Linguistic Integration?

Language unites and divides - often at the same time. Research is concerned with the linguistic shaping of inclusion and exclusion (such as conversation analysis or discourse analysis) and the social and political implications (for example biographical research, ethnography, language policy, and much more).
Communication is not only an individual element that is both expressive and identity-forming but also a requirement of societies and socialisation. The choice of linguistic means results from a variety of reasons. These range from individual preferences to previous shared experiences, biographical language experience, ideologically shaped assessments and imaginings of shared knowledge or divergent competence.
With a sociolinguistic orientation, the field sheds light on the role of multilingual contexts for the possibilities of multilingual expression but also for a potentially increased awareness of the need for multilingual communication in diverse societies.

Literature & Links
Purkarthofer, Judith (in press) Lines of exclusion and possibilities of inclusion – A tale of two schools in Austria. In Latisha Mary, Andrea Young & Ann-Birte Kruger. Migration, Multilingualism and Education. Multilingual Matters.
Purkarthofer, Judith & Steien, Guri Bordal (2019). “Prétendre comme si on connaît pas une autre langue que le swahili”: Multilingual parents in Norway on change and continuity in their family language policies. International Journal of the Sociology of Language 255, 109-131 Link (limited access)
(OA) Purkarthofer, Judith. 2018. You Can't Tell My Story for Me! Community Media as a Means of Expression in Multilingual Local and Globalized Contexts. In: Follmer, Golo & Alec Badenoch. Transnationalizing Radio Research. Bielefeld: transcript. 59-64.
Obojska, Maria Antonina & Purkarthofer, Judith (2018). 'And all of a sudden, it became my rescue': language and agency in transnational families in Norway. International Journal of Multilingualism 15(3), 249- 261 . Link (limited access)
Bellardi, Nadia, Brigitta Busch, Jonas Hassemer, Helmut Peissl und Salvo Scifo (2018) Spaces of Inclusion: Studie des Europarates zur Rolle Freier Medien für Migrant*innen und Geflüchtete (pdf)
(see full list here)