Aspire is a special program for female graduate students within the CRC, offering motivation and support to obtain leading positions in academia, industry and public life. The program combines various formats: Women in leading academic and business positions, who serve as important role models for young female scientists, are invited to deliver lectures and workshops. In addition the program focuses on the topics gender science, equal opportunities and balancing of family and scientific career. Another emphasis is placed on coaching measures, networking and training of key qualifications.
Every year we organize an Aspire Afternoon where successful female scientists from research and business are invited to deliver lectures and workshops and to pass over their experiences to young scientists from the CRC.

Aspire Afternoon 2022Exzellente Forschung? - Mit gerechten Chancen!
Was macht exzellente Forschung aus, wie ist Exzellenz eigentlich definiert und in welchem Verhältnis stehen Exzellenz und Chancengerechtigkeit zueinander?
Diese und weitere Fragen untersucht Prof. Dr. Ute Klammer und ihr Team im aktuellen BMBF-Projekt „EXENKO“. Dieses Forschungs- und Praxisprojekt des Instituts für Soziologie (IfS) und des Essener Kollegs für Geschlechterforschung (EKfG) stand im Mittelpunkt des ASPIRE Afternoon 2022, zu dem die Sonderforschungsbereiche SFB 1093 und SFB 1430 der Chemie, Biologie und Medizin am 23.11.2022 eingeladen haben.
Key Note Lecture von Prof. Dr. Ute Klammer:
"Exzellenz und Chancengerechtigkeit: Antagonisten oder vereinbare Konzepte?"
Der Vortrag ist nachträglich abrufbar: Zur Vortragsaufzeichnung
Aspire ProgramOffers
Workshops: Regularly workshops are dedicated to female graduate students to improve their personal skills. Different trainings in communication, presentation, networking, writing and management skills are offered. In the final period we offer individual career coachings (see below).
Mentoring: In cooperation with the ScienceCareerNet Ruhr female graduate students and postdocs can apply for an individual coaching program (mentoring3). Read more
Career Coaching: We offer individual coachings by certified trainers who can give information and advice for various career topics. According to individual needs, we can customise the coaching. Please contact Lydia Didt for further information.
Aspire Afternoon 2020Wissenschaftskarriere
Dr. Angela Neitz
Nach einer hochkarätigen akademischen Laufbahn an der Ruhr-Universität Bochum, der Universitätsmedizin in Mainz und dem DKFZ & Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg wechselte Angela Neitz vor fünf Jahren in die Industrie zu Boehringer Ingelheim. Dort hat sie in verschiedenen Funktionen ihre Karriere erfolgreich weiter entwickelt und ist heute als Medical Advisor Respiratory tätig.
Als erfolgreiche Wissenschaftlerin gibt Angela Neitz Einblicke in die verschiedenen Stationen ihres wissenschaftlichen Werdegangs und beschreibt wichtige Entscheidungen, die sie für Ihre eigene Karriere getroffen hat. Als junge Mutter kann sie zudem wertvolle Erfahrungen teilen, wie beides gelingen kann: Wissenschaftskarriere und Familie.
Der Vortrag findet am 24.11.2020 um 16.15 Uhr online statt.
Anmeldungen unter
Aspire Afternoon 2019Leadership and Gender - The Key to Excellence
Work in academia and industry has changed over the past decades. Business in the science sector has become a lot more complex, changes appear much faster, and the expectations of employees today differ from those of the previous generations.
What does that mean for good leadership today? What is expected of young leaders, and which role does diversity play? In this speech, some answers will be given based on new research results. Typical mistakes will be highlighted as well as helpful attitudes, and the speaker will share own experiences.
30th of September 2019; 11:15 am in S07 S00 D07
Dr. Gaby Schilling earned her doctorate in chemistry and holds a B.Sc. in psychology. For more than 17 years she held various leading positions in an internationally operating DAX 30 company in Germany and the US and was heading teams of experts and managers in research, product development and product safety. She has thus gained profound first-hand experience in all
phases of collaboration with employees – from recruitment over career development and promotion to change of career. Qualifications to business coach and team coach complement her practical experience. Since 2012 Gaby has been working as coach and consultant for natural scientists.
Aspire Afternoon 2018What does gender have to do with science?
Tomas Brage is professor of Physics and has been strongly involved in work on gender and science for the last 15 years. He will talk about recent progress in gender science, will give some answers to the question in the title and will also show why this is an extremely interesting and active research field.
After the plenary talk we hear two talks about career chances abroad:
"Science careers in Great Britain - perspectives and challenges"
Dr. Jonathan Müller
University of Birmingham
"The research system in the USA - unlimited chances for everyone?"
Prof. Candace Chan
Arizona State University
Guest are welcome. This Event is organised by the CRC1093, the CRC/TRR 247 and the JCF of the GDCh.
Aspire Afternoon 2020Wissenschaftskarriere

Aspire Afternoon 2014-2017
"Career setback - Women in Life Sciences"
"Insights into Career Opportunities"
"Going for leading positions - push through the glass ceiling!"
These were the topics of our Aspire events during the first funding period. Read more