Media, Multilingualism and Language Policy
Community Media as Space of Participation - Perspectives on Experiences of Racism and Counter-Strategies of Media Producers
We participated in a pilot project starting in 2020, which is part of the planned racism monitoring of the DEZIM (press release). We investigate how experiences of racism and especially counterstrategies to experienced racism are negotiated in community media.
Non-commercial community media (in Germany also called free media or citizen media) see themselves as complementary media offerings alongside public and commercial media. Their self-commitment to open access is reflected in a relatively high proportion of programme-makers who are minoritised in society in one way or another. For many of them, experiences of racism are part of everyday life and previous studies have shown the vital function of community media as a place of participation.
The project continues in the same vein and aims to include media makers with experiences of racism in the monitoring of racism: focus group discussions and interviews will be used to determine how experiences but also counterstrategies to experienced racism are negotiated. The results will be incorporated into considerations on self-determined monitoring in civil society.
Special broadcast on our 'Counterstrategies to Racism in Community Media' project (Rassismus-Monitoring-Projekt) is available here for streaming!: (mostly in German). Further reading on the International Day against Racism (21.3.) authored by the Netzwerk Medienvielfalt: "Es stellt sich nicht die Frage, ob wir uns integrieren müssen!"

Research Group
Judith Purkarthofer, Özge Zar, Anne Mölders, Esther Domke, Geylan Daud (all UDE)
and Nadia Bellardi,
with experts from 7 alternative and Community Media projects
New Publication by Judith Purkarthofer, Nadia Bellardi, Esther Domke and Özge Zar: "We Do Something because We Think that It Is Important for Society and that We Should Be Heard”. Agency and Strategies of Empowerment of Community Media Producers in Germany in Light of Experiences of Racism
Community media’s role in changing centre‐periphery relations through participatory, not-for-profit journalism
New publication with Dr. habil. Urszula Doliwa (Univ. Warmia Mazury in Poland) in 2021: Community media’s role in changing centre‐periphery relations through participatory, not-for-profit journalism. International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics,
Media Pluralism Monitor 2022
The Media Pluralism Monitor compares the media landscape in selected European countries (in 2021 the European Union, Albania, Montenegro, the Republic of North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey):
Community Media Forum Europe
CMFE is an activist platform for networks, national federations, and projects active within the 'alternative' third media sector. On the one hand, it enables the participating organizations to bring up their concerns on a European and international level and, on the other hand, it represents a channel through which European institutions can spread information on relevant questions to CMFE participants.