Stress is typically considered unhealthy. Prof. Dr. Kathrin Thedieck, newly appointed for Metabolism, Senescence & Autophagy at the UDE-Faculty of Medicine, investigates how stress affects metabolism. She investigates signaling networks that control tumor metabolism.
Catalysis without precious metals: researchers led by the UDE show how electrical voltage makes the surfaces of 2D materials catalytically active. The finding, just published in JACS, is groundbreaking (not only) for the production of green hydrogen.
Antibacterial nanomaterials are regarded as promising in the fight against bacteria. The team led by Prof. Dr Anzhela Galstyan has utilised fluorescence lifetime microscopy to visualise active sites in membranes for the first time, thereby linking activity with properties.
An important success for water research at the UDE: the CRC RESIST has been extended by the DFG for four years. The researchers are investigating how rivers react to climate change, pollution and structural modifications - and how they can recover from these stressors.
The CRC/TRR MARIE has been renewed: Terahertz technology can be used to localise and detect materials at any place and at any time. Now the phase of prototypes and real scenarios outside of laboratory conditions begins.
Entrepreneurial potential in science is honoured at the Falling Walls Summit in Berlin: the start-up Greenlyte Carbon Technologies, nominated by the University of Duisburg-Essen, is one of the 25 winners that will pitch today at the Falling Walls Venture platform.
The Research Center One Health Ruhr defines new standards for interdisciplinary, internationally competitive cutting-edge research in health, the environment and society. It has now been officially opened by Minister-President Hendrik Wüst and Minister of Science Ina Brande…
Top researcher Prof. Dr. Xijie Wang has taken up his professorship for ultrafast electron diffraction at two universities. It is a first for the University Alliance Ruhr. In future, the physicist will be researching at both the UDE and TU Dortmund University
Urban mining in thermal waste recycling: UDE and industrial partners have developed an economical process to recover waste incineration slag as a raw material for cement production. Metals and minerals are separated and cleaned.
Researchers at the UDE have developed a model to regulate protein unfolding and degradation using compartmentalization strategies, which could advance artificial nanofactories. These tiny workshops, made from human molecules, may one day help detect disease markers.
Researchers from UDE and HHU have succeeded in identifying and synthesizing a group of molecules that act in a new way against the tuberculosis trigger. This involves so-called callyaerins, which disrupt the metabolism of the tuberculosis bacterium.
The team led by Prof Dr Everschor-Sitte laid the foundations for magnetic reservoir computing around seven years ago. Now, together with Norwegian colleagues, they have developed the idea of ferroelectric reservoir computing. Nature Reviews Physics reports.
During cell division, each of the resulting daughter cells receives one part of a pair of chromosomes. But how is this process monitored and how are potential errors prevented? Biologists at the UDE have been able to clarify the matter. Current Biology reports.
Regionally available, cheaper, more environmentally friendly: UDE engineers and industrial partners have developed a method of desulphurising molten iron with lime instead of imported magnesium from China. The plant is already up and running.
After surviving a stroke or heart attack, infections start to increase. A team from the UDE, the UK Essen and the ISAS in Dortmund has found a reason why the immune system is often disturbed after these health incidents and derived a treatment approach from this.