“It’s all in the family” - but in which one?

Families are social spaces in which everyday perceptions are strongly influencing research agendas and outcomes. Who are the members of a family? How are they perceived to interact and how often? Which experiences are shared in transnational families? How are social expectations concerning gender, migration, integration and language use relevant in the family? What is the role of the researcher and what are their options?
Invited (early career) researchers talk about research experiences from a number of transnational, globally distributed settings, draw on post- and decolonial literature to question some of our shared assumptions and discuss our own ideas of families and how these ideas influence what we are interested in.
Mahtab Dadarsefatmahboob, PhD student at UDE
Rafael Lomeu Gomes, Postdoc at the UiT The Arctic University of Norway
Judith Purkarthofer, Juniorprofessor at UDE
We invite
students in teacher education, in languages and social sciences (and all others) and
early career researchers, university teachers and researchers in related fields
We plan to use English as well as German (and other languages as they occur, i.e. Brazilian Portuguese, Turkish and Farsi)
Date and Time: Tuesday, 27th of February 2024 at 5pm / 17h
Casino des Gästehauses der UDE, Reckhammerweg 3, Campus Essen

Further information: