a lecture series about "Computational Drug Design" during the summer semester 2020 on Wednesdays from 10:15 to 13:00. First date is April 8th. Please contact the CRC1093 office for registration.

SeminarData management and electronic lab books for researchers
Dr. Stephanie Rehwald
Research Data Service, University of Duisburg-Essen
16.06.2020 Start at 4.15 pm - Zoom - please contact the CRC1093 office for registration

Lecture and SeminarBiomolecular Modelling: Docking und Virtual Screening
The group of Daniel Hoffmann (A7) offers a 4 hours lecture series combined with practical training to learn the basics of Biomolecular Modelling during each summer semester.
Fridays 12:15-15:15 in S03 S03 A05. Please contact the CRC1093 office for dates and registration.

10th Young Chemists’ Symposium Ruhr
September 19th 2019. Registration at
- Several workshops to get in touch with chemical industry and the academic community
- ALTANA: Market and Technology Foresight in (Specialty) Chemical Industry
- EVONIK: "One company - Two careers" - Evonik at the JCS Ruhr
- VAA - Führungskräfte Chemie: Der erste Anstellungsvertrag – Was erwartet mich? (German)
- Technical chemistry, Gökce group: Introduction to laser synthesis and processing of nanoparticles
- Jun.-Prof. Michael Giese & Dr. Jochen Niemeyer: Postdoc and funding of your own career
- Dr. Jonathan Faiz: Opening the Editor’s Black Box: Insider Tips for Successful Submissions
- Talks of several invited speakers
- Plenary lecture by Prof. Dr. Jürgen Popp (IPHT Jena): Multicontrast spectroscopy/imaging and digitalization – a key to personalized medicine
- Further talks will be given by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jens Voskuhl (Universität Duisburg-Essen), Dr. Josep Cornella (MPI Kohlenforschung), Prof. Dr. Paul Czodrowski (TU Dortmund) and Dr. Michael Römelt (Ruhr-Universität Bochum).

Lecture and SeminarStatistics and Data Presentation
Start in the summer semester, every second Friday 10:00-11:30 .
First date in 2020 is 17.04.2020 in room S05 T00 B83. Please contact CRC1093 office for registration.

30.09.-02.10.2019Autumn School 2019 on “Leadership and Career“
The autumn school is organised by CRC/TRR 247 and CRC 1093. There will be a keynote speech of Dr. Gaby Schilling about „Leadership and Diversity – the Key to Excellence“, several workshops and individual coachings about leadership, project management and career planning. The programme is available here.

WorkshopPatenting Process and Patent Research in Life Sciences
Invited Speakers: Dr. Isabel Aller (UDE) and Dr. Wolfram Schleich (Provendis), 12th of February 2019
Patent and intellectual property rights - how to protect your invention (morning session 10.15 –12.45)
Patent research - how to use databases (PC-pool S03, afternoon session 14.15 –16.45, limited no of participants)
Method Lecture by Leica MicrosystemsConfocal Microscopy
Heike Glauner (Leica Microsystems, Application Workflow Specialist EMEA Confocal Microscopy/ FLIM & FCS) will give a talk on: "Your New Leica TCS SP8X: Looking Forward to Your Discoveries"
Tuesday, August 14th, 1 pm in room S05 V01 E69
The newly installed Leica TCS SP8X confocal at the ICCE expands your possibilities in imaging in several dimensions. This talk aims to give you an overview about the techniques that can be applied by the system, such as Fluorescence Lifetime Imaging Microscopy (FLIM), Fluorescence Correlation Spectroscopy (FCS), the Lightning detection concept to extend the resolution down to 120 nm, the Resonant Scanner for fast imaging, or the new Navigator tool for fast overviews of your samples and the identification of important details in an instant. With the White Light Laser as excitation source and the Leica spectral detector you will have maximum spectral freedom. A Rapp OptoElectronic laser ablation system completes the configuration so that all in all a broad range of applications becomes possible. Come and find out what the Leica TCS SP8X can do for your research work.

WorkshopGood Scientific Practice
Monday, 4th of June 2018; Venue: T03 R01 C24, Campus Essen
Lecturer: Dr. Christian Dumpitak, iGRAD, HHU Düsseldorf
Lecture and WorkshopLatest Advances in Bio Atomic Force Microscopy
Alexander Dulebo and Christian Beck from Bruker Nano Surfaces will present the latest development in AFM technology for various life science application. Wolfgang Pfeifer who is a young researcher of the Sacca group will give a lecture about "Observing DNA nanostructures with the AFM".
Tuesday, 24th April 2018, 9:00 am – 12:30 pm
In the afternoon practical demonstration on BioScope Resolve AFM will cover liquid imaging, high-resolution imaging, mechanical properties mapping and optical-AFM data overlay. Sample measurements (optional) in the afternoon of April 24th and from 25th -27th April.